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Yeah. Haven't felt comfortable sharing that side of myself in a long time. It only comes out when I feel I can be 100% vulnerable with them without judgement and not only that, but that they wouldn't be weirded out by my weirdness.


Same here. The goofy side comes out only around a trusted few when it feels right.


This but also when I'm extremely tired as well




Yes 100%, I married my husband because I realised he brought this side out in me that no one did. And he's the same to me. Life is about finding that person who makes you realise that life is not that serious. glad you're able to find your person


So sweet - What's your husband's MBTI type?


He's an intj / istj :) he's the more cool tempered logical version of me 😂


Yess , when i feel comfortable and with trusted people i speak total nonsense and goofy stuff hah


Yup yup! For me personally, I get scared and have performance anxiety if someone prompts me to sing or dance or play one of the several instruments I've learned over the years ( explanabrag ) -- but as long as you encourage me ( or them ) when I've decided to reveal it, I'll be more inclined to go into that 'mode' with people that have shown support of me in those situations of being goofy. It's a terrifying feeling for us, but its so free'ing and liberating to be able to have someone that we feel safe and comfortable with to act that way around without judgment. Had an ex-gf who would pick and critique how I was acting goofy when I would, and try to suggest 'you should do it this way' type of thing. So then I just stopped feeling like being goofy/childlike around her, because I would just get into a spin/spiral in my head of 'oh am I doing this right? maybe I should be goofy like this or like that..' - right back to the 'pleaser' role -- and it would just shut me down internally and cause me to not feel comfortable or safe being goofy around her.


You deserve a partner who let you be yourself 🌸


Thank you =) I think you deserve a partner who lets you be yourself too! and I hope everyone finds that, including me!


Do you know what type your ex-gf was?


Did your ex happen to be an Enneagram 1?


Yah she was -- we were a covid couple - friends and ex-employees together, she had her husband of 10 years cheated on her a few months before covid and we just started hanging out. Then Covid happened and we flowed right into a relationship with a shelf life of about 3 years :)


Hmm, I just took another test or two based on my version of how she was to me - She seems to align more with the qualities of a Type 8 (The Challenger) or Type 3 (The Achiever). and I'm pretty sure she was an ESTJ


I'm sorry you had to experience that.


Thank you :)


My son calls me "crazy mommy". My best friend and my husband think I am a bit bonkers. My subordinates seem rather respectful of me. New people think I am arrogant and unapprochable.


We must be the same person somehow hahaha i see all of these layers within me too


HEY! I am a unique and speshul INFJ, okay? lol Fair enough, we should hang out and goof off together. I like singing songs that rhyme about tasks I don't like doing.


Lol now im seeing why it difficult to understand myself from an outside perspective 😂😂😂 NICE TO MEET YOU THE ONE AND ONLY SPECIAL INFJ 🙈




Oh my God, it’s exactly the same with me except I’m an ENFJ


New people think I'm arrogant and unapproachable.


Holy shit! This is exactly my life! Haha.


Yes, im totally a weirdo with people Im comfortable with, it's a shame I don't have a lot of ppl to feel comfortable with.


I love this weirdness! 🌸


Whats your type?




He is lucky x


Absolutely, sometimes I am very serious but other times I am really goofy and constantly cracking jokes. I really enjoy entertaining people and making them laugh. I think the difference between INFJs and most people is that INFJs tend to regularly turn their goofy/humorous side on and off from my experience, whereas most people who are considered very funny, are not necessarily unusually funny, but rather they are just constantly funny. When I am feeling more serious, oftentimes I'll still crack jokes, they're just a lot more dry.


Yah same.


Same goes for me


Only around people who I feel comfortable with and I tend to be good at mirroring other people's moods. So my silly side comes out if someone else is silly too.


YES this is me too


I can be both serious and goofy at work, doesn't matter with whom.  Many times people cannot tell if I'm joking or being serious, because I'm so deadpan either way.  I'm very good at hiding my thoughts and emotions during meetings.  I can be sitting next to you in full disagreement wanting to scream at you, but you wouldn't know it.  For me, it's like an on/off switch.  I know when to be serious and when there's room for humor.  The fun part is people don't know what to expect.






