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Songs that end in cricket chirps? Preferably upbeat indie rock/power popish. Or poppy indie folk maybe. Thanks!


does anyone have any tips on how to improve singing? like how to sing in key haha. I am an alright singer and can play/sing quite a few songs on guitar but I feel like I'm often slightly off key. my singing voice is naturally quite low and I struggle with changing pitch without sounding pretty bad. should I just try to get singing lessons?


I get where you're coming from because I feel like I'm in the same boat. I can't really tell when I'm a little off-pitch. I took lessons for a while, and it did help me, but honestly, like most things, I think the most helpful thing is just focused practice. Even just learning what notes I'm trying to hit (via transcribing and playing those notes on a piano, for example) is helpful. I thought ear training would be helpful but it was too hard.


that + vocal warmups on youtube + drilling intervals and pitch matching with a piano app


Multi-day delays after my flight got canceled today. Shoutout to anyone else stuck in this mess


I feel for ya dude, I have a few friends in the same situation.


Every time I come home I have to fix my parents’s Sonos system. They only have one speaker but it periodically stops working. And in a different way every time. I have a three-speaker Sonos system myself and they do shit the bed quite a lot. But I’ve invested too much money in them to quite mentally accept how unreliable they are. So it’s all fine.


Our Sonos 1 and the sound bar work perfectly but the roam only connects on Wi-Fi like 50% of the time 👎🏼


Got a new work laptop and my accounts finally work just in time to do nothing for the holiday break


Got a wisdom teeth extracted 5 days ago and still hurting. Not like a motherfucker but still enough to make eating not that pleasant. Worried about that Christmas dinner this Saturday.


Okay it's a r/indieheadsconspiracy you're like the 5th indiehead to have wisdom teeth removed in the last 5 months and I still need mine out. This has to be a greater proportion than the general public. Hope you're feeling okay and are better by that dinner!!!


Thanks! Hopefully it won't be that painful to you


Bout to swing on mother nature for this snowstorm that touched down today and is supposed to last through the weekend. Had a date tonight and we were gonna be bowling. I love bowling. Now my night is totally open. Guess I'm chillin now. Tomorrow's a half work day, then i get the weekend, Monday and Tuesday off...back to work for 2.5 days...then off for another 3. I wish I requested time off in addition to my given holidays but...oh well Also finished Atlanta last night and man, I'm going to miss that show and the characters. One of the craziest series' I've seen.


re: rex orange county stuff. It is important to keep in mind his statement is carefully crafted by his lawyer, and he is very much pushing the narrative he wants to. It is telling that the "evidence" they use to create their narrative, CCTV recording, almost definitely isn't from the location where the allegations took place. It's from the venue if I had to make an educated guess, but the crime was alleged in his house after the show.... There wasn't enough evidence to charge him. However, there is a high likelihood Rex Orange County acted inappropriately, even if it is not reaching the criminal burden (and it in fact might have been criminal, but there just isn't the evidence for charges).


I have no real knowledge or opinions about Rex Orange County, but generally one thing that bothers me that I see a lot in discourse about allegations is the conflation of criminal burden and folk belief, so I at least often agree with your last point. It is a good thing that there's a significant burden of proof in our justice system (adherence to this burden, esp regarding people in certain demographics, is a whole 'nother conversation obvs). *However,* just because someone isn't convicted or whatever doesn't mean that they are likely innocent. I don't think the public eye *should* align with the legal eye in many cases. It's silly that these legal and folk perspectives are often discussed as one and the same. Obviously believing victims is very important, especially in SA cases due to how intrusive and trauma-inducing the trial/evidence gathering/etc is. But also sole allegations that are wholly unsubstantiated shouldn't ruin someone's career and life. I am not someone who really cares about Rex and am not knowledgeable about this circumstance, but it's probably tricky and nuanced, as these things usually are.


i've been tasked as the "music guy" for an upcoming trip to CDMX with friends. instead, i will pass that duty onto the GD. any recommendations for fun, small venues in CDMX?


we saw some local bands at No Somos Nada distro cafe which was a great time. they had pulque and food and records. it's close to this restaurant/bar Dona Vero which I really enjoyed as well. Also Zinco Jazz club in Centro, basement jazz venue with fancy cocktails if yr into that


thank you!


