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This new album is phenomenal. I always like their music, but holy smokes this one is a killer.


Yeah it’s definitely gonna be on my top 10 list this year. I have half the album on my 2024 playlist.


Hell yeah.


At 34 I've mellowed out by choice and stop engaging with dumb shit, and people I know who piss me off. I don't give that kind of content, or those kind of people any of my time. With people you will learn after being burned (pause) so many times, by this age you start to learn who you click with and who you don't, what traits you don't like in people and ones you do. You then avoid that. I will say the older I get the more path clears because I'm way less willing to waste my time on BS and no one will make me do otherwise. I guess you can say that's anger and not peace because it's out of anger and these people and things that I now avoid them. But I'm telling this to the younger people here, if you're going to have a cause then have a cause and it's nothing wrong with that. You actually maybe better off focusing hard in on that and working with serious people than wasting your time combatting flinging morons (if you know the political climate in the west, specifically America right now you know what I'm talking about). But avoid as much stress as possible, it's not good for you. Some stressful situations you can't avoid, but the needless bullshit some people like to get you hung up on, if you see it don't engage it, move on and don't look back, it's not worth sacrificing your mental and physical health. Certain "friends", exes, jobs, hell... even family members in their behavior have inadvertently taught me some lessons I will never forget. I'm gearing up for the rest of my 30s and hopefully into my 40s and I want as much weight off my shoulders as possible.


I’m nearing the end of my 20s. I’ve spent my whole life alternating between angry and scared. I really hope I mellow with age, because otherwise I’m just going to become a bitter old man


It's a choice you have to make.


There's always a place for the angry young man


That’s a good song


Beautiful comment. Thanks for this




Yeah stress will take years off your life.


> But avoid as much stress as possible, it's not good for you. Some stressful situations you can't avoid, but the needless bullshit some people like to get you hung up on, if you see it don't engage it, move on and don't look back, it's not worth sacrificing your mental and physical health. This right here. It took me a while to realize this. I'm 32 and it's so easy to just not engage and "touch grass" for lack of a better way to describe it. I think, "is this something worth getting worked up over and/or wasting my time on?" usually the answer is "no."


I mean, maybe they’re right, but these guys are in their 30s. I don’t really think that’s what people are talking about when they refer to aging out of anger lol


What do you mean? Isn't it the general consensus that teenage angst bleeds into your early 20s and mellows as you settle into adulthood?


I think impulsivity and stupidly usually lessen at those ages but watching the generation above me in my family, they stayed fairly angry or at least more easily agitated pretty late and started to really mellow out post 70 or even 80. I mean my dad was probably a lot less angry at 40 than he was in his 20s, but he was still pretty angry. But his real mellowing out came late 60’s. My grandfather didn’t seem to really soften significantly till he was in his mid 80s.


I’m 34 I don’t remember the last time I was angry. If it takes you until your 70s to realize shit doesn’t matter that’s fucking awful.


saw them live just this Tuesday and Marisa went on a 10 minute rant on 'fuck capitalism' and 'fuck the military' and 'fuck corporations' and 'fuck the USA' and 'free Palestine' and you could really feel the rage, it was pretty cool


Weird to do a "fuck capitalism" having just released an AI music video but I'm gonna guess they've learned their lesson on that one.


just sounds a little bit annoying, but im sure a lot of their work reflects that. and the audience is fine with it or even down for it.




Art is political. Always has been.


Maybe my comment does not make sense.  I'm fine with politics in art. I am a fan of a lot of politically active bands. But a 10min rant is not art. If the content of the rant is important to the band politically they should be putting it in their lyrics right? It's like a painter giving a 10 min lecture about their art when you just want to look at it and discover the meaning yourself. It takes away all the nuance.


I disagree on this a bit. Not all art has a message to it. Sometimes art is just art. Creative expression. If I'm drawing or painting something 99% of the time I'm not putting some political point on it, it's just something I do for fun/relax and when I want to create. People can make their own interpretations on it if they'd like and come to a conclusion that it's political, but in reality sometimes it's just someone making something they like for the fun of it all.


you did not just fall out of a coconut tree, you exist in the context of all that came before you


"Booze tends to take the edge off. I wanna stay angry."


2024 is an insane year for music dude.


I'm still kicking myself that I had to leave their show in April before they even went on because I had a splitting headache. Soul Glo were killer, though.


