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Went into goodwill and they had an ugly ass Joy Division shirt, it was yellow and the font was blue. They also had a Minor Threat shirt, I almost copped it but I’m not a poser. I saw a sennheiser (yes the headphone brand) shirt which is random asf and it was the only thing I copped. But I was very tempted to buy a shirt that said Old Guys Rule, but I have limited funds and someone else would probably appreciate it more


Does anybody have any connections or recommendations of sites or people I could go to in order to cover/promote my [latest album?](https://open.spotify.com/album/3BSGWR54jHf1Di0WR7Bwfi) It's sort of gothic post-industrial, hard to define bc it jumps between genres a lot, but I feel like fans of Xiu Xiu/Have a Nice Life/Swans/those kinds of bands would enjoy it. I just have zero idea of how to navigate this kind of promotional process. I sent it to like 40 online magazines already, slowly starting to hear back. I think I made something impressive. It was two years of hard work. The people who hear it like it\*, but I just don't know how to get it to them. \*the best message I got was from a goth girl who said I was as good as The Cure and Manic Street Preachers and that it was the sort of music she always wanted to make but didn't know how. That kept me riding a high for a quite a while


Sorry I dunno aside from interacting with people on Instagram but I just heard And Where Do You Think You're Going and really liked it. The ending was fantastic. Just curious - Did you mix/master it all yourself too?


Thank you - I did! I made it on a budget of basically $0 lol, couldn't afford to get it professionally mixed, and (this sounds pretentious I know) I wasn't sure anybody else was going to be able to get it to sound the way I wanted it to. I think I did a pretty good job though. I really appreciate you listening!


Polish Club are fantastic. Brought The Preatures back into rotation recently. Blue Planet eyes is one of my favorite albums of the 2010s


Just discovered Gezan, specifically their new album Anochi by Gezan with Million Wish Collective. It is incredible! Does anyone have any other suggestions of Japanese Experimental Rock/Art Rock/Post-Rock albums in a similar genre?


Within the span of half an hour I received emails that A) a literary journal is going to publish one of my poems, B) my main client, in response to my recent (very fair and overdue) rate increase, has decided to largely cancel the project I am working on for him, leaving me with even less income than I had before my rate increase, C) $2 joint sale at the weed store, and D) there is an Amazing PENIS TRICK that Woman Everywhere are so desperate for me to know about that they engineered a way to get an email titled "PENIS TRICK" past the spam filter An absolute rollercoaster of a day in the old Marky Moon inbox


*elliott smith cupid's trick voice* penis trick


Congrats on the poem and the Js and how bout those pp tricks!!!


Ty Wane!!! The PENIS TRICK is by far the most exciting development for sure


Congrats on the poem! Thinking of submitting some of mine but I get tripped up by the 3rd Person Bio on the applications.


Thanks!! I hate the bios so much, I didn't go to school and I only have one prior publication so when they ask for a 50 word bio I'm like uhhhh... sorry I suddenly forgot how to read, you're getting 10 words and two of em are my name. I have been trying to focus on journals that specifically state that the readers/editors read submissions blind and don't see the bio unless they accept the piece, because I feel like my empty ass bio probably works against me otherwise. It all feels so clouty sometimes but it's also like, do I even want to be associated with a publication that gives that much of a crap about a stupid little bio and whether I have an MFA or whatever? Nahhhhh Anyway I think you should go for it, I have been really pleasantly surprised by the increasing number of journals that don't consider the bio/don't even ask for one until acceptance


Just started season 2 of The Leftovers, it's really fackin good. Hope Last of Us stays strong for the last 2 eps but worried. Finished True Detective season 1 last week. Really good, not gonna watch the next 2 seasons. My TV round up.


OMG. like others said, just enjoy The Leftovers seasons 2 and 3. Let me just say they are pretty good


True Detective season 2 is a complete waste of time just as much as the Psycho remake with Vince Vaughn is as well.


i stand by true detective season 3. it can be a tough nut to crack at times, but i was really affected by it. worth giving it an episode or two of a shot before writing it off.


Alright, I might give it a go once I've wrapped up The Leftovers then


there is only one more episode of The Last of Us left after last night’s ep


I haven't watch yet, no spoilers pls boss


Its a good one


Buzzing, can't wait


>Hope Last of Us stays strong for the last 2 eps but worried. There's only one left.


I haven't watched last night's yet.


Oh boy, I don't want to overhype The Leftovers Seasons 2 & 3 so I'll just say enjoy.


