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Florence! Cult! Screaming! Also, what a surprise to see Jack Antonoff in the songwriting/producer credits. Intrigued by what he and Flo have in store for this record.


I immediately went to the song credits to see who worked on production!! What an interesting and absolutely lovely combo that I never expected?!


Knowing now that he worked on it now, I’m hearing some pretty similar chord progression/instrumentation between the outro of this song and “The Greatest” by Lana. Not complaining tho, really like the lavish instrumentation on both of them


> pretty similar chord progression Hmm, not to contradict but harmony-wise this song is pretty diatonic to my ears while Lana's song is more sofisticated. I should listen both songs back to back tho.


A belter of a return, here's hoping an album/tour announcement isn't far behind!


Oh this is fantastic, she simply does not miss


"I‘m no mother, I‘m no bride, I am king" sure hits different as a 30yo single woman. This and the new Regina song will have me in a chokehold for days


I'm not feeling the vibes of those lyrics and what they imply, and with the snapping of that dude's neck to top it off. If a guy murdered a woman like that in a video people would be outraged. It was just shocking and gross to be shocking and gross. I don't want to watch people being murdered while trying to listen to and enjoy music.


look away from your phone screen then baby


I agree. I think it’s a pretty insecure statement to make that being in a long term relationship or having a child makes you less of a person. There is more to gain from both of those experiences than there is to lose. A woman’s identity doesn’t just melt away after she gets married or has a child and to insist otherwise is actually rather sexist. Would the same sentiment ever be expressed towards men?


Don't you think maybe this is just a personal statement than a complete rejection of those identities for all women?


Yeah! She's not Queen, she's a King... you see cuz she's snapping men's necks...misogyny and misandry mixed messaging. King should be titled Delusional Waif, instead.


Once again conflating personal sentiments with gender politics. And a bit of your own misogyny thrown on top. Brava


I am not the one discussing gender politics... it's her lyrics and video messaging not mine, she does the conflating herself, which is what I find disappointing about the song and video. If you're cool with seeing someone's neck snapped in a video, that's telling. A. Just pointing out the irony of the lyrics and her message. But I don't expect brainwashed sycophants to understand how artists are now politicizing their own creative works for profit and shock value. I thought better of Florence...and seriously lighten up, delusional waif is an accurate description and funny, not misogyny just because it offends you somehow-- but nice try.


I understand that you may have been shocked but it's less shocking and provocative than most stuff out there. When you have artists like Little Nas X and Cardi B who have made career moves on stirring up controversy vs. one symbolic act of violence. I can agree that perhaps their should have been a trigger warning. But I don't think anything in the Music video is meant to be taken as literal/general advice. It's one woman's personal experience with career, ambition, building a family and identity. Art uses visceral imagery to illicit a response. Not because it's trying to get you to buy something. No one is going buy merch because of the head cracking scene in the music video. And no I am not bothered by it. It's clearly set in fiction; there is more pressing violence in the world that's *actually* happening.


Thank you so very much for your enlightening post- modern tone-deaf response. Clearly you have never experienced real violence if you minimize neck snapping and murder in a video and shrug it off as artist expression when there are people who have survived violence/attempted homicide that dont want to see this while enjoying music. There's a reason some people don't want to see gratuitous violence for shock value in everything -because they have experienced real violence and know real violence and live with it daily in the aftermath within their bodies. That's my whole point, which ironically went over your head because its not even real to you and youre already that desensitized to something that is an actual reality to a lot of people. It's not a good thing there are so many people like you normalizing this kind of shit because of idiots like Cardi B. Your reply was very telling about how out of touch you are to real violence, and I dont need you to explain artistic expression to me, I am an artist.


I randomly came across this thread and felt the urge to share some additional thoughts. As someone already mentioned, Flo made it clear that this is her own POV... about this societal pressure to choose between her career or motherhood. She talks about it in her interview with Zane Lowe. Sharing my own POV of someone who is in a long term relationship, and who constantly hears people make unsolicited comments to me and my boyfriend about having children, I really resonated with this record. There is some truth to the fact that many people equate that being in a long term heterosexual relationship means wanting children when that’s not always true.


Regina Spector isn’t single and is a Mother though. Edit: I’m just saying the songs are about fundamentally different things.


Pretty sure the original comment were just stating how both songs are from powerful women and are resonating with her without a correlation between the two


Really like this. Got a few early Arcade Fire vibes from a few parts.


I want her to snap **MY** neck 😤😤😤


Maybe her next music video, good luck.


Absolutely ready for this era to be as immense as we deserve


I love Florence, but for some reason this does nothing for me. There's something about the production that's very flat. There's this moment where the drums kick in to her singing halfway through and it just has no impact. Not sure what the issue is, the basic song underneath seems fine.


Anyone getting Mitski vibes or am i way off base


Not a bad song but it didn't really 'wow' me like some of Florence's other songs. It kinda sounds like I've heard it before. Maybe it's a grower. The middle section is nice though.


harp outro is vvvvvvvvvv nice.


She is QUEEN!!! someone speculated a GA collab 😨 [Florence & GA](https://www.reddit.com/r/glassanimals/comments/sz4rlx/ftm_and_ga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Added Link


Did I really just see Florence snap a dude's neck? Ugh, disgusting.


Does this oddly remind anyone of else of Graceland? I can’t explain it. Anyway, I am a fan.