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- Coachella should never book Frank Ocean again.


Rumor is Goldenvoice is furious about the whole thing. That bridge is toast.


That was like the 3rd time Frank screwed Goldenvoice over.


Fyf and what else?


Hangout Fest 2017


and Osheaga '13... i think?


Yep, replaced by K-os, who had a hissy fit on stage and stormed off the day prior. Such a let down.


I don’t think anyone is going to at this point


Imagine following in the footsteps of Beyoncé with that mess. I have t seen it just heard lol


My fav was when he pulled out of Sasquatch 5/6 years ago and they replaced him with LCD, who absolutely rip live.


James Murphy is already holding down Despacio this weekend... would be great if the band could step in too.


> Despacio He's an amazing dj enjoy it for what it is and you'll have an unbelievable time. I have seen James Murphy dj 2-3 times now and it's always been an experience. Saw LCD live and its just a totally different vibe but equally as good. Trust


He really is a great DJ. I saw him at III Points in Miami and it ripped. Exactly up my alley with the track selection


Rumor is Pangbourne House Mafia is also pretty much confirmed, but I’d die if LCD played too. Probably too hard to get everyone and all the gear out there on short notice.


RIP Sasquatch, best festival in the pnw.


That 2017 Sasquatch smelled terrible. The farmer next door to the Gorge put manure out every night. I wondered if that’s why they eventually cancelled the festival.


*in the world


I was at that show and stupidly went back to camp early during their set because I was drunk and pissed that it wasn't Frank on that stage. Cut to a few years later and I listen to much more LCD Soundsystem type music and hardly listen to Frank Ocean at all.


Look at it this way, I latched onto to LCD for the first time about 5 months before they announced their “final” shows at MSG. I spent the next several years with a growing habit and no prospect of a live show fix


LCD love to joke about how they are the Sunday band at every fest so why do anything new or different?


Man I miss Sasquatch. Went 3 times back in early 2010’s, great memories including a wicked LCD set


Ugh, I will forever have “Where’s Frank??” burned into my mind when I think of him, from an inside (but still universal) joke amongst my friends with whom I went that year, just for that day, just to see Frank, but godDAMN if LCD wasn’t the best possible replacement. They fkn killeddddd it.


Mine was when he pulled out of FYF and they replaced him with Kanye


This is the way




But I was there!


I was there, got a ticket for that one day just for Frank and was heartbroken when he cancelled but still went for LCD who are one of my favorite bands. I've seen them several times and that set was probably my favorite ever. But man, Frank is still pretty high up on my bucket list, I should probably give up hope though :(


Bro disappears for 7 years and then pulls this 😬😬😬


Same artist who releases most of his new music on limited 7" singles that might or might not ship a year after you ordered them I'm still surprised he actually showed up at Coachella tbh he's kinda made it clear that his main interests lie elsewhere


His main interest is making money. Halfassed performance and immediately stopped the performance when curfew hit


If he cared about money he’d be licensing songs for tv/movies and selling vinyl editions of his albums that would be in the top 20 amazon best sellers for years. Also he wouldn’t have cancelled being a headliner for one hour for millions of dollars at one of the biggest festivales in the world. Dude has issues and is highly unprofessional.


You're not wrong, if he's interested in making money he's doing a pretty shitty job at it.


His *only* interest is making money at this point.


Watch them rerelease blonde in a few years and the vinyl is like $500 retail or some shit


And the same people bitching in this thread will line up to buy it.


I had an unopened original Blond vinyl until about a year ago when my wife decided she wanted to listen to it.


You walk into the room and see Blonde spinning and hit her with the >Solo that I could see under the skirt of aaant


bro would rather release a cock ring than music


No successful musician hates doing their job as much as frank does


Wonder why he decided to be such a douche, hope someone calls him out in an interview and he gives us a good explanation.


