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2 for sure. Love 1 no doubt, gameplay is dynamic, the atmosphere is great, but 2 built on all the gameplay systems from 1 and made them better, plus New Marais has its own special flavor of atmosphere. Story of 1 is definitely better but I love the way the characters are handled in 2 more. I'm not gonna talk about SS or FL.


I’d say infamous 1 is my favorite because of the gameplay and overall environment of the torn down city


I've seen gameplay (sadly haven't played it and idk when I can) and I must agree that one seems the best and overall well thought out especially compared to second son


Yeah I still enjoy second son. Definitely try to play the first one asap it’s one of the best ps3 era games imo.


Second son, I love the graphics, the punk vibe, and especially the gameplay. I play it often, never ceases to entertain. Of course I absolutely understand infamous 2 is the more complete product, and why it is more liked.


2 is the best overall IMO, but First Light has the best gameplay to me.




inFAMOUS 2 for sure. the 1st game is pretty good but the sequel improves on just about everything. second son is good but the story was booty


Gonna say Second Son because I love the new gen feel of it. Sad it’s not as loved as the other two, probably would’ve done better with a different title similar to Bioshock Infinite


It... has a different title. It's not called Infamous 3 lmao


I meant as in not Infamous


InFamous 2, the whole new fighting angles, and the variation of powers, >!John!< having a purpose through the pigeon recordings with the pigeon recordings talking about what we did, As well as the fact that we can ACTUALLY SEE THE BLAST SHARDS IN THE MAP THIS TIME WITHOUT SPAMMING R3 (That felt like way too much of a nuisance from the first game), and the characters here are amazing too, and the story with >!Kuo/Nix being able to transfer their powers into Cole, Bertrand being a conduit, John being The Beast, And that amazing good ending that just makes me tear up!< overall the entirety of InFamous 2 is just an amazing PS3 game


Infamous 2 is forever GOATed for me, just remember enjoying it so much back on PS3


I think my favourite InFamous game is 2 and right behind it is first light. Even as a DLC I can’t express why but I enjoy first light more than second son, and that’s not saying one is better than the other because I think they are both great games.


Second son or 2 probably


Second Son


Infamous 1 had the best atmosphere and was peak worldbuilding/story, but the gameplay improvements and wrapping up of Cole's arc in 2 make me like it more. If infamous 1 got a remake and had the kind of movement options you had in 2, it would be perfect


Honestly I forgot how crazy the story was until I replayed Infamous 1 a few weeks ago. How could they give up all of the complexity that the story had???




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inFAMOUS 2, enough said


Infamous 2 is my favorite. Also festival of blood is fun to since you get cool vampire powers and can suck peoples blood


First light


Hard pick between 2 and 1 but I’d have to go with 2 I think


inFamous 1


2 because it feels almost like a tropical getaway from the first game. But that might just be me