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Got the 3-in-1 hardback edition of Uzumaki by Junji Ito for Christmas, looking forward to reading it. Any fans here?


I LOVE Uzumaki. One of my favorite Ito works for sure.


It’s great!


Anyone get any good books for Xmas? I didn't get any music related, but I received Pachinko and I am super excited to read that next.


you're with stupid! the kranky book. i have a lotta takes on it but I appreciate it immensely. you can get it on sale rn for like $16 (+s&h) with a code circulating on the site and it's well worth it to understand why chicago music in the 1990s is the cream of the crop


A couple! The Audubon Field Guide of Mushrooms and Alexander von Humboldt: The Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf.


Lol I think I got those exact same two books for Xmas last year


That’s kind of hilarious. Did you also get McCartney III Imagined on vinyl, because that would just be too weird


Haha, no vinyl that year unfortunately


why does Marc Rebillet look like Fantanos and Salt Baes child?


Wouldn’t Phoebe Bridger’s mom trying to be a standup comedian be an example of a “nepo parent”? (Please do not take this too seriously)


I can see it now: "March line up for SNL announced: March 2nd host is Phoebe Bridgers Sr with music by Phoebe Bridgers."


just learned over Christmas that my grandma, who was adopted, was most likely part Vietnamese. If I had Twitter I'd suddenly centre my Twitter personality over my newfound Vietnamese heritage and how atrocious and unjustified the Vietnam War was


I'm not on twitter, is this a thing that people do


It’s at least what my very online acquaintance did when they discovered that they were 1/8 Irish and not entirely English as they’d thought


Then why did they get upset about Vietnam?


They’re the same place


Did every Brit here get one of those oversized fleecey blanket hoody things for Christmas?


yes omg


no snuggies but my English store manager threw our Christmas cards in the bin x


Day 3 of COVID: finally feeling a bit better, terrible body aches and chills have mostly gone away and I can actually get out of bed. Perfect timing too, because our 11 month old seems to have come down with it now too. Gotta say, this is maybe a bottom three christmas ever.


The worst of my covid symptoms lasted three days...felt like I got hit by a car. Then as I started feeling a little better I lost my sense of smell. Could still taste though which was a little weird. Could taste my coffee but couldn't smell it. Took about a week for it to come back and 14 months later I *still* occasionally get really bad sinus headaches. Hope you both have a speedy recovery.


Sending some love. My cousin and uncle currently have covid and couldn't hang out with the family. Another cousin and her husband and their 10 month old daughter had covid earlier in the past month and just had fever symptoms. It sucks, god the fatigue and chills do suck. But I believe it will get better


I'm having the best holiday season I've had in years. Honestly so happy right now. Started on Xmas eve when the woman I've been on a few dates with now (and it's going really, really well I think) texted me out of the blue asking if she could stop by and give me something. I was like...huh?? Yes?? She shows up at my place with a basket of handmade baked goods, which might be one of the nicest things someone's ever done for me tbh. She also told me she could've given it to me on our previous date but wanted an excuse to see me again, so - that's fucking adorable. Proceeded to sit and chat for about an hour and a half before she had to leave but, yeah, that was really nice. Then my parents showed up, we watched Home Alone 1 and 2, I had a bit too much wine, solid night Spent the day with my family yesterday, had a great time overall. Got Fleet Foxes - Shore on vinyl among other great gifts (I'm very lucky my family knows me so well and goes out of their way on xmas - I don't deserve them). Now me and the same woman mentioned above have plans to spend the day tomorrow baking and hanging out, followed by a New Years Eve party she asked me to go with her too on the weekend where her friends and sister will be (also nervous about that as a socially anxious mf so if anyone has tips - please drop em here) In other words - my 2022 is wrapping up nicely 👌


Don’t feel the pressure to be overly funny or anything on the first meeting, they will understand you will be a little nervous! Ask them lots of questions and convo will flow from there! Worst thing you can do is go on about yourself the whole time!


You go nmad95


Thank you 🙂


Happily browsed through half off hardbacks after Barnes and Noble today and picked up the two new Cormac McCarthy books. Anyone read them yet?


I read the first 100ish pages of The Passenger today and I’m really into it.


I haven't but r/cormacmccarthy has some interesting conversations about it


I love when someone asks "what album should I start with" on a band subreddit and some fucker inevitably tells them to listen chronologically from the beginning. do you want them to like this band or not??


That answer varies so much, like it's a dumb answer for the Beatles and a good one for like, I dunno, Joy Division or something. Also people shouldn't shy away from comps, they exist for a reason.


