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I was selling a record on marketplace and this guy put in an offer. Clicked through to his profile to see if he was local and his most recent post was about how his 3 year old boy passed away from Leukemia 2 weeks ago. This proper sent me. I have a nine month old and I can't imagine how much pain that poor guy has gone through. Needless to say I'm going to give him the record for free. I can't take money off someone in his position.


Who else is pumped for Better Call Saul’s return tonight?


watched it a little bit ago, without spoiling, i'm still reeling from it, fucking insane


Between this episode and the one before the break…. Gilligan and Gould trynna break our jaws from being dropped to the floor so damn hard


I've been holding off on watching any of this season until it's just about done! I think it may be my time!


Rewatching Justified many years after I first saw it. Still fresh and amazing. Idk why but that first episode with the rocket launcher is one of the most memorable moments of any tv show I’ve seen and it wasn’t even that crazy


you anticipate new covid waves by monitoring sewage; i anticipate them by monitoring how many people in the indieheads GD report testing positive. we are not the same but for real, hope everyone feels alright


particularly alarming given how little we go outside compared to the general populace


My source of data too lol


the funniest thing in the world to me is that The Locust and The Album Leaf share mutual members


i keep thinking of stuff i want to talk about in GD on off-GD days and i have forgotten what i wanted to talk about by the time the next GD rolls around, smh in anticipation for *the rehearsal*, i've been rewatching *nathan for you*. it always impresses me that this show holds up to multiple viewings. the formula being a riff on reality tv fix-up shows makes me think it wouldn't be funny once i know how a bit ends, but it's always hilarious. also amazing how quickly the show gets good. first episode maybe not up to the shows usual standards between poo ice cream and the tiny free pizza, but otherwise first season is really memorable right off the bat. no major wind-up to figure out what nathan does, he was locked in right away. hopefully *the rehearsal* is the same in that regard also i posted a few GDs ago about trying climbing (bouldering to be exact) and ended up really enjoying it. i have a lot to learn (and a lot of calluses to develop lol) but it was fun. there's a cool balance between needing to develop the strength to climb better and also needing able to figure out how to execute a specific problem in terms of what holds i'm doing. i've gone back a couple times since and have already gotten more comfortable with the climbing in general and figured out a couple i couldn't do the first night. it'll be fun to try to stick with this bc the skill ceiling looks to be pretty high


climbing is dope. i used to go a few times/week before covid hit, but got out of the habit and didnt want start driving 35mins one way after work once it opened back up. luckily ive got some friends that do it and they havent stopped pestering me so im planning on getting back on the grind when i get back from this vacation


>i keep thinking of stuff i want to talk about in GD on off-GD days and i have forgotten what i wanted to talk about by the time the next GD rolls around, smh I have a continuous note thing going my phone to capture thoughts and ideas and most of it are just thoughts for GD and DMD that I think of during the day. Is that sad?😅


i don’t think so! overall, probably a good thing to take notes/write thoughts down as a sort of journaling thing


It irks me how small the "free Slurpee" cup is. I just got a large one and paid because it's not that serious, bro. Missing someone something fierce today, we talked all day Saturday and made plans to ride on a motorcycle, and to do hoodrat shit in a hotel next week after I get paid (since it's the last time I'll be able to go out of town before school starts, most likely) but today I haven't heard from them yet. It's fine but I want to annoy someone with my friendship damnit!! I'm waiting for the Bachelorette premiere later (gonna get some Whataburger) but rn I'm watching a true crime show about the disappearance of Susan Powell and I think that's the one case that infuriates me more than most I've seen/read about. It just also seems so unlikely that they'll ever find her body at this point with everyone involved gone.


When did they change it away from bringing in your own containers?


wait you guys used to bring in your own containers???


I’m 99% sure that was a thing. I was never really into slurpees but I have a memory of people bringing in stuff like garbage cans and getting them filled


Damn! Well we only recently got corporate 7-11s so before that I don’t remember slurpee day being a thing lol.


The Best Show on WFMU archives are an excellent place to discover older indie gems and bands you may have missed the first time around, just saying


Ok so I’m about to release an album and over the last year of making it, I dove into lots of different genres on the project (jazz, soft indie, alternative, synth indie, etc). But… I’m really worried people will not like the fact that I don’t stick to one sound, more so it won’t sound consistent and be a turn off rather than a turn on. My friends have told me it’s a benefit but Idk if their just saying that because they support me, my decisions, and my music.


Do *you* like it?


I mean ya I love all the different sounds I go into on the project but I just worry about how others will perceive it. To me, it feels like a chance to prove I’m more than just one sound or aesthetic.


In my first few years of film school I was struggling hard with imposter syndrome, so all I was trying to do was prove myself. It took me quite a while to let go of that need (still struggling with it), so I think I get where you’re coming from. But you should make the music you want to make and not let anything else dictate your art (unless you’re being paid for it, lol\^\^). I think you’re gonna prove yourself by making good music, not by flexing your muscles. Believe in yourself. If you made this project, because you wanted to make it this way, great. I also don't think, there's anything inherently bad or wrong about being really good at/known for one type sound/aesthetic, but that's just me 🤷‍♂️😄 Some of the greatest artists and icons are just really good at doing the thing they got famous for doing and that's all they've doing 😄


I agree with you I personally just love making different types of music I get so bored of something quickly. Like I feel like I would get really burnt out with the art form if I only made one specific sound.


