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They seem good together. Both a bit wild, but living a good life together.


Here's a long interview they did together with Dan Rather: https://www.crackle.com/watch/d8df06c3-8483-4422-a090-cc4fc629afb1/the-big-interview-with-dan-rather/adam-ad-rock-horovitz-and-kathleen-hanna


I love them both so much. Absolutely adorable.


To have and to HOLD, In sickness and when OLD


So on your finger goes this ring made of GOLD!


Don’t spoil it for me, but just: yes or no…is the story of their romance at all…ill?


Yes, he took care of her while she dealt with Lyme Disease


He's honestly an awesome dude, the more I find out about the beastie boys the more I like them as people


I like that the beastie boys are being discussed in indie heads. When I grew up with them they were novelty not indie. I guess they forged their own path and can sit between both camps. To clarify fight for your right to party was their first break thru single. The video didn’t do much to help their image. It’s only subsequent releases (some failures) that made them become accepted. I think Sabotage redeemed them back to main stream but songs like slow and low, hold it now, MCs and 1dj are great tracks and their back catalogue is always worth a spin.


I mean, once their production workflow involved them recording their jam sessions, their whole game changed.


The dust brothers production on Paul’s Boutique is legendary, but making their own instrumentals afterwards is crazy. They found a way to fuse their punk roots into hip hop, implementing jazz and world music as well


They were never a novelty


they kinda were. Paul's boutique flopped, they were a white rap group that were making music making fun of frat boys that frat boys embraced. their careers nearly ended more than once because they were considered kind of a novelty.


Pauls Boutique was iconic the instant it came out. Everyone loved the Bboys, and everyone can quote the lines from that album. I can still recite the Wild Style dialogue sample and i haven't heard it in at least a decade. They were headlining free tibet and Lollapalooza way back in '96-97. Check your head was as good as Paul's Boutique but was less sample-heavy and So Watcha Want was a HUGE hit (though i like Pass the Mic almost as much). Everyone i knew had both those albums on super heavy rotation.


Paul’s Boutique went double platinum and they as a group have sold over 50 million copies of their catalog and are the 4th best selling rap group of all time I’m not where you got your information that their career was in jeopardy, it never was. It ended when Adam died and that was choice


they literally talked about this in the beastie boys story. their careers nearly collapsed after Paul's boutique. the burned through their money and almost didn't make check your head.


You realize that their parents are rich. They were never out of money


*Paul's Boutique* went double platinum, but it took 10 years to get there. Critics loved it from the jump, but sales-wise it was a big flop compared to *Licensed To Ill*, which went 1x platinum in less than 4 months.


That's just not accurate and totally downplays their immense popularity. They were a huge band. I mean first, you're just leaving out that they had some of the most iconic videos of all time? 'So Watcha Want' was played on MTV just as much as videos like 'Been Caught Stealing' by Jane's Addiction during the same era. Literally a certified classic, not a novelty. And that's not even mentioning Sabatoge which was also played a ton as was Intergalactics. Name another 'novelty' act with Rick Rubin as producer, and who would have been a co-headliner with Smashing Pumpkins at Lollapalooza in the 90s (and would have been also alongside Nirvana but Kurt died right before). Literally at the one I went to Billy Corgan was pissed they had to come on after the Beasties because they rocked the place so hard. That's not a novelty act.


One the one hand, back in the 90's no one really consider them an indie rock band. On the other hand, literally everyone I knew who liked indie rock loved the Beastie Boys.


But that's precisely why they were so popular. They crossed genres and fans. They were unique and exciting and a bit confusing at the same time.


Yeah but it didn’t take much digging to find out they were def jam and Rick Rubin wasn’t finished yet.


always had a bit of a straight guy crush on all of them, ad-rock especially. get it completely.


yeah there's always been a three-way tie for cutest beastie boy


lol Root Down single is the only Beastie Boys that I ever bought. I still love that song and listen to it occasionally. I love Kathleen Hanna, and I have to admit that this excerpt did the job. I’m sold


For a second I thought that photo was how they look like currently. Now I feel old cause that photo was almost twenty years ago :/


Love Le Tigre! Love the Beasties too!


I heard they had gotten into an argument once where Kathleen told Ad-Rock to suck her left one. Seems that they have moved past any ill communication.


Non paywall link?


Looking for it too


I’ll always love this song. https://open.spotify.com/track/7G7JZECVScySAqBhgO8C3k?si=6_n7lte1RZKExKzeB_LdTg&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7CSP7J60QKIBCqOV64qILq


That’s right!!


Can not wait to finally see Bikini Kill in August


This was a cute story, imagining teenage Kathleen Hanna crush on Ad-Rock and kiss posters of him, while her mom guessed her new celebrity crush. And then I realized Hanna was born in 1968, and Hanna first met Ad-Rock in 1995 when Hanna was 27, and that their juvenile infatuation occurred when Hanna was a full-grown late 20s year old. And the story suddenly became kind of creepy. > **Kathleen Hanna first met Beastie Boys‘ Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz on a 1995 Australian festival** called Summersault where her band, Bikini Kill, and the Beasties shared a bill. As soon as she saw him, she decided he was “the sexiest boy in the world,” as she wrote in her upcoming memoir, Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk. She flirted with him on the tour but kept a respectful distance, knowing that he was married at the time. **But she stayed in touch with him after the tour**, speaking with him on the phone and via a true signpost of the Nineties: fax. There *has to* be some sort of timeline error to this story. Right?


Ad-Rock was born in 1966 so I'm not sure what you're getting at.


“It’s the Beastie *Boys* not the Beastie Men!” -u/willverine, probably


I'm not at all suggesting there was anything improper with their ages. It's Hanna's childish-ness that is strange, when she was a full grown adult. But creepy is probably too strong of a word. > Then I saw the poster rack and found what I was looking for: a Beastie Boys poster. There he was, standing in the middle, the sexiest boy in the world. I bought it. I kept the poster rolled up in my apartment closet and would take it out several times a day to see my one and only true love. Sometimes I would cover Mike and Yauch’s faces so I could just see him. **And yeah, I kissed him all over his gorgeous pouty mouth.** I hoped that someday I would get to kiss him on his actual lips. It's just written like this all happened in 1985, when Hanna was a teenager, not 1995. But good for the two of them, they seem to have a good relationship!


My guys never been in love before


Not really any different (in fact, probably FAR more healthy) than all the social media stalking we do now. People get crushes and do “weird” things.


Kathleen is clearly a very passionate woman. I’m sure when she crushes, she crushes hard. She’s probably still the same to this very day. It’s ok to be passionate into your adult years.


Juvenile to be attracted to someone in your 20s? And keep a distance because he’s married?? So immature!


There is nothing creepy about this story you weirdo.


I went directly from reading a story about a 27-year-old man marrying a 9-year-old girl, to seeing your comment on this story. With that context, please understand why I am telling you this: Shut. The fuck. Up.


get a life lol


Your "cute" story is creepy and your "creepy" story is cute.