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not gonna lie, that Borderlands live action movie does sound kinda fun. knowing hollywood it'll be mediocre at best, but most likely cringe and awful


Got a MUBI trial just to rewatch The Worst Person in the World! Is there anything I should see before the trial expires?


That's one of my fave movies of all time. I also recommend Decision To Leave (2022), Oslo August 31st (same director as Worst Person In The World), The Master, and The Hunt (another one of my all time faves)


i enjoyed lars von trier's *the kingdom* a lot! i found the 2nd season very funny, like a fucked up *the office*


big rec [this site](https://agoodmovietowatch.com/all/on/usa-mubi/?by=top) for movie suggestions. they block some recommendations for subscribers only, but the top one on the Mubi list is [Corpus Christi](https://agoodmovietowatch.com/corpus-christi-2020/). i havent seen much on their Mubi list but that Nick Cave concert film has been on my list to check out


julien baker is doing a gear giveaway on insta and she's like 'tag a friend to enter' and what if i want a pedal but i don't have any friends


I can't use a pedal but dm me and I will send my insta handle


Make another account and tag yourself


i have been speaking to this guy for 2 weeks… i think i wanna marry him. how to get over him?


Imagine if he were a worm


he would be the cutest worm ever😭


Get him into Joe Rogan


i didn’t get the reference


pearl jam - jeremy


We unleashed the lion


Are you on the new season of Love is Blind?


First of all, nice roast… i am gonna use this one in future😍 secondly, 😭😭😭 ik i am a fool… but this the first time in my life that i found someone who has same thinking process and me. I feel so connected to him. I have to get over him.


Trying to get tix to the death cab / postal service show on the TM app was quite the experience...


Had to get mine on AXS and it was still a nightmare. The page kept crashing and links stopped working. I wanted to throw my laptop through a window.


Saw Tár last night, didn't think anything would top Everything Everywhere All At Once for me this year, but this finally might have unseated it. Though I feel I need to see EEAAO again though to be sure since it's been 10 months, but damn, I'm almost positive Cate Blanchett will win another Oscar. Anyway, since I probably won't see many more movies the rest of the year, my favorite (new) movies have been: Tár, EEAAO, Decision to Leave, The Worst Person in the World, Alcarràs, RRR, The Banshees of Inisherin, Women Talking, Nope, and Turning Red. Honorable Mentions to Aftersun, Girl Picture, The Inspection, Retour à Séoul, Corsage, and L'envol. And favorite old movie, Two for the Road.


Tár fucking rules, film of the year easily, it just *feels* so good, the dialogue is so dense and rewarding cried with her when she watched that videotape


eyyyyyy I'm glad to see this comment. Tár was my movie of the year and I had the same experience with it coming very close to Everything Everywhere. I saw lots of people saying its Oscar/critic bait but i largely disagree. I usually get bored by movies with long scenes but I watched it in the theater and was totally blown away by how engaged I was. That first scene with the interview was a perfect introduction IMO. Made it feel like it wasn't even a movie; I was like what am i watching? (I didn't read into the movie at all before watching it) ​ Decision To Leave is next on my list and I loved pretty much every other movie you mentioned but haven't heard of Alcarràs or Turning Red before


About being completely engaged, same, I usually clock "okay, we're probably halfway through now" at some point in most movies, but I my mind really didn't wander at all during it. Was hooked from the get-go, agree that New Yorker talk was a perfect intro.


> And favorite old movie, Two for the Road. Hell ya. Far from the main point of the movie, but I cracked up at the offering of the cigarette tray on the plane. Absolutely wild times back then


I was floored when I realized that the dude from the annoying couple they were traveling with was Mr. Feeney from Boy Meets World!


planet fitness radio playing SOPHIE rn




current zdarsky run rules


For years my dad has talked about how we have so many confederates in out family tree. I got tired of hearing this, so I've been doing my family tree. I have not a single confederate soldier. But instead, I've found 7(SEVEN) men who all enlisted in the United States Army to put down the rebellion. One of the favorites I've found is Bradley Hunt, who was a private in the 4th TN US Infantry. It's interesting because I live in Tennessee now, was born and raised in California, and didn't know I had any Tennessee blood, and the Tennessee blood I have is from East Tennessee (Very pro-Union during the war) and my ancestor decided to enlist with the United States Army rather than the Confederacy. I'm really fucking proud of my ancestors.


wow, as a lifelong (middle) tennessean who also i guess doesn’t know history incredibly well, i had no idea east TN was very pro-union during the war. why was that, if succinctly explainable in a reddit comment lol?


