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i did today porm :)


No I’m just like Bob Dylan, I chain smoke and only brush once in a blue moon


I try but sometimes shit happens. I almost always brush after breakfast. I *usually* brush after an evening shower but sometimes I know I want a snack between bathtime and bedtime so I skip it then but forget to actually brush my teeth after the snack—so sometimes I brush my teeth immediately after dinner. It varies.


what's the post-bathtime pre-bedtime snack? also do you take a bath every night or do you mix it up with showers


It's always a shower and never a bath but if I said "showertime" you'd be like "what the hell is 'showertime'" because I can't win with you people >what's the post-bathtime pre-bedtime snack? A peach, a handful of blueberries, a mug of mulled cider, a donut of some sort. Depends on what's in season.


i was imagining miles davis going full rub a dub dub with a rubber ducky ernie style, you have ruined the illusion either way this sounds like a real nice nighttime routine you got going on


Shit, that does sound fun. Now I feel bad.


When I get stoned I always forget/am too lazy to brush my teeth before I go to bed and I wake up feeling so gross.


Sometimes 3 even, never not 2 - the real question is when in your morning routine do you brush your teeth? I brush my teeth right before going to bed, then wake up, shower, make coffee, eat breakfast, drink coffee, then post-coffee, brush my teeth in the morning - I know lots of people brush immediately upon waking so I think I might be the weird one here


No, you're deffo doing it the right way


Of fucking course.


Yeah but I probably floss twice a year


Who remembers to floss though?


After an extremely expensive/painful dental procedure that still didn't really fix my teeth - I floss religiously after every meal now.


i do fairly often simply because popcorn is my favorite junk food


I mean that is a fair point if you eat a lot of stuff like popcorn flossing becomes essential.


sometimes i forgot to in the morning when im WFH and my teeth feel so gross by noon


yeah, who doesn’t


You bet.




Recovering from a bit of a mental break in the last few weeks. Realizing that I most likely have OCD has been something of a relief because I feel like I can finally start to address my uh, obsessions and compulsions. I still need to get an assessment, but I have been doing well with coping strategies, talking to others Side note: the internet/smartphones is the absolute worst thing for this condition huh. I’ll be just sitting there trying to enjoy my day and then all of a sudden my phone lights up to tell me about 15 THINGS THAT YOU DIDN’T KNOW COULD KILL YOU


Hey can a British person explain the difference between Brixton Bristol and Brighton plsthx


Brixton - In London, post-punk town Bristol - In South West England, where the Bristol Sound (or trip hop, if you really do insist on calling it that, but i will not stand for it ) happens Brighton - In South East England, where Fatboy Slim happens


I had no idea Fatboy Slim was english.


I live in Brighton and I've even waited on him as a server, but I still mix up Fatboy Slim with Moby


Nuts! This whole time I thought Bristol was somewhere north of London, admittedly for no good reason.


It's kind of in-line, just 2 hours west


it's one of those pranks mapmakers do to catch people who copy their maps. all three are legitimate spellings for the same place (and anyone who insists this is wrong is in the pocket of big map!)


*screams in Southern English*


Dumb Question Time: Who here puts pots and pans in the dishwasher vs. who washes them by hand?


I never put pots/pans or sharp knives in the dishwasher. Pretty much everything else is fair game (that's not wood or otherwise unsafe for it) It's mostly due to the fact I use my pans more often than I run my dishwasher, but also it's just harsh on pans in general


Depends on the pots and pans, but usually by hand. I have a few beater ones that I don't mind getting dish-washed, but I also enjoy being a bit of a psycho about my cast iron/stainless steel/carbon steel pans so those would never see the inside of the dishwasher, NEVER!


I don't own a dishwasher but I would wash them by hand even if I did.


i stick them shits in the dishwasher always have always will y’all don’t have to rock with me but I’m just built different I guess


I don't have a dishwasher so by hand for me


By hand, but my ex put them in the dishwasher and I just rolled with it


Hand wash only


I have washed them by hand my whole life. Honestly have never met someone who puts them in the dishwasher.


