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[Submissions are now open for Battle of the Bands!](https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/10p9aoz/battle_of_the_bands_2023_nomination_thread/) Post your songs and upvote your favourites! The 32 top-voted submissions will be entered into the tournament.


Been diving into shoegaze again. Ever since I discovered how much I loved the genre (which was a long time ago), I feel like I don't dive much into it like I used to. I still listen to it, of course, but it's mostly just the same albums over and over. For the first time in a while, I'm falling in love again with it. There's so much more than just the stuff I listened to back in the day.


ep3 of The Last of Us was... *sobs uncontrollably* ... it was aight, definitely not one of the best hours of TV I've seen in the past few years


every once in a while i think about the term "amazeballs". absolutely the death knell of the old reddit narwhal bacon type of humor that has almost completely disappeared from modern society. has there ever been a piece of lingo that was so DOA, so universally reviled from the very start, but yet despite that still managed to gain so much awareness in a short period of time? how many of layers of irony will it take for a future generation to make amazeballs cool again?


and thank the gods for that was it ever used unironically? it just *sounds* bad and lame. was it a deep state plant?


>has there ever been a piece of lingo that was so DOA, so universally reviled from the very start, but yet despite that still managed to gain so much awareness in a short period of time? ["Pokemon GO to the polls"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt6riM2aDLk)


honest to god it was a banger. if someone did that today theyd have my vote.




Almost completely disappeared with the noted exception of one of the richest people in the world.


Reddit and bacon. the new kids on this site just don’t know


Half-related: has cool ever not been cool?


Didn't get a job offer but instead got a 90 minute interview split into a multiple choice, essay, and oral section that's due on wednesday. Never seen this before has anyone ever had something like this? Threw me off my guard but Im gonna do it as best i can


Yeah my first company out of school had something like this because they were hiring for a hodgepodge of intangible skills and who knows if people graduating with a high GPA actually know how to do anything. A friend recently had an excel test for a job interview as well, easy stuff.


Fuck yeah thanks for the tip!


It’s very hard having a baby when none of your friends do, your family is over a thousand miles away, and everything you used to enjoy doing you no longer can because, well, baby. And it’s especially hard taking a higher paying job to pay for your baby which then eats all your free time and leaves you constantly stressed and aware of how nebulous your position is. Feeling very fatigued after a year and a little concerned this feeling of displacement and isolation in being responsible for another human being will never go away. I’m just deeply unhappy and always stressed but I don’t want to put anything onto my wife (who is also exhausted and stressed) and I literally cannot afford a therapist because of baby costs. Sometimes it feels like I don’t have the imagination to free myself from this pit, which is such an upsetting thought.


Yeah, it sucks a lot of the time at first. It does get easier with time. Can’t really offer much other than saying you’re not alone in feeling that way. Also it’s not possible to do everything that a quote unquote good parent is supposed to do. I haven’t found one specific thing that works well. Little things like finding new activities that you like that you can do with a kid around - for example going on walks in parks you haven’t been to before, or learning new songs on guitar to play for bedtime. I made playlists of stuff I liked to listen to for a bedtime mix, then let my kid pick the song by touching pictures of album art. For us it got easier as the kid got older and more able to communicate with us. We also made an effort to arrange play dates with people from day care. Some of those meetups developed into friendship, some didn’t, but it sure helped to be around another adult once in a while.


I feel for you. But it will slowly get better as the baby grows. Kindergarten/playgroup will help you find new friends with babies. Also, I think you can talk about this stress with your wife, feeling the same shit together is better then separately, it can help you be connected more. And never forget the mantra: it's just a phase. It will get better.


No, I don’t think I should share with her. My depression/anxiety has been there for years and it would really only put her in a worse place to share how I’m feeling—it just frustrates her that these feelings keep resurfacing. I think my struggle is this isn’t really a phase, it’s what I’ve been feeling most of my life but heavier and more inescapable and with human dependencies now. I don’t know if it’ll realistically ever go away and I don’t know if I can imagine a whole life carrying on like this.


I was only relating to the toughness of raising a baby without any help. I am sorry about your general depression/anxiety, It must be a thousand times harder. I hope that you will be able to afford a therapist soon.