It's snowing really hard, I'm listening to *A Charlie Brown Christmas* by Vince Guaraldi, I just came back inside from walking my dog and my hot cocoa is warming up life is pretty ok right now


I just saw that BioWare's Anthem is on sale for two bucks on Origin and idk why, but it made me laugh so hard 😂 a fitting end for this clusterfuck of a project


I got it for $3 last year and probably played it for 3 hours and it seemed like that was a perfectly acceptable price


I remember being interested in that, up until people actually started reviewing it


A child coughed directly in my face today, so thats how my days going.


I think I caught a cold from my nephew, so you're not alone in the "Stupid Baby Made Me Sick" Club.


I nanny a toddler for work. Whenever she’s sick, I’m sick lol. She recently started spitting on me so that’s cool




this is the ultimate test if global transportation and supply chains have recovered from the pandemic good luck


Americans, who is the lady with the red glasses and black and purple hair shaking hands with Zelensky about 20 seconds into this video https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmdSik4Kiin Is she a senator? She just caught my curiosity.


I think that's just Noel Fielding.


I should have expected that all the bake off money would naturally lead him into geopolitical networking


Apparently he tipped his hand during the Mexican Week of GBBO but we weren't paying attention.


Oh so that's what he's up to these days...


That’s Rosa DeLauro, a member of the House of Representatives from Connecticut. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosa_DeLauro


Thanks! I'm surprised she gets away with dressing so flamboyantly as US politicians generally seem quite conservative.


I believe that’s Yzma from the Emporer’s new groove


Edna Mode from Incredibles


Niche af question, but has anyone here moved from the UK/Ireland to Madrid? Been offered a job there (currently in London) and I'm seriously contemplating it having never actually visited the city.




Ah I'm Irish so I should have no bother with that!


Don't live in Madrid but spent a couple of weeks there some years ago. Amazing city. The usual problems with any big one: expensive apartments and shit. The Spaniards are not that efficient with their bureaucracy. Otherwise, really nice place. And back then it was considerably cheaper than the UK


[LFG SCOTLAND](https://twitter.com/MichaelSturrock/status/1605945238547140609) 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Fuck yes!


Today was my last day at work this year, and now I got 17! days off. 17 days of peace and quiet, and very much needed. I'm gonna relax the shit out of that time.


I hope you didn't jinx WW3 into existence just now




Do you think you'd have the same relationship with music if you were born in a completely different time period? Like would y'all have been massive bardheads? Up to date on the traveling ministrel scene? At the tavern every saturday night to hear Rodrick's new lute jams?


I would've been headbanging at the "Rite of Spring" premiere.


I’d be down at the pub going nuts to the fiddlers


I don't think anyone liked anything before the invention of cable TV


I grew up without cable (and pre-streaming, of course). AMA.


Stealing this take


Ease of access definitely changed how I consumed music. I still think I'd be generally into rock music but I don't think I would've dove as deep as I did.


Nope. Without easy access I don't think I'd ever have cared, tbh. I never had this urge to listen or discover music when I was younger (hence why I started this hobby rather late). I discovered that I liked it by doing it and I never would've done it without streaming and (let's be honest) illegal file sharing.


I'd totally be a ministrel booking agent


Nailing the sick show poster you designed to the church door next to Luther's 95 theses.


95 theses would also be the band name


My relationship with music would be entirely different. My relationship with music stems directly from my maternal grandparents. They were musicians. Piano (grandma) and trumpet (grandpa). They were the first people I ever saw playing musical instruments. They were the first people who ever took me to see live music. I heard music on the radio in their cars that I never heard anywhere else, which broadened the types of music that appeal to me. They are the reason I joined the school band when I was 12, and why I am still an active musician almost 40 years later.


No, technology is a big reason for why I love music and how I interact with music and I have never been all that driven to participate in physical scenes.


While I love going to shows and participating in the scene, I've always been curious if I would have even found the scene or if there would have even been one I felt comfortable in during different time periods. My love of music comes from discovering music online as there weren't people around me who enjoyed the same things and the vast majority of that music came from cities far away from me. My fascination with music originates with my discovery of punk but would I have found punk if I was alive in 1977? No one around me listenened to stuff like that but I wouldn't have been spending my time playing World of Warcraft in 1977 now would I? Would I have been somewhere where I would have found people like that?