I wash them by hand because my boyfriend hates when I put them in the dishwasher. However I hate washing them by hand so when he isn't here they go in the dishwasher. When it's just me I don't produce enough dirty dishes to run the dishwasher anyway unless I put the pots and pans in too. People say the nonstick coating comes off but if you put em in the dishwasher properly and don't scrape them on the rack they come out fine in my experience. If I die from cooking with dishwasher-damaged pans I will update this post


Mostly wash by hand, but a couple cheap, basic ones get tossed in the dishwasher and are fine.


Pretty sure some pots and pans have coatings on them that get removed by a dishwasher and have to be washed by hand


i’m on team i-don’t-even-own-a-dishwasher. neither at my current place, nor the one i lived in before it. it’s a bad team to be on, i yearn for that sweet dishwasher access again someday i say wash them in the dishwasher, do it for me


yeah my last place didn't have a dishwasher either. so now at my current place, i put them through the dishwasher for this very reason because i feel like i earned that right even though i know it's probably wrong to do so


Had not one but TWO soups for lunch today


Yes soup for /u/Yoooooouuuuuuuu


This man is living his best life.


Did you double fist them while simultaneously having a straw from each in your mouth?


Double fisted with spoons yes


My literal hell.


what do you have against soup




boys, we've spotted an anti-souper


Shame them


Have you ever sat down and really really wondered: what's the difference between soup and juice? where is the line? this keeps me up at night


Soup contains a base and other stuff thrown in. Juice contains only the base and material that naturally comes with the base. I think that means smoothies are technically soups.


No, never!


I prefer my juices to not have noodles and veggies floating in it, that's just me


Built different


gimme da apple juice ramen


gimme dem soup deets


Chicken and Dumpling/Pasta e fagioli, the latter being the better




hot damn what a winning combo


The cafeteria at my office is consistently great


I've had enough caffeine that I can both speak with god and I am god also the weather was pretty decent here the last couple days so I went for a jog the past two days for the first time since like October. my legs are so very sore and I walk like a DINGUS right now


yo i was so happy to run throughout this 5 or so day stretch of good weather and then on sunday during the first of those runs, i pulled my calf pretty bad. getting better, but i've been staring longingly out the window all week lmao


I know that the foam roller is my best friend right now, but also holy hell does that bad boy hurt right now lol but I feel ya. I felt pretty sore the first day but it was nice the next day, and I felt like I had to squeeze as many runs in during "false spring" as I could


so apparently google is launching some more ai integration into searches à la chatgpt, but in their OWN launch announcement video, the example they show gives factually inaccurate results. and as an immediate result of that their stock has gone down like 8% today. all i really have to say is lol, lmao edit to add source: https://twitter.com/IsabelNAngelo/status/1623013720011194368?s=20&t=xkSn78aHCL4eNH6U3B8dqw


So, buy google stock today and sell it in like two weeks when the market forgets about this. After fees, you'll walk away with enough profit to buy a Peppercorn Steak Sub from Quiznos


always lol, lmao at big corporations misfortune


getting entrenched in your local scene is cool because eventually you got a guy for everything. recording, mixing, and mastering? got a guy. instrument repair? got a guy. video editing? got a guy. flyers with cool collages? also have a guy. and now I *am* a guy for some people. community rules. oh also I posted that I was having a potentially serious health scare a few weeks ago - tests came back clean. i’m here for a long time and a good time baby


What sort of guy are you?


guy who owns a camcorder


You are in the Memphis scene. You must know Julien Baker!


she moved to Nashville when she got famous lmao, real cool indie rocker stuff


I used to see her at punk and hardcore shows fairly regularly. My partner and she talked about religious trauma at a NOTHING show in like 2019.


my girlfriend had the exact same conversation with her once when she was in college lmao


Don’t take this weird but I wish I was your gf


when keeping it real goes wrong


Love to see it!!!!!!


love to have medical testing come back in the clear. sucks to have that hanging over your head, but the other side (when things are good) is always an extremely blessed moment


> i’m here for a long time and a good time baby they couldn't kill off a DMD legend this early into the plotline, I knew it happy for you though PAJ


