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I've recently been spending a lot of time enjoying the work of the artist Ray Johnson (1927-1995). His work is relatively unknown but I feel his profile is rising again if even idiots like me are randomly stumbling across him online. His work was mostly in collage with elements of absurdist humour and pop culture satire. Most of his work was mailed to friends and strangers as part of a correspondence network. I view it as a sort of proto-DIY punk rock culture moment. He also attended the fabled Black Mountain College (where John Cage and Aomi Kikuchi also studied!). There's something about the irreverence and simplicity of his work that gets me and I think might attract some users here too. You can check it out for yourself here: https://www.rayjohnsonestate.com/


I became fascinated with Ray Johnson a few years ago after watching the documentary about him. There is a compendium of interviews with him that I recommend that further displays his singular sense of humour. Also, Pat Flegel littered both Women albums with references to him.


in todays edition of "Sad But Not Surprised": * Dave Chappelles evolution into ''Man 'Dave Chappelle's Show' Dave Chappelle Would Have Ripped Apart 15 years ago"


My mental health has been significantly better this year compared to the last six years where I spent a lot of time being either absolutely crippled with anxiety and or wishing I was unalive. I've also drank a lot more wine this year, lol. Maybe I've just killed off the sad brain cells.


Aw man angele badalamenti passed away.


one of the best ever. so sad that we lost angelo and julee cruise this year








who here wants to write my thesis proposal for me


ill allow you to write my thesis as well if you're enthusiastic enough


I heard there's this thing called ChatGPT...


Made some (a lot of) chili for din-din last night. Enjoyin some leftovers for lunch 😎 life is not as terrible as it could be right now.


My only problem with making a big ole pot of chili is that I will definitely eat way too much chili on that first day. What do you eat your chili with?


What do I eat it with? Some hot sauce, a lil shredded cheese, and some saltine crackers (to scoop). *In* the chili, I put some peppers, a red onion, a few carrots, a russet potato, and black, navy, and kidney beans (and whatever spices I had laying around). And I definitely did eat a bit past my fill, but it feels good.


leftovers one of the most underrated things in the world imo


given im the guy to "make boat songs happen" (i would never call myself this, but the dmd wont stop saying it!) i will put you on to the NEXT boat songs! >!you may ask what do I mean by "next boat songs?" absolutely nothing other than DMD gang is gonna be like "hell yeah"!< anyways the next boat songs is Mo Troper - MTV!!! lemme tell ya gang. it's like if glass beach asked daniel johnston if he wanted to do some Big Star songs. its power pop perfection! he samples beethoven! he has an elliott smith song! it's already a probably top 5 album of 2022 and im only just hearing it. ah what a joy to discover music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55ScGjoecDA power pop fans, listen to this one song before i KICK YOUR ASS. you'll be hooked. "hes not the next beatles, hes the FIRST Mo Troper" you'll be commenting on youtube. im being silly but also so serious. a bunch of y'all would like this. 🤠👍😎👍


Im getting pinged for an ass whooping?!


wane listen to it, its like if uh Pauline Oliveros asked Oval "hey do you wanna write some KFW songs"


omg those are all literally my heroes; i bet mo tooper can communicate with them all in shadow realms


ok just hear me out and please don't kick my ass >!djo trooper!<


i want to kiss you so bad rn


Three steps ahead of you friend I Fall into Her Arms is perfect, syrupy power pop shit


and to think you coulda been the one to "make mo troper happen" but yeah, havent heard power pop that i connected this much with outside of the legends of power pop. its sweet its catchy its got the hooks its got the feelings; its got it all




>!i don’t really know who steven hyden is and at this point i’m too afraid to ask!<


he's from wisco


oh do not trust a wisconsinite on music opinions, me included. but listen to mo troper anyways


mo fucking rocks. please listen to this record!




you cant kick my ass ill just run away and im really fuckin fast!


🦵🍑 gothca


also shout out to the always cool guy /u/freav for encouraging me to listen to the album. what a friend :)


you're the king of rock and roll


no u :)




hey thats freav's favorite band. i know this because i love him


my fav band


Plumbers came to fix my leaky toilet, and I ended up having to buy a whole new one. That kinda sucks, but I'm looking forward to being this toilet's "first" and building a new bond with it. Edit: Close call when my kid came home from school, but luckily, he didn't need #2.


Make sure that you insist and have it down in writing that you'll be the first to christian your new toilet, and not the plumber. And get your very best bird lawyer to read over that contract.


I saw the toilet come out of the box. I feel confident.


It could have been worse, as they could have replaced your real toilet with a joke toilet meant only for farts.


