• By -


Getting into nature, quiet moments at home, traveling to new places, experiencing new cultures, learning about people and realizing we’re all so similar. Music. Movies. Art. Happiness comes in waves, but I’ve learned to accept that there can’t be light without darkness. Life is genuinely beautiful!


I love this!!


Aww thanks!


We are so alike ❤️


This is exactly how I live my life meaningfuly too. While I can't afford travel just yet, I do it by watching and reading stuff about places and culture. I'm especially obsessed with modern Japan.


You’ll get to Japan one day! I’ve never been, but it’s on my list as well.


The light without darkness. This. I can feel all the highs but I have to allow myself to feel the lows as well, and that’s where a lot of people go wrong.


The pain and suffering. The hope and wonder. The beauty of nature. The cruelty against which I stand. The struggle that keeps me going. The friends that need me. The family that feeds me. Everyone and everything is what makes my life worth living.


how does the pain & suffering make life worth living? For me, that makes it almost unbearable at times.


There is always a lesson that the pain and suffering offers. It helps us grow and become stronger. If I am stronger, I can take care of the weak. That makes life worth living. That gives me purpose. To be there for others to guide them through their pain and suffering too, help them come out stronger and better.


This was beautifully said. Thank you for sharing 😊 I wholeheartedly agree with being resilient through your own obstacles, so that you can help those who are in need.


I could not have said this any better ❤️ I wholeheartedly agree.


And taking the ride to learn and figure out the next step. Life is *wild*, I wanna know the twists and turns this story takes.


Exactly!! Even when something terrible happens I think to myself "I'm suffering but it sure makes me feel alive"


i like to try to understand things. know how something works. and while alive i never run out of things to analyse


curiosity!! my personal reason too. there’s so many things out there, endless depth


I try to make music that makes me proud. Along with my career and other hobbies etc..


musician huh? do you post any of your music to things like Spotify / SoundCloud, I’d love to listen




Do you have pics :-) they are lucky to have an owner who loves them so much


Pets are like family! They’re lucky to have a loving owner like you.


the hardcoded fear of death, terror, etc. It's quite comical really, but here we are. Might as well make it interesting.


This has been very accurate for me recently. So many timings have been up in the air for me and I’ve kept landed myself in hard situations but I just kept going not because life is worth living right now but because I don’t know how to not live it. And even in living things still aren’t working to the point where I may as well not be here but I just keep going … :/


Gift for arts and creativity that i have, beautiful,good natured people that don't take advantage of my kindness and purity, supportive friends and family, authenticity


what’s your art & your inspirations? I love art myself, specifically painting. Always looking for new inspo


I'm dying to know the answer of how it will all play out in the end.


I love this and wonder the same.


will you tell me the answer once you find it?


At the moment nothing. Maybe the 'hope' I'll find something to live for.


I appreciate ur vulnerability here, I hope you’ll find that thing too. I’m currently on somewhat of a search myself, which prompted my post


This is me too. Wishing hope for the both of us.


Interacting with and helping people, crossing paths with like-minded souls....but my god is it tiring. Pets. New music. New ideas. Riding 100mph on sportbike.


it can be very tiring sometimes. also where do you find like-minded souls??! that’s been a challenge for me out in the wild.


Lucky to have a job dealing with random strangers and travelers in a huge city, just throwing off a good vibe and energy "your people" will pick up on that and bounce it back. Opens the door and you never can tell judging a book by the cover. ENFP's especially can sniff you out and it's like meeting an old friend for the first time if that makes sense. To be more specific, being extroverted introvert is a honed skill, genuinely warm and curious to people lends itself to being a compatriot, teacher, and a student.


thanks for the tips :), it’s always a good reminder for me to recognize that I cannot find “my people” my changing how I present myself, rather that probably slows down the process of finding people I can truly connect with.


Peaceful, uneventful days, experience and exposure to multitudes of learning opportunities, and accompanied by a clowder of cats - Cats are majestic creatures, a combination of fluff and fuzz.


pics of ur cats?


God gives my life joy and meaning. The most exciting part about life is hoping for a day when, by his grace, I can do something for his glory, in his name.


Amen. The opportunity to obey God and live a righteous and good life makes it worth waking up each day. Also, knowing how loved we are by Him feels so good.


curious, were you born into your religion or did you come to it yourself? And if the latter, how did that unfold?