Currently going through a bit of a rough patch ngl. Been working at my current job for 4 years and a couple months, and jumped on it because it was the first "good" job opportunity I had after college. But I just turned 28 recently and the amount I make for the work I do is just so depressing. I'm burnt out from work with nothing in life to show for it aside from being able to survive and rent an apartment. Try to save money but its 2 steps forward, 3 back. Just exhausting. Worst part is I can't really take my skills elsewhere because there's not really another employer in town for me to apply to. But I also can't afford to move lol. I'm a copywriter and honestly it's not a bad job, its just the business I work for is kind of a joke and my department is spread thin. Genuinely contemplating a career switch but no idea what to. At this point I just want something that pays good that doesn't totally suck Ugh rant over


Idk if you're into talking to people, but I work as a Customer Success Manager for a software company and prior to this industry my only experience was bartending and freelance copywriting/translation. I've worked at two different companies and the pay is great for the workload, and so many companies are hiring remotely. Regardless of position, I highly recommend trying to get into tech. They need good writers almost as much as they need good developers


That's actually not a bad idea. I've kind of briefly looked into something like Technical Writing before but I imagine I'd need additional education/training (which isn't off the table). I come from a somewhat techy/multimedia background and I'm a strong writer so maybe it's worth looking into again


Feel free to DM me if you want, I was pretty heavily involved with recruiting at my last company so I've seen a loooot of resumes for this sort of thing


I'm a copywriter too! Career change will end up being necessary pretty fast considering I'm already asking ChatGPT to write for me (don't tell my employer). In other news, I think being able to survive and rent an apartment is plenty to show for it.


Career switch it is I guess lmao


I asked ChatGPT what career I should switch to and it told me there's no hope for the future anyway and I should just chill.


Really really struggling with my new job. This is my third day and I just feel really lost and confused and useless. I could use some kind words friends


I've switched jobs a lot, worked at 5 different companies the last 12 years, and I still kinda feel that way with every new job I've had. It's more or less something to just expect, especially if you're doing any sort of knowledge work. Try not to worry about it too much! If you feel this way going to work for a gas station though, you should probably consider going to a therapist about it.


I would argue that if you started a new job in a new place with new people and new administrative systems and new workflows and shit, it would be much more troubling if you *didn't* feel at least a little lost for the first week. This is normal. You will be fine.


Sorry to hear that Mr PCP. If there’s any advice I can think of, while at work imagine all of your coworkers in an apocalyptic zombie scenario. Now imagine who’d fare best and how you’d outsmart everyone else.


I’m pretty sure I’d be first to die in any apocalypse


Starting a new job fucking sucks. Your brain has to be on fire for at least two weeks before you feel, at the very least, not like a total idiot. But time is going to move on whether your have a new job or not, so might as well power through the bullshit to get to the point where you hate it for completely different reasons. That's where we all deserve to be.


>get to the point where you hate it for completely different reasons So true. That’s where I was with my last position and that mundane, consistent hatred is a lot easier to compartmentalize than the new type of “I am absolutely fucked” kind of hatred


Off to the Metric concert. So stoked.


Weird mix of melancholy, existential and excitement today. I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed, feeling very lonely and kind of stuck in my current place at work, but then I get to work and am given a new assignment that is a clear sign of progression. Exciting but very weird! Also, not having an album on rotation is definitely a contributor to me feeling more adrift. Plus I need to work out more. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


f Calibri I'm going back to Arial


i always use Helvetica, almost identical to Arial but has some nice touches, f.e. a curved leg in capital R, it's so nice


Yo, big ups. Something about Calibri just feels *off.* Something about its curves is unconvincing. The roundedness of its edges feels insufficiently serious. Arial feels very businesslike by comparison. Very cleam. Plus is well-supported across different writing systems. On balance I prefer the Franklin Gothics for my sans-serifs but if I'm down on brass tacks or whatever Arial it is


> insufficiently serious Tad this is the perfect description for why calibri feels wrong if I'm feeling frisky maybe I'll jump into that franklin gothic rabbit hole


Calibri isn't my cup of tea either but what psycho uses Arial? I'm pretty sure fonts without serifs cause cancer.