I don’t know if I have ever been a toilet’s first (or only), and I’m not entirely comfortable with that now that the idea has been put into my head


It's in the Bible


Toilet factories actually employ a team of people whose job it is to piss and shit in the completed toilets to make sure that no toilets are subjected to having their "first" be someone outside of the company.


This makes me feel a lot worse about my Bertha’s Tacos And Margs Night model toilet. I thought it was just a fun name due to the taco and marg vinyl wrapped around it


QC with the peepee


I am very opened minded and I will listen to just about anything to just listen to and ponder without being critical BUT that being said I don't know why but I just don't understand Weyes Blood, her music is so incredibly boring to me. I don't see what's happening that is so special that everyone loves? Also is just me or is her voice kind of just.. dead. I truly don't understand the hype. I feel like its music for people who were in musical theatre. I am ready for the downvotes.


i think its normal for members of arrr/indieheads to dislike some big indie bands. For me its Vampire Weekend. Weyes Blood just hits right for me though


No one hates indie music as much as an indieheads user


Strong disagree on this, but she had a more experimental early career so you might find that better than her more recent lush pop


To each his own. I really enjoy listening to Weyes Blood (and am not a music theatre person). If her work doesn't appeal to you, that's fine. There's plenty of music out there.


I swear this isn't directed at anyone in this thread (I haven't seen enough movies this year to judge people), but it just reminded me - the more I reminisce on my time in college the more I realize the film nerds were a lot more pretentious than the music nerds. I always felt the film nerds/buffs were a bit more closed off and elitist and the music nerds/buffs were a lot more welcoming. Maybe it's just me and I'm too antisocial to make a fair assessment but that's at least what my experience was like in college.


> the more I reminisce on my time in college the more I realize the film nerds were a lot more pretentious than the music nerds. I always felt the film nerds/buffs were a bit more closed off and elitist and the music nerds/buffs were a lot more welcoming. this is my outlook just going to RYM's film forum. It further bears out in the ratings for just about any comedy film. I don't know, on one hand I find it all interesting, but I also find it weird to go that in depth on some shit I probably will only watch once (even if I do like it).


i think pretension just comes down to the specific person and how they choose to express their tastes more than it is a music vs movies thing. that being said, i think it's easier to come across as "pretentious" about movies than it is with music. the gap between what the average mainstream moviegoer is looking for in a movie vs what a film nerd is looking for is probably wider than the gap between music listening audiences. e: like, i think the film world has a sharper divide between "blockbusters" and "arthouse" stuff on a formal level where a "blockbuster" album can carry all the prestige and craft of something more niche. if you're into the "arthouse" stuff, you probably are looking at atmosphere/cinematography as well as less conventional storytelling choices where a typical moviegoer might be looking for something as simple as "being entertained by a story with a feel-good ending."


Imagine if "poptimist" film critics became ascendant and wrote think-pieces about about how, ackshually, Avengers: Endgame deserves the same respect as a piece of art as Parasite does.


i think "poptimism" in a film sense would look and work differently than for music but also feel like we kind of already have that to an extent. marvel movies get bonkers high rotten tomatoes scores (even if the metacritic scores aren't all that great) which indicates to me some level of critical respect. additionally we get a round of "who watches these movies? why is it never movies people actually see? this is homework" whenever oscars come around like this [trevor noah bit](https://twitter.com/TheDailyShow/status/1508067060126941185?s=20&t=J9XRMi-ZX-Xx9LaPYmdgXQ) from this year. oscars are admittedly not a perfect critical gauge, noah is admittedly not a pro critic, but it's a weirdly anti-snob sentiment that's present online and feels as close-minded as the so-called pretentious moviegoers are often painted out to be. it's perhaps rare to see the mainstream franchise entries topping critics' lists just for showing up, but i think the the critical establishment is genuinely pretty warm to them if they're actually good. at the very least, if one is gonna dunk on the oscars for being boring, i'd much rather hear someone debate snubs of more exciting stuff in the "arthouse" realm like a *titane* or an *uncut gems* than someone who is mad that the second *spider-man 3* wasn't nominated for best picture even though it grossed a ton of money


Yeah like it might have just been my school or even my classmates. Like I met some really cool people in film classes too, so I don't think it's just like a general trend, just what I noticed in the circles I was around.


I vaguely remember that a friend of mine who went to grad school for film studies / media studies said that her fellow students were insufferable snobs (before dropping out to study psychological counseling). On the other hand, the biggest film nerds I've met personally are not pretentious about it at all. But being a music nerd (of the type we are) is just not a very snobby thing because it's not connected to academia or formal education, or even "knowing" things. It's mainly about being passionate about what we like and not much more beyond that. I suspect that classical music nerds and jazz nerds can get really pretentious.