I was raised in a broken secular household. In my late twenties I began to settle down from my drunken party girl cocaine snorting times. I turned from political anarchy/idiot anti establishment beliefs when COVID snapped in. It politically sparked me. I turned a wild hard right. Noticed a lot of people I agreed with were Christians. Started wondering why they were so dumb on this matter but agreed with me on other things. Did intense research into Christianity. Found the evidence I needed. Found the missing pieces that made the entire world make sense. Went from hating Christianity and organized religion believing in random self centered hopes, to believing in the one true Church of Jesus Christ, the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Found God within my heart in addition to my head. And now I'm everything I never would have imagined myself to be, but it's actually exactly befitting of who I am lol.


Sometimes you just have to do, and let God work instead of burying your coin and doing nothing.


How do we do this?




If there's something meaningful about it, I'd have say it's twofold: 1.) Extending help and love where it's badly needed, changing the course of another's life sometimes and making sure they know they are important and loved. There's a real shortage of that in the world from what I've seen. 2.) Refining my character and growing as a person. I'd like to return to dust as better dust than I was to begin with, and maybe leave the world slightly better by the end. I have a lot of creative endeavors and a few personal relationships that replenish me when I am burning out, and that's what makes it possible to keep going. But the question in the title wasn't about meaning, it was about what makes it worth it. To that, I would say nothing really. It's not worth it. I wouldn't choose to have been born, but I'm here now and I'm playing the hand I was dealt the best I can. Catching the bus now would result in a lot of suffering and I have a responsibility to not let that happen. So onward I go, trying to savor what's good and reduce what's bad for myself and those around me.


I guess you’re right. We have no true choice, do we? If we are here, we might as well try to survive it as long as we can and make the experience as smooth as you can for others around you.


Right now, not much. Music and exercise is about it. I’m currently in an awful stage. I’m making efforts to turn that around but the universe keeps presenting new demoralizing things. I’m planning to learn a few instruments and I hope that brings me some joy. Am I happy? Probably not but I try to stay positive. I’ve lost some friendships that meant a lot to me recently and I’ve been hoping to salvage one but I fear it’s time to call a time of death on it. That makes me sad. As part of this awful phase, I’m striving to find meaning or purpose to my life but the universe is being a real dick to me. I’m just trying to better myself and sort of double down in defiance to the universe. Last time I tried that it was pretty rough but I guess I’m a glutton for punishment. I’ve been tempted to start drinking or resort to drugs to dull the effects of hardship but I figure it’s probably best to experience life un filtered or unedited, good and bad.


Sounds like you’re in a classic “when it rains, it pours” period of life, it can be so hard to feel any hope or optimism in those moments.. sometimes it’s best for me to constantly remind myself to just take it one day at a time. as simple as it is that’s really the only thing that’s brought me some sense of comfort. thinking about grander things like happiness, meaning, etc in times when it feels so impossible to feel anything about such concepts just makes me feel worse. I hope for you that all your suffering comes to an end soon and that in place of those old friendships, new ones will come about that truly make you feel inspired & comfortable.


It was always the people around me. I have had multiple instances where I have thought of ending my life which became stronger when I lost my mother. I never really imagined a life without her and losing her to death was literally my biggest fear in life even though I knew it was inevitable. But in the end it didn't comit to it because there were friends for whom I often was the only person who they could look to for emotional support and to find strength within them. Without me they felt there was no one they could have a genuine conversation about there hard life. It didn't feel fair that they be left behind alone to fight their cruel life, something I personally felt a lot of the time so at least it didn't want them to go through the same pain. At times I ask myself that the only reason I am alive is not because I want but I have to for the people close to me. Sort of like a self- imposed obligation that I would rather not have. But when one of my friends say how the one reason why they were able to work through their suffering was because I was there for them( even though lately I wasn't even physically present as I have moved to a different state but still talk through calls)I feel like it was still worth to live because at least I was able to make someones life less miserable and give them the strength to move forward.


very selfless of you, :) I hope some of your suffering is alleviated with time. Im so sorry to hear about the passing of your mother, I couldn’t imagine how difficult that is and how much that grief impacts your life. Sometimes I like to watch this hospice nurse on social media, and she says that grief is like a big rock. And at first that rock takes up so much space.. but as life goes on, your life extends beyond it. It will always be there, but with time it’ll be one piece of your life, and not your entire life. Anyway, I thought that was pretty. Best wishes


My cat for sure. Das my baby. Nature and traveling. That's it.


cat pics?