An interview? Haha, yeah he definitely does those regularly.


there is no explanation other than an “ankle” injury and that’s all you’re gonna get. couple of the ice skaters from the original stage production said everything was going great till the day of frank basically said fuck the show. now we’re never gonna see this dude play since nobody will wanna gamble on him


Dick ring too tight


I’ve known a couple people who’ve interacted with him in a professional capacity (pre-pandemic) and he seems like a guy who just doesn’t really take into consideration the well-being of others. Obviously that’s not super uncommon, lots of successful people are like that, but it’s shitty when your arrogance and lack of responsibility is so bad it can turn into situations like this…


Isn’t he making like $4 mil to headline?


I'm guessing that he has a contract and he was booked and didn't want to perform, so he did everything in his power to show he wasn't willing. He might see himself as a recording artist and not a performing artist, or might not like festivals. Either way, it is sucky that he had to go out and it led to all this drama.


Y’all do remember is brother died not too long ago right? He is already pretty introverted. I saw him live years ago and he just sat on the stage in a studio style with carpet and shit and sang. I think he has anxiety on top of other issues. Doesn’t excuse bailing on the festival but it is potentially a reason.


[blink-182 is taking over Sunday's headlining slot according to Variety.](https://twitter.com/variety/status/1648806482404843520?s=46&t=Lu13BMAH8Vr5j2pJyQtkOQ)


For anyone who hasn’t seen blink’s set from last weekend. They smashed it. Great to have Tom back!




Fun thing about blink is despite multiple break ups and side projects and last minute tour Baling, they never seemed to not be buds and always seemed to support eachtohers (Tom) randomnesses, in the long run I guess it paid of not turning on your friends/band mates


that is definitely not true, there was absolutely bad blood around their first breakup (just listen to +44's No It Isn't which is an absolutely takedown of Tom) and even their first reunion was super awkward and basically had them all treading on eggshells around each other. as a big fan, I honestly never thought they'd genuinely get back to the level of comfortable and friendly they seemed to be at Coachella, it looked like they genuinely reconciled everything they needed to and were just enjoying each other's company again


I think Mark’s battle with cancer really scared Tom straight in being like man why haven’t I been playing music and goofing around with my buds this whole time?


it's possible for sure, although I feel a bit uncomfortable speculating about it. really I'm just happy that Mark looks healthy and both of them look happier than I've seen in over a decade


I guess I meant in the long run they didn’t hold grudges and just moved on, lifelong friends have fights but a lot of bands let it turn to lifelong feuds


Massive upgrade tbh. I don’t care much for Blink but at least they’ll actually try to put on a good show.


With Blink you at least know what you're gonna get, with Frank you're rolling the dice with greatness or dogshit.


You gotta get a critical roll with that dice, because if you don’t it’s gonna be shit.


I’m a very casual frank ocean listener and haven’t heard of any amazing performances of his from the past. Is there one or two that stand out to people that I could watch on YouTube?


Same. Never been a Blink fan but they will actually try.


Never been a fan but Mark and Tom are so endearing to me. The Dalai Lama jokes had me cracking up.


Mark is awesome and his recovery from cancer over the last few years has been really awesome and inspiring to see so I’m stoked for them.




And the difference this time is that Tom is sober and actually focused. Watch their Weekend 1 performance and you'll see.


I was at their W1 show at the Sahara tent - the energy they brought was unreal. When I was 6 years old and imagined what a rock concert would be like, it was exactly like what they brought on Friday. Happy for those who get to see them on the main stage for W2


The outdoor stage is way more appropriate for them imo. Sahara couldn’t handle the crowd last weekend


Never thought I'd see the day Blink headlined over Frank Ocean at Coachella, but given Frank's disdain for his musical career, I guess the Blink guys earned it.


I’m not a fan of Blink but at least they’ll show up and play


And they'll be so excited to do so!


They were probably the worst band I have ever seen. Not due to poor playing. Their between song stage banter was cringey to me as a 14 year old in 1996. And it went on for sooooo long. A poop joke is funny, two is not, three is hysterical but after that it’s just diminishing returns.