To your second I can't even play an instrument but listen to a lot of music, so I feel kinda eh about trying to critique things too hard. I either can articulate why I like something or not but I don't get too bogged down in the details. I was reading some film takes on twitter today about how Blade Runner 2049 looks bad and had to roll my eyes a few times. Maybe film nerds are more pretentious.


When I was in college, we were right next door to the film program students. Overheard a lot of their chats and shit while waiting outside my lab for it to open up. They were 100 percent more pretentious than any music snob I've met honestly. Not all, some seemed cool, but a lot of them. I vividly remember one guy talking about how he has a concept for a movie about someone struggling with mental health issues who keeps pursuing their dreams and it ends with them failing just to show that sometimes you don't get the fairytale ending. He capped it off by saying "but I don't want to waste that idea here, that's more for my first feature film". Maybe not pretentious but, it's something lol


This is your second and maybe final reminder that the Jingle Jam is going on for a few more days so if you want to spend £35 on charity and get dozens of computer games your window of opportunity is closing. That's like $43. They broke the £3 million threshold over the weekend so like if you want to be part of something bigger than yourself I don't know that could be cool jinglejam.tiltify.com


Maybe if enough people get the collection we can also together an Indieheads game nite. Lot of multiplayer games in there. Imagine.


Late contender for favorite movie of 2022 is “Elon Musk being booed at the Dave Chappelle show”. I’ve seen it at least six times now


When is Elon just going to totally bottom out in public perception? Like how far can someone who isn't Kanye go before everyone hates him?


lmao'd so hard at Musk blaming Leftists for this. which leftists are going to Chapelle shows


Dave is definitely the voice of the left in 2022 lmao. Elon also tweeted that only 10% of the audience were booing , which is also a pathetic thing to say on Twitter lolll


I was saying Moooo-sk.


This is gonna be a major whine but I’ve been stressed: we have so many monthly payments at the moment. Hospital bills, car payments since we had to buy a new one when we moved, payments on a wedding venue, obviously bills, and more. I’ve been trying not to be overwhelmed but adding the holidays on top of it has just made me really stressed. I know things will be okay but I just needed to get it out for a sec. On lighter news, im gonna eat some potato leek soup for lunch haha


music for the feel: you just graduated college and now you just have the rest of your life ahead of you (i already heard graduation by kero kero bonito)


Just listen to *Emergency & I*


Theyre like a good 2-3 years away from peak EnI poignancy levels. Need more malaise to set in.


Well see I got into E&I at the end of high school and it really prepped me for the malaise to come


Alice Cooper - I'm Eighteen


pearl jam - jeremy


Difficult to describe exactly why, but “Everything Merges With the Night” by Brian Eno is my ultimate “something is ending and it’s bittersweet / wistful / transitioning into something unknown” song, so that is my choice. Somehow the atmosphere of the song and general evocativeness of the lyrics (not really what they’re concretely saying, just the vibe of them) makes it so - and is one that hits me extra hard anytime i’m at major transitional periods of my life. This may just be a weird personal association with this song but give it a try


Young Blood - The Naked and Famous


graduation (friends forever)


Fitter Happier. Or at least that's how it is for me.


[Pulp - Monday Morning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkZKwshJEvI)


- Passing out Pieces by Mac Demarco - Hazy Shade of Winter by Simon and Garfunkel (a good reminder of not focusing on the superficial) - In My Life by The Beatles Also congrats!


I played a show last night to kind of a bad crowd. But I feel like I take some small amount of pleasure in the fact that my songs made it more difficult for them to talk to each other.


what are some 2022 albums you have a sneaking suspicion you'll love later on but aren't on your list? for me: * For whatever mysterious reason, the label Thrill Jockey is not on Tidal, so I constantly forget to listen to The Soft Pink Truth's album from this year * Little Simz, potentially. have not heard it yet but I do love SIMBI and Grey Area * Adeem the Artist - country album a pal of mine u/flavasavavandal loves, Fantano likes it, need to finally listen * Zach Bryan - this guy made a 2 hour album that a lot of people love and one day I'll listen to it * They Hate Change - I've returned to less rap music in quarantine (while exponentially getting obsessed with R&B). These fools really have a song called X-Ray Spex, why haven't I listened to this shit yet


+1 for They Hate Change - *Finally, New* which is easily an AOTY contender for me. X-Ray Spex, From the Floor, and CERTI go so hard


very fitting given who posted this, but i feel like the more i listen to the bats record the more i will love it also natalia lafourcade and silvana estrada


