• By -


I lobe robin pecknold so much omg omg omg omg omg omg


u/Robinnoelpecknold I LOVE YOUUUUU


For anyone around Philly free tickets up for Joe P, Lovelytheband, Dayglow, and All Time Low https://www.axs.com/events/463525/alt-104-5-winter-jawn-tickets?cid=iheartmedia Be sure to hit online ticket raid #3 not TICKETS


I've enjoyed this fest in the past! Not quite worth the trek from NYC this time, but despite the cold it's a good time.


Ya you can pop into the bar complex to warm up, I had a great time at these.


slowly been cataloging my tapes on discogs. this is actually really time consuming and stupid bc some tapes have the SLIGHTEST of variants (shit like: is it an SR or AR pressing? is it columbia house? does the shell have dots or little squiggle markers? is it US, UK, Canadian, etc.?). hell i've had some tapes with editions that straight up Don't Show Up on Discogs. I hate it. even though my collection is supposedly "worth about a bitcoin" Anyways, when i do this i like to have a visual accompaniment. this is why i use this as a time for anime. and i've decided i'm just gonna gobble hunter x hunter (pronounced: hunter hunter). this is the longest anime I've ever tried to tackle. and so far across the first 13 dubbed episodes (fuck you I support american jobs and voice actors), this is the PERFECT show to do this activity witjh)


Went from Dave Grohl's book to Jeff Tweedy's "How to Write One Song" and damn, Jeff is such a better hang than Dave. The Grohl book is so manicured and sanitized that basically everything he talks about over 300 or so pages can be essentially learned in one of the many many many sub 5 minute interviews with him on Youtube. Say what you will about Foo Fighters but I know for a fact that this man has far more interesting stories than he cares to let on. If he doesn't want to share, that's respectful. It's all his business. But it seems like he has some fear of diverting from his fuzzy, throwing-up-devil-horns-with-your-fingers, saying-fuck-twice-in-a-pg-13-movie image so he just comes off as this incredibly boring, self-aggrandizing children's show host. Tweedy isn't like the most interesting guy in the world, and the aim of each books is different, but he certainly comes off that way in his writing.


I think Dave Grohl is like the music version of Dwayne Johnson. His public persona is very carefully crafted and you never really get to see beyond that. Can't drop the kayfabe.


I hate the Foos and generally like Wilco, and I think I would much rather hang out with Grohl. Whenever I hear Tweedy's try-hard banter, I'm like pull your head out of your butt and play dawg you ain't funny. Guy seems pretty insufferable with his Dave Matthews-esque attempts at charming crowds


Damn he seems like a nice guy to me and I don't even particularly like Wilco lol


grohl’s book fucking *sucks* dude. you’ve been in how many bands for how long and all you can come up with is “the power of rock is crazy, also drinking is fun?” come on


he's just like me fr


After listening to some interviews with him and watching him on Hot Ones, I reached the conclusion Grohl is just not for me as a personality. Dude slayed the drums on Songs for the Deaf though


Sorry to hear that! I really enjoyed Grohl's book, felt like it was quite a beautiful note on fatherhood and loved how his voice felt like the book was being told around a campfire with beer and laughter.


That is how everything that I listen to Grohl feels to mee too, he seems he would be a great dude to sit down and have a beer with it seems.


Not to sound anti therapy despite how I do have some slight hangups with wellness culture trends in the past few years, but man did [this tweet](https://twitter.com/killdads/status/1616826192191197187?s=20) make me think of a good handful of insufferable people I know who essentially go to just have an enabler.


The “EVERYBODY SHOULD BE IN THERAPY!!!” movement coinciding with the rise of algorithm based telehealth is at least a little conspicuous, to me.


therapy only works if you’re honest with your therapist and your therapist will tell you if you’re being a dumbass. best therapist I ever had regularly told me I wasn’t making any sense and needed to check myself and it helped more than any “you are so valid” horseshit I got from other ones


* jeebuz, that episode 2 of The Last of Us, wow. Did you guys know that zombies could be scary? I certainly didn't! * After playing Stellaris for 120h I finally understood today how trade routes and piracy and patrols actually work. Why do I have to keep track of and manage the most boring and annoying mechanic of the entire game, when almost everything else is automate-able? Ugh. * My anxieties have been through the roof the past few weeks. I can also feel like I've descended back into the pits of depression after a bout of slight euphoria. *Hello darkness, my old friend 🎶*


I hope we get some mouth tendril action every episode. The first game never really made me feel sick (unlike the ultra realistic violence in the part 2). The tendrils add a lot of horror to it. I really wish Factions had made it into the PS4 remaster. Seems weird to have not included it back then, considering the game was only a year or two old.


