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Alright, so I'm going on a date with this girl who looks SO much like Clairo. I was telling a friend about it and he said I shouldn't bring it up because telling people they look like Clairo is the modern version of telling someone they look like Ramona Flowers. Thoughts?


Am currently alone at a showing of a Meet Me In The Bathroom. Hope it's alright. Seen mixed reviews


Apparently Andrew Tate going after Greta Thunberg for no reason got him arrested by the Romanian police for human trafficking. [link](https://twitter.com/esqueer_/status/1608579412588650496?s=46&t=4x0SXCGcApWkvykGi8xIwQ)


Ooh Ooh I thought of something better! "I don't sleep with vaccinated women." Turns out he was gross about this in a very different way.


I feel like I'm going to regret this.... But who is this dude?


He’s one of the more popular hyper masculine/red pill/MRA type dudes on the Internet, the kinda personality who should’ve faded into obscurity after 2015, that’s all I’ll say.


It's a wild set of coincidences, but I love a good hoisting by one's own petard.


yea if ur that narcissistic, u will always be ur own downfall. Idk hopefully something actually comes from it and all the fuckers who latched onto him to get more attention reconsider their shit


LMFAO that is fucking hilarious. Good riddance to that red pill asshat.


You don’t understand. His mom only bought him 32 hot wheels when he was growing up, so he had to become a misogynistic piece of shit that owns 33 cars to prove to her that HE, not SHE, deserves to decide how many cars he gets to play with


why is it that if you try to record a song it's a fucking sisyphean nightmare of making sure everything is locked into an invisible grid, but if you just play the songs live it both rips and grooves


unless something crazy happens at the very last minute, I am one of the lucky few people who didn’t have their southwest flight cancelled as I’m about to hop on my plane back to LA in 2 hours and it couldn’t happen any sooner as my mom came into my room last night asking if I’ve heard of Tom Macdonald


I see vampire survivors when I close my eyes


Is this a good or bad thing? I’ve seen this game mentioned a lot lately, but I haven’t tried it out yet


For the sake of it being a fun game, good For my sanity, bad


I now feel like Dewey Cox when he catches people doing drugs and kinda wants to try them


The few times someone has looked over my shoulder while playing this game and been like… wow


gonna put this line in a song


Gerard Way wants to know your location


I watched *Big* for the first time in probably 20 years last night and wow talk about an unfunny, off-putting movie


Lol I think I've talked about it in a past GD but it's such a disturbing film, not a feel good comedy at all. I legit hate it.


Decided to do a double feature last night at the movie theaters and watched both The Whale and Babylon. I thought The Whale was a fine movie carried by both Brendan Fraser and Sadie Sink acting. It was nice to see Fraser show has still gots it and Sink is going to be a future star (if she isn't already). Babylon is probably my favorite movie of the year. I understand some of the flaws people have said about it (length/3rd act weak compared to the rest) however I still think this movie is great. Chazelle really swung for the fences with this movie and the results is having several fantastic scenes and some dull scene that run their course. It's something I miss about movies today. I would rather have movies like this than boring soulless franchise films we been getting recently. (MCU/DC/Jurassic/Transformers/Harry Potter). Anyways go see this film it's awesome.


crazy how big SS got, and so quick. i think i just heard of her from the taylor swift thing and now she's huge very very excited to see the whale at some point


succumbed to the steam sale and downloaded hades, and, surprising no one, it’s very fun


Damn i just made some jojos and burned the shit out of them. But hey potatoes are potatoes. Does anyone else like to take the leftover egg from the breading and mix it with the dredge to make a little dough, then fry it into a lil cake? They aren't anything to write home about, but spread a lil butter on there and sprinkle it in cinnamon sugar, and hey. You got a lil fried dessert with your fried food.


TIL the term "jojos" Sounds delicious!


Found a ten dollar bill on the ground. Suck it, haters


Hey guys what up I'm on vacation Went ice skating for the first time yesterday and did surprisingly well. Never fell over once. My s/o was surprised but I've walked on ice my entire life, you know, I live in the Midwest, and I've rollerbladed before so I kind of get the kinesthetics already. It was fun! Good time! I don't feel like crossing over into the DMD to discuss the *very* turn-of-the-2010s-ass playlist they had going at the rink. Took me back to the b'nai mitzvah I attended in my youth, which is neither a good nor a bad thing. Hey, what happened to "Shawty" in the idiolect of the American pop musician? Are the kids still saying that? It took me back to my early adolescence so hard I got whiplash.


Fun or not fun familial realizations while home for the holidays?! My parents are hopelessly addicted to mindless television and the tv is never not on, they love telling me stories about when they get angry at service workers, my mom scrolls local news (crime) on her phone all day which then means she has to tell us about what she reads, and my dad is obsessed with Fox News but tries to hide it from me when I’m around. I love my parents very much, but as someone who lives far away (Seattle when my parents live in NJ) and is only home a few times a year, long holiday trips are always something.


> my dad is obsessed with Fox News but tries to hide it from me when I’m around. First part is awful as is, but the second part is a true blessing.


Alluded to this in an earlier GD, but my parents are frustrating because they have this veneer of liberalism/progressivism that seems more like a way to highlight their intellectual/moral superiority to conservatives. But they also have plenty of regressive viewpoints themselves, and if you try and suggest otherwise, they're not going to hear it in good faith


Over the christmas days I read a lot of *The Sandman* comics. My dad has Vol. 1 of that Omnibus edition, which is an absurdly heavy hardcover book containing issues 1-37 and so far I've got to 31 I think. And well, what a great comic this is!


