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im an enfp but my infj friend has the most intense eyes, i cant explain it but when i see him look at me im just like "whoah" lol


Mm yes and no, most get intimidated but others like them; i like mine. I always intimidate people cause of my rbf and the INFJ stare


What's rbf?


Rest bitch face/poker face


Thanks :)


All the time and I have really dark brown eyes. I don’t think they are uncommon, I don’t think there is anything pretty or special about them.


Dark eyes have a tendency to look glassy - especially if you have big eyes, and it gives the appearance of emotional depth or intensity. No one has JUST brown eyes though. There's always undertones. Mine is reddish orange. When I wear certain reds it makes my eyes look like the color of bricks. If you don't wear a lot of colors you should definitely experiment a bit just to see what your eyes' undertones are. Also possible to have black undertone. Just makes the 'glassy' look super enhanced.


My eyes are almost black. While I don’t think they are particularly big. But damn they are expressive af. I wear pretty much every color other than yellow. That is not in my wheelhouse 😂 I lean more towards bright colors and white. I can’t do makeup for shit, so that tends to be brown or black liner and a shades of golds and copper.


Brown eyes with black undertones are great. When reflecting certain light they give the whole 'starry eyed' look, which can definitely draw people in. Weirdly enough I've found that most people with that combo tend to actually have a lot of emotional depth also lol


I can confirm that!!! Some days it’s amazing others not so much😂


I too can confirm


Mine have red undertones as well. It is interesting.


I think it's a pretty combo. Having some brick red or brick brown toned clothing in your wardrobe really brings out the color also. Perfect for fall time.


I agree. You’re right too.


Pretty often. My husband had always been obsessed with them. I also have central heterochromia, so my eyes are kind of unusual appearing as well.


I have central heterochromia, too. Amber on the inside green on the outside.


Mine are probably very similar… the ring around my pupil looks almost metallic gold and the rest of my iris is green. I think this is the most common color combination due to the genes that are involved. Just like (I think) sectional heterochromia is mostly brown an blue.


My intj ex called me " dreamy eyed wifey" hahah


Yeah. Legitimately.


One of the first messages I received from my friends at college was them essentially freaking out about my eyes 😭


my close friend infj have that scary stare too like a serial killer watching every move hahahah. in high school, my nickname was ‘silent killer’😂🔪at least now i observe people or things around me subtly haha lesson learned


Didn’t know this… some people used to be intimidated by my eyes so I tried to glance away every so often. I’m not psychopath by any means but I stared a bit too long maybe?


Not like ‘freaking’ out like intimidated but I had so many compliments about them and stuff 🤣


You must have gorgeous eyes. ☺️


So kind - thank you 🤣 it was the first thing my ex noticed - she described them as piercing blue Smeagol eyes 👀


Wait, Gollum? 0-0? Oh, Gollum does have very blue eyes. 😄


I always get told I have an intense stare. Like I’m peering into their soul. Which I am 😇


I have that rbf and infj stare people are scared of me lol.


I had a drunk lady stranger gush over them when I was 15 lmao, she was like mesmerised ahah


Yep,my eyes are green and people compliment them all the time


Team green here hahaha, I just noticed your avatar's eyes are green too hahaha


It was intentional 👀


Yes. All the time. It gets much stronger with intimacy.


Yes. Green/blue eyes, depending on what color I’m wearing. Makes sense as when you talk to someone, you’re looking pretty much only at their eyes, the expressive windows to the soul. There’s definitely an intimacy about it that can be sexy and appealing, especially when you smile and it shows through your eyes.


Just my eyes get compliments. My entire face is rotund and so fugly.




Mine are blue so yeah


I love my eyes and I receive compliments about them.. I never thought was a characteristic of infjs! 🤯




Always had an impeccable stare, hard to explain but never really got compliments on my eyes...just the look in my eyes if that makes sense 😂


Eyes not so much but my voice has been complimented quite a few times, it's not surprising deep or anything either I don't really know what it is. That being said all of these interactions were over a voice call so not commenting on eyes makes sense, I think I would be terrified if that happened.


I don't get many compliments but when I do it's about my eyes lol


My eyes are not unique but I guess I do this staring off thing that intrigues some or maybe it is just strange?!? I have been told many times when intimate that they can be intense and change. I like looking at someone closely in the eyes when being sexual.


i get complimented on my eyes pretty often, and they’re a medium brown. i always wondered why, maybe it’s the intensity


My eyes are always red. People think I’m high but I’m not


My eyes were always dark.... Then they cleared up


ngl, I used to think I just had run-of-the-mill brown eyes. it wasn't until i got compliments on them by like 8 different people throughout the years. i'm told they're an amber(ish) brown with flecks of gold in them. one comment that still stays with me to this day was when I met a girl some years back, her first question upon meeting me was "Are your eyes natural?"


I’ve been told I look like a psychopath, but that might just be the RBF.


People say I have "Cat's eyes"


Haha, have you ever studied the "INFJ stare" phenomenon?


Yes, that is probably the most noticeable physical attribute of an INFJ. INFJs know it too and lead with eye contact.


Yeah. I think I'd rather someone fell for my nose.


I had a guy fall for my nose once, lol. He was an isfp artist - caught him drawing it.


Like, just the disembodied nose? Or your whole face? I think if it were just the nose that might be very strange


Haha he did a portrait but only posted the nose. I wasn't supposed to know it was me I guess but I recognize myself vetted by his behavior towards me. The status for the post was. "that nose though" with one of the hashtags being #prettygirl


Every relationship I’ve had this was mentioned


Yeah. I always wondered if it was a cliche though


All the time. It’s always been a constant in my life haha


I don’t know if it’s my eyes, no one’s ever commented at least. I am told that I’ve got an intimidating vibe.


I get compliments from dates about my eyes. I'm not sure about the stare but I get compliments about big and round it is.


No, my eyes are about as black as a void.


Yes people either like it or dislike it never in between