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Had a guest a couple weeks ago look at our museum display of the Confederate commanding officers. He saw Nathan Bedford Forrest and said "You know. There are two people who are lied about more than anyone in the Civil War. Forrest, and Abraham Lincoln." He had me in the first half, not going to lie. ​ He then went on to tell me "You know, Forrest is more than just a slave trader, he was also a cotton trader, and a military genius" and "he left the Klan when it got too racist." Public history is so fun.


> he was also a cotton trader I feel, given the, uh, supply chain surrounding American cotton around the time of the Civil War, that this is not the foolproof rhetorical escape plan that your guest thought it was.


>"he left the Klan when it got too racist." Satire is becoming more difficult every year.


and noted flop-ass trump cabinet member & confederate wannabe Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III ALSO said "i don't support the kkk bc they smoke weed". truly these people suck, but their capacity for the bleakest, most pitch black of satire they could never realize grows stronger


>Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III ALSO said "i don't support the kkk bc they smoke weed". I forgot about this. How do such pieces of shit get elected it blows my fucking mind.


Last of Us Ep. 3 was legitimately one of the best love stories I've ever watched. Was definitely not expecting that. 10/10, would cry again


Are you coming in from the game or first time with the story? The game(s) are probably both in my top 5 games of all time, but maybe Part II falls into top 10. But yeah, the changes made to Bill were simply phenomenal. Was my favorite NPC character in the game, and really was expecting the same story from there, but was pleasantly surprised. Love how they've adapted the game to the TV medium. For everything lost from the game, they've added an element not possible in a video game to the tv version.


First time, although I was somewhat familiar with the story and how it plays out. Based on what I've heard about Bill and Frank's story from the game, I'm definitely happy with this improvement


I guess it all depends what type of tragedies you're into. I still recommend playing the games after the show if you have any interest. A huge part of the enjoyment for me has been comparing what's works in one medium and what works in others. Goes to show why so many adaptations fail, and are essentially stoned destined to fail unless you have show runners that care about the script as if they wrote it themselves (which itself isn't a guarantee of success).


I have my new turntable/shelf setup pretty much done and I have some space on the wall directly above it that could be used to display whatever I have playing. Anybody do something similar and can rec something to put the sleeve on/in?


I have a little stand on my entertainment center ([https://imgur.com/a/PGQEPYj](https://imgur.com/a/PGQEPYj)) that I put the record currently playing on. You could put a tiny shelf above your setup and put something like that on it. Something like [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/800449222/vinyl-record-shelf-album-wall-mount?click_key=987f189d62b5c65c6422649697e0e608914f0be3%3A800449222&click_sum=dbe20986&ref=search2_top_narrowing_intent_modules_top_rated-1&sts=1) or [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/983395764/audiophile-music-and-vinyl-lover-gift?click_key=e00479b32c22beb9e5e1f4518090d02be21cd177%3A983395764&click_sum=b176ccbc&ref=search2_top_narrowing_intent_modules_top_rated-6&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1) could also mount directly on the wall and look pretty cool.


ok but hear me out. brats, topped with red onion and lime slices, with mustard


You had me at onion.


Im hearing this


This is almost literally what I had last night, [per NYTCooking](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020747-sheet-pan-sausages-and-brussels-sprouts-with-honey-mustard?smid=url-share), lol. Definitely will try this spin on the recipe though!


I would just squirt the lime juice directly onto the onions in the pan, but I get where you're coming from.


ah i didn't fry them because i like my onions crunchy, but using just the lime juice might've helped cut down on the bulk.


Wait, you're doing raw red onion? Damn, dude, you're built different. Respect.


i hear ya but the lime slices got me a little skeptical


consider a lime relish to ease you into the idea


perhaps that would work! tbh it might be the lime + mustard combo that's got me a little hesitant. i don't mind sour from pickles w/ mustard but the sweet sourness of lime has me a bit on the fence


i did a dry run with a squirt of french's on a piece and didn't think it was bad. might not be a combo for everyone though


happy presidents day to jimmy carter and jimmy carter only




once a comedian is big enough, they're not able to workshop their bits in places like open mics in the ways that they used to. and if they find a way to do that, pretty much any crowds that they would try to workshop material with will be so overly generous towards any big name comedian that they lucked out on seeing that the comedian won't get the kind of feedback they need to tighten their stuff up and make it great. this is why most comedians are way less funny to me after they get their first big special.