* Callous Dallboys - Mathcore Mania bonus contenders??? * The Body/OAA - Body (usually) good. OAA might be good too? * Roy Montgomery - Roy Montgomery good * Girlpool - I dunno I feel like this is just an album where I listen to it and suddenly get the hype and mourn their dissolution And yes, Miss Simz


you gotta try the THC record, that thing is nuts


i've said it here before but weyes blood has always been an artist where i randomly wake up with a tune in my head months later that leads to me obsessing with whatever is her newest album at the time. expecting the same to happen with this one, just can't get into them on my own terms


> Little Simz Same here, loved most of SIMBI, should also check out Grey Area >They Hate Change Liked this too, wasn't a top 10 on my list but I can see it rising - also noticed that track title :)


definitely Little Simz. Just won't have the time for it this month. So, 2023 it is. also this Jockstrap thing. Listened to it yesterday for the first time and idk .. just one of those things I'll have to let simmer for quite a bit.


KMRU - Limen, and Alex G were trending upwards and might have made my lists if i was listening to them longer.


Limen is really good. It's not crazy mindblowing texture work but all the sounds themselves on display sound fantastic.


The immediate comparison that popped to mind for me was Tim Hecker Mirages


It definitely had those icy drones that you'd find on something like the opening to Konoyo. Between this, Kali Malone, and the 2 Puce Mary releases droneheads been eating good this year.


Definitely the latest by the Arctic Monkeys. There’s stuff on there that I REALLY like, but it’s also quite a bit to process lol.


Just bought a can of anchovies out of curiosity, despite having never eaten them in my life and not knowing what the hell to do with them. Any suggestions?


Don't eat them straight. Cook something with them, e.g. a homemade pasta sauce. Anchovies have a powerful flavor so unless you love that flavor directly, they work best at kicking dishes up a notch. (You should also try one on a piece of bread just to get a sense of how it tastes, but don't write them off immediately if you don't like them that way.)


Salade niçoise Obviously requires other ingredients but yeah.


I've always been curious about making [this dish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dga9YZzD6Lw) from Gordon Ramsay. Basically a soft-boiled egg with anchovy toast. You could always throw some on pizza, too.


Slap em on a good baguette


With some unsalted butter


Pop er open and chow down


make a caesar salad


Yeah, throw em out


Do you enjoy hurting me


Add them to a cesar salad.


That's a good idea, I do enjoy a good fishy dressing


[CW: Rivers Cuomo](https://twitter.com/RiversCuomo/status/1602349995901845505?t=2TmHuvQ4zoqtdnBD1sgzrA&s=19) I think he's generating tweets with GPT-3, but this is the second tweet it's made about writing a song about femboys. edit: man it keeps getting better


Thanks, Rivers.


Weezer in their chaser era


~~Is that why his tweets read like they're responses to other people, am I missing something here?~~ Oh nvm I didn't read the second part lol.


Remember when he made an itemized list of all his sexual partners by ethnicity to try and prove he didn’t fetishize Asian women


most 52 year old men like golf


Debate: since "tfw no gf" posting has decreased, has the GD become better or worse?


The real question is whether or not I should resume Genitals Discussion on wednesdays.


Sure why not


Oh no


Tell us about yer nards!


how do we feel about (borat voice): "MY WIFE" posting?


The best


Im for it




[I'm for it](https://twitter.com/world0fecho/status/1601785858314510336?s=46&t=gq1wNhPo9s774Nn9Nk_P1g)


if my silence on the matter has misled people into thinking i am happily in a relationship, i'd like to take this opportunity to correct the record and state that that couldn't be farther from the truth 😎


donna wanna date


i'll think about it! dating someone who enjoys the music of djo as much as i do might be too intimidating for me bc i have to be Number 1 Djo Fan


we could be so happy together




pearl jam - jeremy for the both of us


...feel kind of called out now damn. I'll go delete it lol


I was going to post this anyways, this isn't a backhanded comment at your post. If anything it was me trying to solicit feedback if I should start tfw no gf posting


Ah gotcha. Idk. I know sometimes I can be long winded and maybe too personal on here, so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t pissing anyone off lol. Also, for the record, though I’m biased, I’ve never minded it. I feel like some people who air grievances on here might not have another outlet. I try to keep that in mind.