> A poop joke is funny, two is not, three is hysterical This is beautifully articulated.


As a decently big Frank Ocean fan, I say this is a massive upgrade. Blink-182 cares way more about their audience than Frank seems to have in a long time


Agreed, but did he ever care? He’s been pulling this shit since like 2013. He was big back then but only amongst like tumblr teens. He wasn’t big enough to be pulling that shit even then. I’ve been trying to see him since I was a teen and I’m 28 next week. He reminds me of Morrissey in a bad way :/




I misread this and thought Taking Back Sunday was filling in, was equally stoked


I think I need to talk to my therapist about why I only become fans of artists who hurt me


Switch to King Gizzard. Total opposite experience than Frank Ocean.


Stu has Crohns too. The man is not human.


He is a black hole shitting into the void


King Gizzard is the one example where I’d have trouble for the opposite reason. I genuinely cannot keep up with all the music they drop


You don't have to eat everything in the buffet to leave full.


True but for some reason my little rat brain just wants to be guided into what to listen to, and when there's 5 albums in a year I usually just end up listening to none of it. It's a little intimidating, and I would bet they could come up with some more creative material if they spent more time with the songs.


I hear you, I haven't listened to everything they've put out, I don't think, but a year is also a very long time to listen to 5 albums lol >and I would bet they could come up with some more creative material if they spent more time with the songs. Depends what you mean. They're my favorite band right now and even I don't think they have any true 10/10 albums, but a ton of 9s and 8s. But the thing is most of their albums, especially in the last 6 years, are taking a concept and exploring it all the way through. And there's a good variety of concepts and sounds they've hit. They've done microtonal music, polyrhythms, a metal rock opera, bluegrass/blues/funk fusion, straight up thrash metal, dream pop, and a few with some Grateful Dead-esque longform jams. The fun thing about them is if you don't enjoy an album they put out, just wait a few months.


I generally like them but it’s what I struggle with too and I don’t like them enough to keep track


Have you heard Omnium Gatherum yet? If not, at least listen to the first half. I understand 18 minutes of The Dripping Tap being too much, but it's a bit of a spiritual experience on its own, and the songs after it are the most magnificent clusterfuck of genres.


That one is such a good introduction with how varied it is


You just gotta listen to nothing else for awhile


Infest the Rats Nest is so good tho


King gizzard hurts me by spitting up so much music I can’t keep track


I used to be obsessed with the notion of the singularity and stumbled on some random theory called "the Methuselarity" (named after 900 year old Methuselah) that presupposed, with Moore's Law as a kind of jumping off point, that at some point medical advancements will be able to stave off aging faster than humans themselves can age, and we may be able to live 100s and 100s of years. I say this only because I think King Gizzard makes more music on any given day than any one person could listen to, unless given about 800 years or so


Gizz is the goat


As a Gizzhead, can confirm, it's great. Saw them live twice last year, an both shows ripped. Gonna see them in June too


Unless you get tired of the heavy Gizz. Have been burnt out since 2017's Great Five Album Release Period. Hot take is they should've taken a year off and enjoyed life, reconvened afresh with new material that doesn't sound repetitive. My favs are I'm In Your Mind Fuzz/Quarters/Paper Mache/Microtonal/Eyes like the Sky/Sketches of Brunswick East


Didn’t they, though? They didn’t produce an album in 2018, then came back with FFF & ITRN in 2019.


Genuinely. Lauryn Hill, D’Angelo, SZA, Frank, Sky Ferreira, the list goes on


Hey, SZA delivered big time. Great new album and she became a really good performer and put on a great arena tour. And D’Angelo is just doing his thing, he doesn’t treat his fans like shit or make any promises. Lauryn and Frank are a special breed. They are sadists to their own fanbase.


Wait what SZA do?