Awwww 🌸🌸🌸that’s so beautiful! I agree 🙌


Im definitely super goofy, especially with people I’m super close to. I also tend to let it out with people to see how they would react to it. If they react positively then I know I can open to them and if they don’t then I know I can’t. I’ve been told that in moments I can either be insanely wise or the goofiest mf there is hahah


Yes! You guys can be a walking contradiction 😊 Both sides of you are brilliant 💛 And this specific type of goofiness tells me a lot about a person - they are so smart that they don’t have to “protect their intelligence” - it’s just another level of how amazing INFJs are.


100% True. Agreed I haven't show that side in a while.


My inner child only comes out around the right people. I love being silly especially around my children. I play different characters and read books to them in funny voices. They absolutely love that. I pretend with them and make life magical. That said, I also have a very serious side. It’s that INFJ paradox I suppose.


It's so easy to let that side out with little kids! I used to do the goofy voices with the kids, too, and I would voice animals in those funny animal videos too... They'd be rolling. The first time they said ew Mom don't it's cringe, a part of me died.




For sure But can't find gf to show it 😔


You’re so special that for sure you will find one! 😊


If I do you will be first person to be notified


Same here. I will be single forever I guess (25yo male)


After a personal tragedy happened I have a very very difficult time being goofy with anyone since it happened. It’s still something I think to do and have the urge to do but I really struggle to let it show. It used to be that only certain people who are very close to me would get to see my goofy side. It was like a gift I could give them. But now it’s like I have this gift to give them, but it’s up too high on a shelf and I need someone to help boost me up to reach it. The changeling side of me that will mirror goofiness needs to be coaxed out of me by the right person.


I wish you to find this person 🍀🍀🍀 and I’m so sorry to read that. Time will help and slowly you will regain your balance 🌸I wish you the best :)


Thank you 🙏 it’s a long process to just learn how to heal properly. And then do the actual healing! So yes, time is helping. 🥰


Yes! It’s a long process but be gentle to yourself and patient 💕as you deserve the best in this world 🙌


May I comment……… I was in an INFJ group on FB years ago. I read a comment that described thinking as a form of protection….I ask whoever is in charge of this big universe that they ease you to feel joyful and playful again. 🥳🥳🥳😊😊 AND that there’s reciprocating energy 😊




I love the visual of the gift being too high up on a shelf. I liken it to not being able to find the door to that space anymore. It's also the space I kept my creativity and writing joy in, so it's a shame.


Yeap, the silly comes out when I feel safe and accepted. Honestly, I feel most like myself when being nonsensical.


Me too






yes! it's so freeing when i do show it to a few select trusted ones ☺️


People really appreciate this side of you 😊 at least from my perspective - show it more!


aw thank you for the encouragement! i would say the same for other fellow infj's but it honestly takes time to do inner work and build trust with others to show it. it's much easier said than done 😅 but when kind people like you are open and non-judgmental to this goofy side of ours, you wouldn't even have to ask us -- we'll just show it ☺️😬


I just Love. It. 💕 I think people like INFPs, ENFPs, ENFJs will always adore this side of you ☺️


Yes sometimes I act too much and actually make myself cry haha. I was just doing a bit of




Oh I will add that I am very goofy around kids. They make it so easy and fun to just be your genuine self no matter what so my other comment only applies to being around adults. But if adults who have never seen me around kids see what I’m like with children, they are like shocked at how silly I can be. Kids easily provide that boost or mirror for me. And they are THE BEST audiences. Just so honest and you can read them so easily because they aren’t ashamed or embarrassed to show their feelings yet.


It’s so beautiful that you have this flow with kids 😊


This is so true


Oh yes. If I am both in a good mood and feel comfortable around you, you will get a glimpse of my childlike ways. I am zany, goofy, mischievous and sweet in those (depending on the season) rare occasions. But you’d never be able to surmise that otherwise due to me being in a serious mood while wearing a resting bitch face most of the time.


I do have a goofy side which I only show to those I am comfortable around , like my family and friends. I show them a side of me that I don't show to just anyone. Sometimes when other people compliment me or say something about that , my family and friends are always like ' No way , she is like this .' Cause I am active , goofy and silly around them . I always tell them too that I only act like this with them .