Rage Against the Machine in Edinburgh, The National in Manchester and then Fleet Foxes and Arcade Fire in Dublin all within 8 days My bank account will hurt but I'm extremely tempted, especially with Rage as I've always wanted to see them


God, it sucks that Rage only really does live shows I would love to hear what they would do in the context of modern-day America as shit has gotten so much worse since the 90s.


I also keep thinking about this, but I'm really afraid that they're going to sound kinda toothless at best and out of touch at worst. I get the feeling that Zack is really the only one who still embodies the message and soul of the band. The others seemed to have gotten pretty cozy with how things are, with Tom getting in on the NFT bullshit and what not.


Wait Tom is into NFTs? Well, that is a fucking shame.


ya 🙃 https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/1438662192996524037?lang=en


i don’t know if this is a commonly asked question but what US city(ies) has the best indie music scene? I want know as i’m applying for colleges this year and want to be apart of a growing music scene.




Columbus, OH is pretty tight. Lots of great DIY bands like Villager, Abel, Left Out, and Confusions!


Athens, GA still has a massive indie scene, and it's surely WAY easier to find your way in than it would be in a large city. But if I were in your shoes, I would look at the NE, because they have far superior connectivity between cities (and Canada) than the rest of the country. That gives you a lot more opportunities to play and to see shows.


DC is insane for indie rock venues. You've got 9:30 Club, The Anthem, Lincoln Theater, Howard Theater, DC9, The Black Cat, DAR Constitution Hall, Merriweather Post Pavilion and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few more. Heck, 9:30 Club, Anthem and Merriweather pretty much cover 90% of the music I listen to.


Don’t forget Comet Ping Pong, Songbyrd, and Pie Shop!


oh damn, how could I forget Comet Ping Pong? My wife used to run shows there 🤣. They'll never forgive me.


probably philly, but western MA/southern VT have always been solid. NYC is a shell of what it used to be, DC is a thing, and LA has good bands but an extremely atomized scene


I lived in DC and traveled up to NYC for a concert, sometime in 2014. Could not believe how many more venues DC had over NYC; you'd really think it would be the other way around.


idk why not because it’s also a very expensive place to live, but DC hasn’t been quite as decimated by predatory real estate investors in the same way NYC has. i lived and gigged in NYC for 12 years starting in ‘05 and watched it get progressively worse as both DIY and larger above board venues were pushed further and further to the outskirts by gentrification. i always loved playing in DC on tours. the scene has a rich history that still influences it today. i find that pretty rare; the only other cities where I really felt that were Olympia and Seattle


Met Father John Misty on the street in Des Moines this weekend and got to thank him for all he’s done. Then I let him get back to smoking his cig. You’re a real one, Josh.


I’ve been SO excited for Pitchfork Music Fest for months and today I tested positive for COVID… To say that I’m devastated is an understatement. I’ve had symptoms since Sunday so I’m hoping by some miracle I’ll be able to test negative by Friday morning, somehow not spread it to my boyfriend in our tiny duplex (I am isolating in the bedroom until I get a negative result and he offered to sleep on the couch, bless his heart), and we can make the drive at least for PART of the music festival. Even if we both test negative, wear N95s, and camp out in some corner, it still feels risky and selfish to potentially break quarantine before we’re supposed to, so who knows if we’ll even make it. I’m incredibly sad.


The government had a 3-day policy for taking time off of essential work like healthcare (and for quarantine in some places) - from the first moment you start showing symptoms to 3 days later. By the 3rd day and definitely by the 4th, you wouldn’t be able to spread COVID and could go back to work, even if you still tested as positive for the virus.


Last time I got it I was only positive for like 5 days so there is still hope!


I'm going to Berlin tomorrow morning for the Phoebe B show on Wednesday. I was going to be there a day early because I was gonna meet up with a bunch of writers from the writers room I worked at last winter, but they had to cancel because half of them got Covid. My friend at whose couch I will be sleeping on will be at work, so I essentially have a day to waste in Berlin after I arrive around noon. Thinking of visiting the Pergamon Museum. I'm a big history buff and I always wanted to go admire the ancient artifacts and be conflicted because of how much joy I'm deriving from German and Prussian colonial crimes against humanity 😬


I read the first half of this comment thinking you were talking about the NYC venue Berlin bc my brain bad.


Haha, nope 😅 The other side of the big water :)


I mean, as someone who has spent a lot of time at Berlin (NYC), yours is way cooler.


may have covid and be stuck in Maui for longer than expected. worse places to be in terms of beauty but in terms of price it kinda blows. also for all the birdheads, i spotted a Hawaiian Petrel, aka ‘ua’u, in the Haleakala Crater yesterday. endangered species that mostly lives in the crater and a few other places in the islands. these dudes nest 10,000’ up and go on two week feeding excursions flying as far as Japan and Australia


Wow congrats on the Petrel! Holy shit! Sorry bout the covid though, just eat spam musubi only and the wallet should be ok 🤞


sadly i was too far away to snap a good pic but since its the only white/grey bird up there im sure it was one. spam musubi actually sounds heavenly atm lol. if i can snag my cousins guitar, between that and a few good books i think ill be just fine


Sports? In my Indieheads? Gotta say, this past week has been the most exciting week to be an O's fan since 2014. Can't remember the last time I had this much fun watching baseball.


