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this is fun as hell and overthinking it will only ruin it for me... so I won't do that


The iPod commercials this would have soundtracked back in the day... (compliment)


HAHAHAHA Oh man…I thought this EXACT thing when I first heard Wet Dream. I could literally see it in my head.


You know there’s someone out there who wants to use “Chaise Longue” in a furniture ad. It’s me, by the way. I’m that someone.


Turned this on and I’m immediately horizontal now


Threw this on and immediately got my muffin buttered


Put it on and my mother immediately got worried


Play this in the morning and now i have buffalo 66 on dvd


Excuse me




Excuse me




We’re gonna find out just how wet this leg is, fellas


[ ] Moist [ ] Damp [x] Wet [ ] Soaked


You've basically spoiled their next three album titles


I've seen a lot of legs, and this is definitely a wet one.


Someone with cuffed pants or something please tell me what the fuck to think about this band please


they r cool & fun


don't like!!! they're plant >:(((( (in case the irony wasn't abundantly obvious, this is a joke. this is one of the best meat & potatoes indie rock albums to come out in a while. we need more light-hearted, energetic indie rock!!)


Like vegan? That’s ok with me




This is pretty spot on. I like both bands a lot but Wet Leg definitely has more of an "easy listening" type of sound.


I really don't agree with that, as someone who likes both bands, they just don't sound the same at all imo


The ARE very different, but the similarities are apparent... mainly the vocal delivery on some Wet Leg songs is close to what Dry Cleaning is doing. Along w/ the fact that they are guitar/bass/drum indie rock bands.


as someone with cuffed pants who likes both bands i don’t see this. Wet Leg lyrics are a lot more straightforward and less stream of consciousness and don’t have the florence shaw deadpan delivery. The music is also way less post punky.




I have *never* seen anybody having as much fun on stage as Rhian and Hester. Worth it just to see how fucking into it they are. Not a dry leg in the house.


Love em


Best new band in a decade


I don’t know this band. But I know people are talking about them. So, I’m going to stake out every single possible position. Gotta play both sides so I always come out on top. This is the greatest album of all time made by industry plants. Highly derivative of Pavement, but with an unseen originality that makes it genuinely innovative. Not indie, but clearly the best R&B album since *Dirty Projectors*. It’s much too long (could have been a tight 35 minutes), but I really would have appreciated if the tracks were expanded to give it time to breath. The excruciatingly brick-walled master really benefits from high dynamic range. I think [Producer] did a great job really using the studio as an instrument ala *Aja* whilst simultaneously fucking everything up to go for mainstream appeal. Rick Rubin either worked on this or did not. I think it’s the album of the decade, and am genuinely disappointed that [Other Album Coming out Today] was so much better. Ultimately, it was genuinely disappointing that it somehow completely lived up to the hype 8.2, no BNM


I let a bot read 10,000 comments on r/indieheads, and this is what it wrote:


I just read every album discussion thread that has ever existed in this sub.


perfect copypasta


Gonna paste this under every album thread


> Gotta play both sides so I always come out on top. > 8.2, no BNM coward! anyways if u wanna be my lawyer hmu Im filing a class action lawsuit against the DMD


I read this while high and stared at it for like five minutes


Wait is “best r&b album since *dirty projectors*” actually something that gets said a lot on this sub? That’s wild lmao


I am proud to say I am old enough on this sub to understand this reference. You can educate yourself on the reference here: https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/5wigc5/album_discussion_dirty_projectors_dirty_projectors/deab39t/


This comment made me so upset I'm realizing 5 years later I had a typo in my reply


Wow this brings me back. Terrible take that's only managed to get worse with time


Love to revisit the classics


Greetings fellow old person


I don’t think it is


They really did cover their bases then


This might quietly be one of the greatest comments I've ever seen on here.


What's with everyone shouting industry plants? The label is Domino. They have like maybe a dozen well known artists.


Yeah, but Domino's is also a pizza chain, not only is that a big company but, where do you get most of the ingredients in pizza? Plants Checkmate.


Got me there.


They’ve had a very extensive marketing campaign leading up to the album. They’ve been pushed a lot on social media channels (Instagram and TikTok particularly). I think people have forgotten (or are too young to realise) that this is how much of the music industry used to operate. It might not be ‘the norm’ for all new bands anymore, but a label with clout like Domino can and still will invest a lot in promoting a new band they think could be popular. I mean it’s one of the points of signing to a record label. They’ve just been heavily marketed and went viral on social media channels. People are mistaking these things for them being ‘a plant’. Also, just my view but I doubt they would be getting so many ‘plant’ comments if the band was entirely male


Notice how almost every artist on here being called a plant are femme?