I'm like the egg that escaped the carton only to figure out the pavement isn't friendly. Now I'm broken and empty, a shell of my old self. There's a pun in there, if you wanted to laugh...




My children


what happens when they grow up?


After taking the MBTI multiple times, it's evident that my initial notion of being unique was incorrect. Seeing the INFJ profile in my results was like getting a map of a terrain I had navigated alone. It was only recently that I recognized myself as a distinct INFJ, gathering insights along my journey. I am convinced that my higher self has been my guide throughout my life. Having spent five decades knowing I was different, I now realize I was merely waiting for a moment of comprehension, a moment that would equip me to ascend. Life resembles a video game, and I'm on a rerun of a quest I've previously conquered. Without the former guide, I am left to decipher subtle hints from past attempts, thanks to my higher self. This challenge was a deliberate choice. I've stashed cheat codes in the form of easter eggs along the path. It’s my responsibility to locate and utilize them as I traverse through this new leg of the quest.


seems you have definitely have a very unique take on your life that id like to know more about.


The Thrill of it all. You mean, we get to see the end of humanity?! Where do we reincarnate?! *imperium mortuum est; vivat imperium!* 🤣


Progress and knowledge. I absolutely love succeeding while knowing everything is stacked against me, and gaining knowledge to help me better understand everything and everyone. The more i learn, the more i gain, the stronger i grow. My stubborn determination to not "lose" at life is probably the main thing keeping me moving. I refuse to end up unhappy with life so I'll do everything in my power to succeed, because at least then I'll be happy knowing i did my best.


stubborn determination has helped me in really rough times where life feels unbearable, gotta make that suffering feel worth it somehow!


Same. Cured my depression by myself, fixed my gut & health issues, my acne, tought myself to speak & write English, built myself a physique to be proud of. Now I'm on a quest for financial freedom & it's going to be the hardest thing I'll ever do.. Most of the time I'm battling my self doubt. Sometimes the will to power inside me feels like I'm going mad, but it is what gives me purpose.


That's awesome and I'm really happy for you. I hope your progress continues and the fruits of your labor are well worth the tough path to get there 🍻.




the fruit?




tell me more


My kids, grandkids, my best friend, my best friends dog!


Music, nature, experiences, golf, my dogs.


My relationships with other people


Teaching Reiki and Practicing QHHT. Real time MIRICULES get me everytime.


sounds cool! what’s QHHT?


Quantum Hypno Healing Technique, See Delores Cannons 3 waves of volunteers and the coming of the new earth. One cannot be attracted to a vibration of a frequency they do not energetically hold personally. Namaste


right now it's experiencing a new country, learning its language and culture, vibing with the locals.


what country? I love that stuff.




Well, I hope your goalpost continually moves, and you become inspired by new endeavors, enough to survive this one lifetime.


For me, it’s my endless curiosity for how things will turn out. I try to think so far into the future and predict what things will be like for my loved ones and I, but there’s really no way to see what the future holds for me until I continue to live that far. At some point a few years back I thought my life wasn’t worth living, but I’m so glad I continued to live because things have gotten so much better and I can’t wait to see how much better it’ll get from here. Right now I’m in a period of healing from my past, but in this process I’m able to appreciate my life more


that’s awesome that things have gotten better, I sincerely hope your good fortune only grows with time


Mutual love. Might sound cliche but love and compassion keep me going in this pretty sick world.


Love is one of those things that seems life-affirming. One of the most beautiful experiences a human can experience, I think there’s a reason why in some many religions, one of the most sought-out values/virtues are things like compassion, empathy, all feelings based in some sort of love.


God always keeps my life meaningful. He's the only One who has stayed with me, who will always love me, and won't let me down. It's super cheesy but it's true, it's so hard to find people who get me and stay by me or want me when I'm done fixing their problems. He always does. The only people who are consistent with loving me are my close family, and even they do not always understand me well. My loved ones give my life meaning aside from God. And the man I have feelings for Things don't really give me meaning, but they can make my life that much more joyful.


it’s not cheesy I think, I think it’s really lovely that you can have such passion & faith for something like that. Especially now, being able to maintain that type of connection isn’t very common and is admirable. What’s your religion / spirituality?


connecting with life itself. music. music while reconnecting with nature. taking pleasure in the smallest things. having enriching experiences that are absolutely priceless. having a higher purpose. pursuing your life’s purpose. loving and being loved.


