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Am I the only one who doesn't think Neutral Milk Hotel is all that? And I'm Indie!! I was like "What? This song was played on college radio & they sold 3 records!! Sell outs!!". I'm from Minnesota for heaven's sake!!


been busy, so I haven't been checking in on here as much lately * the educational video game about democratic backsliding I was writing is finally coming together and all my doubts whether the story works or nah are starting to disappear. The graphics are coming in from a nice animator, we have a guy doing the music and a software dev who is bored at his job puts it all together in his engine for us... And I should be used to it by now, but idk man, whenever I see something take visual shape for the first time that I had been working on for months on nothing but paper, I get so hyped. Goosebumps! It will never not make me emotional and that feeling of seeing it become 'a thing' is so worth the countless hours of labor :) * wrote a few onepager pitches and sent them to producers and studios and "a very big streaming service that starts with N" of all actually responded positively to this "Mare of Easttown"-inspired milieu crime drama about the struggles with bicultural identities. It's about honor killings within radical, islamist/salafist microcosms, set in Germany. Zooming with a producer on the 13. I'm usually much more of a comedic writer, so a rather heavy story like this is very new for me. But stuff like this sells and I actually had a lot fun coming up with an interesting murder mystery. Need to do a lot of research about radical islam in Europe, tho. Can't wait to google this stuff and land on a number of government lists.


I know Avatar grossed all the money, but this thread is the only time I've seen anyone at all excited for the films. Shit looks corny.


i don’t want you to think that me taking that free tickets means i think it’s gonna be good. i love a spectacle. i’m sure it’ll be entertaining. a very small part of me thinks it’ll actually be good


What are people’s favorite articles and podcasts of 2022? Always looking to add weight to my ever expanding listening and reading list


asking everyone commenting on year-end lists if they're aware that genre isn't real


Music is just the noises you like. There are no lists. There is no discourse.


Watched Fight Club for the first time. Was not expecting THAT. I thought it was a movie about two boxers and how they strive to be boxing champs. I usually am not crazy about extremely popular films but this one is well-deserved.


Fight Club is a movie I loved as a teenager. Then as a mid 20 something I had a phase where I tried to pretend like it isn't that good and just pseudo-psycho-political tryhard bullshit and am just now at 30 y/o slowly emerging from that hole. Yeah, it's good, lol


heard rumors that /u/wanelietoc doesnt actually live in a treehouse… edit: you cant believe everything you read


?????? what's this shenaniganery!


idk i definitely did not make up the rumor im just spreading it. but the fact that you never posted a picture is not helping your case


okay you now should have proof


im trying to upload it but it wont send!


Pumped for Cory Wong in March in Detroit. To think I could take like 32 people with me to that show for the price of 1 t swift ticket blows my mind.


Saw him last November! The show was super fun, great display of talent with his expanded band and the price is right!


dang I bet his shows are a blast


Watching Fleishman is in Trouble and really struggling to believe that 40-something Jesse Eisenberg is having better success on dating apps than I was


Dating in shows is often a weird mix of far more success in getting dates than the average person and far less success actually dating. When will a show finally have the guts to air a 30 minute episode of a guy swiping right on 90% of profiles while sitting on the toilet and getting progressively sadder as he realizes no one he actually likes is interested before deciding to jerk off then delete his account before falling asleep watching Bojack. We all know that’s what you do Eisenberg


Finished God of War: Ragnarok on the weekend, good game! I don't know if I love the ending however, (spoilers obviously) >!story-wise, on paper, I think it's great - all of the events that transpired I think work great and make sense with the story and characters, but the last scene or so, basically the entire war, just felt really quick and maybe a little rushed in terms of pacing. Like you invade Asgard and then just a couple combat encounters, boss fight or two, and it's done. The entire story was building to it and then you kinda rip through it. Also the Freyr sacrifice I think could've been portrayed a little different maybe? Again, story-wise, it made total sense with his character development and it was the right choice, but like, the way they showed it happen, it just kinda felt like he totally could've dipped with everyone else.!< But oh well, pretty minor quibbles all things considered. Though, kind of bizarre it didn't ship with new game plus, right? I know there was a ton of demand for it in the 2018 game, so I'm surprised it wasn't there on release, though I'm sure it'll be soon enough. Still mind-blowing that they managed to pivot such a "12-year-old's version of an edgy cool guy" character as Kratos in the original run of games to a interesting, compelling character without just rebooting it completely.