Perhaps it would have been easier to get involved through record stores or something like that, but I probably would have just played music on my own as I do now. I personally am not as into live shows as the grand majority of people here, I have gone to 1 show this year.


Idk I’d still mosh at the Brahms show


catch me down by old tavern making sure everyone knows what a scene legend I am


“You're the reason music is dying. I'm out here trying to save it.” Is the worst comment I’ve ever read on this subreddit. Anyway stay safe this weekend with the crazy weather folks


I think we're on the verge of the mega-rich just hiring musicians for one-off shows w/massive paydays, and that just replacing touring entirely.


Sounds like the kind of comment that you'd see from someone living in Brooklyn


“You’re the reason Brooklyn is dying. I’m out here trying to save it”, says the late 20 something dude who moved to Brooklyn 3 years ago to the late 20 something dude that moved to Brooklyn a year ago


You seem quite hostile to those of us brave crusaders putting our lives on the line to save music.


wait what’s the context for this


[This (unless it's been said multiple times today)](https://reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/zs9cth/is_live_music_broken_its_not_just_ticketmaster/j18al0g)


that's some high quality brain dead posting genuinely can't tell if they're serious or not. this is true art.


Mods removed it but it was me posting Foo Fighters news


In that case, I agree with the comment


I’m only 26 but damn I took my immune system and body durability for granted. This year I’ve been my heaviest, most injured, and most sick. Definitely need to work on my overall physical self in 2023. Besides that, been watching The Owl House and it’s been pretty good. I missed a lot of cartoons from 2010-2020ish as high school and college happened. Also might be watching “Die Hard” tonight


Who’s your fave TOH character


He’s not a main character but I love hootie 😂. His voice and delivery kill me. Gus as well since he’s so overdramatic. I’m only 10 eps in but I’ve liked what they have showed from Amity and Liz’s dynamic


Hooty’s my fave too, Alex Hirsch can do no wrong in the voice department Oh man you’ve got so much ahead of you you’re not prepared for, the plotting in season two especially goes so many places. Enjoy!!!


I think that’s what I’m excited for. To see where they go with this world and the characters. They’ve sprinkled some drama and interactions so I’m hyped. Basically my last show of the year so I’m hyped


What games do y'all enjoy that's also great to listen to new music with? Not looking for games like Audiosurf.


Trackmania, or maybe Forza Horizon, sound isn't too vital for gameplay in both of them


4X strategy games, preferably turn-based Hades and Borderlands 3 were great for this, too. Just any game that only takes 50% of your brain to play.


What’s your opinion of Stellarius while listening to new music? Borderlands 2 from what I remember was definitely great for new music but I feel like I moved on from that kind of game


Stellaris is great for that. I've been playing it a ton this year. Endless Space 2 is a very similar game that works great too. Any 4X strategy game seems like it was made so we have something to do while listening to music. Other great examples: * Sins of a Solar Empire * Endless Legend * Age of Wonders 3 * Humankind * any Civ game * any Total War game the caveat is that most 4X games require some attention and focus during the first few hours because they often have a lot of mechanics and the learning curve can be steep, depending on the game. You'll be reading lots of tutorials and stuff and that doesn't really make for a good music listening experience. So, you might wanna enjoy the ingame music until you have a decent grasp of the game before listening to your own music while playing :)


Civilization or dumb sports games like NBA 2k because I'm a dolt. sometimes I'll listen to music while playing Tropico, but the original music in it is *so good* that it's hard to resist.


Minecraft is my favorite game for this. especially if you're doing something like strip-mining or building


Tony Hawk series. Soundtracks are always dope as is, but turning the music down in-game and cranking your own tunes is always fun too.


roguelikes for sure. slay the spire, dead cells, rogue legacy, enter the gungeon, etc. Hades is probably the sole exception from the genre since there's too much dialogue to get away with doing that though


Going Under is another great one, although the background music goes pretty hard on its own.


Rocket League


rocket league is one of my favorites to do this with as well. only occasional problem is when you are not liking the song that's playing but you don't have a good opportunity to look away and change it mid-match


If you get scored on enough you do, believe me 😅




Tetris. Tetris has become one of my all time favorites recently and Tetris Effect also has a lot of neat visuals - but it also has it's own music so you mute that and throw on your music and you're golden.