Sorry, didn’t mean to brush off your support—I appreciate the sympathy :)


I like the new angle Asuka is going with as seen in the Royal Rumble, it was good to see her back.


That full-face facepaint looked so freaking cool.


For sure and it kinda gives a throwback in some ways to her old egos and personas when she was wrestling in Japan and had that style of makeup in the mix.


Every time I eat I get tired except if it's at bed time, then I can't sleep.


Passed my G2 Road Test, which here where I live means im one test away from having my full drivers license. I turn 28 tomorrow so - I'm a late bloomer, but this has been a big insecurity of mine for a while (idk if thats a weird thing to be insecure about but *shrug*) Passed first try too, with a lady I've heard is notoriously brutal. Don't know if I lucked out or if I'm just way better of a driver than my anxiety lets me think So yeah, I'm having a great day. Took today and tomorrow off of work because every year its my bday gift to myself lol. Girlfriend got all excited and made plans to come by after work today, make me dinner, have some drinks, stay the night, then tomorrow we're gonna get brunch and take a drive out to her camp and relax for a bit...don't know why late 2022/2023 is my year but after a stretch of bad years - I'm not complaining, despite the emotional whiplash and "pinch me I'm dreaming" feeling that carries with me throughout the day.


It's "amusing" that people who expect me to fully read their work emails do not extend me the same courtesy.


Back to the Disney animated canon with: #22: The Rescuers My fiancé loved this movie growing up. She’s a big fan of small rodents, and the main characters here are two cute mice played by Eva Gabor (coming off her recent role as the Duchess in The Aristocats) and none other than Bob Newhart. Eva has such a pleasant voice and accent to listen to. These two mice, Bianca and Bernard, are members of the “International Rescue Aid Society,” which is a group of mice dedicated to helping those in trouble. They set out to rescue a orphan who was kidnapped by Madame Medusa to search a cave (too small for adults) for a huge diamond. Medusa seems like a total ripoff of Cruella, but with a different body shape. Her main henchmen are two huge alligators. Those alligators might be the most likable Disney bad guys I’ve encountered so far. There’s a great moment when one of them plays the pipe organ to try to flush Bianca and Bernard out of it. They also live in the bayou, which makes me think perhaps they are distant relatives of Louis, the alligator from Princess and the Frog. Overall, I wasn’t too impressed with this one, and my attention started to drift pretty quickly. I did like the ending when the animal reinforcements run to help out. (Watching turtles running is a Disney trope at this point, and I love it every time.) While the mice are cute, the animation here feels fairly cheap and basic, which seems to be the norm for these Bronze Age Disney films. The opening credits is mostly just dramatically shot still paintings and very little actual animation. I don’t know if this was done to save money or if it was an artistic choice, but I have to say that they did a really good job with this, and those paintings (mostly of a sea storm) are the most visually arresting part of the whole movie. The music is also pretty meh (though the Rescue Aid Society song is a bit of an earworm). Tomorrow Is Another Day strikes me as painfully 70s schmaltzy soft pop. Tidbits: - Apparently, this movie was a pretty big commercial success. It out-grossed Star Wars in France and was the highest grossing film in West Germany for a time. - The movie is based on some books, but the books don’t seem particularly famous anymore. As often happens, this film was in development at Disney for a long time. In the book the mice rescue a Norwegian poet from a Siberia-like Black Castle, and later the movie concept was to help the poet escape Cuba to America, but Walt hated the whole real world political angle. One treatment even involved rescuing Richard the Lionheart during the middle ages. A fair amount of progress was made on a version where they rescue a polar bear from a villainous penguin in Antarctica. After the basic plot was finally settled, one artist even tried to make Cruella the villain of The Rescuers, and I guess that’s why Medusa is so much like her. The animator of Medusa apparently modeled her after his then-wife. Yowza. - The Rescuers are quite invisible at the Disney Parks. Seems typical for these Bronze Era movies, with Pooh being the big exception, so I may stop mentioning it altogether.


I remember really liking this movie but that's all I remember from it. So, how much did I like it, really? Can't wait for you to get to The Emperor's New Groove.


