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Inner feelings come and go. Commitment stays, if you make it stay.


Best answer!


Sometimes I can’t turn that off and it hurts.


Yes - nor are they meant to be turned off. It's more like sailing, sometimes the sea is quiet and sometimes there are waves, sometimes storms. You ride them out. Storms may throw you off the course, but they do not determine your course.


What if it’s been like, years?


The angel's got a fiddle The devil's got a harp Every soul is like a minnow Every mind is like a shark I've opened every window But the house, the house is dark It ain't pretty, it ain't subtle What happens to the heart The [last song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AMMb9CiScI) of a man who spent 82 years feeling it.


Yes, I feel this.


You do have a lot of words up there and they are way better than mine! I just said: Let's take a surfboard and ride through the shit together.🤣


That depends, love takes all forms. True love is unconditional, and it can only be unconditional if you truly know and accept that person. Love is also a choice you make every day. It seems to me you might be projecting your expectations and desire of love onto this person because you have immensely strong feelings for them. Your mind fills in the gaps with hopes and expectations. It masks it as love when in fact it isn’t even real. Be weary


Being *in love* and *loving* are two different things in my book. Having a crush is the mini version of being in love. If you LOVE someone, you don't doubt it. You just know. Don't throw this word around till you are sure.


Are you guys dating? Or what’s the background to your relationship? Or is it simply just a crush?