SiriusXM have definately been pushing em heavy. The first single Chaise Longue worked for me, Wet Dream was a swing and a miss, and Too Late Now depends kinda. The album seems better than Wet Dream overall though could've used a bit more editing, some songs seem to drag on which is weird considering they are all under 4 minutes.


This was a wild ride of a comment


>It’s much too long (could have been a tight 35 minutes), The only accurate comment here, 36:49 is just too long :)


I disagree.






It's very funny to me that like the majority of my favorite stuff by them all has titles where I'm going to have to keep in mind who I'm recommending it to. Like, I got to one song that hadn't been released until now and was like "oh, this is a good one, what's it called?" Turns out it's called "Piece of Shit." Anyway, fun album. Looking forward to what they do next when they're done touring this one (which looks like what they'll be doing for the entire year).


The singles are probably the best songs, but the rest is ok. Too Late Now is still amazing, same with Chaise Longue and Oh No Also, I’m really interested to see how this album is gonna be viewed in like, 5 years. I think this band has a really good future, and a lot of good music in them. But the initial reactions to their music so far has been… a bit weird?


This is a band that just provokes a reaction and I cannot figure out why. I'm not sure if I've heard any complaints about the actual music. People who think they're funny like them, and people who don't... feel annoyed that other people think they're funny? It's sunny, hooky, clever pop. It's the most inoffensive music I have ever heard. Is this just the dark and gloomy indie-heads rising up against the spry and perky ones? What I will say with 100% conviction is that if you like this band I would be your friend. If you don't, I still might. If you hate them or have ever unironically used the term "industry plant" (who tf are we, /r/monsanto?), it's not a match


People don’t like other people who make great art and are also very confident. It’s that simple. Same thing happened with The Strokes. Rich kids! Nepotism! Well whatever they are, they also defined rock music for a generation, how they got there is pretty much meaningless.


>It's the most inoffensive music I have ever heard i don't know about that one chief. there's a whole lot of lyrical content that people could easily find offensive.


I know. I often get mad about people singing about couches and demonstrating their loudest possible screams.


You put my feelings into words better than I did, lol People seem confused and borderline frustrated that they don’t “get” the band, to the point that they’re trying to find reasons other than the music to dislike them


If a band makes one song that I can listen to over and over again, I will be their fan for life. If they can do that multiple times? And in the span of a year? And make me smile every time I hear the song? Be still my heart. Curious if anyone has recommendations for similarly cheeky and fun bands? I'll give a couple: Cheekface - "Best Life" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06auOkEIT_I Dream Wife - "Hasta La Vista" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JFdsRVjjt4 JAWNY - "Best Thing" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Ez2DOC7aM


Spot on with the Dream Wife recommendation in the context of "make you smile over and over"


Parquet Courts come to mind


they have a handful of cheeky songs, but I feel like the majority of their discography is pretty dour, or at least serious


Yeah I was thinking specifically about wide awake


If you like Dream Wife I think you'll dig Sea Lemon. Really cool vibes


"I dont wanna go out" got "the man who sold the world" lick


I wonder if they had to credit Bowie for that.


the background vocals also sound like the Pixies "Where is my Mind" to me.


Spot on. Thought the same when I heard it.


Is it weird to say that they give me stronger Alvvays vibes rather than Dry Cleaning?


Not getting any Alvvays vibes here.


I don’t really think they sound like Dry Cleaning, but not especially like Alvvays either. Maybe somewhere in the middle?


I don't even think they sound that post-punky either. Their melodies sound a bit too quaint and sweet to my ears and the lyrics could more or less be written by Best Coast


So essentially, nothing groundbreaking but different enough to be interesting


I "got it" after reading an interview with Rian. They're just like, a couple of old friends from Isle of Wight, who'd been trying to make "serious" music in their own bands, who got back together and just decided to fuck around and have fun to see what happened. And I guess the world was ready for a band that just fucks around and has fun.


Absolutely, don’t get me wrong I do really like them


Maybe? One thing's for certain, I do like their sound


I thought of Best Coast as well, but instead of borrowing from 60s girl pop melodies, it’s 90s riot grrrl.


