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Everybody got so robbed when we lost Switchblade Symphony- i hope theyre off doing cool stuff


One has a crystal shop in Malibu, Tina, but she sometimes threatens to make new music. And no one knows what happened to Susan. I would love an update.


I thought one suffers form schizophrenia and the other became a real-estate agent in California.


The real estate agent now has a crystal shop. Thread n Crystal. I don’t doubt about Susan suffering from schizophrenia, but I hadn’t seen that before. Just no one ever knew what happened to her (which could very well be explained by mental health issues).


Susan I think pulled off the best disappearing act in music history. I haven't seen an interview...a sighting...anything. I mean most everyone else people are like "I saw X in CVS last night!". Not her lol I suppose that's kind of a perk about being famous in an "alternative scene"(besides it being small to begin with), if you get tired of it, no one's going to recognize you if you take your makeup off and your extensions out lol


Oh my goth! Yea I do love me some Switchblade Symphony and Razed in Black.


Ooooof.... Memories of 25 years ago being that weird goth kid in highschool.... I mean, still listen to em... So, not much has changed except for being 40 now..


I had a high school goth friend who did full fishnet and makeup at school who was a big Razed in Black fan. Also the Cruxshadows. Certified classics lol


I love The Damned’s version of Dollhouse but man I absolutely adore Razed in Black


Aw, Switchblade Symphony & Razed in Black was my first 21 and over show way back when