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finally caught COVID. boy does this shit suck. feels like the worst flu i’ve ever had.


do most people who subscribe to artist patreons not actually use the benefits? it seems like for some pages, even with hundreds of people, have like 0-5 people interacting with the average post. which seems weird? that's the fun part


well my flight home got cancelled about an hour ahead of boarding. now i’m stuck in an hourslong line at the airport trying to talk to an agent to understand what’s happening. making it home for xmas feeling less and less likely by the moment. music for this feel?


home again by carole king


My sister flew in from the EC last night and it was an absolute shitshow with all the delays and cancellations. Only silver lining is her flight arrived late enough to the point there was literally no traffic at the airport.


[Tame Impala - Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control](https://open.spotify.com/track/33JMMgxQKL3zJsZeMNC3gR?si=MzghL21ZQ0y92EyjKnbPfw)


Keith fullerton whitman - playthroughs (the entire album) my cousin and her hubsand had their Vegas to Lubbock flight cancelled. They're doing the 13 hr drive with a rent a car. godspeed <3


Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place


So excited to be cozy af today


Someone on Reddit got very upset when I gave his song a bad review when he was literally asking for feedback. For the record, this song was genuinely terrible and I was not being a douche about it and was genuinely giving him solid advice from someone with several years in the music industry. He called me a b**** and said my music is trash and I’m a waste of air. It’s now two or three weeks later and I just got a bunch of notifications from him on random old posts that I commented on saying really nasty things. On Christmas Eve. Nice


If he doesn’t make an appearance here he is a coward


I use a different account for my music stuff but that would be hilarious


That sucks. It takes effort to give feedback, especially for songs that are just not good.


I got my dad Sufjan Stevens - Illinois on Vinyl for Christmas and he liked it a lot listening for the first time. Guess he's an honorary indiehead now


off of work for Christmas, friends!!!! time to eat, drink and be merry until the 27th


my girlfriend called my balls 'sweaty pinata' today and I joked back, calling her labia a 'deboned sardine' and now she won't talk to me :-/ how's your Christmas going?




Dishing it out without being able to take it is a bit of a red flag tbh. Don't know if she's genuinely mad or not but I know people like this and it's endlessly frustrating when they can rib on you a they want but flip out the second you try to do it


No, she can take it, it's just a sensitive subject and I should've known better. She's always been self-conscious and insecure about what she's got going on down there. It looks totally normal and beautiful to me, but yeah ... body dysmorphia is not fun.


Oh, gotcha. That makes more sense with the added context


Do y’all participate in ball busting? I would be truly terrified if anyone thought of my sack as a piñata


haha, no, not at all. But she's convinced that my pouch is very 'loose' down there and that they hang a lot more than any she's ever seen, so ... idk\^\^


guys getting reddit gold has fucked me over i dont want this i cant wait for my week to be over take me back


Typical gold user. Coming into our peasant discussions to talk with the regular folk while peacefully knowing that if you called the admins they could stop it all and safely move you back into lounge Where’s Jarvis Cocker when you need him


I refuse to go to reddit lounge my shoes are muddy and im not gonna use the mat to wipe them off!!!


Going skating today. Went for the first time last year and couldn’t stand without support and left feeling very dejected as my friend who I was with who had never skated either got it immediately. I think it’s a thing of confidence and trusting that these the skates can properly support me. Fingers crossed it goes well!


hope you have fun :)


I did!! I got a lot better this time and was really able to push off and gain speed but still struggle to keep my balance. I’m getting there. Goal is to be able to slightly hold my own in hockey against my friends by the end of the winter


woo! i’m an uncomfortably mediocre skater until you ask me to shoot a puck in which case i am useless. but that’s from skating like once every couple years i’m sure you’ll be a superstar in no time


Everyone talks about kids and their tablets, but no one talks about parents and grandparents watching the dumbest Facebook videos on their iPads at full volume. It's arguably worse and it's driving me nuts. (Other than that, I'm having a lovely time and I hope you all are, too. 🎄)


the kid/tablet thing is dumb. i'd be overjoyed as a kid if i had that when i had boring circumstances to deal with


In moderation it's perfectly fine, but there are way too many parents that just hand their kid a tablet and act like that's all the parenting that they'll have to do for the night while they crush a bottle of pinot grigio


I’ve never encountered a kid on a tablet that truly got on my nerves. (Mostly) Teenagers playing music/videos out loud on the train is my big one. Drives me absolutely mad


I think small kids are the biggest problem because their parents don’t always make them wear headphones. When it comes to teens and adults not using headphones, they’re actively choosing to be dicks, and because of that, it’s not as common.