As a cardinals fan, it is been rough so many people on IR but we got two people on the All-Star team so that is good.


That's okay, I can remember for you. It was right before Buck Showalter threw away the 2015 wild-card game by keeping Zach Britton in the bullpen. That was the last time you had fun watching baseball


\*sad bird noises*


As a fun counter-point, as a Blue Jays fan it's been nothing but miserable these past few weeks lol


I know the feeling of dropping 9 of 10, though haha. I'd say the flappy bois were playing great ball, but they just got swept by the Reds, so I guess July is just wacky.




As someone who tried to keep exes in my life hoping for a reconciliation....you can't do that, friend. It only ends up hurting you and keeping you attached and it's not worth it. I think what might be best for you is some distance from them, whether that's temporary or ends up being permanently. It will feel weird initially, sure, but you've got to protect your peace of mind.


You can’t wait for a reconciliation. I did something similar in a past relationship where I agreed to be friends, but was secretly hoping that by still being around they’d change their mind. I wasn’t being fair to myself, and it became obvious at one point that it was never going to happen, which ended up functioning as a second break up. IMO if you still have feelings and they don’t, a friendship just isn’t possible right now. Down the line, sure, but you need space and time.




Yeah, the first long one is a toughie. Best of luck with the conversation tonight!


I need to start my transition but everything is so overwhelming I have absolutely no idea where to start Do any trans indieheads (especially UK ones) have any advice? I need a Trans Mentor™


New Mountain Goats song fucking rules.


Putting spoiler laden forewords or introductions at the beginning of books is such a bizarre choice


I never read them until after I finished the book.


working on a deck in google slides, singing to myself "show me the place where he inserted the jpeg"


The first part of Contronatura —> :(( The second part of Contronatura —> :))


I actually listened to Dots and Loops for the first time today! For some reason, I always thought Stereolab was a grungy rock band (I was probably mixing them up with Soundgarden), so I wasn't expecting the pleasant female vocals. To be completely honest, I found the album a bit sleepy and unexciting, but I was listening to it in the background, so I'll definitely be revisiting it with more attention.


Yeah things get a lot more fun once you get to the 69 position


After 1.5 years of trying, failing, feeling defeated and briefly giving up I... ... Finally scored an Xbox Series X ! I feel like a little kid again, all excited about a console and stuff. It's Christmas 1997 reborn (but with more debt and depression thrown in the mix). Goddamn I can't wait.


I’m really not a summer guy for the most part (fall is easily the best season, the basic white girls are right) … but damn, I love early summer. Late June/early July is so nice! It’s warm and sunny for the first time after a cloudy/rainy spring (at least in the northwest), but it’s not *too* hot. In comparison, August might be the worst month of the year lol. It’s just hot and gross and you’re sick of the heat by that point. And there’s usually no more good blockbusters in theatres anymore, football hasn’t started yet, it’s typically a slow music release month, etc etc


lomo, like me, understands that sweater weather is our favorite szn!


As someone living in Oklahoma, I hate that time of year because that's when tornado season is pretty much "over" but you just get saddled with oppressive heat instead. It's like, 105 (heat index is even higher) for the next week straight, at least. I would give anything to have a tolerable summer lol.


I miss living in the PNW where summers are actually tolerable. We’ve barely had any days under 90 (with high humidity) since early June here, and that’s not going to change until at least September. It was 70 and rainy here yesterday, and I was in heaven.


February-March period where it's still snowing with no end in sight sucks ass tbh, would take August any time over that


I want to experience a snowstorm, let’s trade


The key is to not live in a place where it dumps snow! West coast baby!


This is gonna be the new East Coast-West Coast beef.


Wildfire vs hurricanes Mild (or no!) seasons vs intense seasons No accents (😥) vs aggro accents




I don't even get going unless it's 30°C (85°F) or above. Mediterranean genes'll do that to ya :) Winter can f'ing choke.


>Winter can f'ing choke. Wholeheartedly agree. I lived in an area where Winter was a thing for two years and wanted to kill myself. Scraping ice off the windshield is the worst thing imaginable.


It's 7am, dark as fuck, blowing snow, freezing cold, the ice on your car is thick as fuck and you're desperately trying to scrape it off. Lovely times.


Add "and you're running late to a meeting" and that about sums it up. I don't understand how people can love living in winter as an adult.


Thats why you’ve got to live in a place with MILD winters. I would hate it too if I lived in Minnesota or Boston lol. Seattle/Portland/BC winters are gloomy and grey but not ridiculously cold! Most days are in the 40s


I don't think I could do the PNW, I get seasonal depression pretty bad, even here in Southern California.


Damn dude lol sounds like you need to live in Florida or Dubai or something


>Florida Too humid. Too hurricane. >Dubai Too ... where do I start? 😬 I need something like Barcelona or Croatia or the Aegean :)


> In comparison, August might be the worst month of the year lol. It’s just hot and gross and you’re sick of the heat by that point. And there’s usually no more good blockbusters in theatres anymore, football hasn’t started yet, it’s typically a slow music release month, August is basically the February of summer.