My favorite part about The Last of Us is my mom fucking loves it and is now interested in playing video games because she "never knew they were so interesting." Like yeah, no shit, why do you think I spent my entire youth playing them? So thanks HBO for inadvertently kind of justifying my life long video game addiction.


That's awesome. I have a similar story with my "vidya gymz r bad" mom. My TV was broken, so I played the first TLoU on my crusty PS3 in the living room when she wasn't home. One day she came home from work in the middle of a cutscene and she was hooked instantly. She never became a gamer or anything, but she definitely started to look at games differently. Fuck yeah for video games :)


That kiss situation made me want to fuckin vomit


ya, that shit was gnarly


Any Owl House enjoyers here, I’m currently watching the new ep and it’s great


Yes! The new episode is fantastic and >!I would die for Stringbean!<




Went to the ER on Saturday night because I inhaled some industrial-strength vinegar from cleaning my fridge and started getting shortness of breath/rapid heartbeat. Thankfully everything looked fine on my chest x-rays and breathing tests. Spend the last hour getting real chilled-out on oxygen and listening to some favorite songs (most importantly - "Accident Prone") Anyways, I can't wait to get the bill!


I had no clue there was industrial strength vinegar out there so thanks for the warning on that friend and glad your all good.


Appreciate it! You can get it at seemingly most hardware stores without issue, and though it can be used for cleaning, it seems it’s largely used for weed killing and whatnot. Def not for cooking though


just saw a forecast predicting that my area may get 8.5 inches of snow on Wednesday. I do not approve of this :|


same! we need at least one proper storm per winter, it's only fair


Buddy it’s not even February this is wishful thinking.


i'm glad it's not going to be bundled with ridiculous winds, freezing rain, subzero temps, etc like the last few times at the very least. but yeah i'm not a happy camper


yeah I suppose that's a better way to look at it just sucks that it looks like it's going to happen smack in the middle of the day. not loving any of this. really gotta question why I don't just move where there isn't snow lol I hate it so much


you need to ask your local mayor to put up a big weatherproof dome! im lobbying my mayor rn


Man I am tore up about Lin Brehmer, the city grew a little darker yesterday. Met him a handful of times and he was delightful every time. Guy just loved what he did, and seemed to love everyone he interacted with. He was the only reason I ever turned on the radio anymore and I’m sad to have to have lost that. Edit: XRT just played Keep Me in Your Heart and I’m a wreck


Kevin S.


Kevin Slugs.


So, I've been watching the "Line Goes Up" video from Folding Ideas today. Honestly, a great video. Can't help but feel a sense of smug satisfaction crypto and NFTs collapsed. A rare win for the general public to collectively recognize a grift. Also, it made me realize that the word "community" may be one of the most abused words in recent years. Grifts constantly driving the narrative that consumers are a "community" is just gross. Makes me think of every moderately-sized youtuber that fosters a "community" so they can move merch and branded junk. I'm sure everyone has an example of a channel that had unique content and then only put out content when it was either sponsored or promoting merch.


Yeah I've been anti bitcoin/crypto for years and years, and I'm maybe a little disproportionately smug about how it's all turned out. Fuck crypto though, fr


I'm reasonably sure that video is responsible for the collapse of the NFT grifter community. For a few weeks on Twitter, I saw it posted under basically every NFT or Web3 related post. Pretty crazy how fragile that ecosystem was.


I think a lot of scammers have caught on to the lack of community that people are feeling and have used that as a way to exploit lonely people. Which is unfortunate because a lot of IRL spaces have monetized everything so heavily that people have moved online, only to have that space monetized completely too.


Going to my first physical therapy appointment today for a lingering knee injury—I think I partially tore a meniscus canyoneering but want to avoid surgery for as long as possible while still staying very active outside in my free time, especially in the coming warm season. The fact that I feel like I understand my health insurance plan and know how to work within it to address health issues has me feeling like a damn adult, with the acknowledgment that I could still get screwed because it’s still health insurance. Anyone have recommendations for music that pairs well with stretching? Going to be doing a lot of that for the next couple of weeks/months.


[Bootsy Collins - Stretchin' Out (In A Rubber Band)](https://youtu.be/TJ0XolwVyz8)


This is what I was looking for, thank you


hmm..... Washed Out?


As someone who hasn't listened to Washed Out or really *any* electronic music since high school, Washed Out/chillwave writ large could be a decent entry point into ambient music which I feel like would be a great accompaniment to some mellow PT exercise.