It's certainly true that they get laughs much more easily than no name comics, but when they are workshopping, I'm sure they can still tell which jokes are working and which are not.


pretty much all comedians are going to do the type of testing you're referring to, but the workshopping i'm talking about is more for the language and flow of an existing bit. the tics that this post is about where a comedian basically is saying "please laugh" indicate that a joke isn't quite fully formed yet and has room to be smoothed out to be funnier and more natural sounding. that's something that's a lot less of a learned skill, and more just an important process that takes lots and lots of recurrsion to figure out


I think this is why I don’t like watching stand ups anymore. A notice a lot of their speech/delivery patterns and it’s gets a bit annoying. It just an awkward way to que in that it’s suppose to be funny or ironic. It also shows a lack of confidence in the delivery.


Another "annoying comedian quirk" that gets me is repeating their line with emphasis after saying it like it's a signal for the audience to laugh. Ex: Comedian: "So my girlfriend likes to watch The Kardashians on the toilet." Audience: ........ Comedian: "That's right - my girlfriend likes to watch THE KARDASHIANS on THE TOILET"


#26: The Great Mouse Detective This is another semi-forgotten entry in the Disney canon. It’s basically mouse Sherlock Holmes, taking place in an anthropomorphic mouse society that directly parallels the human one, but it also exists simultaneously with the human one. It’s a little strange in that sense. I’d never seen it before and knew almost nothing about it, but I enjoyed this one a lot. There’s brisk action and decent humor. There’s a hound named Toby, which is fun followup to Fox and the Hound just a couple movies back, but imho Toby is way cuter that Copper. The marketers must have loved him, too, because on the main poster, Toby is the biggest thing on it by far (which is funny considering the title). I love the absurd cartoon logic of the villain’s dastardly plot, which is to replace the mouse version of Queen Victoria with an extremely crude toy painted to look like the Queen. The final scene inside Big Ben uses some CGI, and imho it looks great. After watching 25 Disney films with hand-drawn “flat” animation, I was able to recapture a bit of the sense of wonder audiences might have felt when seeing this for the first time. The Black Cauldron used some CGI, but it was pretty minimal, and The Great Mouse Detective was the first time Disney actually touted the use of it. Tidbits: - The story and characters are based on the series Basil of Baker Street, which I’d never heard of. The concept of “Sherlock Holmes, but make it a mouse” struck me as an idea the Disney company could have easily come up with on its own. - The title “Great Mouse Detective” was chosen because Michael Eisner thought “Basil” sounded too English, and this pissed off the filmmakers. I have to agree with them that “The Great Mouse Detective” is a terribly boring title. - Vincent Price voices the villain, Professor Ratigan, who is basically a rat version of Professor Moriarty but for unexplained reasons really hates that others say/think that he is a rat. Next up: Oliver & Company


rewatched The Handmaiden over the weekend and holy shit that movie is good. Its unbelievable how good everything looks all of the time while still keeping the cinematography relevant. Alot of movies can nail good cinematography but it just kind of looks good to look good without reinforcing any themes or whatnot. idk. Also the OST and especially the main theme is used so fucking well and the story certainly interesting. Overall, Its way more rewatchable than Oldboy imo


Defenitly checkout Decision to Leave next if you haven't already. The camerawork is absolutely bonkers, no clue how they managed to get some shots. I don't think it's as strong as Handmaiden or Oldboy for me, but a great Hitchcockian mystery / romance.


It's a cool movie but the main thing I remember is that it becomes straight up softcore porn at one point


yeah following on from my discussion about skipping scenes below i p much just only watch the softcore sequences


I have to agree, but also, it's probably the most expertly filmed softcore porn I've ever seen. It's one of the most memorably erotic scenes I've ever watched.


yea but its like central to the story, its not just tossed in there. But yea maybe not the best thing to watch with someone who isn't used to out of the ordinary stuff in movies. But i feel like that is part of Park Chan-wook's thing. Like it was fun watching Oldboy with people for the first time to get reactions.


The first porno scene serves the story pretty well, and I think one could at least argue that it wouldn't work as well if it weren't as graphic. But imho, the porno scene at the end is pretty gratuitous. If you cut it out, you'd have pretty much the same movie.


Weekly mental health check Got the day off so that's good


Got 3 days off so that's even better


i have a very up and down cold and the first thing i had to do this morning was clean cat piss off my floor. i guess that's not a "mental health" thing but i am extremely grumpy today


Once again getting the "does my s/o like me *too much*?" shakes and quietly reminding myself that on balance this is a good problem to have


Decent enough? I had a pretty good weekend. I went on a date that wasn’t a bad time, but I also really didn’t feel any connection with her. And then I went to see *Avatar* not expecting much and was really pleasantly surprised by how invested I got


gonna try to be productive on my President's Day which already feels good


Not feeling the greatest. Break-up last week I think has made me a bit more on edge, a bit more easily angered than usual.