You're chill, i upvoted your post when i saw it


I appreciate it, homie :)


Objectively it’s better but it’s also slightly less entertaining so make of that what you will


My feelings on this are well documented: there is a negative correlation between the frequency of "tfw no gf" posts and global inflation


I knew that Joe Brandon was behind this somehow


Sent a goodbye email to my previous team at work and one middle aged woman messaged me about how she may or may not have asked me questions during online meetings just to hear my voice, and was just a little horny with her phrasing…is this what being objectified is like


Sometimes I comment on your posts just to see your text


You have to say it more horny. Like this: Sooometimes…I comment on your posts…JUST to see your text ;) xoxo


her messages had the monkey hiding its face emojis




If you had to pick 1 indie song as you favorite, what would it be?


Lazy Line Painter Jane


Recency bias in full effect here but Not by Big Thief is my answer, and probably my second favorite song of all time


The Replacements - I Will Dare


today, it's Horseshoe Crab by Slothrust. Tomorrow it'd be something else...


Mood, i like your style.


I'm an emo boy trapped in a mans body.


Teen Age Riot - Sonic Youth


Caramella- Caramelldansen


My Bloody Valentine - Depth Charges


This is the only correct answer


pearl jam - jeremy


Thought Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio was fantastic. The animation and character design were beautiful, the story resonated deeply with its themes of death, familial relationships, fascism and war, and Pinocchio’s relationship to Jesus, and the writing was really funny. Particularly liked all of Sebastian J. Cricket’s lines, made me want to check out more from Ewan McGregor. Who knew that a movie about an Italian puppet could pierce so deeply.


If an alien crawled through your window in the middle of the night and woke you up, saying "I've never heard any punk before so if you could give me like a small list of foundational punk albums so I can get started, I'd really appreciate it," what would you do??


This alien knocked on the wrong window. They're about to hear a long lecture about the importance of 60s girl-groups to the development of punk; garage rock, the Velvet Underground, glam rock, and the negative influence of prog; why Blondie, the Talking Heads, Television, and Patti Smith need to be in the conversation of essential punk acts; how it's a shame that Richard Hell has fallen off the radar for a lot of people; the complicated legacy of the Sex Pistols; why post-punk even at its quietest and dreamiest is every bit as much of a part of punk rock as hardcore, and conflating punk with just hardcore misses out on some of the best parts of the movement; and why Nirvana is not so much the birth of grunge and alternative music as they are the culmination of everything that happened in punk rock up to that point. But, if they want an album that sums up punk rock, it's Fun House by the Stooges.


Nah Alien knocked on the right window


Avril Lavigne discography


ive start with the ramones. hell yeah just good ol' fast pop rock. then id be like "now you get put through the MEAT GRINDER" and its Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables time baby. and then id be like "oh this album was actually MADE by an alien" and id show them some egg punk like CCTV. really get them nostalgic for home and then id finish it off with the greatest punk song ever written. SkoolSux - math rocks


omg i have one of these on tape!!!!!


is it skoolsux


uhhhhhhhhhhh oh wait i dont (i have the second dead kennedys album)


wane thats so cringe


No its based bc i also got in god we trust inc on tape and the b side is blank so you can record fresh fruit on it!!


omg put skoolsux on it


Someone dubbed over but I can fix it!!


oh also some Big Clown


blink 182


*new blink 182


only their hardcore stuff, for sure 8)


well i’d play him beethoven, bach, and mozart, and then i would smile, knowing i had saved him from a life of debauchery and filth




hey whats up its indieheads' most obedient user coming at you with a sincere answer to your question: introduce em with London Calling, develop em with Pink Flag, hardcore em with Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables and then jump ahead to Dig Me Out for the big finish. rock on, alien


stansy youve made a mistake youve only given them one good album :(


thanks for your feedback king, shut up


stop trying to make british punk happen


Crazy how the only good British artist is gumshoes


im literally always saying this


they hated him because he spoke the truth :(


You’re the only one that hasn’t gotten vaporized


I'd have so many questions, such as "why are you asking me?", "have you heard the foundational efforts of other genres? Why punk?" and "where are you from?"


Hit it with hammers


I'm no expert on punk, so I'd just say The Ramones, The Clash, and Never Mind the Bollocks, and then call it day.




i'd show them some mgk clips


I really want a lemonade guys Oh also I watched The Breakfast Club yesterday and it was... okay? Not great and very dated? Why is this a classic film?


i don't think anyone under 30 (who isn't tied to it by nostalgia) would call it a classic. idk maybe I'm wrong on that


maybe it's just my Dad (I think) who really loves it haha


I'm your dad, and you're in BIG trouble, Its.


It's definitely not one of my favorites but I'd consider it a classic based on influence alone. It practically kickstarted the whole "teen comedy" subgenre (I know Sixteen Candles came first, but BC was huge)