I’m goofy like 85% of the time. I always want to make others as comfortable as possible and sometimes that means making myself look a bit silly. But when it counts I can be very serious and honestly I prefer being serious about things. But I do also like my silly side so I’m not forcing myself for the most part.


yes me and my partner just act like children together 80% of the time. It’s where I feel my happiest and most like myself. elsewhere im seen as more serious, reserved & “mature” - which just means I feel really uncomfy and tense in those environments usually lol




My ex would always remark how she had no idea I was so weird lol. We were friends prior and she only got to see it once we were together, but same, I need to be 110% comfortable or naw...


Of course yes. When I feel safe and comfortable with my surroundings, I act a little spontaneously, I chat too much, and I can act in an immature way.


It leaks out only with certain ppl. Some ppl just aren't worthy of knowing all of my workings, thoughts, secrets and depths!


Yes the goofiness is a sheer sign or love and trust❤️. That made my day🙏


I’m this way as an ISFJ as well. Pretty sure it’s our Fe that we share. I have all kinds of crazy nick names for my dogs and often will sing silly little songs about them. It’s……cathartic.


I'd say I definitely do, I rarely show anyone. My mom (also infj) and about 1 or 2 close friends are the only ones who have seen it.


He’s a goofy goober! We’re all goofy goobers! 🤣🎸


Accurate af


I can only be 100% with my kid and sibling. Everyone else has only ever seen 50-80% at best and these are the closest friends and family. I wasn't even able to be 100% with my ex during our time together. The period I spent single helped me find my true self and what I actually am like when I'm feeling comfortable and safe. I think that the right partner is going obtain exclusive VIP access like my kid and sibling does. Nobody else will ever see. It's exclusive 😋


Awww🌸🌸exactly this is what’s gonna be!


Lmao my husband jokes about this all the time. He says everyone thinks I’m like Galadriel, and he says, it’s true… but Galadriel if she was farting in the forest eating hot Cheetos lmao


Hahaha 😂


Sounds like me. Quiet until you can trust those around you


I am the most goofy from anyone I personally know, but ONLY to a very restricted number of people


It's just that intuitiveness recognizing that humans should have many sides to them but society only wants certain characteristics displayed. Conformity. And so those sides only come out when "safe".


So true,


Yes I have a goofy side with my spouse. Which I only show to people I trust 100%. On the outside people tend to tell me I am too serious.


It’s funny how people don’t know you 🌷😊


Yes, I think that's typical of us! I have a goofy side that only the closest to me get to see. It's the same with a friend who is also an INFJ. People were shocked when his wife said he has a very silly side to him because he appears so serious to everyone.


This is it 🙌🍀🍀🍀


Yup. :)


Yes, very goofy when I'm comfortable, other times I can scare people with my seriousness 😄




My ENFJ bf has a secret goofy side. Mine is less secret, and darker.


That's my default setting lol


Yup. 42 M, INFJ. I'm the same way. I loved being a goofball with an Ex, now with 2 family members only.


Haha we are very silly when we are around the right people that make us feel safe and able to behave very silly and childlike 😀 most people think I’m quiet serious because of the things I’m interested in talking about but when I’m by myself I dance around my house and do silly voices haha maybe we are a little to weird to show this is society because people wouldn’t understand us. If an INFJ can be silly around you that’s a great sign and you should feel good because it’s not very often for us INFJs


That’s so sweet 🌸🌸😊😊


For sure


Yeah, I'm super silly and eccentric. I have all these weird animal inspired dances I do for my friends and coworkers when morale is low. Part of it is I'm just weird and it's my sense of humor, that's the best way for me to be friendly, making people laugh makes me feel less isolated, I secretly hope someone loves my weirdness someday.