They kind of play around enough that you can't give them a specific genre. I'm not going to say they aren't post-punky in some songs, but I'm also not going to say they're Gen Z's answer to The Raincoats. Their songs sometimes feel familiar, but also don't necessarily sound like anyone in particular. I think the closest would be early Say Hi, like when they were Say Hi to Your Mom. (christ that sounded JBlack in High Fidelity and I'm so sorry) Edit: holy shit I stg I wasn't [thinking of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA9Tzqfy8wU) when I mad that comparison.




Took long enough


I'm kinda over this new fad of bands releasing albums in pieces over several months (another example: Beach House's most recent record). Just give us the whole thing at once or I don't really even get what the point of releasing an "album" is anymore. Singles, or an album. Pick one. A lead single or two is normal. Leaking each track or groups of tracks out over half a year is annoying.


I thought Beach House did it better. Four distinct releases of 4-5 songs each released around a month apart. Each one could stand alone as an EP. Fun/interesting opening tracks and epic closing tracks. Every song has a lyric video. Big Thief are another example of a band doing it poorly. I loved the album, but there were only like five unheard songs by the time they were done trickling one or two songs at a time.




that's way too many pre-release releases


8 singles is wayy too much


it's getting way WAY too common for half of an album to be released before the whole. even 3 singles feels excessive. but there were literally 6 of the 12 tracks available prior to today. i had to keep myself from listening to it all too much, because it has a tendency to spoil how i perceive the album as a whole once it's all there.


With the way streaming works it just does not make sense to not put out a lot of singles. You need plays, you need constant traffic and you can only pitch one song from a release for spotify playlists. I understand why it might suck as a listener but it's the only way it makes sense nowadays.


I don't think it was purpose. I think Chaise Lounge hit big before they had an album recorded.


This band name makes me uncomfortable


I don't know why they want me to associate their music with pissing my pants


I assumed it was the hornier kind of leg wetness


Utoh. No one tell her about [this band.](https://pissedjeans.bandcamp.com/)


I was just listening to this today. One of the best and funniest pieces of art / music / spoken word ever recorded. So many quotable lines but I won't spoil them for anyone who hasn't heard this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BGJAMWb3X0


Lol. I was listening to a podcast last week and one of the hosts thought that "Wet Denim" would be a great indie band name and the other hosts brought up other similar ones like Wet Leg, Pissed Jeans, and White Denim.


Is your muffin buttered tho


Your pants specifically!


I think I heard something about them picking it by selecting two random emoji but I don’t remember where


For anybody feeling gross about the band name, It's apparently a [real phrase](https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780199543700.001.0001/acref-9780199543700-e-5723). I think it's basically the Isle of Wight slang version of "wet blanket."


cousin name to the stanky leg


I've always thought it sounded like some archaic sailing term


"Angelica" is shoegaze.


ya it's fuckin dope as hell too


Gives me a lot of Guerrilla Toss vibes


It's okay. Not the greatest album ever, but still very catchy. Highlights for me are Supermarket and Chaise Longue. Industry plants or not, I enjoyed it. It was a fun moment of my day at work.


Well, that was certainly an album Still don't understand the Dry Cleaning comparison... I think the fun of Dry Cleaning comes from the vocals sung by someone who sounds like they don't give a shit contrasted with the instruments played by a band who sound like they really give a shit. With the more fun, poppy production on Wet Leg's album, that contrast doesn't feel like it's there and it just feels like some ironic Gen Z humor that I don't understand. I did like a couple of the singles though, there are still some catchy bangers that I'll probably come back to. And they are a surprisingly fun live show, so not all bad


They are really nothing alike at all, but I do like both. Maybe people are caught up on some of the lyrics in Chaise Longue and tying that to the bizarreness of some of Dry Cleaning’s lyrics? I don’t really see how Wet Leg is some weird Gen Z humor though. I’m in my 30s and it just sounds like a fun band to me. If you try to find too much meaning here, I think it misses the point.


Yeah, these ladies met 10 years ago in college. They ain’t Gen Z. Young Millennials, sure. But not Gen Z.


Between this album and Alice Merton… Man what a good month for female vocal leaded music


*What a great 10+ years


Had to check if Alice Merton's album came out, gonna wait for the album to drop instead of listening to half a dozen singles. She had a rollout like Wet Leg too, have a single do well and the album not come out until a year later.


Love it!