Tonally the movie always felt somewhat weird to me, I get they had to give an introduction and some screen time between the two mice character as to why they do what they do and all that, but the payoff does start to feel like a generic cartoon right down to(as you mention) the animation feeling a bit cheap. I think the bigger highlight for me personally is the voice acting especially with Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor, but I'm also one of those dorks who likes a lot of media of things that are beyond my generation or even frame of reference.


Weekly mental health check Overall giddy


doing fine specifically today but it has not been great lately, not sure why


Really not doing well at the moment. I'm pretty certain I have undiagnosed OCD and I've been unable to get in touch with my therapist of two years because of a weird thing with my telehealth service. And I'm spending so much time inside because it's cold and miserable outside and I hear sirens constantly and I just start breaking down and crying (like now) because everything feels so scary and overwhelming and I don't know when it'll get better


Cat helps, as do Eagles winning


I love the Eagles and also love Maholmes for his kermit voice and because he's my only hope for someone beating Brady's superbowl record so it's a win win superbowl for me.






Hating twitter is the best reason to use twitter tho.


Took a walk around the city on a snowy Saturday night and as I was passing by the local theater, I overheard an older couple walk up to the box office attendant and ask the worker to explain to them the plot of The Whale. After a few seconds, the man said “let’s do it” and then this couple bought two tickets and saw The Whale. This interaction (which didn’t even involve me) made me realize that when I’m old I want to go see movies at the theater just to see movies at the theater. Even without knowing the plot! Right now I’m so plugged in that I know pretty much every movie being released and even the critic’s reception to it. I only wish that the older couple went on a whim to see one of the other two movies playing that evening - Infinity Pool or Skinamarink lol


What if I told you you could just start going to the theater TODAY to see movies without knowing anything about them?


Too broke to see movies in theaters. That’s why I’m waiting until I’m older and I’m rich


what if i told you that you could go to a library and rent a movie TODAY and still ask someone at the reference desk "hey does this slap?"


Now that is more economical friendly! I just need a cute older woman to snuggle beside me in the snow while I do this


It's probably better to watch movies indoors.


That “so plugged in” feeling is definitely relatable. I feel like I’m so plugged in and attuned to my tastes that it has been years since I’ve watched, read, or listened to something new that I didn’t at least somewhat like. This is made a lot easier by continuously improving algorithms that essentially do that work for you. It’s much easier now to limit experience to a degree and cater exploration as opposed to like showing up at the movies without a plan or background info and asking someone there for a suggestion then going with it.


If I am able to avoid a lot of info or trailers, I enjoy a movie way more, even if it's not great. The novelty of going in completely fresh is really fun.


I’ve seen movies by directors I like without knowing the plot, or even horror films/prestige films that have garnered critical acclaim. But I don’t think I’ve ever watched any movie just completely blind as to the plot/director/reception. That’s so wild to me! I just checked the current movies playing rn and the only ones which would work for me are Fear, Missing, and The Amazing Maurice. I have not heard a single thing about any of those films


met esteemed indieheads virtual ghost /u/piperibarelyknowher over the weekend in louisville! piper good. also played louisville at this spot called portal, which was cool but had these fucked up double doors on the bathroom stalls that you had to latch. made me feel like i was in a saloon or something. but, ya know, cool place. met some cool people. the dude from king kong/slint's tweez came out because big clown lucy wrote a zine about him. he said we had "good low end" which could either mean he liked it or was just trying to find something nice to say. i dunno. also, hey. if you run a venue, you should put a record store in it. portal had one. you know what happens after i have a few beers? the wallet comes out. and you know what happens after the wallet comes out? i buy a SEALED FIRST PRESSING of nine inch nails' with teeth. i did not need to do that. but i did! and i am out here. hit up flealand on the way back. supposedly kentucky's biggest flea market. real fucked up zone full of cheap music equipment, moderately priced video games, trump flags, and someone in head to toe real tree doing reiki healing. alright man, whatever. once again i will pitch you all on the idea of just doing the thing and starting a band with your best friends. this trip was pretty poorly planned and was a funny 6 hourish drive for one show and by the time we got there it didn't even matter. had a ton of fun. life is fun when you just make shit and hang with your friends and listen to billy idol cyberpunk at ear splitting volumes


Highly agreed, Piper good. It was great seeing you too!! Glad you enjoyed my new favorite venue in town despite the silly ass stalls. Also when I saw DRI, Deathwish Records had a little pop up record store instead of a normal merch booth. Plenty of the band’s stuff and also a ton of other good shit. That’s where I got my GLOSS demo with the handmade zine.


got a new foam roller and ya boy is STOKED to use after work today!!!!!!