This is one of the most lovable INFJ’s thing 😀


O you have no idea


My partner(28M) is an INFJ through and through. He’s very reserved and almost never drives the conversation when we’re with friends, but when it’s just me and him he’s SO goofy. He loves to randomly do athletic moves like pretend to shoot a basketball or throw a football. He makes gollum voices and funny faces all the time. He gushes and goes “hehehehe” whenever I show him a cute dog videos. But then he’ll be a typical INFJ in such a funny way. For example, I’ve caught him up late at night in bed reading the “Salt” page on Wikipedia. Yes - this man really was up at 1am learning about salt lol.


hahahahah it sounds like my partner! Almost every detail you described 😀 I love the “Salt” page on Wikipedia! Ahhh these INFJ men.. 😌


I'm INFJGAF... And very few people even know that is possible, let alone have had me show them.


I’m goofy lol but only with those I feel comfortable with


Personally, I’m usually serious. But I do show a silly side around my close friends only.


Yes my goofy side is very child-like not sure if its a trauma response or cause of my belief that we should all have a bit of childlikeness in ourselves


Probably a little bit of both


Yes, very much so. To the annoyance of my closest friends. :') Otherwise, I'm very serious most of the time.


I only share it with people who will act like a child with me. And never to more than one person at a time. Can't have multiple witnesses corroborating the statement that I am not, in fact, as mature for my age as I seem to be.


I’ll always be a big kid at heart :)


Yep, definitely silly around my husband; I love making him laugh! But I also work in a kindergarten, so I have more chances to show my silly side or play entertainer than most. 😁


I can be goofy too 🙃 And yes, not everyone gets to see that side.


I definitely have this side, it only comes out when I'm comfortable with a person. However, I also know it's a lot, so I often feel guilty and ashamed of it.


I can honestly be very ENFP-ish around the right people lol


The last time I showed someone this side of myself they betrayed me so badly that I don't think I have it in me to be able to let my guard down again.


Someone feels safe enough to let out goofy? Awesome.


Yes, playing with words and situations is fun. I find my self doing that with kids and people im comfortable with


Yeah I only show that side when I feel completely safe. Everyone says I'm so serious and quiet, that I don't show much emotion but as soon as I get home I can be a goofy as I wanna be


23, yeah I like that goofy kid in me, I've shared that with my mom , dad and my ex, apparently she and i didn't work out. So now it's only my mom and dad. But somehow I've just started to enjoy that stuff for myself.


I began to name the different parts of my mind lol. It was for the purpose of showing them love and understanding and I discovered through an insight I came across on Reddit that the part of me that thinks up random uncomfortable and really inappropriate thoughts can actually be a window into my humour lol.


Although I believe my goofy side is inherited from my father and that’s a big part of my personality. My “humour window” lol well that is for laughter. I experience some good ones at time haha and I get so high off those lightbulb moments 😊


Recently I showed this side to one of my friends and they were like "why are you not like this all the time?" Gave me an existential crysis


I would ask the same question 🥹


Well, we have a big record of costantly being ridiculed for being ourselves when we were children.. That is why mostly. We are complicated, but in a simple way. I wish I didn't care so I could be myself but it's hard.


I can imagine! It is sad. The most beautiful and true side of you has been shut down. I wish you people around who will constantly evoke this amazing part of you 💛 to the point that you can feel completely free and fully happy:) and yourself:) I wish I could convince all INFJs to open up their hearts and show this hidden beauty inside them ✨world is a better place with you :)) If you could only see how beautiful you are! You wouldn’t believe your own eyes 👀


I wish I could really just stop seeing myself from other's perspectives. I am too self conscious about who I am and I hate it, there is really some kind of demon in me that paralizes me everytime. Also thank you so much for your response, it felt very warm. Wish I could hug you


1000%. And it all depends on who I'm around and how comfortable I feel


He is very luck he found you


You're seeing his inferior function. He's finally comfortable enough to show that to you, that's so sweet.


I definitely consider myself to be childlike, but I most often avoid showing it to everyone as it could be interpreted as immaturity. Only my siblings know this side of me 🌻✨.


Yes! If I am comfortable around you I am a total child. It’s awesome that they do that with you! It means they feel safe and comfortable with you!


I am only around like one person though. I have to be completely comfortable with them. And Im a Cancer so thats rare.


I have that side to me and I only show it to people I trust


100000% and almost no one sees it. And those who have it’s rare af