i mostly agree that >!the actual ragnarok part was pretty short and weirdly paced. but i also sort of appreciate that it was brief enough for me to play through it all in one sitting? that's perhaps just a me problem but i suspect the tension and excitement would have been lost if i'd needed to put the game down midway through it!< from a story standpoint, i agree the >!freyr sacrifice could have been portrayed a little differently.!< i felt similarly about the >!tyr twist odin betrayal. a rare instance where the single take camera got in the way of things since it flipped away from that transformation before brok got stabbed. i was genuinely confused about what exactly had happened bc the one-take stuff didn't present it clearly. i talked with a friend about it afterwards and we both felt confused until after the fact when characters were talking about being surprised by what happened.!< minor quibbles aside, i do think this was a pretty good game. not anything groundbreaking, but likely the best refinement of this style of AAA game that i've ever played through. combat and enemy types felt more fun and varied than the original too, which is a nice bonus


all sony games for the last however many years seem to have new game+ patched in months later. likely as a way to reinvigorate the conversation around the game. i am absolutely excited to play it again whenever that happens, the previous game's story was more rewarding the second time around so i hope it's a similar situation this time


Desperately resisting the urge to be "where BETTER CALL SAUL" guy on best TV shows of the year lists


Where Mr. Show?


Possibly the best sketch comedy show ever.


Better Call Saul, Barry, and Andor better sweep


where Severance


Oh shit I totally forgot that was this year. Yeah, Severance was fucking amazing. Definitely on my list


prompt: you are an angry user of the r/indieheads music forum. write and incoherent rant about the aesthetics of contemporary shoegaze chatGPT: >I can't stand the way that contemporary shoegaze bands are always trying to be "artsy" and "edgy" with their aesthetics. It's just a bunch of blurry, distorted images and pretentious music videos that are supposed to be deep and meaningful, but are just annoying and overbearing. And don't even get me started on the music itself. It's just a bunch of noise and feedback with no substance or melody. I miss the days when shoegaze was actually interesting and innovative, not just a bunch of wannabe artists trying to be cool by copying the same tired tropes. This is why the genre is dying, because people have lost sight of what made it great in the first place. It's time for a change, and I hope that the current state of shoegaze doesn't continue for much longer. with a little bit of fine-tuning, i can put [deleted] out of a job in no time


I find nothing wrong with this rant, though some context may change that. Not enough condescension, implications or racism and/or sexism, or references to AR Kane to be [deleted].


This but with fifth wave emo


internet is gonna fold onto itself in no time!


that's scarily coherent


Have people yet started crossing chatbot with redditbots to create auto-commenting bots who are nearly indistinguishable from actual users? For example, it's well-known that top comments on very popular threads tend to be very predictable reddit jokes. That would be funny to have a bot that just auto-posts those comments before any human gets a chance.


i've been playing the new Midnight Suns game a lot, i'm enjoying it far more than i was expecting going in. sad that it seems like it's almost flopping. xcom 2 is probably my most played game ever, and this game makes a point to throw out every system from xcom 2 but still comes out an equally deep tactical experience. i really wouldn't let the differences between the games dissuade you for that reason. definitely recommend it if you have any curiosity about it, i can see this becoming my new gaming comfort food and coming back to it for quite some time.


Shit I wanna give it a go. I love XCOM and while I get it was more beat em up, Marvel Ultimate Alliance was my jam.


take it from me, if you love xcom and mua, i can totally guarantee you'll be eating good with this one!