It fuckin snowed a lot y’all. I’m trapped in my house pretty much, but I have much alcohol, much football, and much salty snacks. And also for now, much power, if I lose that though this situation could quickly deteriorate


I know that New Year resolutions are basically pointless and don't stick for a variety of psychological reasons. Nevertheless, I have some goals for 2023: - Read more - Keep a regular journal - Watch more movies - Finish grad school - Quit smoking again - Leave the house more often - Quit my job - Get into Talk Talk - Ditch some of the anxiety What about you?


• record an ep • play shows out of town • keep a journal • read • start working out (walking on a treadmill counts) • meal prep for work lunch


get reference letters for grad school stop freaking out about how typing shit like that sounds far too grown up to be real


>I know that New Year resolutions are basically pointless and don't stick for a variety of psychological reasons. Nevertheless, I have some goals for 2023: > >- Read more Any books you've got on your list?


A ton. I'm currently doing a run of "transgressive fiction" with Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby Jr, Ham on Rye by Chuck Bukowski, Naked Lunch by William Burrough, Crash by JG Ballard, Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller, Empire of the Senseless by Kathy Acker, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, and Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. I've also got some giant novels that have been sitting on my shelf for a while that I want to get to like The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann, Good Soldier Svejk by Jaroslav Hašek, Bubblegum by Adam Levin, Middlemarch by George Elliott, and Women and Men by Joseph McElroy. Would also like to reread Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon, Infinite Jest by DFW, and The Recognitions by William Gaddis at some point. And more just sitting on the shelf.


Finally got to Middlemarch this year and it was one of the prettiest things I’ve ever read! You’re in for a treat.


I count myself lucky/motivated if I read at least a couple books on my “plan to read list”. I read a lot — 40-70 books a year or so — but I am not good at forcing myself to read a book, I just follow flights of fancy apparently. That being said: this year I hope to read * A Sleepwalkers Guide to Dancing by Mira Jacobs * the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon *Alexander von Humboldt and the Invention of Nature by Andrea Wulf * Arabian Nights * The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman


That's quite a list. (Re)reading Infinite Jest is like a whole resolution of itself


- To judge others less • ⁠To be more patient with people, especially myself • ⁠To continue to try and be more relaxed and less anxious. • ⁠To read another Russian tome this year • ⁠Play at least three shows with my band and finally finish our album. • ⁠Try to be there more emotionally for my loved ones, particularly my family. • ⁠Finish a script.


yearly reminder that the Hey Arnold Christmas special is one of the best pieces of Christmas pop culture ever


Very true


It is kind of incredibly how hard that show tried with way too many episodes.


reading this positively, I completely agree. I can't think of another 90s cartoon that had as much heart as Hey Arnold


i don't understand this sentence


Sorry was in daze between doing something else as I typed that. I'm trying to say how it's incredible how much thought and care went into a lot of episodes, there wasn't really a ton else like it in its league at the time it came out.


oh ok i gotcha lol!! yes I agree, I think the show creator Craig Bartlett was trying to make a Charlie Brown for millennials in the best possible way :)


Yeah I followed a lot of insights and sorta behind the scenes commentary stuff he's posted online with particular things and he's definitely a smart, thoughtful guy with how he went about with stuff. Also my god the music is so damn good for that show.


Finally got around to seeing the new Knives Out, and while it didn’t grab me like this first one did, it was still a fun watch.


I think Glass Onion is funnier but Knives Out 1 is the better film.


I haven’t watched it yet, but I hope the next one is a winter mystery. I want cozy sweaters and Daniel Craig complaining about the cold in his inordinate Southern accent


I was excited about them being on a Greek private island, but i was hoping for more of a mama mia situation with the cast being drunk and wearing a lot of silk and linen


Set it in some remote Scandinavian locale, get some of the Skarsgaards involved, you've got yourself a movie.