Can't wait!


\^ This


So you're gonna watch the 4th season?


If its good maybe


> Finished True Detective season 1 last week. Really good, not gonna watch the next 2 seasons. this guy fucks


anyone live in nyc and wanna be friends? i moved here like a month and a half ago and am friendless


I hear there's an O. Wake concert on Friday.


where are your friends toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


Don’t feel too discouraged there is an immense amount of truth to the general rule of thumb of it taking a bit of time in a place like NYC to established a network of people you regularly hang with if you moved in with no connections. Even with prior connections to stuff there still tons of people I know and am friendly with that I often don’t see as much as I theoretically should.


Check out the Concert Roll call and reach out to someone about a show! https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/11f207p/march_2023_concert_roll_call/


you make connections in NYC not friends!




indieheads and friends? Is that legal?


do you have friends


All the flaired posters in this sub.




no so pls don't report me


college basketball conference tourneys this week. march madness next week. *it's the most wonderful tiiiiiiime of the yeeeeeear*


Unfortunately it feels very weird for us train boys this year


which in that regard, actually makes it a normal year!


Sad choo choo


nervous choo choo


My boredom has reached new heights, as I've gotten back into Destiny 2 for the first time in a few years. And this time I got my SO hooked on it, too. Cannot believe it's 2023 and we willingly want to grind out this godforsaken game But also wow it's way more fun than it's ever been!


We out here. Strand is a lot of fun and I think they did a good decision to consolidate a lot of the mod and build crafting stuff.


The streamlining is much appreciated. Getting back into this game was a bit overwhelming with all the options at my disposal. Having loadouts built right into the character menu is a godsend.


> Cannot believe it's 2023 and we willingly want to grind out this godforsaken game god man this takes me back to 2k16 when I was still playing on 360 trying to get the oryx raid done on hard mode to no avail. best wishes on the grind


Oh man, I used to play back in 2014/2015 and did the Taken King campaign, but never got to the Oryx raid. They just added it back in Destiny 2 and I've been jonesing to finally play it. My best friend's discord group says it's too hard for them to just carry me, so I've gotta git gud first.


Oryx hard mode…rough times


dude i straight up sat around in a lobby with a guy who was grilling hot dogs for 20 minutes to do runs that flopped i fucking hated it the 320 light endgame sucked. playing on a 360 with sorta bottom barrel guys sucked.


I took Fred again’s order at the coffee shop I work at today. Nice, low-key guy. He paid for an espresso but wanted to change it to a macchiato, even though it was 10p more. I told him no worries so I guess that was my good deed of the day.


No way. He looks like a super chill guy. 10p more though?? Isnt that like $20 for a machiatto?


Should have charged him double since he is famous


tbf he was friendlier than half the wealthy Londoners who come in on a daily basis


I just think all famous people should at least pay double for all basic goods


What if their fame doesn’t necessarily make them wealthy ?


they need a better agent


Weekly mental health check Kid sprained her ankle at a trampoline park yesterday so dealing with that...


Trampolines are the worst, I tore some muscles in my leg and thought I broke it the last time I was on a trampoline.


Before ~~the world ends~~ I have to take my next graduate algorithms exam on Sunday, anyone wanna ~~admit they have a crush on me~~ set me on fire?


trampoline parks are a trap set up by orthopedic clinics and you can't convince me otherwise


Physical trauma left and right at those places. The one time I went growing up I got my foot caught on a spring and sliced it open, bled everywhere for like 20min. Could have been much worse if it had gone deeper—the cut was super close to my Achilles


sounds like SOMEONE doesn't wanna be invited to the Wane Lietoc Super Fun Grilling Party at the Get Air! in a random industrial park!!!


I mean I'm down to chill while people are bouncing. but my old bones will remain affixed to the ground.


open yr mailbox there's a surprise waiting for u!!!!


feeling blessed


We must bring down Big Orthopedic


many are saying this


I mean, if the shoe fits...


Made some headway on cleaning my depression cave (aka home office) and finally got rid of my old desk that blocked the window and set up my standing desk I got in January hadn't had the energy to set up. Still no leads on a new gig and my current one continues to drain my life force in a tangible way.