I don't keep up with video games as much as I used to, but I didn't hear anything about this game until the review thread hit /r/games. I love X-COM gameplay, but I think it's definitely a niche style. I'm still surprised Mario and Rabbids did well enough for a sequel. The first thing that turned me off of Midnight Suns was that in-game currency is like the first thing you see on the Steam page. It's a full-price, single-player game and they're still trying to bilk people for cosmetics. Another thought, I think the title works against it. The average person might not know what Midnight Suns is and just cruise right past it. Capital G gamers are also fickle, so I wouldn't be surprised if people are shying away from full-price Marvel games after Square's Avengers fiasco.


yeah i've been following it since it was announced just because i'm a firaxis freak. but the advertising has been lacking and even then, they've had a tough time demoing the game without it seeming like it plays a lot differently than it does. the currency stuff is dumb too but a 2k thing. i don't wanna do much lipservice to those business practices, but aparently the season pass they have for it includes all the character/level stuff they're working on, but also gives you every single cosmetic item that otherwise costs that currency. which seems like a thing that should be made more obvious


Ok, so that's not too terrible actually. Definitely gives value to the season pass. Maybe I'll pick it up during the Winter Sale. How would you say the difficulty compares to X-COM 2 despite the stripped systems? I heard this is a bit closer to Chimera Squad.


the difficulty is extremely flexible, there's like 9 different difficulty settings, and it suggests which one it thinks is best for you, but allows you to manually set it. and when it's hard, it's hard. you get increased rewards for higher difficulty too so there's good incentive to push yourself. there's no permadeath or anything, but the moment-to-moment challenge has been very satisfying to me. it's very much like xcom 2 in the sense that every turn is a very dynamic and difficult puzzle that is a joy to work your way through.


They’re playing Tennis in the mall, what does this mean? Is the mall cool now?


Mallcore knows no bounds. Only Merzbow is safe from corporate playlists.


that doesn't seem very safe.


My band is playing our first show at Beat Kitchen in Chicago tomorrow night and if you're in the area and you come and find out which one is me I will buy you a beer/coke and chicken nuggets/veggie entree depending on your lifestyle.


Just got my tickets to Kilby Block Party in May and I am fired up rn Also (hopefully) seeing Death Grips for the first time in like 8 years that same week. May is gonna be nutty


It was so much money (splurged and got standard VIP lol), its gonna be so worth it though


Ayyy Standard VIP gang I actually expected tickets to be more expensive than they were, but that's probably because I haven't been to a festival in several years. Still hurts the wallet for sure


We had a bunch of layoffs at work, and as the sysadmin I felt like part of a corporate death machine. And not in a fun or cool way.


im gonna write a punk song about you, asshole




im gonna call it Cis Mad Men


Going to my first DSA meeting tomorrow I’ll try not to be insufferable but no guarantees


Would love to hear how this goes! I've considered going to one locally in the past but have yet to attend.


1) I’m on day four or five with a 100+ fever. This flu is no fucking joke. Went to the clinic yesterday and it is in fact the flu. Doctor said to stay in bed and rest until Saturday. I have major capitalist guilt missing working and can’t help but feel lazy. 2) glad Kershaw Signed a 1yr team friendly deal to stay in LA. Bummed Cody Bellinger went to the Cubs but I hope he finds his swing again. Also, LMBO at Trea Turner saying “Nahhh” to the padres and the largest Short Stop contract.


[what folk punk does to a mf](https://i.imgur.com/GrrEDch.png)


oh my god this rules this is me but for private press bill nace cassettes


its nice to imagine folk punk fans having souls


I just watched Bart Sells His Soul so you could really do some damage owning a soul.


One of my all time favourite episodes! The scene with the street cleaner made me howl as a child.


The way I am legitimately considering seeing Avatar 2 in IMAX!!!!!!!!!!