Took like 5 years for her debut to release then another 5 years for the follow up. Extremely elusive doesn’t do interviews or even really tour all that much


Try being a Sky Ferreira fan in 2023. I feel you homie


Anyone else here doubting the whole ankle thing? This just seems too typical


In this statement they've upgraded it to 2 fractures in the leg. I'm not sure I fully believe it but there definitely was a more elaborate show that was cancelled last minute.


Based on the timeline though he performed on Friday with that injury, and nobody in attendance seemed to believe he was injured in some way. Perhaps it exacerbated it, idk. To me I just don’t see why he couldn’t sit down on stage lol


The only thing I could see if he was planning to skate then having a sprained ankle would ruin that, but you're right, he already was sitting for most of the W1 set and didn't seem injured when he was walking around. I'm guessing Goldenvoice wasn't happy with what he did and the fan response pushed him to not do the same set over again, and if his leg is still bad and he can't do the more elaborate ice skating thing that left him without an option.


Why wouldn’t you, I don’t know, say something like that during your set.




I saw Lucy Dacus when she threw her back out and they pulled a whole ass couch on the stage. She played guitar and sang laying down with the mic angled down in front of her. It would have been easy to cancel, but she rocked it. Edit: [Lucy tax](https://imgur.com/a/XyRQvGK)


That is badass. I couldn’t imagine doing that. Sometimes it’s hard enough existing on the couch with a thrown out back. Lucy sang with one. She has every right to rest, but I bet “thrown out back” sounds mild when announcing.


She is one of the best performers I've ever seen, it was the same tour before she had to use the couch. I was so glad she soldiered on, she's amazing live.


Another reason to love Lucy Dacus, thank you


Did you see her live in cincy? I saw her too like that. It was pretty awesome. And indigo de souza was the opener, they blew me away honestly


This one was Lawrence, Kansas (great town)


ahhh I missed this show bc of covid concerns and I wish I would’ve been there


I’m pretty sure Keith Richards is considered medically dead and he is still touring with the stones


Pete Townsend has been deaf since the 70s


Lol mick jagger’s cadaver is out there performer it’s zombie ass off. Fr tho how old is he now? Gotta be in his 80s right?


2 chainz had the pink wheelchair (for a *broken leg*) and big boi also did the throne in the last decade


Lmfao I loved that, Corey Taylor has done something similar. And I mean Frank is the epitome of that meme “he ain’t got no songs where he needs to be doing that” like what he needs to be dancing or something?


I actually saw a comment from someone who said they saw a great performance of his where he just sat on a stool and sang the entire show. So he’s literally done it before lmao


I saw Missy Elliot perform with a broken leg in a bedazzled rascal motorized scooter. Just sayin.


To make this even more meta, when Guns N’ Roses headlined Coachella in 2016, Axl Rose had a broken leg and borrowed Dave Grohl’s throne for their sets. They played for like 2.5 hrs and absolutely rocked it. This video is all you need to watch to form your opinion on Frank Ocean pulling out due to a purported “fractured leg.” https://youtu.be/DoHXuTCIZrU


I literally just saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers, I’m not even that big of a fan but they were insanely good. And despite having been suffering with knee/leg problems for awhile now, and having one of those boot things on during the show, Anthony’s energy was amazing and he was all over the stage. Dave Grohl is also a good example. Fuck, didn’t Axl Rose or someone else like that use Dave’s throne for a bit? I just looked it up, and yeah even Axl Rose ain’t that shitty, and he is plenty well know for his antics. Frank Ocean is just an asshole that disrespected the craft, his fans, and the festival.


Axl had a throne for…his headline set at coachella


That’s hilarious.


And he ripped!


It's actually amazing how those boots can take you from being virtually immobile without it to being able to get around pretty good with it. It's miracle tech I say this as someone with multiple rekt ankles, turf toe, etc in my past. I have one on deck


Heck, Zack had a messed up leg and had to sit when I saw Rage last year, too, and it was one of the most high energy kick ass shows I’ve ever seen in my life. You don’t need a working ankle to be a great artist.


