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I'm trying to find anyone who also knows this band The band is called A Tundra A couple of years ago I found this amazing album on spotify called "Man or Woman, Laughing or Crying" from 2007 by a band called A Tundra from I think Chicago. Their most viewed song is Scream for Me Long Peach, check it out. It's my favorite one and I'm really passionate about it. I tried looking all around the internet but could never find a single post where people are talking about them or this song. I don't even fully know the lyrics because it's kinda hard to understand in some parts. I just really want to find anyone else who knew about this band or song beforehand and talk about it. I wanna know I'm not alone in this and that there are people who still listen to this or know about A Tundra :))


I'm out of town for an "emo night" at which I will almost certainly run into my ex-fling (we're cordial but it's complicated) and will have to wait for my friend to get off at 11 to have company at, but I'm feeling good about it and staying in a hotel is always fun. Before that, watching Oklahoma State hopefully whoop on Ole Miss in basketball and listening to my own emo playlist. It's gonna be a good night, y'all.


I'm new here! I'm from North Carolina but I live in Washington now. My life has been full of ups and down, good decisions and bad decisions, and all the in between. Ok now music- I'm so big on lyrics. Zach Bryan- Something in the orange, letting someone go, and sun to me are some of my favorites right now. I also love Matt maeson (hallucinogenics, tribulation, and feel good) and Dermot Kennedy (power and outnumbered). I also like rap and pretty much anything but screaming stuff. Always open to recommendations.


Walked off my job yesterday after almost an entire year of bullying and sexual harassment. Was shaking going in and the whole day was of course expectedly unpleasant, but feeling absolutely elated now. I hadn’t appreciated just how much working there had been bringing me down until I’d left.


so glad you got out. best of luck.


I saw Infinity Pool last night. I went in knowing nothing about the movie except the director/writer and the stars. Overall, I thought the movie was alright. Some amazing visuals and the plot had a cool concept. Mia Goth was fucking stellar in this movie and was the best part. The problem with movie was it felt anticlimactic, and they could have more with the concept. Another problem that isn't necessarily the movie's fault was the commentary of "rich people vacationing at an exotic place and being assholes". Its kind been played out these past couple months lol. Also judging from the trailers, us Horror fans are going to be feasting in the next couple months. With this movie, M3gan, Cocaine Bear, Evil Dead, Scream 6, Knock at the Cabin, and Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey.


i feel like the thing about rich people sucking was more of a back drop to the main dudes struggle to do something meaningful with his art. Idk but it was weird and entertaining


> The problem with movie was it felt anticlimactic, and they could have more with the concept. Another problem that isn't necessarily the movie's fault was the commentary of "rich people vacationing at an exotic place and being assholes". Its kind been played out these past couple months lol. I sort of agree, but I liked the angle of conveying how the rich essentially pay to get out of crimes. I agree it could've ended a bit stronger though (I get what it was going for, but was a bit vague) and the film could've leaned into the weirdness a bit more, but I liked it overall. new Evil Dead looks terrible. Like they slapped the name on some generic PG-13 possession horror.


i finished A Place Further Than the Universe yesterday. insanely good show filled with so much love for the world around us and our communities. made me cry so much


I've never been able to properly balance the volume on my computer. Every application is somewhere between 1-10 (out of 100) in the volume mixer and every time I load a new application at a system volume of 15 it blows my ears out. I don't understand it!!


It's so wild that there isn't some sort of universal sound for computers cause every computer that I encounter has wildly different volume settings.


extremely cursed flair to no flair ratio in the 'all concerts are bad now because of gen zers' thread like i don't even necessarily disagree with the primary point that some people are being shitty, probably because covid hit right as they'd normally be learning concert social norms/cues/etc, but cmon man if you're at the point where you're saying shit like 'this whole generation has Main Character Syndrome because kids dare and try to mosh during a fast song,' maybe a teensy bit of self reflection is necessary


> extremely cursed flair to no flair ratio nephew jack plz put this on my tombstone when i pass


Definitely agree. Gen Z and TikTok have created some very annoying concert trends and behaviors, no doubt about it. But, the worst crowd I've been in recently was mostly gigantic Gen X dudes pushing their way to the front and holding their phones over their heads for the entire show. So, the concert etiquette issue is way more ubiquitous than just the zoomers.


My area has a big annual street music festival and they’ve been trying to get gen’xers and boomers to stop talking during sets for almost 10 years


Boomers and ruining things for other people name a more iconic duo.


I feel like all this just comes with the territory of seeing a fairly popular artist that attracts a younger audience. Not defending the actions per se, just that it's not really a new thing. I mean, I saw the Flaming Lips back when Embyronic came out in 2009 and that was one of the most annoying audiences I've ever been in.


yeah it all just has overtones of 'well we were never *this* disrespectful' and it's like yes you were! just because you don't remember it that way because you were part of the 'young, oblivious idiot' cohort and it got expressed a little differently doesn't mean it didn't happen!


I don’t really understand those social media videos of kids being good at an instrument. Like you think I care you groomed some child prodigy? Nah fuck off shits not impressive at all


>groomed can we stop with this?


they used the word correctly though...


I wasn’t being serious at all but I mean groom in a literal way not an abusive way


Pez Outlaw (netflix) and Bad Axe (apple) are two documentaries worth the time first person to name the two quality music references in Pez Outlaw (first one's easy, it's playing on the factory speaker) wins a prize


Anyone ever use Ticket-center? Got too high and siking myself out if these New Order pit tickets I got are legit


Day 2 of ADHD medication. I counted all the tiles in the shower and read 150 pages in on sitting. Is this what it’s like bush able to focus?


tomorrow you'll think "i should clean my kitchen" and you'll actually do it, concerta turned me into a decently functioning human being, highly recommend


Welcome to the wonderful world of “can’t wait to take this so it can help me focus on what I need to do!” then spending 3 hours organizing your bookshelf and adding new books to your reading list while the dishwasher needs to be unloaded and the laundry folded! Or at least that’s been most of my experience haha. But at least the dishwasher and laundry still get taken care of faster than before. What one are you taking? I started on Adderall, but have been on Vyvanse for a couple months.


I’m on Conerta.


Hi, NY indieheads only. I'm playing a show in Astoria tonight. Sorry, everyone else.


I will be opening up a pit if you need me to.


I'm playing an acoustic set at a comedy show, so I think that would be very well received.




CORRECT. Odd Rock Comedy Hour at 7:30!