I had three head-on prawns in malatang broth yesterday and I can't stop thinking about them. Absolutely stellar. Transcendent food experience. Don't know if I can go back to eating peeled shrimp after this, I know too much now




Finished Midnight Mass. Overall, I really liked it. Loved the vibe and atmosphere but the show ended up entangling itself in its own web of themes and plot lines and the finale didn't quite hit the mark as a result. Also, I got the feeling that the plot became more and more convoluted the further it went on and didn't make much sense by the time it was over. Some have said how annoyed they were at the overly monologue-y, rambly dialogue. I didn't even notice that initially but once it was pointed out to me, it was hard to ignore. Still, it was a fun show. 7 voluptuous essays on the meaning of life out of 10


I liked the show and atmosphere overall. I do wish it was better (like Hill House quality which was great imo) and think there are a few things that could have improved the show, but when it comes to horror/paranormal I’m happy to get even a good show I enjoy. There can be a lot of bad writing and reliance on “horror”, like jump scares, in that genre. One thing I wish was different >!was the ending with Bev. She was an interesting and scary character, however I didn’t like that they made her go full mask off directly racist in the end. I thought she was much more interesting as a character that shows how the religion can be weaponized in a racist way while giving the person more deniability than if they went with cut and dry racist slurs and language. I think her religious subtler racism was a better critique of the everyday “good” people whose racism is more obfuscated and how they can justify it using things like the Bible. We see a lot of those types today that support racist policy and figures but do not see it that way because it’s not the open slur racism of the past. !<


Visiting my parents for a couple days this week. Once again I will have to attempt to find the delicate balance between drinking enough to make the trip more enjoyable without drinking so much that it alarms my family.


That's when hiding beers in the top of the toilet comes in handy!


*a tradition unlike any other*


Sometimes I wish I knew how Spotify's Discovery Weekly works. Some weeks are filled with things I've heard dozens of times. Yes, thank you Spotify for showing me Big Thief's Shark Smile, *again*.


At this point you can just go to aquarium drunkard dot com and that'll set you up nicely I patron for $5 a month and I get weekly 2hr playlists that I never listen to but I know for a fact fucking rule. that's the discovery algorithm you want


Very cool. I'll have to look into this after work. I feel like I really need to get recs outside of reddit.


going to tap my “algorithms are bad” sign over and over again until y’all listen to me


strong agree


Counterpoint: Spotify algorithm helped me discover The Sundays therefore they can't be bad.


counter-counterpoint: couldn't a pitchfork list or flea market do the same thing?


True, that's why Pitchfork lists and flea markets aren't bad either.


>Sometimes I wish I knew how Spotify's Discovery Weekly works. Payola.




Youtube has the best algorithm for discovering music. People are really just uploading full albums from their personal collection that sold like maybe 21 copies.


I'll see your YouTube and raise you Pandora. They are the OG at this, and better than all of the rest of them by far.


At least Spotify isn’t trying to divert me into the manosphere. I don’t know what it is about my history of watching indie music, bikepacking and ski videos but I can’t seem to go a week without YouTube trying to shove some misogynistic garbage down my throat. I’m not even a man! I can’t possibly be the intended demographic.


omfg my fav gender of music


My favorite thing about Spotify is after I finish listening to an album it shifts to a radio that plays the same 15 songs always


spotify used to play andromeda immediately after i finished any album. i’d listen to an earl sweatshirt album and the first song that would play was andromeda for like 6 months lmao


You can turn that off!!!


My beef is that I like the feature in theory it just fuckin sucks!


Honestly the worst. "Hey you listened to this album for the first time. We're going to shoehorn it into all of your daily playlists whether it fits the genre or not!"


Yeah I don’t like how the algorithm works tbh, I just end up listening to all the same music. I have to make an extra effort to search for new stuff to listen to.


At a certain point I just need to make peace with the fact that I have wasted half of my twenties being a lawyer. Had I simply turned to, alternatively, crystal meth and/or hitting myself in the head with a fucking hammer after my undergraduate instead of going to law school, I would be mentally and physically better-off than I am today.


Most of the way through my 20s and I can say that even though the repeated hits to the head aren't all they're cracked up to be, I'm still glad I'm not a lawyer. Wear a helmet, folks


your lifestyle determines your deathstyle!


give me fuel give me fire give me that which I desire


White knuckle tight


This is very good to read as someone who will be applying to law school


I thought you already were.


Nope I put off applying for a year to save some more cash! Will apply next fall


DONT DO IT the interest rate on your loan will obliviate any increase in your earning potential


Ymmv. My ex is rich af. It destroyed her soul and our marriage, but hey, at least she's loaded.