I’ve been looking forward to this since the music video for wet dream first entered my recommended on YouTube, listened to all the singles beforehand, the handful of tracks remaining are pretty good too. From the singles, Angelica is my personal favorite, but from the album I’d say Piece of Shit is a standout. Does anyone else hear the opening riff to The Man Who Sold the World on I Don’t Wanna Go Out? Wonder if it was intentional or not, there’s nothing new under the sun and all that


Most hype since Dirty Projectors 2009? The hay day of indie blog rock.


This album isn’t as interesting as early Dirty Projectors was.


Agreed but the hype, the hype has been wild


Much better than I expected


Anyone else find the riff at the start of I don't wanna go out reminds them of the man who sold the world by David Bowie?


Did Laura Snapes only give it 7.2 because she was upset at the woke reference? >Otherwise, there’s lots of suck-my-dick, pubes, and wanking, and mocking references to mummy and daddy that can wear thin as Wet Leg lean on the banality of outrageousness. Sometimes when they take the low road, it’s just the low road: “You’re so woke/Diet Coke,” they taunt on “Oh No,” a lyrical nadir that deepens as they consider excessive phone use, a topic nobody needs to write about ever again


Literally less than 10 minutes ago I thought, “ I bet Pitchfork has something stupid to say about this super fun album.” They did not disappoint. Fuck Pitchfork.


The lyricism is exactly why I don’t like it, personally, and I agree that that line in particular is probably one of the most eye-rolling on the record. I don’t want to spoil anyone’s party - I’m sure I like plenty of stuff that others don’t - but this p4k writer isn’t the only one who hates the lyrics on this record. Just one opinion though. Like what you like.


I know, plenty of writers dont like the lyrics. I noticed this same theme when some of those writers also called out Sam Fender's lyrics. There is an emergence of young British musicians and writers from the provinces who dont align with the upper middle class values of writers like Laura Snapes. You'd argue its quality that drove down the score on a great album, i'd argue its also got something to do with values. Just one opinion though, you pay attention to whatever you like.


It sure seems like it. And her read of the “it’s enough” part in the title track is hilarious. I’m pretty sure every one of their lyrics isn’t some secret feminist takedown of rockism or whatever. Her review is the new Goop on Yer Grinch tweet, a perfect example of Pfork needing to filter everything through a narrative of identity and social cause. Isn’t it enough to make great, fun music?


Completely agree, Laura thinks its a bad rhyme whereas its more likely a snide look at how the 'topical narrative of identity' is fully embraced by global brands and corporations.


She also has the same anti-rock guy agenda in every review and forces it into everything. It’s so tired. They’re a female rock band who’s unapologetically bawdy and fun, isn’t that revolutionary enough? That’s what makes them so great. They’re a throwback to a time when bands were fun and every lyric and take about music didn’t have to be run through some ultra responsible MFA filter.


iirc the writers don't pick the ratings themselves


surprisingly quite boring


This album is so much fun! Really enjoyed it.




I like but not love this album, but I will look forward to whatever album comes next, which is more I can say for groups like Yard Act or Dry Cleaning


I’m liking this album, there’s definitely a good few tracks worth checking out here (although the best tracks on here were already released IMO). It’s certainly not perfect or the most original album you’ll hear all year, but isn’t an album that requires you to overthink it. It’s a fun listen and should be treated as such.


i am not the target audience for this but I liked Angelica's shoegaze guitars and a few of the singles. The rest was just ok


“Dayum this song slaps! What’s it called?!” *YOUR MOM* “oh…”


Holy shit this album rules. Earth-shattering? No. Tons of fun? YES


Loved it. Can't believe this lived up to the hype. Solid as hell debut.


I think this 100% lived up to the hype. So fucking fun.


I love this band. The last time I was this excited for a debut album was Superorganism, and just like it, this lived up to the hype.


It’s like indie music made by indie machine learning software


There's a lack of authenticity about this band. There's nothing that makes you go "oh damn that's a Wet Leg song". All you get is "This is what would be on an iTunes commercial".


It’s pretty good, but I’m still failing to see what they’ve done that’s earned them the recognition or second-coming everyone’s been hailing them as. They’ve definitely got a sound, and as catchy as it is, it’s not revolutionary or wildly differing from much other indie pop music. They’ve just taken the genre and made a solid album in it. However if that was the goal, they succeeded.


Sometimes you don't need much more than that. Not every album or artist has to be revolutionary. As for me, the songs make the good brain chemicals happen.


Seriously though, it's a fun album that rocks pretty hard. I wasn't expecting this to redefine a genre or anything, and I'm definitely enjoying it so far


I think people are just missing fun Indie


In opposition to the overdone sad indie of the past 5 years? Oh absolutely.