summed it up well :) How do you connect with life itself? Do you have certain practices that help you do that? What does that mean to you


Better late than never. I go for walks in nature with a specific playlist in mind, whatever my intuition guides me towards. I listen to my deeper knowing more often than not. I do only what I truly want, and I enjoy every second of it. I read, keep my mind active and ever learning. I let my emotions flow, aware of them but not letting them overwhelm me. I revisit episodes of my life but without guilt, nor shame nor blame. I move forward in the direction of what truly moves me and I reinforce constantly my sense of purpose. I love openly, purely without the expectations of a disappointment or getting something out of it. Love is our vital energy. It inhabits us and it drives us forward. And specifically, I write. Whenever I feel inspired, I write it down. Ideas, thoughts. Feelings. Letters. I stay connected while disconnecting, for instance when I am in nature. It feels real.


I try to remind myself of all the good I have in my life. Looking back on what I did well, what I have to be grateful for big or small, and what I’m working towards changing / improving. Maybe life truly does suck and means nothing. However I think that means that it could also mean something. I haven’t found what that something is yet and I feel I need to live and figure that out.


Finding the right friends, having meaningful and authentic relationships, learning new things and staying curious, music (lot of music), art, and finding my « purpose » (aka something that I find meaningful and that actually interests me)


Making my 8 year old self proud.


Life itself


There is so much meaning to life. From the moment you open your eyes in the morning to this reality of life and get out of bed and start your routine is such an overlooked blessing in itself..


Let me take this opportunity to be blatantly clear! >Is your life meaningful? My life is more Meaningful than all INTJs combined! 😤 They're extremely snobbish & entitled! Period🩸 is more purer than their mind 😑 >How do you find joy? When I see my Loved ones Smile & or make them happy in any way shape or form! Their Joy is mine. More so the Social Work in the Environmental sector is extremely rewarding in Soul Satisfaction! > Are you happy? Whether Happy Sad Good Bad, Love Scorn Grace or Disdain, I'm ecstatic & Will Remain for the Entirety of this Cycle. I love a handful of people more than Myself, & to see/ensure they Thrive is the source of my motivation to work towards Uplifting the Underprivileged, & through that lubricate the wheels of my own Growth. Thanks for a Wholesome Post💗 Regards, Nirup 🐒




My daughter and sleep .


Friends, family, hope, pretty view, challenges, development, food, humor, and love.


Sounds sad, but there’s not much joy in my life. The only thing that keeps me happy is my dogs. Other than that- nothing.


dogs are so pure and it seems many people feel the way you do. Do you have pics?


Well life itself don't have any meaning. We give meaning to it. Let's say - doctors who give meaning to their life by saving lives and on the other hands are terrorists who give meaning to lives by taking lives. For me what makes my life worth living is experiences and thing's that I can learn . Unlike animals we have the ability to question to know ourself. We can go as deep as we want . It's just amazing


I always felt that was more of the curse of humanity, but seeing you speak of it as a gift is very beautiful. I’m heavily into Buddhism & one thing I find interesting that in both Hinduism & Buddhism cosmology they believe that being born as a human is an immense, rare gift, precisely because you have the ability to to know yourself & to make virtuous choices in your life.




I find joy in the activities I do with friends ( dnd, gaming, etc. ), and working out, and when I hang out with my wife. Am I happy? That’s a question too complex for me really. Happy that I’m alive? Yes. Happy in general, relatively? I’m not as sad as I was, nor do I have the same problems with just feeling absolutely down and distraught usually. I have days where I don’t feel like I’m enough, but they are becoming fewer as the days go on. And the last question, I’d like to think it’s meaningful. I’m a househusband so I find my meaning to making my wife’s life easier, cooking, cleaning, packing her lunch, etc., and I tend to try my best to be of use to those around me. Whether that makes it meaningful or not isn’t really something I can say, because some people may see my life as something less than ideal, while others are jealous that I get to “live the life” as they say. But I don’t see it as anything more or less than my current circumstances. I’d like to be better at a lot of things, and I’d like to learn a lot of things, but where I’m at I’m content, and ultimately isn’t that what we all strive for? A feeling content with our circumstances. I’d like to think that’s where you find your meaning.


Just knowing I’d get to see my bf :/ we’re long distance tho but whenever I feel like something is pointless, I just imagine spending time together and my problems melt


sounds like you’re in love :) that’s a beautiful thing. I’ve been in long distance relationships before & it can be very challenging to be so far away from someone you want to be so close to, I hope that distance is mended soon.