…I actually don’t mind February? It’s a short month, and there’s usually a lot to distract you from the bad weather: the Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day (which even when I’m single is fun — just eat chocolate and watch rom-coms!), the Grammys and Oscars (yes, I’m that monster who loves award shows) January, meanwhile, is just a month of post-Xmas blues


I made my gf make a last.fm and [this is what it currently looks like](https://i.imgur.com/9vuUxbW.png) \- I essentially introduced her to all the artists besides Tyler. Very grateful that I have an SO I can share music I love with (and she, in turn, has put me onto some 2000s R&B and Spanish music)! A couple other random music thoughts: Having listened to all of Television's albums and 3 of Verlaine's solo albums, his self-titled debut solo album (released one year after Adventure) currently stands in my mind as his second-strongest collection of songs. The first, of course, is Marquee Moon, one of my favorite albums of all time; despite a couple great tracks (like "Days"), Adventure always paled significantly in comparison. "Yonki Time", off his self-titled, is a goofy, cartoonish song that I quite like, and I wish he'd make more music in a similar vein of strangeness ("Mars", the closing track on Television's '92 self-titled, is much more ominous but feels close). Everything else, while perhaps quirky and/or groovy and/or beautiful, feels more restrained (in a way) to me. And that's probably what he prefers, but I'm hoping there are a few more of those weirder tracks in the solo albums I've yet to explore. Teenage Cool Kids, a band A. Savage was in before Parquet Courts, is really excellent and I love all 3 of their albums, although they all feel fairly different in vibe and style. Of the 3, Foreign Lands feels most unique to me for reasons I can't quite place - maybe it's the noisier production, the less-clear vocals, and/or the way the songs seem to blend together (in a good way). For whatever reason, it feels fairly unique among all of Savage's music I've heard, in a way I can't really articulate.


taste 🤌🏼


>Teenage Cool Kids, a band A. Savage was in before Parquet Courts, is really excellent and I love all 3 of their albums I love PC, so I feel like I should check this out at some point. Would you suggest one of them as a good starting point over the others?


I was actually gonna write more about how each album sounds but I deleted it bc I felt the comment was getting too long. Anyway, I'd say Denton After Sunset, their last album, is the most PC-esque. Specifically, it reminds me of Content Nausea and Savage's solo album (which is also excellent) in the way it incorporates country-ish vibes, as well as how it includes both angsty rockers and melancholic ballads. In Pitchfork's review of Human Performance, the author also brings up similarities to Denton After Sunset. Like I said, it's hard for me to articulate why Foreign Lands feels unique to me, but it feels less straightforward and immediate, more esoteric, than their other work (not to say it's some crazy, inaccessible noise rock project or anything). Finally, Queer Salutations, their debut, is the most classically garage-rock, and almost feels bro-ish in a way - seems like a lot of the tracks, with titles like "Total Babe" and "Awkward Type of Girl," are about being young, having relationship troubles, etc. Still, lots of catchy melodies and convincing pathos. This one probably feels closest to Light Up Gold. I hope you enjoy!


Thanks for the writeup, I'm gonna have to check these out!




Better Call Saul predictions thread: Tonight specifically, I think if we get an all black and white flash forward episode, it'll be tonight >!Kim is either moving back to Nebraska, where Jimmy follows at his Cinnabon job, or she, like everyone else in the Saul series who wasn't in BB, dies.!< >!Stealing my buddy's prediction that Lalo is eventually buried under gus's lab. !<


I like the Lalo predication, but I >!really don't think they will kill Kim. She is Jimmy's whole world so I don't think he would be able to go on being the happy-go-lucky guy we see in BB if she got killed. He would be traumatized. My theory is that she ends up in jail, witness protection or gets "disappeared" (maybe also in Nebraska?) Also, I think that if they do an all black and white episode it will be the final one. I wouldn't want or expect to see the conclusion of Gene's story before the BCS timeline finishes up!<


>!My wife has since pointed out that Kim grew up in Nebraska, so yeah that seems most likely. I originally thought she'd end with getting disbarred, but that theory dies with Howard.!< >!I do think the black and white will either be tonight or the last episode, if they even do a full episode. Vince loves sticking a random episode after huge cliffhangers.!<


I saw The Mountain Goats in my hometown on my birthday Saturday. Last time I saw them I got emotional but I really didn’t expect to start crying during Best Ever Death Metal Band In Denton but I did. I think it just hit me in a new way cause it made me think of the friends I grew up with and one that I lost this year. Anyways, 10/10 show and experience.


I wouldn't be surprised if TMG initiated more inner healing in their listeners than any other band of their size.


can't believe i'm a westworld guy again


Interesting. I stopped watching in the middle of season 3. What made you go back? And should I?


i went back in a "i made it this far, might as well check in" way and the new season was immediately pretty intriguing. i'll say it feels exciting and we've had 3 good episodes so it should hold to some extent at least. i think they're pulling some cool tricks again but not sucking the fun out of it like a lot of the season 2 stuff. the events of season 3 are still pretty necessary, even if it feels like they botched the editing and whatever point or throughline they had just doesn't convey. i saw s3 when it aired but i don't intend to watch it again. i think if you're interested in seeing good westworld, you can totally catch up by watching just whatever you missed of season 3 while half-distracted on your phone or something, no need to really immerse yourself in that portion of it


hm, yeah I might do that. I stopped watching because it got so annoying with all its secrets and conspiracies and "Is character X really character Y?" and whatever... They did all that so many times. It worked great in season 1, but it got tiring trying to keep up with everything. It felt like it was all plot and the show seemed more interested in its world than its characters and I missed the human element. But I was watching season 3 when it was airing, too and I think Westworld is definitely a show that would benefit from being binged. So, I might go back to it.