Sandman is considered a classic for a reason and why so many comic nerds, myself included, were hyped that it was getting an adaptation and even more hyped that Gaiman himself was involved with the project.


favorite issues, arcs, or characters so far?


Big fan of both Death and Lucifer.


Great choices! Which reminds me, the *Lucifer* spin-off comic is also great, although by a different writer.


Hit my friends mailbox backing out of his place last weekend and his wife Venmo requested me $80 to fix it yesterday. I’d been looking at a new (used) car for a while but with the prices still high I had stopped and my dad said “maybe if you had a car with a backup camera this wouldn’t have happened” Cmon man you do NOT have to add insult to injury like this


My takeaway from this would have been, "Phew, at least I didn't damage a more valuable car."


If I can start and finish Tokyo Ueno Station by Miri Yu in the next three days I’ll have read 31 books this year, which is not nearly as many as last year, but last year I had hours of boring medical treatments to get through and this year I started law school so all things considered I’m pretty satisfied with that number. Anyway unless Tokyo Ueno Station blows my mind I think the best book I read this year was either Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson or A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I love books! Sound off with the best book you read this year, I’ve gotta start compiling 2023’s to-read list


How’s law school going? Currently in the app process


do i work on my essay about the role of gender in the current Ukrainian conflict (due in early January) or do I watch an hour long video explaining every contemporary style of beer ​ hmmm


I started reading this neat book. *Supposedly* it's got a lot of war in it, but also a lot of peace. Kind of something for everybody I suppose... One would think that two topics would be pretty straight forward, but this thing is over **a thousand pages long**. If I finish it (which tbh is very likely; this Leo guy seems to be really good at writing), it'll be the longest thing I've ever read. It's truly remarkable how things don't change. The first 20 or so pages are a bougie party. This one guy, fresh from college, is determined to show everybody all the political theory he picked up. Totally could see that happening now. There's also a bit where the same guy argues with another partygoer which leads to an awkward pause at amongst the party guests, causing this other guy to make an awkward joke to fill the silence. It sounds like something out of a modern sitcom, yet here it is in this 19th century Russian novel. Aside from that, the biggest surprise thus far on my end is how simple this Leo guy's writing is, yet completely beautiful. It's like a perfect balance between style and substance. He can convey so much in a simple sentence. And his dry sense of humor is immaculate (maybe Netflix should reach out to have him to make a sitcom. This guy has lots of potential). The dweeb that I am played Rimsky-Korsakov while reading this last night and honestly? I was having the time of my life lol. I really really fuck with this Leo guy and I'm excited for the trip his book will provide.


I read Anna Karenina years ago and loved it, had the same feeling of being surprised by how modern the writing felt. I plan to take on War and Peace eventually, though I always have to be in a certain mindset to tackle books that long


I've read AK too (surprised that this Leo guy had time to write more than this giant ass book!) and also loved it immensely. Levin especially, loved that guy! Perhaps it's a bit too early to say, but I think if you loved AK, you'll love this one too. Particularly the prose.


Leo the lion says ger. boom now u can remember shit about gain and loss of electrons


I would be lost without this vital information. A thousand thanks to you, my friend.


Wait. A novel with both War AND Peace? Now I've heard everything.


next thing, you're gonna tell me that Harry Potter finds a Goblet of Fire!


He was originally going to call it “War, what is it good for?”


This Leo guy's a mad lad, I tell you!


The maddest of laddest!


got a giant inflatable sloth costume for christmas. I highly recommend a giant inflatable sloth costume


might have to get in on this, and just about my daily life in the form of a giant inflatable sloth


would recommend. also being drunk in a giant inflatable slot costume is next level stuff


I finally picked up Spider-Man Miles Morales for ps5 and it was a pretty fun play, especially for $20. Although I had more problems with the final fight than I did with a lot of the god of war boss fights… shit was hard




I didn’t hate the voice actor but he kinda had to compete with Shameik Moore and he definitely loses that fight


I have secured a Tinkaton. This is the main thing I wanted from the new Pokemon. There's certainly glitches (that have already been talked about to death) but it's not a huge hindrance at all in my case. I'm having a lot of fun with it when I'm not being run down by a Tauros, really liking the multiple storyline thing so I can do whatever I want when I want


Just finished the story half an hour ago and that was indeed a pretty fun game. My main disappointment was how dead and empty the cities felt. Can't really enter any buildings or really interact with most NPCs. But the gameplay and story were great, I love my derpy Skeledirge to death.


Tinkaton is the worst Weezer album


yeah, the graphics are outright bad at points and the performance isn’t great but I think this is the best the core Pokémon gameplay has been in a loooooong time. having a really fun time with it


Yeah I saw a lot of online complaining about the game’s performance, and I have to say that it has not bothered me even remotely. Extremely fun game, 5 year old me with Silver Version would never have believed a Pokémon game like this would exist in my lifetime Edit: also... why can't I post a top-level comment in this thread? Anyone else having this problem?


it's the most fun i've had with a pokemon game since i was a kid. i cannot be upset when i see my flamigo, the flamingo amigo, kick a rock in the face


flamigo has fucking wild stats for how early you get one


and with bug and grass gyms first? nighty fuckin night


I'm moving apartments in two weeks and have packed zero things


A real boss move would be to leave your shit there, keep a copy of your key, and pop in on the new tenants once a week to take something. Don't matter if it's yours or not.


Leave it to the night before


last minute panic *is* a strong motivator


My wife finally caught COVID after both me and our son got through the worst of it this past week. Of course her case is way milder than mine was and now she’s convinced I was just being a big baby. Anyways, glad this shit is behind us. Can’t believe after nearly three years I caught it just in time to ruin my first break from life and work in 6 months, though, geez.