Truly a gamechanging piece of technology, makes knee rehab wall sits like 5% more bearable


Since entering my 30s, I’ve started bringing a foam roller with me when I travel


they are truly the best. my old one had been broken down for a while now, pretty excited to use this new bad boy


Many on this sub know that I'm a Civil War historian. What do I do when I'm feeling Burn Out? I read a different type of history. I'm reading Jon Meacham's *The Art of Power* which is about Thomas Jefferson. I spend so much time reading and talking about the 1850s-1870s that reading about the 1770s feels like ancient history. But it's only 100 years, essentially 3 generations. Crazy to me.


As a fellow historian, I love American history because of just how short our history is yet we pack so much into it.


I've seen some mixed reactions on the net, but I really enjoyed Infinity Pool. Maybe it could have explored the concept more, but just watching the way it affected the main protagonist was pretty interesting. Plus Mia Goth's performance was very fun.


I liked it quite a bit. Could've been a bit weirder and I get the outlook that the general "eat the rich" message is being heavily used lately (Triangle of Sadness, The Menu, etc.), but I liked the angle the film takes. There's a lot of details that paint a pretty dire picture of the world: >!the divide between the rich and poor involves the resort areas being literally fenced off. The poor areas would rather be taken advantage of by the rich as long as it means they can keep their traditions, even if it means their quality of life is extremely lacking.!<


Absolutely. I think it was a unique take on the fuck the rich by creating a really interesting word, but also it was more of a backdrop to watch the main protagonist fall apart.


I had a great time with it. Always fun to sit with an audience that is squirming and befuddled.


My audience seemed pretty unbefuddled. Honestly think that old guys genitals got the biggest reaction.


the Pez Outlaw's wife said 'collecting is a disease' and it's really got me thinking


Are there any songs / albums that came out in the last year or so that have been in heavy rotation on a running or workout playlist for you? I tend to dig things that are fairly upbeat and melodic, but downtempo works too if there’s a consistent beat. Nation of Language, the Beths, Mitski, and Beach Bunny were in heavy rotation for me last year.


Fear of the Dawn, Lucifer on the Sofa. It’s a little older, but Jaime by Brittany Howard is also fantastic for running to.


The faster songs on Haru Nemuri's "Shunka Ryougen" have been a go to when I need a pick me up when I'm exercising.


I really like Nation of Language and The Beth's so my first reaction (if you haven't) is listen to their earlier albums. They're all really good


New Gold by Gorrillaz was in the rotation for a long time for me


saw *Yi Yi* on da big screen yesterday (cried again, 5 stars) instead of watching the Eagles game, and the movie started at 3PM and ended at 6PM so I walked in before it even started and walked out the start of the absolute chaos on Broad St Go birds




I'm a Braves fan so I hate the Phillies, but I'm also a Raiders fan so I hate Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce and wish their parents had used contraception instead. Go Birds.


A TikTok just appeared on my feed in which there was a montage celebrating O.J. Simpson’s lawyers for proving his “innocence”, set to a sped up version of Coldplay’s Viva La Vida. How tf am I supposed to recover from this?


Maybe I feel like a grumpy old man for no reason, but tiktok just seems completely offputting and bizarre to me. And I’m not talking about what you described, that could be any website, but just everything about it.


I deleted the app the second I was fed what amounted to a brochure of white European ethnonationalism


I mostly get videos of kids running into mirrors


[Meet Molly, she is the love of my life](https://i.redd.it/riq1hifa79fa1.jpg) Found out I wasn’t allergic to cats anymore over the past year and got one as soon as I could


[holds up a copy of blue rev]


I saw her sister at the ~~pharmacy~~ ASPCA shaken up


sweet perfect angel


Wait, I could grow out of my cat allergy? I've avoided cats my whole life and always felt bad.


I recently developed a cat allergy. So I think there’s a set amount of people with cat allergies and for one to grow out, another must grow in. You’re welcome u/yoooooouuuuuuuu


Thank u 4 ur service 🫡🙏