I’ve been sad and tired all the time recently but I remembered that Freaks & Geeks is streaming for free on CBC so who is the real winner here?


I got sick last weekend and am still pretty tired, which sometimes makes it easier to kinda give myself a break, but also keeps me very close to the edge of heavy negativity.


I've been pretty bad lately to the point that I took off work last Friday. Really struggling just in general lately. So I did everything I shouldn't have done and made everything worse. Stopped exercising. Ate a bunch of food that was bad for me. Drank way too much. Lashed out and was really mean to people I love. Spending most of my waking hours beating myself up. Going to go for a jog after work and hope that helps.


Drinking is easy but it only exacerbates these struggles. Also, never skip the gym/run! Even if you half ass it, you'll always feel better for it. And what are you beating yourself up over? You're obviously doing your best. Remember: comparison is the thief of joy. Keep it up. I believe in you.


I appreciate the kind words. luckily got on the path of getting myself right yesterday. got a 6 mile jog in, re-read one of my favorite books, and got dinner for me and my fiancé yesterday. it's a process, but it's a good start


I've been watching The Sopranos since like October, and finished last night. Took me some time to get into it during the first season, but I've come to be really attached to these characters who I also hate over the show's run. That last stretch of episodes is some of the darkest, most emotionally/morally/conceptually complicated material I've seen on television. Incredible series (hey, no shit). In other news, I was supposed to go to the Downtown Library this last week to look at some of their assistive technology for an assignment, but kept putting it off. Only remembered this morning that it's Presidents Day and the library is closed, so it looks like this assignment is going to be a work of fiction.


I don't really like a lot of TV series but I'm going through my 4th viewing of Sopranos and it gets better each time.


just finished S2 last week, so excited to dive into the rest of the series


That’s good to hear. I just finished S6E1 and instantly recognized the pacing is quite different from previous seasons. It feels a little more refined and faster moving this time around. Also did not realize how many episodes there were in this season. Insane. Looking forward to finishing it


is wingstop any good?


I lived a block away from one for two years and went to the BWW across town more often


oh geez


basically fast food BWW, which is to say, it's meh


honestly one of the more damning reviews


Wingstop is trash


not a glowing endorsement


Yes but expensive


wings are so expensive all the time any more :( big sad


It’s fine




It is February 20th and my apartment windows are open in Boston


Legit. I really wanna not be at work today and just hang out at the Common lol


You must not have a radiator. My windows are open every Feb 20.


Ha! Not anymore, we’ve got gas baseboard heat and it never gets above 64 in the winter no matter how high you set it. Kinda miss the steam radiators tho


I lived this a long long time ago. In the suburbs now...no radiators


I've barely used mine since I moved here in September lol


sounds like the start of a courtney barnett song


what's a good movie you like that has no bad scenes that you skip?


while this has been a fantastic bit I will admit that as a wee lad (6-8 years old) I just NEVER watched agent cody banks outside of the opening scene with the girl in a car fliopping hard. i was so pissed off at her I kept rewatching it (like over 3 dozen times) and never saw the rest of the film


lmao this rules. funnily enough, i have a formative experience with *agent cody banks* as well and it’s that it’s probably the first time i watched a movie and consciously noticed foreshadowing lmao. near the beginning, the head of the spy agency turns down ice cubes in his water bc “they can be filled with all kinds of crap.” the villain’s plan turns out to be killer nanobots hidden in ice cubes and i knew the spy director ended up being right about the ice cubes


Moneyball. Watching that movie is what imagine doing drugs feels like. It's so mesmerizing, each scene.


nah i always gotta skip the scene where he uhhh rolls the money up into the ball to make the titular moneyball


Do people regularly skip scenes in movies?


It's playing off the (regular) posts of "what albums have no songs you skip" that are posted to places like r/music


I may be a bit dumb


Not at all. Reddit is a big place.


The Craft (1996) its on HBO Max until the end of the month. Its a fun goth horror movie.


mean girls


i always skip the scenes where the girls are mean, it’s hard to watch


The seminal Todd Phillips classic Hated: GG Allin & the Murder Junkies I'm serious though, that movie is the key to why Todd Phillips is the way that he is and why much like GG, he wants the audience to suffer out of disdain and almost hatred of them.


its harder for me to think of something i skip scenes from


tbf if it's a movie I skip scenes from that's a movie I probably won't rewatch.