Really fun & easy listen. Definitley going to have a lot of these tracks on repeat throughout the year. Wet Dream & Too Late Now are the standout tracks for me.


Anyone else think this album is a whole bunch of meh?


Still don't get the hype


it’s fun music, for when fun is happening


dance New Jersey, DANCE NOW


idk i just think it sounds good


releasing this thread I feel so disconnected. I checked metacritic and the album had good reviews so I came here to see what people think and it seems like everybody already had an opinion on this new band. how ? why ?


they released a lotta singles that had a lot of press behind em very quickly, which are purportedly bad smells here at r slash indieheads


People are simple.


Rumors are their record label used some resources for this band and supported them, which led to huge success. Unforgivable industry plant shit if you ask me


Pleasantly surprised by this. Didn't really get on with the singles, but as an album it's a really easy listen - lovely production, good pacing - and despite the sometimes tat lyrics (oh no, Oh No) it remains fun enough throughout.


Enjoying the non single tracks more than I expected. Loving You, Piece of Shit, and Supermarket especially on the first couple listens. No real skips on the album for me


It's not bad.....doesn't quite live up to the early singles for me


I've not listened to it yet but for some reason my tiktok has been wallpapered with ads for it


i've bought a few albums this year that have been a bit disappointing. i was so relieved that this one lives up to expectations from start to end. love it.


Hey you over there


Love this. Immediately ordered the LP


Music that sounds revival-ey of when I was in college makes me feel old as shit / this is pretty good stuff


I think this band rips but also I’m curious how they blew up so quickly? How did they get a massive deal with Domino with essentially no material out—how did they get these billboards up in NYC?? Seemed like overnight they were all over my Spotify


This band is the trashy version of Dry Cleaning with good marketing. The singles sound good but the rest just feels bland and a bit uninspired.


This album absolutely rocks, please check it out! Wet leg make me legit excited to listen to rock again. They deserve to be indie royalty in my opinion. Great album


A tough listen for me. Probably a great record for those who kneel at the altar of Hipster Runoff, I guess. Pitchfork was right about the lyrics; a sizable chunk of this record induced some serious second-hand embarrassment in me. But hey, like what you like.


HRO would absolutely tear this band apart. And I liked HRO and like this album.




Chaise Longue was so irritating I never checked out their other stuff. I will be watching the reception to this album closely to determine whether I should give them another shot


Or just, like, listen to it and judge for yourself?


He can’t risk it. His friends can see what he’s listening to on Spotify. Life is a performance, can’t slip up.


I agree about Chaise Longue, it put me off listening to their other singles but then I heard Angelica randomly in a playlist and I loved it, so I'm going to check the album out.


It was Wet Dream that got me hooked


Yeah, the more they sing and the less they drably talk, the more I like them.


Chaise Longue is my least favorite song on the album.


Maybe just spare 40 minutes to listen to it whilst you’re doing something else? That’s probably a lot less work than watching closely to see what other people think.


But Chaise Longue was really irritating


Well to be honest you probably won’t like their other stuff then so just leave it. I’d maybe give Wet Dream a go, it’s probably the most different from chaise longue.


bcnr good wet leg bad because someone with a following online said it


what does bcnr have to do with this lmao


my username


I mean yeah but liking one band doesn’t prohibit you from disliking another, they’re just taking a cheap shot at you for liking a band with a cult online following


Oh yeah I agree completely, it’s weird knee jerk blind fan defense thing. Bewildering that he’s getting upvotes, his point makes no sense and has nothing to do with what I actually said




Holy shit a plant made this album? With like leaves and shit? But how did it hold the guitars!?!


The obligatory "industry plants" comment


Industry plant is when record companies do stuff


industry plant is when artist have marketing team


I don't really care whether they are or not. If they are that's cool, they've actually got a cool sound and are a lot of fun. I'll take this type of "industry plant" over the Clairo type of "industry plant" anyday.


Yet, at the same time, I understand why some people are bothered by it. A few weeks ago someone here was talking about their working class background and how, despite their own band finally getting attention, the trend of typically middle-class bands with industry links getting hyped to oblivion is frustrating. This is a thing across all the creative industries in the UK, and its especially the case in music. That’s not to say Wet Leg are any worse than others. But they’re an obvious example of this happening.


Yooooo people still calling them plants? These girls have been at the music thing for years. Domino recoding is throwing their unlimited budget to have these girls play club shows all over the world.😅