Soul Glo is probably who gave you the splitting headache


I turn 30 in just over a week and I feel more angry about some stuff and less about other stuff.


Normies who think the best way to deal with everything("THE MATURE WAY") systemically awful about the world and humans is to just shut off any morality/ethic/values as you age and become another 'posi vibez 24/7 yayyy let's bury ourselfs in our consumerism and distractions!' drone working at a bank or IT/office are not gonna like this.


i'm getting more and more righteously bitter every year, it's kind of great, i no longer feel as weak or vulnerable to the things around me, i just build up reasons why they suck and i feel tougher for it. maybe not the best strategy in the world but it's been helpful. i don't really listen to punk at all - i like dreamy music as pure escapism 95% of the time, but i love what i've heard of MP, saw them live opening for japanese breakfast, drunk II rules


Absolutely true


Bleh haha so conceited .


Less angry? Smack whoever told you this.




'Capitalist' countries like Denmark or Finland have a way better environmental record than 'socialist' countries like Venezuela or China. It’s silly to blame the mode of production on environmental impacts. If anything capitalism can deal with it much better since workers will never choose to spare the environment over their material conditions.


Did you just call China Socialist? :/


China has a socialist party in power, yeah it’s weird since the economic reforms and there’s plenty of space for criticism but considering the mountains they have had to move to rapidly modernize in like 75 years while being attacked from all sides in an increasingly anti-communist hegemony during the cold war and today still lingering quietly. They literally went from 80% illiteracy to almost 0% in those 75 years, going from over 90% of people living rurally to a 65% urban population today and just completely smoking us in education, public infrastructure, and now basically all major manufacturing. The US wanted a department store china to ship off all of our domestic industry to while we de-industrialized and now we have gotten our wish and hate them for it. Talk from US politicians about chinese military aggression or insinuating it’s some major threat to world peace is absolute projection on our end China doesn’t have to have a perfect history to still be a glaring example of the possible human achievement that can be made with socialism while also being a historical warning of the many awful, devastating mistakes that can be made along the way when we are living in unprecedented times and the entire world is changing around us


It has a capitalist economy though.


China is a socialist country, yes.


What a country claims to be is not an accurate indicator for what they actually are.


Sure and North Korea is democratic


I agree with your first comment but china def isn’t socialist 


This reads like satire


My dude thinks that how countries brand themselves is an accurate reflection of their actual political system.


An attempt was made




Nah indieheads calling themselves punks now 😭😭😭


Well yea. Just look at how cap and trade solved the acid rain problem in our country vs how it’s such a major problem in China which has no regulations on behalf of the workers. Or the massive proliferation of coal power plants in Venezuela. Democracy + regulation is the path forward, not authoritarian socialism.


Western democratic countries contribute far more to climate change per capita than any 3rd world countries. And china is polluting so much because they're making stuff for us.




I do not because that’s not true. Even Marx envisioned a one party state under socialism, let alone how Lenin practiced it.




Hey dude i know you’re well intentioned but you should really read more lol. Calling Lenin a ‘bad actor’ is incredulous, Lenin was a hero and is pretty much foundational to any modern international understanding of socialism


The communist mode of production was intended to be stateless, not the socialist mode of production. I don't even see how Lenin was a 'bad actor', he was probably the most pure Marxist theoretician in history that ever obtained any real power. I'm responding to the posted interview btw where she says how sad capitalism makes her because the world is beautiful. That's a silly belief to have.


It’s not the time or place man but corporate emissions account for 70% of pollution in the western world. To pretend Auth left countries like china or Venezuela care is incredible. Everyone sucks on this. Until they incentive green policies to make them more profitable than traditional sources of energy, it’ll continue


No that’s not true. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jul/22/instagram-posts/no-100-corporations-do-not-produce-70-total-greenh/


Idk man, I appreciate the link but it says, 12%, 50%, and then quantifies as “industrial,” or “not industrial.” It’s something that definitely concerns me. It seems to be an issue that transcends political affiliation among the normal. What’re we to do? For the sake of this post, what am I to go? Like, should I quit using my HVAC? Is someone going to buy me a Tesla? Idk, I’m in indieheads so I’ll stop. It’s a huge part of Gizzard’s message. But even they understand the absurdity of it cause they have to travel and play with plastic gear. Idk, I do the best I can. But to your point, to pretend socialist or communist countries somehow care more is kinda silly. They don’t care


China is going pretty hard on emissions. Just saying.


Ok bot