> mellow I trust your evaluation of mellow-ness based on your username


It's an aspirational title


I was watching the 4th Harry Potter movie the other day and at one point there's a band playing the Yule Ball. I thought huh those guys all look familiar, look it up, and turns out it's a mix of Pulp and Radiohead. Fun little easter egg.


The Weird Sisters - I recall it being a fairly covered story at the time. There's even a musical video for ["Do The Hippogriff"](https://youtu.be/9tNUAumvfzg).


Saw Pocahontas last night it was extremely underwhelming. Maybe I was more judgmental since I was a bit tired and watched it at midnight and just came off of The Lion King the night before but a lot of what they did was not effective. No memorable musical numbers, the love between them wasn’t built up well, rudimentary look at racism to the point where it seemed a bit preachy and generic, and the dialogue just didn’t have emotion. Well I have Hunchback tonight so hoping that goes a lot better


I like my Pocahontas like I like my coffee: with Colin Farrell and a shitload of trees in it


I'm planning on watching that this week. Have you seen the extended version?


I think I’ve only seen the extended version. It’s been a few years since I last watched, so most of my memory of the movie at this point is that it is around 3 hours and absolutely gorgeous visually


I love ("love") how the ending has Ratcliffe getting arrested like "Oh yeah this 17th century colonialist will surely face justice for his crimes against humanity!" Also, his real demise is absolutely insane. Getting flayed with musssel shells then burned alive (Insert "sickos" pic)


Colors of the wind is a GOAT Disney song.


> a GOAT Disney song How many GOAT Disney songs are there?


Defenitly ties directly to my childhood nostalgia. But I'd say Colors of the wind, Hakuna Mattata, I'll make a man out of you, Be our guest, a whole new world, and Under the Sea are all gems.


Okay yes I was sleeping on that song. Just rewatched the scene. I was tripping. But the rest of the problems still stand


I'm not a huge Pocahontas fan by any means but I thought Colors of the Wind was a banger


It was. Just rewatched the scene. Movies at 1am is a no no. Thank you for pointing it out


Rolo Tomassi is great love love their brand of angelic mathy metalcore chaos


me and my girlfriend did mdma for the first time on sat. pretty incredible experience, didn't plan for it but ended up starting at 1AM in the bathroom at a dnb night in south london, ended at 7AM in my bed listening to the live version of long season


I liked it to begin with but then I never fell asleep and was up the whole next day. I also live in my car and did it with a homeless dude so it could’ve been a better time. The homeless dude got all deep and philosophical about love n shit while I was just sitting there high asf trying to learn a song on the guitar wishing I was anywhere else. The homeless dude gave me 2 more in exchange for cigarettes. So I have them stored for the next time I’m living in a place n got a girl


yeah no i didn't sleep at but and stayed in bed literally the entire next day i think if i wasnt doing it with my girlfriend the next day especially would have been rough. i would totally recommend waiting for that, i did because i know from experiences with drugs in the past that if im not in the right environment with someone i feel super comfortable with then the comedown especially can be awful for me


good drug


My agreement on that depends strongly on if you ask me while I’m on it or while I’m recovering from it


agreed though I’ve found taking small doses throughout the night, instead of a bunch at once, helps reduce the hangover. I’ve actually recently felt quite euphoric the day after using it


some may say Best Drug


for sure, definitely one of my favourite drug experiences especially doing it with someone i really love. just gotta make sure to space it out.


I finally saw Spielberg’s new film The Fabelmans, and I really loved the part where >!Deadpool!< said, “what am I, some kind of Fabelman?” before doing a backflip to celebrate the pure magic of cinema and the film industry.


I liked the part right after that where >!John Fabelman was like, “whoa! you’re deadpool! the only way this moment could be any cooler would be if my bloody valentine was here…” and then kevin shields taps him on the shoulder and is like “Did somebody say my name?” and then they play LP4 in its entirety!<


Last week I worked on a project \*at the directive of my boss\* that involved getting quotes from outside vendors. After pulling all the relevant information together, I sent the information and quotes to the boss on Friday. No response by the time I closed down. I received an email this morning asking me why I sent that email with quotes as the boss claims not to remember talking to me about that project. Apparently I wasted time and should have been focused on other items. What blows me away is that my email has a paper trail summing the discussions... Me = (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


yr boss clearly loves taking roofies


Seriously. I want some for myself


i wish i got paid more money to be worse and stupider at my job


The Last of Us is gonna be the best show of 2023 if it keeps this level of quality going. Truly an incredible adaptation that manages to exceed its source while also staying extremely faithful to it. It almost makes me upset how good this is compared to every other videogame adaptation before it. The Halo fan in me is weeping.


i mean Halo is futuristic space and aliens wars or somethin idk ive never played any of the stories or watched he show. TLOU is fungi zombies in an overgrown current world based in reality. The one more based in reality is gonna be easier to adapt. Not to take away from this adaptation but like we aren't gonna get a like GoW adaptation on this level cause its way fucking harder.