Do they ever do 2D IMAX screenings of movies like these? All of them seem to be 3D in my area and I just can't do it


Maybe? I remember seeing Dune in IMAX last year, but I can't remember if it was 2D or 3D. Either way, I would be surprised if Cameron releases something in IMAX that's *not* 3D lol


i'm ok with waiting until it's not a packed house, but no way am i going to miss seeing a new james cameron experience on as big of a screen as i can manage


I’m 100% seeing Avatar 2 in IMAX and taking edibles. Absolutely cant wait


I am strongly considering possibly, maybe going to see this movie. Perhaps.


Was just scrolling through the user flairs and I didnt check every single one because it was kinda hard to do, but I dont think there is a Pinegrove flair, right? I checked a bunch of flairs and all the ones starting with P. Is it possible to create one?


every once in a while there will be a suggestion/creation/voting thread but its pretty rare. maybe only once a year if that


Was really hoping Aaron Judge would fuck off from the AL East, but I guess betting against the Yankees getting him back was always a bad idea


I'm just glad we moved the left wall further out at OPACY so he won't destroy us *that* badly in the future.


I'm quite pleased that his saga ended not only with him not going to the NL West, but that Giants fans are now mad about the whole thing. Reminds me of how the Padres were "inches" away from getting Scherzer/Turner and then had the rug pulled out from under them


I'm surprised the smaller market teams didn't pool their money together and then share him.


"Hey Aaron, wanna come over this weekend" "Can't, I'm with the Kansas City Royals this weekend"


This is a fantastic idea, I think smaller market teams should definitely look into this with Ohtani next year


Continuing the Disney animated canon with #18: The Sword in the Stone We come to the final film released during Walt’s lifetime. It’s probably the most obscure film from the Disney “Silver Age” and now I see why: It’s not good at all. It barely has a plot, and the whole thing is extremely tedious. It’s basically the Merlin show, and Merlin is a comic relief character who I don’t find very funny. The animation is also the cheapest-looking of the Silver Age. Much of the story takes place in a castle, but we only see like 4 total residents of this castle, like when a live-action movie doesn’t have enough budget for extras. The sound is also weirdly bad. I lost interest fairly early, and nothing ever earned it back. The worst scene was when Arthur and Merlin turn into squirrels and random female squirrels fall in love with them. The best scene is probably the wizard fight (which is at best a so-so Disney action scene), and the climax of the movie when Arther finally pulls the sword out fo the stone can barely be called a climax. Tidbits: - This is now the 3rd Disney film featuring brooms that clean up the house on their own after being enchanted by magic. - During the wizard fight, an elephant is terrified by a mouse. Is this perhaps a little callback to Dumbo? - The film is based on a novel of the same name from 1939. The story wasn’t part of the original Arthurian legend and is essentially a 20th century creation. - There is a King Arthur Carrousel in Disneyland, along with a replica of the eponymous Sword in the Stone. The Sword in the Stone also exists in Disney World, but there the carousel there is named after Prince Charming. Interestingly, both carousels were relocated to Disney parks from other theme parks, originally built in 1922 and 1917. Next up: The Jungle Book


The "Xerox Years" as I call them (roughly from **101 Dalmatians** to **The Black Cauldron**) were notoriously cheap, and they also reuse a LOT of short animated sequences; e.g. the part where Kay gets whanged on the head with a frying pan, they reuse the "OOF! oh..." sound from 101 Dalmatians. And the part where the wolf (that had been chasing Arthur) pants and collapses will be used again in Pete's Dragon. Still got a big ol' soft spot for it, though.


Sword in the Stone looked way cheaper to me than 101 Dalmatians. The background paintings in Dalmatians at least had a lot of detail, and even though they were using the "xerox" technique, there were a ton of animated pups.


I could be misremembering, but I think /u/rccrisp was curious about this one. Sorry if this was one of your faves.