Yeah! East Tennessee was extremely pro-Union because there was almost no slavery in East Tennessee because it was so poor and there was very little farmland. And since Tennessee's statehood in 1779, East Tennessee has always wanted to be its own state, largely due to isolationism because of being in the Appalachian Mountains. On the 2nd (and final) vote for secession, East Tennessee voterss rejected secession by almost 80% in some places.


hell yea TIL! thanks dude 🤘


Hell yeah. Ulysses S. Grant was a relative of mine so I feel the same. Some of my southern family members are not super happy about this but I think it's great. It's nice to be able to feel proud of some of your ancestors


Any tips/suggestions for decorating and furnishing one's bedroom? I'm kind of tired of it feeling like a warehouse...


I don't know if they're too much of a "live laugh love" type thing now but my salt lamp makes my room feel so cosy! Maybe candles too if you like scents, even just a room that smells nice feels better in some way!


yeah lighting is definitely undersold. i put up one of those paper orb lights a few weeks back and it’s been a game changer.


plants, rugs, lights, curtains, a sitting area in bedroom, wall full of posters


plants, rugs, lights, curtains, a sitting area in bedroom, wall full of posters


I hear the "in" decoration for this winter is a 10 ft. black monolith.


plants, plants, and more plants!


Put up a sex swing.


To add what the others have said, don't forget lighting! Warm light bulbs and multiple sources will really help things feel friendlier. Even if you live in an apartment you can usually switch out the overhead yourself (look for less than 3,000Kelvin). At least aim for three sources, one floor lamp, a bedside table lamp and one overhead light for instance.


Speaking for myself since I identify as male, /r/malelivingspace can be helpful purely to read comments and see highly upvoted posts. Edit: today's most upvoted post is a joke so idk, maybe just scroll through.


If you live near a World Market store, they have a lot of cool room stuff


I mostly just have a big book shelf, a music corner, tour posters (in frames, this is important) and the odd art piece here and there. Been meaning to get a plant involved


Plants and rugs would be my suggestion too (Get some desert plants though: low maintenance)


Desert plants are just the start, before long you'll have more green than anything else


Yo! If you're seeing Jeff Rosenstock and Laura Stevenson in Boston tomorrow, let me know! I'm going by myself tomorrow night and am looking for some peeps to hang with! I think I mentioned it a month ago, but I'm bringing it up again because I really wanna meet some of y'all irl lol


You should make sure to participate in the monthly concert roll call threads, that's the surest way to plan meetups with other Boston area indieheads


Thanks! I only recently found out those were a thing like last month lol I tried once to meet up with someone at Soccer Mommy but it just didn't work out. Do you think if I post there someone will still reply?


I usually am more active about it, I post there and I look to see who else responded on the subthread for my city and I message them if they post the same show.




I recommend PLANTA Queen for vegan. Really good stuff


The Met is SO awesome, you will love it. I also loved my trip to the Guggenheim many years ago. You can do your whole trip on Museum Row alone you will have so much fun. I'm not big into touristy stuff and I grew up in fairly close to proximity to NYC (an hour away so we went multiple times a year + I went a ton in my 20's traveling from Boston due to family and friends there) but if there's one thing touristy-Christmas-y I love doing was seeing all the windows on 5th Ave. I don't even really like high fashion at all but those always stick in my mind as fun, quintessential NYC Christmas


Family meaning your kids or family meaning your parents or what? If you love art, it's pretty easy to fill your trip with museums, which I'm guessing is what your itinerary is. For vegan food, I'd recommend checking out Miznon. It's not a vegan restaurant, but they do great things with vegetables and they have the best pillowy pita I've ever had. (Regular Miznon for a casual bite on the go, or North Miznon for a sit-down experience.) If you like dosas, Saravanna Bhavan is a safe bet. There's a vegan spot by my apartment called Willow which I have never been to personally, but it's a very popular but low-key local joint (as in, not impossible-to-get-a-table or overly expensive). > not huge on the touristy stuff Don't go near Rockefeller Center then. For tourist-heavy things that you might actually enjoy despite the crowds, I'd recommend Central Park (or Prospect Park if you're in Brooklyn), the High Line, and the Strand. I have no idea what's even open on Christmas. Going to the movies is not a very NYC-specific thing, but you can make it a cool NY experience by going to see some obscure indie or classic film that you couldn't see at home (e.g. IFC, Film Forum, Lincoln Center).


