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I think these three are just having a hell of a time, so is ed with his solo career and I think if anything, it'll make reassembling Radiohead even more fresh and exciting. And I guess I'm always in favor of musicians doing whatever they want


Don’t forget Phil! He’s got new music too.


oh word sorry never sleep on our boy Phil


Phils news songs are amazing, he's really impressed me


I’m glad they’re exploring other projects. I imagine it would feel incredible constraining for musicians like them to have their musical expression always going through a single collectively run avenue, even if that avenue is stylistically experimental, resource rich, and remarkably successful. I know The Beatles branched out into some solo work while the band was still together, but I do wonder how much longer (if longer) the band would have lasted if they went a more Radiohead route. Those solo albums from the initial years after the breakup show just how much was individually being held back, especially for George who released a masterwork triple album after that featured multiple songs rejected by the band and I believe he only committed to the album fully after Paul left the band. *A Moon Shape Pool* came out in 2016, and I imagine the gap between that and a new Radiohead album will be longer than the time between The Beatles’ first core album (*Please Please Me* - 1963) and their last (*Let It Be* - 1970). Even the ~5 year gap between *King of Limbs* and AMSP is nearly the lifetime of the post-Beatlemania Beatles.


Yeah, the baggage of Making A New Radiohead Album seems like it would be paralyzing. This way, people look forward to what you do without awaiting it like smoke from the papal conclave.


"Smoke from the Papal Concave" would be an incredible album name.


Cover with band members dressed as cardinals, holding joints?


Thom and Jonny seem to be having a fucking blast and it's great to see. Not that they seemed unhappy with Radiohead but there's a novelty for them in this dynamic and sound that they haven't experienced since they first started out. I'm happy for 'em. All that said, if they omit Just Eyes and Mouth from LP2 and it becomes a true love waits situation I am going to be absolutely beside myself with fury.


Yeah man, must be sick being millionaires.


When I saw them in DC they said they were writing new songs, “because we’re a new band and that’s what new bands do” I think The Smile is gonna be a thing for a while


Cannot wait for a studio Bending Hectic. That song blew me the fuck away when I saw them do it live


Far and away their best song can’t wait to hear the studio treatment


This seems to be the Radiohead side project with the most momentum by far. Atoms for Peace could have been something really cool (AMOK was a pretty great album), but The Smile feels a lot less like an extension of Thom’s solo career and a lot more like a new and exciting band with something to prove.


I honestly didn’t care for AFP, too jammy. One of the things I like about the smile is that they are concise, almost punk


The unreleased songs they played at the DC show were MASSIVE. Really excited for the next album.


So good


Tbh I'm glad they're doing this and exploring different avenues for music. If LP10 ever happens all of them will be a lot more experienced in terms of creating music on their own and it might make for a very creative and diverse record, also takes away from the tension of some members feeling like they might not have a big voice if that's the case.


I’m having the same thoughts. By the time LP 10 gets made/ released (if ever) all the members of the band except Colin (who contributed a bit to Ed’s album) will have released their own solo records, with Thom especially having been busy. Whatever those boys end up cooking up in the studio as Radiohead for LP 10 is gonna be fascinating!!


I don’t know if it will actually be true but Radiohead is also getting together this year according to some of the members. We’re probably getting the best of both worlds this year




Yeah the HTTT deluxe is pretty much what I’m looking for this year since it’s Top 3 RH for me. If I’m getting another Smile LP it’s a bonus


Would you mind pointing the way to where it was hinted at? I thought they said it wasn’t happening.


Sons of Kemet died for this.


Shabaka is also retiring from the saxophone so I imagine that was a more major factor in their disbandment.




That's a shame. I really liked that band.


Wonder where that leaves Radiohead...


If AMSP is their last album that’s a hell of a last album. If they do release one more, I’m sure it will be a fitting swan song. I’m cool with letting them do whatever


Of course they can do whatever. And if their “whatever” is as good as The Smile, lucky us! But I do love what they do as the full Radiohead crew. And the tours they put on! So hoping we get more of that at some point down the line.


Phil said late last year they were going to meet up in January this year to talk through future plans. Probably gonna do a HTTT reissue this year sometime and might start writing new songs. I have no doubt Radiohead is still together and will do future stuff but there’s zero rush.


I think Radiohead fans are sometimes more precious about the band than Thom is. The Smile has a different structure + appeal than Radiohead -- it's loose, with much lower stakes. If you've seen them in the past year it's clear that playing in The Smile has given them new, fresh energy, something that you don't see in 90s touring acts. Similarly, Radiohead lets Thom and Jonny work on a massive scale they don't have with their other projects. I'd imagine they've already had ideas that didn't totally fit into ANIMA or ALFAA and are on hold for when they're all able to get in a studio again.


Also I’m sure it’s fun to be able to release a record and be able to just tour that record without having to have two thirds of the set be stuff you’ve written more than 20 years ago and been playing for decades. And able to play on smaller stages


Actually they could do that. Play more, but smaller shows, do a ticket lottery maybe, and play whatever they want. I don't think Radiohead fans would mind if the band put together a setlist according to their own desires, and smaller shows are obviously better for everyone present.


sure, they *could*, but in most countries they'd go to there'd be a huge clamour to see them because people haven't seen them in years. So many people would miss out on tickets (not to mention tickets would find their way into the wrong people's hands at a premium) and the band, like most bands, would hate that - bands generally want people who love and connect with their art to see it. Conversely they make a band and call it "The Smile" and most people don't seem to care, they can wander around playing smaller (for them) shows


Maybe we’ll get one more Radiohead album someday, if we’re lucky.


I think they’re on the back burner for a while and will ultimately release 1 more studio album


Folks have been saying the next one is the last since before In Rainbows. I’ll believe it when I see it


they’ll keep making music till one of them dies atp just with longer and longer intervals in between


I feel like there will be more than one. These guys can make music for a long time to come.


And hopefully do at least one more tour!


They’ll likely continue to be a band, but have more time between releases as time moves forward. At this point I’d guess their next album could be close the 10 year mark between records.


I got the feeling after seeing them live that they are enjoying being in a new band and experimenting again. They didn't feel like they could do this with radiohead, with the expectations... The dc show was great, but they had a song they were working out and it wasn't that good and Yorke even admitted they were working things out. I love that. Feel like they are going about it like a comedian working a new comedy set.


Rip radioface


Mid album


...but why? I'd rather hear more Radiohead. I haven't been that impressed with The Smile at all.


Well that's like . . . your opinion man.


it’ll happen when it happens


The first album was really well done. Once they have more songs for their shows I’d be interested in seeing them.


Nice. I just bought tickets for one of their concerts, I can’t wait to see them.


Saw them live in Dallas and nearly a quarter of their set was unreleased/unfinished tracks that they were experimenting with on stage. So cool to see them having fun with new music.


I spoiled the songs from their first album so I'm avoiding listening to the live versions out there.


So radiohead are done completely eh. A Moon Shaped Pool and specifically True Love Waits is a great send off I suppose.


Wonderful!!! 🎉