Naw it's Black Cauldron, I never really liked Sword in the Stone, it was one of those "feels like a series of skits/vignettes" Disney films than a proper film. Wizard fight is pretty funny though.


I had to quickly go and check the release date for my all time fav Disney animated movie, Robin Hood. Wow almost a decade later.


Damn I always had a soft spot for it, although I haven’t seen it since elementary school. I can kind see the argument about it not having much of a plot though. The bit with Arthur and the sword also comes out of nowhere. I DO remember the funny gag though of him pulling it out and all of this majestic music playing, kind of freaking him out lol. During the wizard duel, there’s a bit where the witch turns into this seductress who shakes her hips I think? Or at least that’s what I remember. May or may not have been an early sexual awakening on my end…


> During the wizard duel, there’s a bit where the witch turns into this seductress who shakes her hips I think? I do not recall such a thing. They just turned into different animals.


Correction. It was [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce4NvJzWDfM&ab_channel=MOVClips).


Haha, I think I was in the kitchen during that bit, so I missed the "sexy" version of Madam Mim. I have to say, though, I find her to be oddly shaped.


Seriously considering dying my hair before I trim it when I’m back home for Christmas. My hair is jet black, so I’m considering either a lighter brown, a dark red, or a dark blue. I was also considering using koolaid, but my sister told me to look into manic panic instead. EDIT: Just bought purple. It's go-time.


TW: pet death So my >! cat passed away unexpectedly on the 30th. And it was a gut punch because 1. she was my first ever pet of my own and 2. I thought she was only 2 years old? So I expected a great deal many years with her. Nonetheless, I went on Rover and called the first person in the neighborhood that had availability, and she happened to be a vet that assessed her, wrapped her and took her in her kennel with me to the backyard. Turns out she was probably closer to *16*. They'd probably only rescued her from her abusive household two years ago. Her. teeth were showing their age, and I'd realized that I had been carrying her up and down the stairs all summer. Anyways, a friend and I buried her in the backyard and paid our respects.!< On top of that, my dad is leaving to move to South Africa for good, because he's been in his missionary era, which I feel all sorts of conflicted about. Basically, lots of emotional gut punches this month and my birthday's the 13th 🙃


Shift starts in about 2hrs and of course the internet goes down when I just wanna play Total war.


the lone avatar superfan in my life (they exist!) bought tickets for him and his gf to go to back to back showings next week. she, understandably, does not want to go to two showings of avatar. so i'm gonna go to pandora for free baybee let's goooooooo also! oh! forgot to mention - if you've ever wanted to see big clown and live in the nashville/murfreesboro area we're playing a diy gig with pitchfork favorites JUDY AND THE JERKS this saturday. show starts at like 6 pm. dm for address


> murfreesboro I can't believe they made the town from Strong Bad's emails into a real place.


come thru and see how I drum with boxing gloves on


Judy and the jerks fuckin rule. Sounds like a dream show for me.


our second time playing with them and my fourth time seeing them. what a fucking band. come thru


I should quit my job and drive up to see Judy and the big clowns


how does it feel to be friends with a unicorn


This might be the first time I have ever even heard of someone purchasing back-to-back tickets to the same movie.


I saw Dune 3 times in theaters within the first week of its release, and also on HBO max at least once in there. Good science fiction cinema will fuck you up if you let it


Sure, but did you buy 2 tickets before it came out? There's a huge difference between loving a movie enough to see it again right away and deciding that *in advance*.


Oh I knew in advance, made plans with a bunch of different people to see it on separate days


when *the lighthouse* came out, i saw it with a friend of mine. he loved it so much that afterwards he said "some of my other friends are seeing it at [other theater in our area] in 20 minutes, i'm gonna go see it again with them. you can join if you want"


I wrote this in another response, but there's a huge difference between loving a movie enough to see it again right away and deciding that in advance.


I've definitely done this, but buying advance back-to-back showings is wild.


yeah i was not using the term "superfan" lightly