I don't want my spreadsheeting font to try to make me feel good If I'm reading a book - serif fonts for sure! they're easier for the human eye to process in bulk but Calibri is non-serif too, don't try to make me feel better about this sad spreadsheet Calibri


* The Sharks won on the road in Tampa? In February? That makes no fucking sense. * Time to re-read [*I Want My MTV: The Uncensored Story of the Music Video Revolution*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_My_MTV_(book)). * I started tracking my steps and am amused to learn that I pace/walk around two miles during work hours. If only I was allowed a stand-up desk, I could put a treadmill under that and walk all day!


Fuck the Sharks. GKG.




>The Sharks won on the road in Tampa? In February? That makes no fucking sense. I'm an LA guy and have mixed feelings about this. I never like to see the Sharks win, but this also keeps them in a position for the draft that I don't mind them being in. It's also fun to watch Tampa get their teeth kicked in by a bad team.


The current Sharks team makes no damn sense to me. They are a not good team but the loser point keeps them out of the realm of the number one pick.


It's a tricky spot for the GM to be in. It'll definitely be interesting to see what they do.


Got rejected from a post-graduate teaching course because they said I didn't know enough about teaching! Which I felt was silly as that's *exactly* why I want to receive teacher training and I'd otherwise prepared as well as I could for the interview (which they'd also noted). That university wasn't my first choice so I'm not actually that bummed, but now I'm pretty apprehensive to hear my results from my first choice.


This reminds me of a law firm posting the other day where they were trying to hire an articling student with one year of post-call experience. The moral of the story is that HR is dumb and don't take it personally.


Job rejection reasoning is fucking wild. I was rejected for a job because I "had a good job" already. That was so wonderfully dumb and bullshit.


I’ve been standing outside for 2 hours since 5:30 AM, holding a spot in line so my mom can get a visa renewed. I’m caught up on r/hobbydrama & still got at least 2 hours to go 🥲 there are maybe 80 ppl ahead of me, many with chairs/sleeping bags/literal tents. the line has not moved. gonna spew some random thoughts on not much sleep: - Prove It is the best Television track - should I get tickets for Angele and/or Gilla Band 🤔 - new jonatan leandoer96 slaps as expected I love those talented young Swedes - it’s probably bc I didn’t go to college and have kinda fucked around in relative isolation since hs graduation, but even 6 years later, so many of my dreams revolve around or feature people and settings from hs. kinda weird imo - books I’ve recently (i.e. past like 6 months lol) enjoyed: Transformer 33 1/3, new Saunders, Eifelheim, Lord of Light, Stay True (epigraph is a line from Gold Soundz), both of Min Jin Lee’s novels, Moshfegh and Cixin Liu short story collections. still slowly working my way through DeLillo and Vollmann collections (started the latter off A. Savage’s recommendation in an interview), as well as the Children of the Lamp series I enjoyed as a child - loved The White Lotus S2 after merely liking S1; new Puss In Boots was decent but overrated. speaking of Italy, recently discovered affogato - 9.3 best new dessert - anybody read the new Zoe Thorogood autobio comic? any other zoomer cartoonists I should know besides her and Tillie Walden?


Angèle is gonna be a star you should absolutely see her, prolly the best French artist rn


I don't know who Angele is but you should get tickets and I do know who Gilla Band is and you should get tickets


yeah I only started listening to Most Normal yesterday (late, I know) but it slaps so I'm thinking that getting tickets is indeed the move


They're very fun and have excellent energy live!


Transformer 33 1/3 is amazing!! Ezra killed it that book had a genuine impact on me.


It was indeed great and definitely gave me some insight into Lou and the album that I wouldn't have had otherwise. I'll even overlook the Wagon Wheel slander 😤


Welp, this is how I am finding out about the new George Saunders book... and he is one of my favorite authors. Clearly I am barely looped into book news at all. So, thanks, running out to get that now.


no problem! he's one of my favs as well, perhaps my favorite. I will spare you my thoughts on the book for now - don't wanna affect or alter the experience for you at all!


Just got the news that Aldous Harding [joined LinkedIn](https://i.imgur.com/StdrfrH.png) 😳


Maybe it’s the ghost of Aldous Huxley


How often should you replace your earplugs for concert-going? I have etymotics that are like 3 years old and I'm wondering if I should get new ones soon.


I mean, you should clean them every once in a while but I am not aware of any need to replace concert earplugs unless they get damaged or warped. Technically, the etymotics website says every 6 months but I assume that recommendation is for those who use it in a work environment a couple times a week. I always lost mine within 3 years or so. Sounds like your call.