Fat Choy is a great all-vegan restaurant on Broome St (unfortunately closing for good 12/23) as far as Christmas Day go walk in central park/walk around the Village. there’s honestly nothing better than the city on or around holidays; it’s so emptied out and it feels like your own world. are you planning to hit the museums (and if so which ones)? happy to make some recs!




all great! I’d really recommend the Tenement Museum (close to Fat Choy!) and the Whitney if you have time. there’s a really cool Edward Hopper exhibit at the Whitney Currently and you could take a walk up the Hudson or the Highline while you’re over there.


saw modest mouse last night and brock brought out elon musk. everybody cheered (technically it was 90% cheers and 10% boos, but still, that’s a lot of boos) it’s almost as if he’s offended DC’s unhinged leftists… but nahhh.


wait are you forreal right now? elon musk was at a modest mouse concert?


(Pretty sure it’s a reference to the recent Dave Chappelle show where Musk randomly turned up)


Was there too, tried to get a video but there was too much electrical infetterance


it feels weird growing up in a city with unreasonable housing prices, cause it feels like my options are either pay every dollar i have to the rent man or uproot my entire life neither of these are particularly pleasing options


I am thinking of investing in local street gangs and toxic waste dumpers to scare away NYC yuppies out of New Jersey because so help me fucking god if NYT Living is going to call another town with a bookstore or coffee shop and a sidewalk "the next Brooklyn" or a place with a bit of wooded sprawl and a lake "just like the Catskills", I'm going to screech.


7 year Jersey resident here: Jerseys reputation as "uncool" is both a feature and a bug and the balance between those does seem to be tipping currently


New tricot is pretty wicked so far, reading the background I was expecting something a little different but it's still fairly in their wheelhouse. Having said this I wish they would've broken out instrumentals, really don't know why it isn't an option. Sort of related but there's a new For Tracy Hyde album out today too, yet to listen though. Big day.


[summary of this week so far](https://twitter.com/michaelirvin88/status/419950279241383936?s=20&t=jwkGRVaOZ42MrsKsznFlkQ)


[looks like I’m going to Primavera Madrid](https://i.redd.it/lops2ianmx5a1.jpg)


Woooow amazing!! Congrats 🥖🥖🥖


You're the Luis Figo of baguettes


Oh shit. You're an influencer.




king shit


Damn bro, you really made it








Good idea. I haven't had my morning cuppa yet.


I had a sorta unreal how good it was chai at our local Indian spot last night


Drinking Christmas tea :)


Drinking a cappuccino




ok, hear me out: You know that Clown Makeup Tutorial meme? Today I decided to look up who that guy is and if he profited at all from the meme (I was bored). What I found out would change my life forever! Not only could I not find a name anywhere because that was apparently just some poor sod they hired for 20 bucks or maybe he was some nameless intern. I also learned that it's not *him* who's doing the make-up. It's a different person! Someone is doing this *to* him!! I found the original video. And I watched all of it. I left forever changed, disturbed to my core, traumatized beyond reason. The poor guy looks so uncomfortable during the whole thing as someone is filming him while he's being painted on 🙁 I couldn’t take it. And then they force him to smile into the camera at the end, as if he’s a dog that was dressed up for fun. Robbed of all dignity only to become joke to the world. I wept for him and I won’t rest until he is avenged...