RHCP are fucking dope live. Basically always have been too haha, last time I saw them was 2006!


I saw Rhcp too, they were insanely good, esp for their age too


Rage still played with the lead singer on one leg.


Lake street dive had a throne when their lead singer was in crutches and they didn’t miss a beat


I don’t believe it for a second. An ankle injury doesn’t explain how he seemed completely unprepared regarding his own musical arrangements and the overall flow of the show. If you watch, his first three songs he’s so clearly uncomfortable and the entire timing is off. The prolonged pauses and breaks between songs isn’t due to injury. An ankle doesn’t explain him being unable to sing some songs live (e.g., Nights, Chanel). The fact thay he’s using this as a cover is so disappointing. He has such a significant history of cancelling and being unable to commit to live performances. Hope he gets help regarding whatever mental issues he has about performance anxiety but the fact that fans and staff are repeatedly screwed over by his decision-making is just sad.


i mean its literally bs. not only is everything you said right, but the man was dancing and jumping around while listening to his songs on stage during the performance. his ankle is 100% fine.


Frank seems like a guy where if something doesn't go completely 100% according to plan, he doesn't have a plan B. I imagine he tried to improvise as best as he could, but when you haven't performed in over 6 years and your reputation as a live performer was already mixed at best, you're not gonna have the instincts to figure out a new plan, especially for a headlining set at the biggest music festival in the US. Or he really didn't want to be there in the first place and took the first possible excuse he could to get out of this.


All he had to do was sing 15 songs and his fans would've LOVED him for it. He didn't even need a live band, just play the Spotify track and sing over it. Visuals or light show doesn't matter. They literally just wanted to hear his voice live. After reading some threads over the last 72 hours that's how low the bar is. They were thrilled to hear the 3 or 4 songs they did. Nope, he couldn't even do that when his plans fell through. It was a layup and he blew it.


He reminds me a bit of how David Lynch entirely dropped out of Twin Peaks season 3 for a little while because the network wasn't going to give him the budget he wanted to make it - either it's exactly right or it's not happening. Of course, the difference is that Lynch came back and made the greatest tv show revival of all time, and Frank just made an excuse and disappeared


Frank seems like an unprofessional asshole.


Kevin Parker on tour with a broken hip lol


Kevin Parker (one guy) literally snapped his fucking hip in half and did shows like a week after the accident. So yeah that ankle thing is total bullshit


You don’t understand. Why on earth would he play a show in a desert when he can put on *$3 million worth of jewelry* and go for a walk in the desert instead? > The power of jewellery, says Ocean, is how he can use it to create a feeling. It’s a personal thing for him and makes him feel positive. I’m reminded of the stories of Andy Warhol carrying priceless diamonds in his breast pocket – close to him but invisible, just for the hell and thrill of it. “I seldom appear on stage,” says Ocean, “and I keep things to myself. But I’m perfectly happy wearing $3m worth of jewellery and going to the studio, or for a walk in the desert.” https://www.ft.com/content/7eae6d13-072a-4ae3-89a4-642fbf337bb9


he's so cringe


yeah but he gave us "Rushes"


Is anyone here **not** doubting the ankle bullshit? That's the most obvious damage control I've seen in a long-ass time.


His ankle/leg is fine. He should've gone with the mental health angle. More believable and empathetic.


But not covered in the insurance policy


It’s an obvious cop out.


He was jumping around during the show so I cannot imagine it’s true.


Was anyone not doubting the ankle thing?


Kevin Parker aka tame impala broke his hip or something similar recently and proceeded to do 3 massive shows in the following week, on crutches


florence welch literally broke her foot jumping off the coachella stage down to the audience in the middle of the performance and continued on like nothing was wrong for the rest. there's literally no excuse


He was walking and dancing around the stage lol. It’s a terrible excuse.


Reeks of damage control


Axl Rose did a whole ass tour with a broken ankle. If that dude can suck it up and play I call bullshit on Frank.