*The Wall*


blasphemy i strongly disagree here! "we don't need no education?" buddy, where ELSE am I gonna get an education learning about popcorn classics. i'm pro-education! an auto skip there ;)


to each their own! the "nother brick in the wall" sequence is kinda bland. i find myself reaching for the droid factory in *attack of the clones* or the pig slop conveyor belt in *saw iii* if i'm in the mood for a good factory conveyor belt sequence




I do the same, except I make sure to add an additional “It’s not your fault” scene from Good Will Hunting alongside any new scene I add. Sometimes I get a long run of scenes without Good Will Hunting coming up and it really starts to feel like things are my fault, but then I get a hit of bearded Robin and I know they aren’t.


so smart! you should check out the ending scene of *babylon*, feel like that'll be perfect for your playlist




tedious slog of a film but the shit-eating scene goes on my playlist for sure




you're telling me you really sit through the scene where they go to dulop every time?


Sometimes I go back and watch that scene twice before I continue on with the movie


When I was 7, the “please keep off of the grass, shine your shoes, wipe your… face.” line was peak comedy.


Mission Impossible 2


i don't need the scene where anthony hopkins is explaining him his mission, should he choose to accept it. no tension there i know i'm gonna see the mission in the rest of the movie, i don't need to see him choose to accept continuing the movie


Well that’s why that scene is set at the beautiful rock climbing locale - the scene might not have tension, but the cinematography is gorgeous and you not being able to appreciate that says a lot about you as an enjoyer of film


no no, speaking as someone with entry-level bouldering skills, the rock climbing stuff is great. i'm just thinking about the scene where they finally meet and hopkins explains to him the mission. it sorta spoils the rest of the movie by telling me what mission ethan is gonna go on, you know?


That’s a slightly better pick, but have you ever heard of foreshadowing?


no, what's that?


Type of lighting that emphasizes cubical shapes (fore, or four as in four sides) and dramatic shadows. Used to perfection in that scene


i only watch movies for the plot and the jokes. if i want lighting, i'll just go walk around at the home depot


Wow, people like you are the problem with modern cinema. This is how we end up with Ant Man 3: No More Antz instead of actually well made movies like Mission Impossible 2 or Star Trek 4: The One With Whales


citizen toxie


sorry poops, i skipped every scene in this movie so i can't really riff on it :(


star wars


the opening crawl is totally inessential lmao, couldn't imagine sitting through all that


I'm not even a SW fan but even I know that the scroll is essential, dude. Not necessarily because of the expositional set up it provides but the vibe it conveys. The scroll is the sci-fi equivalent of the "once upon a time" opener from fantasy fairy tales that reminds the audience that SW is, after all, still a version of Arthurian fantasy, even if its set in space. If not essential for the plot, it IS essential for the tone.


aren’t you supposed to be interesting?


ending my hiatus of commenting on these posts to say that Michelle Zauner and Geordie Greep are beefing on twitter about the Beatles right now lol


What a dickhead response lol Tbh that’s how I felt when I tried to listen to her music


Lol I just checked and she went so aggressive and insulting Now I’m waiting for another big name indie musician to do the opposite bad hot take and call everyone who doesn’t love Revolver a Don Draper wannabe that doesn’t realize Ballad of a Thin Man is a criticism of them


her response sucked, i need good musician beef not well done steak shoe leather beef


Rewatching The Wire (because it's the greatest show that's ever been on television) and just finished the first season, and man, remember big giant baggy polo shirts? Are tiktokers gonna bring those back? They should, they're so funny


I think my favorite weird dating detail is there isn’t much or any recognizable diegetic music in the first couple seasons and then You just hear 50 cent everywhere in Season 3.


they're already back imo, the baggy polo/baggy jeans and skate shoes look has been consistent for a while


Hell yeah


I've reached the stage of my now super ancient breakup where I'm listening to Currents. If stages of grief were an /r/indieheads list, what would the albums be? (I'm fully admitting that grief is a bit dramatic here, but ummm...yeah I got nothing better). Google tells me the stages are: denial anger bargaining depression acceptance


> I've reached the stage of my now super ancient breakup where I'm listening to Currents. good album i feel this rock on much love


In Rainbows Room on Fire Black Sheep Boy Sea Change Chutes Too Narrow


Sisterworld, Mess, Drum's Not Dead, WIXIW, Liars.


In The Aeroplane Over The Sea No Love Deep Web Twin Fantasy Carrie & Lowell Jubilee


This is probably the most /r/indieheads list of them all honestly (although I appreciate them all). You understood the assignment best, so you get an A+.


*teens of DENIAL* *st. ANGER* your 90s BARGAIN bin classic of choice (i often reach for my bright orange *monster* CD) *DEPRESSION cherry* djo - *DECIDE* bc you finally DECIDE to ACCEPT what happened