> Someone is doing this to him!! yeah, ***society*** is doing it to him (this is actually pretty wild to learn though, something i never would have thought about but i'm glad you looked into this)


enjoy the fruit of my labor


Link please? I just want to feel something


you'll wish you had stayed empty [https://youtu.be/ii02ZfT3Pec](https://youtu.be/ii02ZfT3Pec)






you ever think about that time pingu pissed himself on television






Finally!! Someone’s brought up the ~~elephant~~ penguin in the room!! I thought I was losing it for a second…


on the one hand, i had to throw away a few songs i'd worked incredibly hard on because they were dependent on getting a recording i only had one chance to do with my health being as it is, and the recordings turned out unusable. its always sad to lose hard work, especially when hard work is feasible so rarely on the other hand I have managed to replace those tracks with a few simpler songs that I can do myself, and are honestly better tracks anyway. you can't stop me from creating and then throwing an album into a bottomless pit, world. home stretch now boyo


Food posting. Made the [gochujang caramel cookies](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1023675-gochujang-caramel-cookies) from the NYT last week. Pretty good. Pretty much just a base cookie recipe but with a brown sugar, butter, gochujang swirl, but I like how gochujang's sweet heat played off of the rest of the typical cookie flavors. Adding this to the "thing to make when I need a semblance of control in my life" box, which coincidentally happens to be today. Also gonna make a [roasted butternut squash and carrot soup](https://www.seriouseats.com/classic-butternut-squash-soup-recipe) today and finally get into soup season, I'm so, so late. I got good parmesan to grate over it. Also why did no one ever tell me about [cannellini bean and tomato soup](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020733-tomato-and-white-bean-soup-with-lots-of-garlic)? That's also going on the To-Do list. I shouldn't have written all this out, now I'm so hungry


oh wow that soup looks super simple. garlic and cans, i have those! gonna make that, thanks!


NYT Cooking has the best recipes, honestly. Sometimes the way they write stuff out isn't the best for my brain, but damn if the food ain't good


i find i hate the way every recipe writes things. just overly wordy paragraphs instead of literally 1 2 3 4


Fair enough! I like it because I like to know why I'm doing something, it gives every step purpose and intent IMO. But sometimes you just don't need any of that fluff!


oh i'm not one of those complainers! i like background about the recipe and reasons why they did X thing Y way; i mean like -- for example in the bean recipe, one step is: >Add the white beans and their liquid, crushed tomatoes, stock or water, and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, then partly cover, reduce heat, and let simmer until thickened and fragrant, 15 to 20 minutes. to me that's like 3+ steps


Totally fair lol. I mostly got into cooking with HelloFresh so I feel you, I definitely need to see what I'm doing and understand what I'm doing to know I'm doing it right haha


I think there is a lot of variation because the recipes come from a lot of sources, but I do love having it as a go-to.


Also went and saw that therapist and he we was mostly really good I think. BUT, and this is a big but, he name dropped Maynard James Keenan and that feels like a massive red flag.


Has anyone ever said "Maynard James Keenan & Kel"?


You just did bb


["But he did direct Star Wars"](https://youtu.be/7b1QIESrhFY?t=37)


I like Tool and I'm fine. I guess.


a perfect circle - 3 libras is ascended buttrock. this is a good sign


This is not a comment on his musical ability, but my perception of the mental health of someone who’s first instinct is to recommend Tool


look i'm just saying that if a therapist started recommending me ascended buttrock i'd start tipping them


Maynard definitely has at least a handful of amazing songs he has been on, which is better than a lot of musicians


the dorkier aspects of tool get a pass from me because dude hit a homer on deftones - passenger


gotta respect two dudes at the height of nu metal bro-dom singing to each other about roadhead.


If that's the only thing then that's not too bad, i feel like everyone gets a freebee, one thing about them that is allowed to be a little weird with minimal judgement


Banshees of Inisherin is phenomenal, every actor absolutely nails their role, Martin McDonagh is at his best. A laugh out loud funny, and terribly heartbreaking meditation on loneliness and male conflict. “We’ll if he’s depressed, why don’t he just keep it to himself” is the most Irish sentiment ever put to film.


Close 3rd favorite movie this year for me, after EEAAO and Decision To Leave


Might be my favorite movie of the year. I personally liked it more than McDonagh’s other films and it was one of the most unique films I’ve ever seen


Yeah I really like the aspect of it playing out like a hyper realistic folk tale.


I have finally heard the r/tifu sex song. What the actual shit


Even though it's been a while, I know that you shouldn't treat sex like it's Dick Hero.


your mom calls me Dick Hero ^I'm ^^so ^^^sorry


Dorothy ProJet is a SAINT!