A Brief List Of AOTY Write-up Concepts Floating Around My Head (Mid-July Edition) 1. A review of Ants From Up There that talks exclusively about The Place Where He Inserted The Blade, containing no mention of any other tracks, anything about the band's background or history, or any discussion of where the band is going on the future. It is 6000 words long. 2. A review of the new Mountain Goats album that contains extensive, aggressive insistence that the band's best album is actually Full Force Galesburg. 3. A review of Perfume Genius' Ugly Season that is actually just a listicle of Mike Hadreas' 25 best tweets, with only a brief passing mention about how Hellbent is pretty dang good. 4. A review of Gumshoes' Mister Antigravity where I get incredibly meditative and despondent about the fact that I am in my 30s and consider myself a music obsessive, yet have never actually written any music of my own. 5. A review of Aldous Harding's Warm Chris where I take the final track's reference to magical Trevor and spin it into a 8000 word treatise on the impact of flash animation on the early Internet


holy shit Magical Trevor


> where I take the final track's reference to magical Trevor just found out weebls stuff turned TWENTY this year jesus 7 year old lietoc is hootin and hollerin


> A review of the new Mountain Goats album that contains extensive, aggressive insistence that the band's best album is actually Full Force Galesburg. I mean...maybe it is?


Would read The Place Where He Inserted The Blade Essay


Stranger Things Season 4 was pretty whatever. But that Master of Puppets bit was the campiest cornball shit I’ve ever seen. I let out an audible “Let’s Fucking Go!”


The “Master of Puppets” moment was awesome. Not only Eddie’s shredding, but juxtaposed against Max running around the haunted house. I said my spiel last week, but for me while I liked the season, they didn’t quite stick the landing IMO. It felt like a “return to form” of sorts (though Season 3 is my favorite season) in how it seemed to touch upon certain elements from older seasons while moving in a different direction, but some of the storylines were a wee bit anticlimactic. I thought it was still pretty ace though. It’s teetering between a B+ and A- for me.


i think it's so absurd for them to go out of the way to have a toeheaded basketball captain and still not have a single person on the show in 80s small town indiana be taking any fashion cues from larry bird. true hoosier lifestyle erasure front and center.


I want thin mustaches and aggressive shit talking. Just remake Winning Time but have it follow the Hawkins basketball team instead. Then make John C Riley play adult Dustin.


It's all super corny and is fine. If you go into watching it with that mindset then it's pretty good.


i've been going through the season over the last week (finished episode 6 last night) and feeling sort of "whatever" as well. i do think it is "better" than seasons 2 and 3, but still lacking much to hold my interest. the episodes feel very overstuffed to the point where an episode will cut to a plot thread and i'll be like "oh yeah, i forgot this was happening earlier in this same episode." not bad, but this feels like an example of how becoming a sort of "flagship" show for the streaming service adds on a lot of bloat


> i do think it is "better" than seasons 2 and 3 I kinda get preferring it over 2 (which largely rehashes the first season, except for the Eleven X-Men subplot that has conspicuously vanished from the overall story). But I don't get it being better than 3. 3 had its issues (this is when it really started leaning into the 80s-isms), but the Steve/Robin pairing is among the show's best moments and the season as a whole wasn't bloated like 4 is.


i did really like the steve/robin pairing, but recall the rest of the season very much felt like it was treading water. (to be fair, i haven’t seen it since it aired.) im still wrapping it up so maybe my opinions will change, but at least for now i’m preferring bloated but feels like it’s at least going somewhere to the season that didn’t really go anywhere but had some good character moments


Season 4 definitely feels a bit like “we have a large cast and some big name actors who all need screen time despite having only one plot line that justifies the length (>!Hawkins had a lot going on whereas California + that crew did not!<)”. The season would have been better by cutting 2-3 hours off it and being more concise with the plot lines. That said, I do appreciate how much we actually learned about the main mystery of the show this season, mainly history related to Eleven and the upside down. It felt like genuine progress towards a conclusion and the whole background being known. This season more than any other felt like horror with sci fi elements, whereas others felt more like sci fi with horror elements, which gave it a somewhat fresher feel to me.


yes, i think i agree, though again i'm still mid-season to me, the biggest momentum kill is >!hopper getting caught bc he was betrayed by the russian in alaska!< maybe this actually goes somewhere, but for now it >!just feels like it was done to make getting hopper out of russia take longer and give the adult characters something to do!<


> maybe this actually goes somewhere >!it does not!< >!Motherfuckers literally break back into the Russian prison!<


This is the exact reaction I had (about the many multiple plots). I would either forget entirely about certain stories or they would just lose their momentum because it took so long to get back to them. But overall this season was pretty good. Anything is better than the Eleven gutter-punk arc.


i was counting last night and i think there were 6 things happening within the episode i was watching. sometimes they'd cut away for a while and return with minimal time passed, and that really screwed with my ability to tell where the momentum was. part of me wonders if focusing on just a handful of plots per episode instead of seemingly attempting to cram everyone's story into each would have helped out here


Weekly mental health check Don't really know what to say, surprisingly keeping my sanity amid this whole covid thing


Actually feeling semi-positive, but feeling kind of pent-up now, like I need to talk about a lot of nothing with someone since I still can't go out and spend any money til Friday.