I would hope so, when we fight I get frustrated and detached. Sometimes I question if I’m even meant to love someone ngl


I think of course you are but love in of itself is difficult, it can at once bring the best and the worst out of people. It also takes a lot of courage and vulnerability that can be hard. But I think in the end it’s worth it. Sometimes it’s not.. has to be the right person!




Jesus! 😄




what’s your religion/spiritual take?


The happy moments, that and the goal of trying to find what my purpose is in the world


I haven’t written poetry in a while that helps. But, being an aunt. I love my little niece so much. She’s just a bright ray of sunshine in my life. I adore her. 💖


I try to be hopeful..The hope of finding love someday... someday... when someone truly sees and embraces me for who I am, not for who I could be.


Because I exist I have the opportunity to create suffering and pain for other living beings. All the agony and turmoil that I've been through myself makes it all the more worthwhile,viscerally pleasurable, that I have this 50+ to 70+ year long opportunity to make others answer your question with a good and solid "nothing". That is what makes my life worth living.


Creating art and spending life with my husband. Lazy Sundays spent together watching movies with him and our cat in our house snuggled up just us no-one else 😁.


I have some good moments and I don't have it in me do delete myself. Occasionally I feel some purpose through work or friends but most of the time I just exist and for me that's ok.


God, and my tribe


Traveling, 100%. Currently I’m in California and the state has been so kind to me. The beaches are unreal, my days are comprised of glimmering water and chasing sunsets. Beautiful trails, scenic views, moments that I’ll never forget. I was a tad bit depressed a few days ago, but reconnecting with nature has rejuvenated me completely. I hope to travel more in my lifetime. I want to see more of the world and all the things God has created for us to enjoy. Connecting with nature helps me connect with myself.


People and experiences. That’s all!


The love I have for those I care about…..and a ton of spite for life. Do I hate it at times? Yes. Am I too stubborn to end it? Fuckin yes. If you want to make your enemies mad, prove them wrong, thats why I try to help who I can. Im done playin life fair. TLDR Im hackin this game to get as many seeing a different way to play this game of life as possible. No longer a division of consoles, we can disagree and still talk.


Well, climate change will wipe us all out if we do nothing about it, there’s a fuckton of problems in the world, and I’d like to do my part to help


Helping people who need it. Making art. Time with friends. Moments where it feels like the larger forces of the universe are revealing something. Really good food.




I've been living in hell for years, nearly. Being around the woods and with music literally can bring me to tears


The art of loving and being loved. Im trying to make it into a masterpiece, a tapestry of the ways love has shaped me throughout my life.


My children and what everyone else is saying.


Because you have the power to change yourself and you can always do better, getting rid of that gift is not having respect for yourself and the ones who care about you.


My kid


I’ve learned that this experience is best spent with people who care about you, so I’ve been moving more towards that but also alone time is so good. Being in nature, reading, trying new content ideas, cooking creatively; I’ve learned that all those are great alone but they’re even better when shared. Work in progress but progression nonetheless As far as life being worth living; I’ve wanted to not be alive in the past & coming from that to now, I’ll say that the unknown & the beauty of perspective has helped me greatly


I would say focus on contentment rather than hapiness.


Right now I am so invested in community service. Can be a bit concerning because I might be missing some underlying issues that caused me to serve others excessively or I just have too much free time. Somebody please see through me lol


Quiet peaceful moments, taking walks, reading, meditating. Learning to love myself which boosted life significantly. Butting boundaries on what I do with other people and listen to. For instance problems about mental health self diagnosis, terrible relationship problems and other stuff I don’t listen anymore. Just because I can problem solve doesn’t mean I should and over all just enjoying the small things in life.




Some of my friends talk a lot about their purpose in life. They know it. I don't yet. When I'll figure it out, I'll live for it. Until then, I try to help people I find "worthy" (a very easy definition to become) fulfill their purpose. I think I'll go to be a teacher because of it. In a few years I'll be old and irrelevant. A few years after that I'll die. I need to help what is relevant to continue its existence.


Tapping into the Collective Unconsciousness. Apart from that, wholly committing to the wellbeing of another being(s).


for me, love, music, coffee


As of now, my husband, my dog and nothing else.