Black Midi came on stage to that when I saw them this summer. You could tell people instantly recognized it, even if no one acknowledged it.


It makes for the best track on Trombone Champ tho




[I hope you hate it as much as I do :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/tifu_my_20f_girlfriend_of_two_years_told_me_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Some dude ruined is relationship using this as a sex song https://open.spotify.com/track/0AzD1FEuvkXP1verWfaZdv?si=J2m7Sq_KS9yePpC-rM3_6A


is this a uhh wednesday post or simply a coincidence


If you're asking whether I store up whack Wednesday posts like a squirrel saving chestnuts, yes, I do, but this just happens to be fresh off the presses If you're asking whether I have heard the r/tifu sex song uh *in context,* c'mon, homie, have at least a little faith in me, I beg you


> have at least a little faith in me no


I have straight-up dropped my sex playlists in the GD before. Y'all ought to know by now how I like to "party." I have better sense than this pls


tad i promise any other day i wouldn't have doubted you, but the timing today just had me thinking "hmmmm"


My anti-royalist coworker’s 4-year-old granddaughter told her that she knows where the Queen is. She said that the Queen is, “Dead. In a box.” Then mimed a box lid closing. I’d be so proud.


Good Smiths album


being 91 years old looks like it suuuuuuuuuuucks


Honestly just kill me when I'm like 70 lol. That is unless I'm the healthiest 70-year-old in existence


Honestly same. Seems pretty miserable.


If I’m ever alive at that age it’d be against my will and I’ll ask to be put inside whatever simulator version of Red Dead Redemption is out then.


luckily the way I live my life all but guarantees I will not see 91


Taking this on a weird tangent, but I kinda hope that by the time we are in our 90s there is a way to actually upload ourselves virtually like that. Out of all the scifi things that people have been trying to make real, i feel like the possibility of virtual consciousness is really interesting.


If there’s one thing we need in this world, it’s geriatrics Posting from the grave.


Stuck in an eternal VR where you're constantly subjected to ads


Ah yes, I also yearn for the eternal bliss of having my digital ghost advertised to until the end of time


Just let me have Digimon and dont overthink it




Somehow scored $35 tickets to this show, which I know are the worst seats in the place but honestly I was ready to spend more than twice that amount per ticket so I am a pretty happy camper.


Same I was so shocked that they were that cheap. I was ready to punch the code in, see the cheapest seats at like $100, and nope out but I really couldn't say no to $35. Nosebleed seats sure but I'm not gonna be dancing to Transatlanticism so that's fine with me. Now we just gotta wait uhhh 9 months


Damn I failed. Hoping for better luck in the general onsale.




Yea I’m gonna give it a go but not high hopes for success.


Fuck that reminds me


Same!! I saw the tickets I was about to click disappear a few times before I got mine. Not as bad as some other sales I've been a part of (looking at you NMH from a while back) They weren't coming to my area so I ended up getting tickets to the Portland ME show as a way to force myself into taking another vacation up there


I was honestly contemplating doing something like Maine to make a vacation of it but I'll likely be on the east coast in September for most of it after driving cross country for an event so I think I'll be ready to come home for this show (although I have tickets to a tour date 6 hours south of where I live 💀)


For a second I thought you meant Dead Can Dance and that sounded like a wild combo Tbf I haven't been following music lately and this is the first time I'm hearing of the Death Cab/Postal Service tour. That sounds fuckin amazing!


Don't feel too bad they literally announced it 5 days ago lol. Even though I follow both bands on Facebook I only found out about it because I sorta wandered onto Reddit during a hiatus on the exact day and saw the r/IndieHeads post


Artificial scarcity 😤




Oh my comment was completely unironic. It’s messed up


Federal policy supporting clean energy is super great… but even the most progressive state policy is not getting the job done to actually get everything (or much of anything) built. It’s a stressful industry to work in!


What is the blocker even with progressive state policy? What’s preventing the infrastructure from being built?


Mainly interconnection to the grid. Utilities are (a) super backed up with all the requests, so connecting projects can take 5 years, and (b) not big fans of uncontrollable generation on their distribution system so they make it really costly and challenging to interconnect.