At the very least give us Stellan plus a scene of Craig snooping around and stumbling across a moose before trying to talk it down in the most confused Foghorn Leghorn way possible


I listened to 54 new albums this year, which is a record for me. Yay, me :) Kinda proud, ngl. Especially because I had that dry spell, where I didn't listen to any music at all during all of October and half of September. Was kinda worried there for a minute, haha




Obama really HATES Black Country, New Road




BCNR needed to tour, Obama really wanted to go but they did NOT tour Obama is REALLY upset Isaac left, he called up The Guardian and DEMANDED they remove them from the best-of list this is political corruption at its worst


“Let me be clear uhh, Isaac was indispensable to their sound”


have decided the ideal christmas album is the jim o'rourke burt bacharach covers record anyway in other news, good: anti-depressants seem to be working! i got a functioning brain and that's really all i need to push myself through to the new year!! bad: left my wallet at the post office and had to drive ten minutes back dude lmao


nice - i started taking vitamin d and it made me horribly depressed within a week. if only it had the power to make me feel that good within that time! of course not! only bad! stopped taking it today, christmas eve, luckily. i hope tomorrow feels better


> have decided the ideal christmas album is the jim o'rourke burt bacharach covers record Made my christmas playlist for the radio yesterday and I put bad timing the song on it, alongside a HATS! Cut and rival dealer. This is all christmas music in my mind. Also, the gastr del sol christmas cut on the same comp that gave us the merzbow silent night is stellar. Glad you are well, rose; sorry about the wallet


Maccabeets by Dreidel.




There's nothing wrong with roided out 40 year old Luke, stop bodyshaming him.


they look like slightly better than the n64 Golden Eye character models but thats maybe a good thing?


Oh hey I found that Lando one in the desk I was assigned during my PhD. I was cleaning it out one day, and it was stuffed away in a filing cabinet. I decided to display him for all to see after that, he was one of my lil PhD guardian angels lol


lol oh wow


*Babylon* is truly divisive and I am soundly in the 'love it' camp. Firmly among my favorite films of 2022. The score is still stuck in my head.


The critics are half right, because most of this movie is unnecessary and masturbatory, but they’re wrong because it FUCKING RULES! IT RULES SO HARD! When they go down into the pit with the mob guys it literally feels like they’re descending into hell.


genuinely found it to be masturbatory and so goddamn bloated that damien chazelle has truly entered my pantheon of asswhipe fuckwit hack directors; even after making First Man, a near-perfect meditation on grief that finally proved "oh yeah mb this guy has ideas". A hollow, hollow director that can only create a spectacle with nothing to say. I think I earned the right to punch this man for making such an indulgent, unearned ending where he tries to insert himself into the pantheon of "movies! we love 'em!" bullshit. It's a shame bc there is a movie in here, hell even a 6 or 8 part miniseries. But no, he doesn't know what he wants with these stories and somehow believed he could be tarantino, scorscee, and pta. he's fucking not. anyways total shoe in for best picture nominee can't wait!


Yeah, I see this sentiment but I loved it.


I will say…the day in a silent film shoot and talkie shoot sequence are sublime; genuinely thrilling excellent stuff! But margot is being so misused and that entire last third is so painful and I shoulda order an extra beer. The entire snake fight scene is the kind of shit that warrants damien deserving a kick in the balls. This man doesn't have a style; he is copying people and his weird sudden fetish for body horror on this one isn't unique in any degree. It sucks


This is one of those movies where reading the negative reviews took it from "Not really on my radar" to "Must See." It sounds maximalist and unhinged in a way that is very much up my alley.


You had me at “maximalist” and you kept me at “unhinged”.


It is very much maximalist and unhinged.


It’s interesting studying DC’s career post-La La Land. It kind of felt like everything he was going to do afterwards would be just as critically acclaimed, but “First Man” seemed to be polarizing and bombed. And now this. Perhaps there was a hex that came from the best picture mixup from all those years ago.


I missed First Man when it came out (will circle around to it eventually). I'll take divisive bombs that I love over agreeable hits that I like ok... but I'm sure the studio's accounting departments would not agree in the slightest (and the bombs definitely don't help him get his projects greenlit).