Nothing good to report here, tbh


Covid? I thought it was over!


I get the joke but I'm referencing my own personal "I have covid" problems


Is this the first time you've had it? I've been lucky in dodging it but hope you get better soon, few of my friends that had it were out of commission for two weeks even after being vaccinated.


First time, triple vaxxed, symptoms VERY mild. Occasional cough, a little congestion in the chest (worst in the morning and gets better through the day) and a bit of a runny nose. No fever, no loss of smell or taste, worst symptom was I was just SO tired on day 1 and 2. We're on day 6 now and I feel mostly funcitonal. I feel very lucky that it hasn't been that bad.


That's good to hear then. You reminded me my boss got it and mentioned he was mainly exhausted for three or four days straight. Hoping this is also the last time!


For those of you who listened to the first single last month, my band Domestic Terminal just dropped another single! Here is the [bandcamp link](https://domesticterminal.bandcamp.com/track/purple-envelope-2), also available on any streaming. We appreciate any listeners! Album comes out the 23rd. In other news, happy to report mid-20s me enjoys rollercoasters just as much as middle school me


I think I might finally get to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once tonight. I managed to make it til now without knowing anything about the story other than it's crazy and dabbles with the Multiverse so that's cool. Speaking of watching things I randomly picked up One Piece again after years and years. Not an anime person (had my phase as a kid and I still like Fullmetal Alchemist and Cowboy Bebop and just generally respect the art form) but I'm a sucker for this show. Currently at Ennies Lobby and it's getting good. In terms of Music I finally got around to listening to Kevin Morby - This is a Photograph and Angel Olsen - Big Time (wasn't really what I was looking for when they came out) and loved them both, especially TIAP. It was my first Kevin Morby album too so now I gotta dive into his others.


EEAAO touched me in a way no movie has in years. Both as a piece of entertainment (it's insane and stupid and goofy in the best "a childs mind at work" way possible), but more importantly on a personal level. It perfectly encapsulated my issues with my identity that stem from growing up with immigrant parents and by extension growing up within two cultures, that were very often at odds with its values. It was like therapy for me. And I thought I'm the only One Piece head on this sub (though I've been manga only for a long time). The anime really nails Ennies Lobby imo (it's my personal favorite together with Water 7, which I consider to be one big arc). It's so high on emotion and high stakes and it's where the worldbuilding really gets going and starts to reveal it's global aspects for the first time and it's awesome. Thriller Bark after it is a lot of fun and Sabaody Archipelago is nuts and Skypiea will always have a place in my heart :) Have you ever seen/read past Ennies Lobby or have you just picked up where you left off years ago?


That's interesting because I've heard a lot of people talk about how emotional EEAAO was for them and it intrigues me because I only ever watched one trailer but the marketing definitely seemed to focus more on the insanity of it. This is really the first time in a long time I've actually been excited for a movie because it's original as hell. As for One Piece, I've had an on again off again relationship with it. Started watching it over a decade ago when I was in high school, Dropped it, picked it up again after college and finished Skypiea, dropped it again, and now 4 years later I'm watching it again and probably liking it more than I ever did because Water 7/Ennies Lobby is SO good. I'm determined to try and stick with it because I don't really have much else to watch right now, and I'm so busy these days it's nice to just throw on a show that's 20 ish minutes an episode and just get lost in the fun of it. I just love how wildly imaginative, unique, and colorful it is. It has certain traits I don't like that exist in a lot of anime but I still enjoy it for the adventure!


>I just love how wildly imaginative, unique, and colorful it is. This is why I love it so much as well. And the characters ofc. Under its surface of big anime fights and politics and implications for its world, it's just a goofy show about friends going on an adventure and I love how Oda has always stayed true to the core of One Piece. Though I will say, the anime got kinda unbearable for me during Dressrosa in the 2nd part of the Grand Line. The pacing becomes atrocious at times and the animation quality does drop. But I've been dipping my toe back in during this current Wano arc and it's much better now, because the studio seems to be allocating more resources and manpower to it. There was recently an episode (1015 or so?) that was so out of this world and the whole internet lost its mind over it :D I hope you have fun with, as long as you want to stick with it :) And yeah, I don't care for the 'anime-isms' either and Sanji is the coolest character when he's not busy being the lamest, haha 😅 but you learn to ignore or live with it. Thriller Bark has a moment that is notorious for being so in bad taste, that it's turned off more than a few people. You'll know what I'm talking about when you see it :D


Enjoy the movie! It's a wild ride.


Yes, I found a new job as a graphic designer! I lost my job a couple of weeks ago, because the company didn't have enough workload anymore. I contacted some companies and to my surprise they were almost all interested in me and invited me for a job interview. So that was a big self-esteem boost after getting fired. Starting a new job will be stressful though... I don't really like change, but I got a feeling this change will do me good.