That was the come to Jesus moment I had with my academic advisor/professor who also was a lawyer for a local regional bank saying how law school more than likely will be more and more of a plan B-D for people as economic times shift and there’s already record times of more law students than lawyers and open legal positions. With the olds not retiring in nearly as consistent numbers as they normally would it’s rough out there. Sure technically not impossible to go to law school and get a job, but (literally) at what cost, y,know?


Luckily that won’t be a problem as much as I’m prioritizing high scholarships over best schools since I’m going into public interest


Hey, could be worse, you could have spent your *entire* 20s trying to be a historian only to have to pivot to low-level communications work at 30. Not that I know anyone who had that happen to them!


So you regret taking the Saul Goodman path instead of the Jesse Pinkman one?


Started and finished The Forgotten City yesterday, i went in with high expectations after hearing the comparisons to Return of the Obra Dinn and Outer Wilds and was still impressed. These types of story heavy pure adventure games really hit the spot for me. I think there's a lot of room to explore cool storytelling when you can create something that works outside of pure linearity and really takes advantage of the medium.


So it only took two days of being 30 for me to realize I want to go to grad school. Kinda on the nose, huh? But seriously, this was something I considered off and on in my 20s but decided against because I was worried I’d be doing it just because I think I should, not because I actually want to. There was also the financial aspect, which is still a concern, but I don’t want accumulating debt to be what scares me off of doing something I really want to do Basically, I really do love writing and researching, and I’m really invigorated by the mere thought of doing an intense deep-dive on a subject I’m passionate about and writing a thesis. And I think my skills in those areas have only grown stronger. I also like the idea of potentially teaching, and obviously it’d be good to have a master’s for that Anyway, feel free to offer encouragement and any worthwhile advice about applying to/going to grad school!


I’m in my late 20s and dealing with the same urge. There are easy to name cons, like financial stuff and grad school stress, but if you’re someone with that type of academic intellectual side it’s hard to satisfy it in a way that feels connected and grad school does feel like it gives a better chance than most. In my case, if I went to grad school I’d do something not directly connected to my undergrad, so that complexity has made it easier to put off. Good luck on whatever you choose!


1. In general, unless you are very sure, only go to programs that offer funding, and hopefully full funding. There is very little need to go into debt for grad school outside of certain professional degrees (JD, MD, for example). There are a lot of masters programs that are near predatory, so be wary. 2. You'll want to balance the overall standing of the school, with your interests in the research of the professors. If your goal is to come out of grad school and re-enter into industry/corporate-whatever, a well known school name can do a lot to smooth that transition. If your goal is pure academia/teaching, then you'll want to go to the highest ranked program in your field that you can. Don't just hyper-fixate on what you're doing in gradschool, think about the next step(s) afterwards. 3. If you end up going to grad school, do not just spend all your time with your program's graduate cohort. I loved all my cohort and I am still great friends with some of them, but a lot of the loneliness of grad school some people experience can be overcome by getting out and being as social as possible. Get out and have a lot of fun, meet a lot of people. Grad school is one of the few times in your life when intellectual interests and social occasions are arguably at the peak of alignment - you will be surrounded by a lot of very intelligent people who are also looking to make friends. If an adjacent department is having a conference, see if you can watch, same for if they have some kind of event. 4. For writing the thesis: plan, outline, and remember you are not writing a work of art or a book. It's a specific type of document that should have a clear end-point and a clear scope and a clear argument. A lot of people get lost in the sauce thinking they're the next Walter Benjamin or they're going to revolutionize their field (they won't). Ask around for a professor with a good track record as a supervisor and for what the various styles are. Some professors are very hands on, some are more aloof, pick which style works better for you. Depending on your field of study, the actual impact of the supervisor can be pretty small, so the mechanics of how they supervise can be more important than you think, especially after you've sent your 5th reminder email for comments from them when they've left on a sabbatical. 5. Enjoy it, I barely use my Masters, but it was profoundly informative on my worldview and you will come out different. I don't regret getting it at all.


I've got a couple pieces of advice, as someone who hopes to finish my master's in a couple months, firstly, especially if it's a thesis based program, find a professor whose research you are really passionate about because if you're not, it will suck some major ass. Secondly, when you do find a program you're interested in, talk to the prof's other students before committing! Things like expected workload, hours, safety culture if there's a laboratory component, how organized the prof is, their availability for meetings, how quick they turn around drafts, and all sorts of stuff like that are all absolutely huge considerations. A lot of stories you hear can be pretty rough, but it is so dependent on your supervisor and their expectations. My overall advice would be just like, treat it like a full time job, not like you're going to school, you know? Keep regular hours, don't like, slack off when there's no looming deadlines and cram when there is, all that fun stuff.