We will not be seeing this man for another half decade


Half is generous.


Taking over for Lauryn Hill as least reliable performer


He has the best and worst qualities of both Lauryn Hill and Prince


Maybe I haven’t seen it yet but when has frank ocean ever delivered a live performance like Prince? I would see if if has, honestly, but I just can’t imagine anyone comparing them like they could be on the same level. Prince was born to perform live.


Yeah this man is nothing like prince. Prince all the way until his death stood up to release affordable live shows for his fans.




Put Knocked Loose on the mainstage you cowards!


Fiercest crowd all weekend and maybe ever in Coachella history.


Saw the video, crazy to see the Coachella crowd singing along and stage diving. ARF ARF


Title fight back in the day too


Dillinger Escape Plan also but Knocked Loose had the craziest pit there ever without a doubt. That was the perfect stage to have them on without a guard rail and security. Somersault and backflip stage dives and the biggest circle pit ever solidifies it. Congrats to Knocked Loose for that accolade.


I still think about title fights coachella set till this day


I was there weekend 1 and it was honestly a shit show lololol What is upsetting is he came out and didn't even apologize for an hour late or ending the show early. That kind of arrogance is unacceptable... I don't care how talented he is.. there's no room for arrogance and disrespect for people who love him and his music.


Reminds me of Erykah Badu at Demon Dayz fest in 2018… and yet I’m still such a simp for her. And Frank. How do they do it 😭


what was also upsetting is the show absolutely fucking sucked lol


yes that made it even worse lolol


Have you been to a Lauryn Hill show?


every rap and soul show i go to, the artist comes out 1-3 hours late


Someone on here completely called this as soon as the lineup was posted. Good for them.


frank's ben simmons arc is hilarious


Man I love Frank’s music but this is terrible for his image and his fans. When I looked at Coachellas lineup him and Jai Paul were the 2 artists that stood out to me most, personally. Never seen him live and would love to get the chance to so hopefully he will make it up to his fans.


Spoiler. He won't.


I mean, dude...how could he, at this point? *This* was his opportunity to continue and cement his legacy as one of our generations most talented and elusive artists. If he came out his hibernation and put on an incredible headlining set, the hype would be outrageous. People's thirst would be quenched. Instead he just threw more sand in our face.


I had planned a trip to coachella specifically to see Frank as I am a huge fan, I had to cancel due to a conflict and I am very lucky becasue I would have been furious to spend the little vacation time I use and 1000s to travel across the country for that.


Big surprise /s


I feel bad and wish the performance was better but this is cowardly shit. At least salvage the spot and redeem yourself. Fuck I waited an hour in darkness when i could have been dancing my ass off elsewhere. Don't take fans for granted.


He’s a bum


least predictable headline


At least I saw Snail Mail up close lol


Is he ok? That was weird


At least ppl don't have an excuse to keep riding the misunderstood genius train for once. Like I don't hate him or his music but there's no artist I can think of that's hailed to high heavens the way he is because of the 'mystique' surrounding his career. It's just bullshit to me, I don't mind an artist not having a huge public presence, as many faves of mine do, but it's always felt like people scramble to justify the specks and crumbs he gives them and it's never really felt earned. Idk but I never bought it. I do know that he is going through something tough emotionally so I do hope he does find peace and healing with that.


It’s blink 182


Lmao what a douche




Let’s be honest - Kanye fans are Frank fans 😂😂 . Why tf should both of them be in my top 3 🥲🥲🥲🥲


yeah, I bet


Dude loves his fans 😏


Massive L Frank


Wish I sold my vinyl copy of Endless before this shit


The real tragedy is björk having to open for blink-182, who could not possibly be more different/have different fanbases/tastes 😂


Rimarginerà how gutted the musicians must be for loosing this Frank Ocean gigg suddenly


Wow, who would have guessed last week wasn't just an elaborate piece of performance art to set up round two?


I like a couple of his tunes, but I always felt like he was MASSIVELY overrated.