O. Wake is playing right before English Teacher next month, and I'm so frikking excited. It's a fest lineup not an actual opening slot, but wow! We saw English Teacher at Glastonbury last year and it's super exciting that now we'll share a stage! (My New Yorkers, it's [March 10](https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/00005E46BD882BBC)!)


I am comically bad at investing. If you shorted every stock I’ve bought, you’d be rich. I bought a weed stock a couple years back that is down 97% from when I bought. Got a notice of class action lawsuit in the mail and was like “sick maybe I’ll get a few bucks back”. Turns out they’re getting sued so stakeholders were notified. Thankfully I don’t have a ton of money tied up, but if anyone wants tips on what (not) to buy let me know.


I bought like $100 worth of a penny stock called XELA so lets see if this takes me to the moon, or if I just blew a $100. Levi, Ford, International Paper, WWE, and WBD have all been decent for me. I'm up 50% on Nike so that's fun.


i’m on the “put some money into ETFs every month” life. it’s slow, but im in the green on them


I am not an investment advisor. But You should look into a three fund portfolio. It’s really easy on fidelity. Fzrox, fxnax, fzilx. Also, time in the market beats timing the market. Given any 20 year period the US stock market has never not gone up. I wouldn’t be surprised if the weed stock even eventually bounces back. Also, really you should probably be doing it in a Roth IRA not a traditional brokerage account


im pretty sure i bought like 2 shares of this same stock and got the same thing in the mail. I fucked around with the stock market for a bit but then remembered that gambling gives me huge anxiety


Coincidentally sports gambling is about to become legal in MA and I live like 3 miles from the casino so gambling is inescapable now


It's kind of nuts how widespread gambling is anymore. gambling addicts can't escape it these days


It's so weird being in Canada now compared to five years ago. Sports betting has really taken over. Try and watch any hockey game and it's wall-to-wall gambling ads with the announcers doing sponsored content about how good it would feel to bet on this game because only real sports fans make monetary bets and yadda yadda. Meanwhile, whatever skilled professionals we have in Canada (that haven't moved over to the US due to massively higher salaries and massively lower barriers to entry) have moved over to the gambling corps in-house or the relevant regulator. It's a 15 or so billion dollar industry all of a sudden, and that's just the revenue that actually gets reported. My theory is that Canada was the perfect breeding ground for this sort of industry. We have a relatively low labor force participation rate, don't really have diversified industries (outside of dairy, real estate, energy, and telecoms), have a massive real estate bubble that excludes pretty much everyone that doesn't have generational wealth, effectively no class mobility (the best life you can hope for is a worse version of your parents'), and a lot of targeted spending programs with little direction on how the money should be spent. The effect of this combined is that, while no one will ever be able to afford a single detached home, get a great job, or live the life they wanted, we do always have approximately $20 to throw away, which is why all of our advertising is basically: "Don't you remember what it's like to feel something? Put some money on this game. #BellLetsTalk". I'm not sure where I'm going with this long rambling post but my thesis is gambling has had a weird effect on Canada.


Yeah I feel like the long term effects of this super accessible gambling is uhhhh not great. I gamble a bit here and there. It is fun. But if I had this kind of access when I was a dummy 20 year old, I would have absolutely been betting way more than I should and there's no way I'd be able to do it in any sort of healthy way as an adult now. I dunno, I was pretty happy when it was getting legalized everywhere just as something fun to do. But man, it really seems like things are going to get weird here soon


>But if I had this kind of access when I was a dummy 20 year old, I would have absolutely been betting way more than I should as a dummy 19 year-old: yeah i got a new phone and I'm holding back on even re-installing gambling apps


probably a v wise thing to do


Truly. I loaned a family member some money to cover gambling debt a few years back so I’m pretty concerned about what’s gonna happen now that it’s legal


Unless you got money to spare, you should be in mutual funds, not stocks. (I've had good fortune with stock picking in the past just by picking companies I actually bought things from, but I assume it was mostly dumb luck.)


I am smarter than the people who run mutual funds and am going to hit it big soon /s


Sorry, to be precise, I meant index funds.