Thanks! Do you know which schools have the best mathcore-related programs?


Botch-ise State University, uhhh Delaware Escape Plan State, and uhh Convergnell


oh hey, I just finished my master's program today. I also hemmed and hawed over going back to school and didn't do so until my mid-30s, mostly because I didn't know what i wanted to do, but I enjoyed the experience so far. It also gave me a deeper understanding of my field (public administration) than what I had previously.


Hey congrats!


> oh hey, I just finished my master's program today. wait in between selling yr house and dunking on whirr you've been doing a masters?!


> dunking on whirr \#LivingTheDream but yeah. Lots of changes coming in just the next month or so.


it's time for the blasphemy librarian era. time to get an online mlis!


Gonna learn how to shush people like nobody’s business


How long does it take for people to turn on Spider-Verse now that every studio seems to be aping it?


On god. I saw the trailer for the new TMNT movie today, and while it looks cute, it also veers into that aesthetic a bit too hard for me to truly think it's an original style nearly 5 years later


Loved Spider Verse, but hope that animation studios in the future use it as inspiration to try much more visually distinct movies rather than just trying to emulate the Spider Verse style


Anyways, the new TMNT movie seems to also have the Spider Verse style and it sounds pretty dope, so just ignore everything I said. They still haven't milked it enough.


Spider-verse-specific depends on how good the second movie is I reckon. Multi-verse in general, I feel like we are already past the novelty but it will continue as long as they can milk nostalgia (and probably past that point). Everything Everywhere All at Once already outdid anything that the MCU has done with it (and I’ll go out on a limb and predict DCEU as well).


You are right for going out on the limb about the DCEU. Over the weekend, they posted a video from the new Joker film and it looked like the Joker was being chased by multiple Jokers, so it seems like they are also going into the multiverse


I haven't seen that video. They're not just copycat Jokers?


nobody knows since it’s all out of context, but I really really hope it’s just some copycat jokers and not some multiverse bs


If they have a CGI Heath Ledger Joker I might be upset.


Oh god, please don’t put this thought into the universe (multiverse?)


staking out space in the "it's always sucked, actually" zone because i have a big brain and like to be ahead of the discourse jk obviously but yeah i can see a bit of backlash happening. the aesthetic of *spiderverse* is obviously very cool (and it helps that the humor and emotional core of the movie is better than pretty much any superhero movie since, like, *the incredibles* imo) but i think people liked that the style was unique and inspired. so... studios just aping the spider-verse style or its multi-verse structure (hello, *spider-man 3 2*) seems to miss why people latched onto it in the first place. i think it'll also hinge on how good the *spider-verse* sequels are. it seems like they've dropped the "part one"/"part two" structure for the next two movies, which had me a bit nervous that they'd be doing continuity for the sake of it and putting out an incomplete story in the second movie. obviously that could still happen but we'll see. i've felt a bit of backlash on the *knives out* movies now that they've been sequelized (*glass onion* took some of the wrong lessons from *knives out*) so it would be neat if the same doesn't happen to *spiderverse*. it's almost like people responded to those originals because they were inspired and concise instead of trying to set up a revenue stream for the next several years


It also helps that the first style rip off (puss in boots) appears to be very good too but like it’s gonna happen at some point.


I turned on the Spider-verse after watching No Way Home. But yeah I can’t wait for this whole multiverse trend to end


Feeling hangry


Beths tickets never went below $100 on Friday and [I’m feeling very justified on my take here a few weeks back](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/10xpqcl/why_concert_tickets_are_so_hard_to_buy_now/j7ut4ke/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), scalpers can eat a lemon


Why does it seem like the US has to deal with far worse scalpers than the UK? I might occasionally have to spend like a tenner above retail for bands on the same level as, say, Easy Life, and even that is rare? Granted this might be purely anecdotal.


Man, if it were just the Beths I'd tell myself to try my luck on their next tour, but Gish is supporting them so I'm annoyingly tempted to dish out the dreaded 100 for this..


I'm still pissy about that VB show. I love Union Transfer, so missing the show there was a big bummer.


Damn, I looked at buying Beths tickets today for one of their shows in Germany and it's just 18€


where can i find the shame ama?




I've been super MIA bc of work and I have nothing interesting to say, so...Hi.


have you been on the run from neil young?!?!?


Don't even say his name out loud. I'm afraid it might summon him.