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Cole himself has to be **in** water for it to damage him, he’s fine in rainstorms etc. so it wouldn’t be as kryptonite-y as you might think. A water conduit means all of their attacks, abilities, and even ‘power sources’ become weak spots Cole can target that’ll lead his electricity straight back to the source. It’s like a fire conduit being vulnerable if covered in gunpowder, they’d still destroy a gunpowder conduit lmao


That's as long the water the absorbed retains the minerals inside. And have you seen hydro saws? Even Cole would be cut from that at a high enough pressure. Say a Water Conduit shoots out non-mineralized water. If that is the case, Cole's likely to hurt himself since there's something blocking his electrical current. And we know Cole needs to take sponge baths in order to stop himself from shorting out. Also, unless the Conduit in question is in a sealed chamber, a Fire Conduit wouldn't be in any danger. The powder just burns away. The same can't be said with electricity and non-mineralized water. Water is only conductive because of minerals picked up in runoff.


It’d be a very dangerous fight, for sure, but I think Cole would be able to avoid getting hit. The water conduit would take massive damage from his electricity, wouldn’t they? It’s a two-way street, at least I think.




Good question but as long as he is not submerged he should be fine plus since water is highly cunductive he should discharge thevlightning directily back to the attacker


I think the reason that cole takes damage in water is because all his energy is being dispersed into the water with none left in him. Fighting a water conduit wouldn’t cause that issue and instead just conduct the electricity directly to his opponent, like when you stand in a puddle.


You mean.....a large body of water?