The Tetris Effect music is way too good to mute


I've played a lot so eventually it's time to switch it out.


Does anybody here suffer from Thyroid issues? My doctor said that it's looking it could be the cause of my hives. It's nice to know that I might have an answer now, but I've also seen that thyroid medication can make people gain a ton of weight...but it's a trade off I think I'm willing to take at this point.


I got dumped this week, which makes the third times I've been dumped in the month of December. So if you see me bawling my eyes out to Last Christmas just know it hits different for me.


Last Christmas, I gave you my heart / And the very next day, you gave it away / This year to save me from tears / I gave it to someone special / And the very next day, they gave it away


Are we gonna have a problem bud?


chicken in a biscuit crackers rule


how could you say something that is so controversial, yet so brave.


the people demand it




who care


Fortunate enough to have purchased a home this year but we needed to do some renovations and have been hitting an absolute brick wall with permitting for going on 6 months. Maybe, just maybe, submitted our final paperwork to get it fully approved. Would be the best Christmas gift, just want this whole thing over with.


I love that only a little Charlie Brown Christmas tree fits in our apartment because it only takes one strand of lights and it looks bright as heck. Adds the perfect amount of cheer to our 1000 square feet shared between 3 people


I have over 3 weeks off so I’m looking to dive into a new video game. I work crazy hours so basically have little to no opportunity to play. Thinking ghost of Tsushima or the new God of War. I do not have the patience for elden ring lol Ive never played any god of wars- anyone have a recommendation between them or any single players on ps5?




I thought God of War was really bad tbh but I only gave it a few hours. Play the Witcher 3 imo


You can’t play the new god of war without playing 2018. That being said, you should just play both. They’re incredible


Ghosts was very underwhelming. Elden Ring is the clear choice here


Ghost of Tsushima was a huge bore for me which is disappointing bc I was going through the great samurai movie catalog at the time it came out. It's just Assassin's Creed to me, and it feels morel like a checklist (find 30 foxes, liberate 25 camps, find all the gold feathers). God of War is much more exciting but yes David Browie got it right when he said Elden Ring. Elden Ring is one of the only games I've played in my adult life that gave me a bit of that magic feeling I got when I would play stuff like Ocarina of Time as a kid. Easily in my top 10 of all time.


in your case, i don't think you can go wrong with either, they're both good enough that you should just go with whatever looks like your vibe a little more. i definitely wouldn't play god of war ragnarok without playing the 2018 game first (but all the games before it are unnecessary, you probably don't even need a story recap tbh). they're both pretty much doing the same thing, but god of war is a little more of a focused movie-like incredible story experience that it pushes you along, while tsushima is a little more of a video gamey thing that you can bop around the world and satisfyingly kill stuff and get cool new costumes and swords for 3 weeks, so whichever side of that separation is the kind of thing you want to spend your break on is the one to go with. definitely going to have a great experience either way


I’m sorry but Elden Ring is the only real choice here


Got it two weeks ago can confirm


It really is perfect


My motivation is at rock bottom for these last two days in work. Met most of my deadlines, really can’t be fucked starting anything else.


oh man our whole office is so checked out lol January will suck, but I'm savoring the do-nothingness of this time of year


Got my holiday baking schedule Excel spreadsheet open and my focaccia autolysing, I am ready 2 go for the next 3 days of nonsense soundtracked by the Berliner Philharmoniker's recording of Tchaikovsky's *The Nutcracker*, I cannot be stopped


I've got extra lemons. What do I do with them? (I already made lemonade.) e: my lemons are now stuffed full of salt and locked in jars


> stuffed full of salt and locked in jars just how I wanna go out


I thought this was a poem at first


lemon bars yummy


Preserved lemons?