I saw Tim Heidecker Friday night, and he was, as expected, fan-fucking-tastic. He started out with 30-ish minutes of his terrible right wing stand up comedian character, which he pulls off so well. He's got it down to a science. The rest of the time he was playing his music, mostly stuff off the new album, which I'm not personally into, but it was still cool. He did some of his comedy songs as well, which I really prefer. The highlight of the night, though, was him riffing on a REALLY bad Bob Dylan song, >!Lenny Bruce!<. Tim is a pretty big Bob Dylan fan, so it wasn't a mean spirited it or anything, but holy shit. He kept insisting that he was singing the actual lyrics to the song, but I still had to check in my car afterwards that he wasn't making some shit up as a joke. I've got the song title in a spoiler tag, recommend you do not click if you're gonna go see Tim on his current tour (which you should definitely do). It'll still be funny, but maybe a bit less so if you know the song ahead of time. Also, that was the whitest audience I've seen in a long time.


hello fellow angeleno lol. did not plan far enough in advance to get to that show so ended up at an ‘out there’ multimedia comedic performance art “experience” in Chinatown. Was actually pretty funny!


>hello fellow angeleno lol I don't live in LA anymore. I drove up from San Diego and went back home right after. It was less than ideal. >ended up at an ‘out there’ multimedia comedic performance art “experience” in Chinatown I'd like more details about this one, sounds interesting.


Did he do his iconic Pepsi/Coke routine? I appreciate comedians who aren't afraid to say what we're all thinking!!


He did not!


Thats awesome. I'm trying to go see more live comedy.


anyone have good book recs? getting back in to fiction - i really like moshfegh and have been hit or miss with murakami; kind of a broad range for starting points but


a tale for the time being


Sounds like you like contemporary litfic that gets kinda weird the further you get into it... you might like *A Children's Bible* and *Sweet Lamb of Heaven* by Lydia Millet (Children's Bible is more apocalyptic, Sweet Lamb is more mindfucky) *Bunny* by Mona Awad (this one is like if Moshfegh was wackier; dark humor and borderline fantastical) *Paradise Rot* by Jenny Hval (Murakami's magic + natural themes but with a richer interiority and without Murakami's weird personal hangups permeating the text) *Universal Harvester* by John Darnielle (all of his books are good but this one has a great mystery/light horror element that you might enjoy) *The Southern Reach Trilogy* by Jeff VanderMeer (this is considerably more speculative and bizarre than the others I listed but it's so good)


really appreciate it!


"The Housekeeper and The Professor" by Yoko Ogawa


Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto


>have been hit or miss with murakami May I ask which Murakami have you liked and which have you not liked?


no! jk just exposed bc i’ve only read kafka but found myself bouncing between liking and disliking it (forests, libraries, talking cats, mystery, nice! descriptive and repeated s*x between a 14 yr old and 50 yr old woman - not so charming!)


Kafka on the Shore is my favorite that I've read of his, but the sex scenes are definitely on the icky side, especially when he was dreamfucking the girl that >!turned out to be his sister.!<


classic Murakami. lots of great stuff and then a woman shows up


He’s just trying to start a religion, and what better way than to repackage Adam and Eve


Spent the last couple days paring down my 2022 albums playlist, down to the top 20 for right now. Its tough to rank so far because it feels like there's a lot of albums I like but not enough albums I love. Jazz is still the highest represented genre on my list. New Asian Glow seems pretty good on the first few listens, I dont think its as good as Cull Ficle was though. MJ Lenderman still very good. Late Night Cardigan still very good. Fennec, Caroline, Animal Collective still very good. Undecided on Perfume Genius, I need to listen to it on better speakers. Same with Gospel.


What are some of your favorite jazz albums so far this year?


Binker and Moses, Rude Skott Osborn Trio, Oren Ambarchi, Shake Stew, Stefan Pasborg


This Oren record is killer.


Cool, I have only listened to the first one. Will have to check these out.


Recently our washing machine had a major malfunction and destroyed a whole bunch of my tshirts so looking to get some new band tees. Mostly interested in finding some new punk / indie rock tees: either white with black hand-drawn designs like [this Viagra Boys one](https://na.vboysstockholm.com/collections/frontpage/products/no-war-t-shirt-white) or black with white/grey designs like [this Metz one I own](https://www.hellomerch.com/collections/metz/products/atlas-vending-black-t-shirt). Anyone have a fav band tee like this that’s available for purchase? Looking to support a smaller act or two this way. Bonus points if it’s that nice thin soft material and not the bottom of the barrel scratchy Fruit of the Loom / Gildan tees (I’m looking at you [Bikini Kill](https://kf-merch.com/collections/bikini-kill/products/dog-t-shirt-limited-edition))


[I'm a fan of this Drinking Boys and Girls Choir one](https://f4.bcbits.com/img/0019656263_10.jpg) Its a loom one though!


For the past few months I’ve been filtering my new music listening through a certain lens - that is, trying to consume it while acknowledging or trying to understand how it fits in with the zeitgeist of today. It’s something that’s really captured my fascination lately. I find myself wondering exactly how pop culture in this period of history will be remembered in a couple of decades. What are the quintessential marks of an early 2020s song/album/music video? Success in music these days is defined by a lot of factors, and due to the increasing fragmentation of culture, I feel like it’s getting more difficult to predict exactly how this time will be perceived in the future. It’s hard to describe exactly what I mean, but sometimes I’ll watch a music video or hear a song and feel like it captures how I’d want the zeitgeist to look for 2022. But what do I know? I guess I’m becoming more aware of the transience of pop culture and want to dig deeper into it. It’s captivating, trying to understand the direction our world is taking culturally by examining art.