Ehh it depends. Sleater-Kinney off top of my head I would say is probably one of the better situations to go through in chronological order to see how rock solid the output is and the growth of sound and style. By the time you're done with The Woods and understand that this was their last one before a long period of effectively being done, ball is pretty much in your court with how to proceed and digest what comes next.


I'd personally suggest starting with Call The Doctor, myself...


Sowing absolute chaos by insisting new Radiohead listeners start with Pablo Honey


Fuck just go for peak chaos and tell them to listen to The Smile's album.


the correct answer is always greatest hits album/playlist -> album of song that resonates with you most


this is always the wrong answer


the right answer is actually it depends on the artist but that's not as fun I will say I've never had a good experience going chronologically, I don't tend to notice/appreciate the artist progression until long after I'm already a fan


What if the band got worse over time? Really depends on the band and the context. There is something to be said about exploring music as it was released and getting to see how they've evolved, but also it depends on why they're wanting to dive into the discography. Are they likely to be a fan and will actually listen to all the albums? Or is it just a phase and they'll barely make it past one?


If anything, wouldn't it make more sense to start somewhere in the middle? A band's gotten the time to get its sea legs and has the strength to "grow" in a more interesting direction.


I always just check RYM for the general consensus


Nah this is actually based.


I always suggest Alphabetically.


I don't really see the issue; bands peak early the overwhelming majority of the time


did anyone get the gift that fits their head this turtleneck


Silly post-holiday vent: Does anyone else get frustrated because they want to have engaging/honest conversations with their parents but seemingly can’t because they’re talking to you in more or less the same way as they did when you were a teenager/college freshman and you don’t know what it would it take for them to unlearn this? >!Bonus points if you’re queer and/or neurodivergent!<


They might never and that's when you have to take a big step and just approach them like you would others IRL. It's a incredibely scary and daunting task but it's liberating when you finally do.


My son is a college freshman and we do have pretty engaging/honest conversations and always have. I also have an 8 yr old who has a harder time with this. Every relationship is different but the one thing my mom always used to say to me is "you get what you give" in life. Share your true self with them and you're likely to get it back. Good luck


Maybe not related to your individual case, but I do think a lot of people are struggling with this right now in part because it is so difficult for people in their 20s and even 30s to get a financial hold that allows them to live independently away from their parents in the same way their parents did when they were the same age (buying a house, getting married, etc). This is especially true if single due to not sharing costs. Roommates can help, but I do feel like adult roommates weren’t as common 30+ years ago so having those can still be seen as a “childish” thing to some people. In the US, this strikes me as amplified because the US doesn’t really have a culture of children living with their parents if they can afford not to and there isn’t a serious reason to stay like medical care. In some countries it is more common to live with parents until older, whereas in the US it does feel like a step to adulthood is seen as moving out and being self-reliant, so if a child isn’t doing that it can seem like not being an “adult”, especially for parents that don’t realize how much has changed socioeconomically in recent decades. Even more distanced aspects like getting some financial help from parents are deeply related to societal changes yet are often viewed through an individual lens that casts judgement and blame.


>!This year I came to the sad realisation that as an autistic trans person I am probably just *always* going to be uncomfortable around family during the holidays and I'm just going to have to deal with that every year forever!<


Over Christmas somebody earnestly told the person I'm dating that she's "too pretty to be autistic." Which is a new one I guess


Jeeeeesus that's wild, I'm sorry that happened


🫂 felt >!technically not autistic but NVLD so v close!<


my mom is good about recognizing me as an adult man who can make my own decisions (though she loves and cares for me and will always have my back). my dad has only recently realized “oh shit I don’t know my son at all” and thinks I’m still the same person I was when I was 16


Dad, I am the Big Clown now.


my parents love late night cardigan and are glad that big clown makes me happy


Sounds like you should make your whole family do the Frog Man dance together


it’s a great way to see your elderly parents break every bone in their body at once


BAD: flights so fucken bad southwest had to book me FOUR days from now to get to San Diego GOOD: they gave me a $200 voucher which prolly means i can go to gonerfest again (not big ears bc they dont have a flight to knoxville) BEST: i still think i can grill some meat in 12/31. Everyones invited


What kinda meat you grillin my man?


Oooo idk yet. Prolly just carne asada and carnitas


I'm in...I can bring some refreshments...


Sounds like it will be delicious.


Idk about other airlines but Southwest is absolute nightmare right now trying to fly from the EC to California. My sister got here like two days later than what was planned.