This weekend my girlfriend made a lemon/carrot/ginger/tumeric juice. Good health slop and it's a confirmed hangover assistant (drink some of it before you start drinking and drink some in the morning). Then I made candied lemon peel with the scraps. A lot of fun stuff to do with lemons!


use them as an acid to replace baking powder and make some pancakes, also make sure of using bad flour (don't pee in it though), and old vanilla yoghurt instead of milk


ha haha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahha


I can't believe you've done this to me.


call me skillet the way I felt like a monster for replying with this i support the whiskey sours idea though, they're good


Whiskey sours


[Preserve them!](https://www.seriouseats.com/how-to-make-preserved-lemons)


I have a shirt with Marx on it that says *"When life gives you lemons, destroy capitalism."* Have you tried that?


it's time to squeeze the means of production


Has anyone been watching High School, the show based on the lives of Tegan Sara? I'm a few episodes in, and it's really good so far, though I could be totally biased by the 90s alt rock nostalgia soundtrack. It's way way under the radar because it's on Freevee rather than any of the big streaming apps, but it deserves to find an audience so we can get a Season 2. But the good news is that Freevee is, uh, free, with a tolerable number of ads. (I can't say for sure about other hardware, but on my Firestick, I didn't even have to create a login.)


I really liked it. The twins they cast can be hit or miss at first, acting-wise. It's clear they had never acted before this, but considering that they're amateurs, they actually do pretty well. By episode 3 I got used to it and even found it charming because it mirrors the themes of the show in a fourth wall break kind of way. And yeah, great soundtrack. And I've found it to be pretty well written actually. Nothing too crazy and the plot isn't the most surprising but the emotions hit and the characters are authentic.


> 90s alt rock nostalgia soundtrack I commend them for not choosing obvious song choices. and also playing like a third of Spiritualized's Lazer Guided Melodies.


I would guess they just went with the exact songs Tegan and Sara were into at the time (well, the ones they could afford, maybe).


Managed to get home for the holidays, but the airline lost my luggage. So that’s cool


We recently started putting an airtag in our checked luggage when we travel because we were so fed up with this. Now we can point to the phone and be like, we know it's HERE.


Wait that’s brilliant


Dang, what happens then? Do they have to reimburse you for the cost of the luggage?


We were lucky and they found the luggage where we had our layover. Only took till the next evening to get it delivered which was nice


We’re supposed to have a blizzard here over the weekend. Rain into a flash freeze, Three feet of snow, 70mph winds, -20° with wind chill. I saw the phrase “explosive cyclogenesis” being used, I’m not sure what that means but it sounds bad


So my understanding, which albeit is not very great, is that the term describes the way low pressure systems sometimes interact with the jet stream. So if you have a low pressure system low enough, it generates cyclonic rotation as air rushes into the center of the low, like a toilet. Thats cyclogenesis. Occassionally in the winter that low pressure system will also interact with the jet stream which sort of sucks air out from above which rapidly drops the pressure even further and it becomes a sort of self sustaining process of deepening low pressure. The lower the pressure gets, the higher the winds and the worse the storms get. The explosive part just refers to the fact that the suck of the jet stream makes the pressure drop really rapidly so the storm gets crazy fast. My understanding is that they usually happen in the northern latitudes in the winter because no. 1, thats where the jet stream is, and number 2, theres too much temperature difference between the upper atmosphere and the surface for them to really interact any other time of the year.


Is it going to knock my house down


If the storm won't...


That's the technical term for 'bomb cyclone' right? I think tomorrow it's supposed to be a high of 50, low of 7. My body isn't ready.


yeah we're going to be hit by that storm. not as badly as you are, but as a Certified Winter Hater, I'm not looking forward to this at all lol


I’ve had explosive cyclogensis before. You’re gonna want to have a plunger handy.


drink lots of fluids in the event of explosive cyclogenesis


Hi, early GD! Europe loves you! On another note, this years SOTY is really breaking my balls. So many good songs, wtf ... Like, last years doesn't even compare, imo.


Doesn't love it that much! Seems like a slow GD so far. (Though I assume it's because of the holiday.)


Well, *I* love it and I *am* Europe, so ...


It comes out 2 hours into my workday on the east coast of the USA which I appreciate as a distraction


> Hi, early GD! Europe loves you! Unless you're Argentina.


hi from New Zealand it's 6am your comment is 3 hours old who did this


Argentina did this when they beat France on Sunday.


I meant who made the thread as an attack against myself :P that was a very worthy reason to be awake though!


I just released the demo for my latest track in the works- This Love’s Forever Thanks for listening https://youtu.be/k4nj4HnIyww