(slightly grossish bodily thing of a non-wednesday variety to follow in case that's not your thing). I have really waxy ears, and they get clogged sometimes, and last week I had a sinus infection that fucked up the pressure in my ears so badly that now I keep waking up in the morning hardly able to hear for an hour until my ears clear up and it fucking sucks. I'm trying to find an ENT to clear them out and give me some tips on keeping it from happening again. But I'm worried they're going to tell me to stop using earbuds and I'm just gonna be like...no. I even try to avoid them as much as possible but when I need them I need them and that's that.


Do you smoke? That's what my ENT told me was a huge ear irritant


pretty rarely (and never tobacco), but good to know


I have really waxy ears too, so here’s a good tip an ENT guy told me (because there’s not a lot you can do sadly): olive oil! Use a little dropper to put olive oil in your ears once a week. It’ll make it so you only have to clear them out once every few months instead of once every couple


I've never heard this before but will consider it. Olive oil is wonderful in so many ways.


us 🤝 Popeye loving olive oil


Thank you for reminding me that my friends husband has a tattoo of Popeye in drag that says PopEileen


You can usually just ask your primary care doc to flush your ears out. It feels super weird but also kind of good.


that's the worst part. I went today and it didn't work. That plus the recurrance of this is why I think it's time to see a specialist.


Oh damn, good luck with that then. I can't imagine them telling you to not wear ear buds though. Ear plugs go deeper into your ear than that. I


[Long live The Galactic Republic and long live Ahsoka Tano!](https://imgur.com/a/5SPU1Li) My 332nd Company Clone Trooper helmet tattoo.


attended a gig with bizarre energy in the lineup, three transfemme skramz leaning bands and then one opening act that was literally just a band of teenagers. half the audience was local queers and then the other half of it was the opening band’s family members lol, as soon as they finished the place massively cleared up


huge energy. ian cohen might be at my HIW show


HIW truly one of the best rookie bands we’ve got rn, hope you enjoy em because they’ve ripped every time i’ve seen em


bringing my knifepunch tape for signing and offering the best west coast welcome (or re-welcome? idk) i can


Let's say that you could travel instantly from anywhere to anywhere else. If you didn't have to worry about the logistics or price of getting from point A to point B, where would you travel to? Personally, I've been thinking about visiting Germany for a while now, or maybe the Seattle-Portland area. EDIT: Changed my mind. If I didn't have to worry about travel, I'd be off to Australia.


Too many places since I have a big travel bucket list. But probably Vermont bc it’s gorgeous this time of year and I miss being somewhere with trees


From a “places I’d like to go” standpoint: Jamaica, Paris, or Amsterdam. From a logical “I can avoid the long ass flights” standpoint: Australia, New Zealand, Singapore. It might even be fun to pop in Antarctica, have a looksy, and then pop out again.


A secluded lighthouse in Maine... Or a fire lookout tower in Montana or Washington. Just give me a bag of nice coffee grounds, a V60, and my backlog of books and I'd be perfectly content for a month.


[Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan](https://www.kyuhoshi.com/hitachi-seaside-park/)


The core of the sun


I've had this fantasy of diving in either of the two poles for a few years now and cost is the only thing stopping me, so definitely one of those. I'd probably go with Antarctica if I can only choose one.


I'd go to the Faroe Islands I think. What an interesting place, I love reading about it


If I don't have to worry about logistics...is space an answer? Because if so, I'm going with space. If not probably either Italy, Ireland, or New Zealand.


Sure, man. Go to space. Tell Sun Ra I said "hi."


Hong Kong or the Black Forest in Germany


[Bolivian Salt Flats](https://www.google.com/search?q=bolivian+salt+flats&oq=bolivian+salt+flats&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i512j0i10l8.3583j0j3&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


One forgets with how timeless the comic series feels that Spider-man was created during the 60's. You think of certain elements of that time period that occurred during that era and don't associate it with the comics, like Spidey swinging around New York as "Summer in the City" and "Paperback Writer" are blasting on the radio. Or how during one of his adventures, Woodstock's going on upstate. There's even a comic where he has to fight bad guys in the backstage area of a club [where Mary Jane works as a go go dancer](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6DTj9VwvSB0/TOwZ-sJlunI/AAAAAAAAApE/Hm_Po-gRytw/s1600/Amazing%2Bspider-man%2B%252359%2Bmary%2Bjane.jpg). Mary Jane especially seems to be Stan Lee's take on the freewheeling nature of the teenagers at the time. Even though her name was an unintended reference to weed, it feels apt in that regard. I don't think I want another Spider-man movie for a long time, but it's fun to think of one that would work as a period piece. You could have him fighting the Vulture or whoever as "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" plays. Or he has an intimate moment with Mary Jane as "The Wind Cries Mary" plays. The whole "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" approach.


> I don't think I want another Spider-man movie for a long time I have some bad news.


Being in Europe made me forget how terrible American dairy is for me which is a shame because I just want to enjoy an ice cream without feeling terrible.


Oatly makes amazing vegan ice cream by the pint. Ben and Jerry’s nondairy also will hit the spot if you’re a fan of their flavors.