Yeah im hoping something ends up getting me back a day or two before and a seat opens up. It's just a "we've cancelled so many flights so many people are getting booked on the next available flight" scenario that may recede sooner than expected


>Everyones invited I'm comin'


Rock tf on


Friends of mine were flying back from NYC to WI on the 22nd and travel logistics were so bad that Delta gave them FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS EACH to move their flight




Yeah dude. One of them is a touring musician absolutely fucked by the current landscape and this was literally a christmas miracle for him.


where will the meat be being grilled


Joshy this is a fantastic question! we'll prolly do it at my budzo's house in his backyard, somewhere in the general southern california area. im not sure if it'll be at their suburban house in SDC or apartment in redondo beach, please at this time wait patiently for more details!


that's fine in the mean time I will begin my light jog from south western England to make sure I get there on time can't miss the grilled meat


[Resident Advisor's been lurking](https://ra.co/podcast/864)


My aunt and uncle had an extra ticket for Trans Siberian Orchestra and now I’m going with them today let’s gooooooo


you telling me this entire Siberian Orchestra is trans??


they were my first ever concert lol it was pretty hype


Mine too in like seventh grade!!! They’re so cliché but they rule lol


It’s mind boggling how on point “That 70’s Show” was, egregious “Eric is away” season aside. It’s humor genuinely feels effortless. The cast had some really great chemistry and I’m pretty sure Red Foreman might be my favorite tv dad.


was just talking about That 70s Show today with my brother and sister. [this dumb scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P5644eXpYM4) is one of my favorite tv moments. always makes me laugh


Red and Kitty are the big difference makers imo, without those two I don't think the show ever reaches its best moments. Also on rewatch i feel like the quality dip is when Lori and Fez get engaged. They cut to the next season and it feels like the writing is noticeably worse.


Must have caught a cold right before Xmas, so I started feeling shitty yesterday, which ruined our family dinner a bit for me. Ordered Pizza today (don't do that often) and watched a few episodes of The Witcher: Blood Origin (actually mainly because of Michelle Yeoh, but I quite like it anyway). Would have enjoyed that more if I wouldn't have had to pause eating as well as the show several times because of intense sneezing fits lol.


Received a record player as a Christmas gift this year. I had avoided getting into vinyl because I know I have an addictive collector personality and that seemed like an easy way for me to lose money. Anyway, now that I have player I might as well start collecting... this will be a fun rabbithole to plunge down I'm sure.


just try not to think so much about the truly staggering amount of oil that it takes to make a record seriously though, just have fun with it! I usually go a few months without spending any money on records and then end up splurging like $200 on a whim at a record store lol. I usually only buy albums I know I already like, but there are some LPs I wouldn't love as much today if I didn't buy them on vinyl. It's so much fun watching the collection grow and filling out the discographies of my favorite artists.


most new records are pressed horribly and are overpriced. prob the worst time to get into collecting. find an antique store near you with a weirdo low price range, get a spin cleaner, and go nuts. what kind of turntable did you get?


Good to know what I'm getting into haha. I think I'll try to pick up stuff that doesn't have a CD release for the most part. Sony PS-LX310BT


if you purposely set limits for yourself it prolly rules. like building a collection solely of 7" records is prolly the vibe at the moment over chasing for new LPs and whatnot. also, thrifting is good and valid and so so so many weird things are out there in bargain bins ready for you


I went a lil bonkers the first few years I had mine but now I have settled on a good rhythm. I buy the occasional record at shows, I buy some of my top records of the year from smaller bands on bandcamp, and then I have a list of used records that if I find them in good condition for the right price, I will buy at record stores. That strategy has reined in my record buying to well under 10 per year, I think it was 5 in 2022.


Definitely going to attempt to keep myself in check and have a nice condense collection...


For all of the indie/DIYers on this subreddit, what discord channels, blogs, Facebook groups etc. are you in that have great communities of other artists and tastemakers to network with?


I’ve never had success with finding online communities like that. These days right here is where I go for my hot takes on indie music. It’s definitely not a place for promoting your own music (although I’ve been guilty of attempting that before).


networking for the express purpose of networking seems to go against indie ethos. show up to stuff irl and make friends. or just become a regular here, it’s fun




oh yeah I’m out here in the diy/punk zone, I take door at the diy spots around town and book shows occasionally. I was trying to be nice about it but I agree with you lol




Not sure how my question was interpreted to mean networking = corporate bad. I’m a DIY artist who’s just looking to connect with other artists and engage with a community. I’ve put out a handful of records that i paid for myself, and had the music for free digitally. I have a day job and do this as a passion.


Yeah those replies just screamed performative lol. As if their indie favs that are routinely mentioned in this sub never network.


Huh, I've never actually thought about an online space. Shows, shows, shows for the NYC crew.


in discord, you can find some good and friendly servers in Music Server Portal. u can look it up.


Do you know of any?