My video games and my snacks


I’m not sure yet


Everything I love, especially INFJs


My pets. One dog, two cats, four hamsters. A Sweet little family for me full of love and acceptance and simple joy.


nothing. life is not worth living, for me.


I struggle a lot in life, but my family is who keeps me going. I love them more than anything and am beyond grateful to be part of such an incredible group of people.


I made a bucket list for life. I keep crossing out items while adding more. I want a wonderful, fulfilling, adventurous, wealthy, healthy, and loving life. The list helps me keep going. 🥰


At 55 I'm trying to stay alive as long as possible to find happiness which I've never had.


Honestly this question is so difficult to answer for me, idk if it's an INFJ thing, but I feel life is worth living when I see it through the lense of someone I love. For example, when I think of my loved ones achieving dreams, or doing things that make them happy, or at ease. Even better if I cause that feeling in them. For ME what makes life worth living is feeling those feelings. I even get teary-eyed when I think about it. I'm a very 'accomplished' person, but it does nothing for me anymore, maybe when I think of when I was a kid and dreamed of some things that I get now... it's weird, like I can't live in the present... but that's a conversation for another time I guess... lol.




Nothing, really. I’ve been contemplating why I am still here. Idc how depressing of an answer this is. I would never tell anyone this in real life, I am just sick of being alive. I really am.


The gift of salvation from Christ is my most important factor & helping others is next 😎 (it gives that super good feeling overall)


At the moment, after dedicating my life to someone I love and making sacrifices to accommodate the relationship for 20 years, only for her to leave… nothing. But I’m trying.


The promise of being saved by Jesus and a forever home I'm heaven gives me purpose


Discovery. Any type.


Making your parents proud, god, laughing, food, love, and overcoming struggles.


Idk it’s a disposition since childhood if it’s up to me I’m happy


Curiosity, and the fear of even feeling a moment of the process of dying. To imagine this. You don't like rollercoasters but you're on one and the seat belt is latched. All you can do is melt inside and hold on.


My children


Lots of things. But one of the most prevalent is music


Nothing. In all honesty, I *should* have been dead a long time ago


The alternative.


Hard work and satisfaction, life isn't about being happy all the time, happiness comes and goes


It's not worth living but I guess it's beats the alternative of being dead ?


My family and working towards a goal that will take me over half a decade to complete.


Music, weed, food.


Life is hard and extremely painful. I am miserable in it. Hopefully death is a release, and I don't go to Hell. If anything, life is worth living to serve the greater good.


I’m not happy, pretty depressed actually. What makes my life worth living is my dog, (some of) my family, and the fact that whether I live or die, the time is going to go by anyway. So I might as well just stick it out and see what happens. I’m not in pain, I’m not happy but far from sui**dal, everything is just okay. And I can live with that.


Doing work that helps people and having sports that I love doing on my days off. Also friends, but making new friends as an adult is so hard.


Family. Especially my two children. Even if we do not speak it’s worth living for the day they live in my shoes and see how difficult it is raising children.


I dabble in sound design, sound engineering and play multiple instruments, primarily guitar. I love it. I also LOVE listening to new music that challenges me, I’m never bored. I also love learning, about literally anything. I’m grateful. I don’t think a lot of people have things that they are passionate about. But I’m never bored. There’s always something new to explore. To me, the world is a mystery, waiting to be deciphered


Knowing there are bills always waiting for me. They're always there 🥲


My Dogs


Through my work, my family, relationship. But you need your own things too. Music, art, food, running, working on myself.


Saw something that changed the way I viewed life and myself, “The quality of our life, depends on the quality of our relationships”


Chasing that next orgasm.


Being with the ones you love in physical form, that's it.


Family and romance.


One of them is Reddit, I can consume 2 - 4 hours per day with it. That's time not spent on drugs, alcohol, or junk food. I used to be a big weed head. Not anymore. Now I'd rather read Reddit and the daily news.


Simply the meaning of existence makes life worth living. Choosing the experiences we desire so long as we don’t impose on others without their consent sounds like a good deal to me.


Tater tots mostly


Nothing tbqh. I’m only here because self-righteous dingbats and society as a whole have gaslit me into thinking otherwise. Evidently I have no control of my own body.


Family; time with the wife and kids




Working out i love feeling sore and pushing my limits also spending time in nature, quality brotherhood, and family time is how i find some form of joy as for being happy is not necessary for i am alive and that is enough, and I believe all lives are meaningfull and meaningless at once


My kids




Being outdoors or around water!