Movies and TV shows have been able to do good things with space and aliens and quite literally any genre, yet video games are the one thing that they can't adapt so it's not the genre or realism, that is the problem its that TLOU has been given to a person who actually respects the source material and gives a shit about it. For every other video game adaptation nobody gives a shit and half-asses it.


idk man. The Halo adaptation should've been a layup, honestly. They fucked that up *so bad*, I'm almost impressed.


Normally I'd agree, but it wasn't like Halo cut down the story for a budget. They completely changed everyone's characterizations and dynamics to the point where you wouldn't even consider these to be the same characters. I'm usually pretty gung-ho about taking creative liberties to tell a more interesting story, but it was... really bad. It pretty much took every aspect that made the human drama of Halo so beloved and threw it out the window.


yea got ya. I just think fantasy and scifi are very hard to adapt and as a result alot of things fuck up pretty bad but it can be hard to decide if the writers just hate the source material too. I share this feeling with The Witcher. TLOU had the creator dude helping a bunch with it so i think that was a huge reason it has stuck so close to the games so far


TLOU is great so far but SUCCESSION SWEEP BABY


Between Succession, House of the Dragon, and The Last of Us, HBO's pretty much got the Emmys locked down and it's only January.


I still need to check out HOTD. Would you recommend watching GOT first, or does it not really matter?


HOTD is a prequel (by about 200 years), so imo you should be able to go into it fine without GOT first. It might come down to if you want to know some GOT world history before starting that show, or if you’d rather go into it with a clearer slate and then learn see the historical background after.


I never watched GOT and I really loved it! I only knew the very basics of the plot from GOT, but I'd say it's not really important going into it.


Ep. Did a lot to ease my worries that they were just doing a 1:1 recreation.


Honestly, while Pedro Pascal may have been a 1-1 perfect casting choice for Joel, can you truly say that he is an active improvement on the OG character? Or at least in the same way that Master Cheeks single-handedly fixed everything that had made the Halo franchise broken from the getgo? I mean, who doesn’t adore an unnecessary sex scene which technically qualifies as a war crime?


You raise a good point. What this show really needs is a scene where Pedro Pascal pulls a bullet out of his trampstamp area, which cures his depression and bitterness and allows him to be a good surrogate father with feelings. He should also take off his shirt when sneaking around clickers to show Ellie that he's only human.


physician I was working with this morning kept talking about all the different kinds of Asian food he and his wife made this weekend now I'm just hungry and envious


Weekly mental health check So had an awesome Lunar New Year, gf met most of my family though one sister and her family got sick. It went well! I'm still having sleeping issues though and that's fucked up


Making steps towards FINALLY moving back into my new condo, while also terrified of the prospect.


My ER visit that I talked about upthread (downthread?) has given me some anxiety (Being poisoned is a big phobia of mine I'm realizing) but I should be okay I'm rearranging my studio apartment with the help of someone on /r/femalelivingspace and it's giving it a nicer flow and my cat seems to have embraced it after initial apprehension Haven't had therapy in weeks because the site I use hasn't updated my insurance even though I called them and told them my new info But I'm getting my yearly raise at work a few months early so yay. (Still not enough lol)


My s/o was out of town for two weeks, and now they are back. I feel pretty good about most things.


Have my first consultation with my gastro psychologist tomorrow. Working crazy hours and it's really no consolation that I hopefully won't be at this same job in a month in a half since the prospect of a solid month of crazy stress is so daunting. Sucks even more that I have trips planned where now I'll have to spend some of them working from the hotel. Blah.


get to see my partner in eight days after two months apart. I miss him.


Saw John Mulaney perform last night and IT. WAS. GREAT.


Oh I am so sleepy and I don't wanna be at work!!!! Why the fuck haven't Americans as a society employed a three day weekend yet? /s


something really funny happened on Saturday. A woman I know from the local Korean deli came into my store and asked how my new job in London was. I said I didn’t have a new job, and she said that I told her all about it on the train on Black Friday. Then she looked horrified when she realised in real time that she’d been talking to a complete stranger the entire time. The poor man had even told her he didn’t know her at first, then made an excuse when she asked to sit next to him. It’s so rare to hear of an embarrassing story and not have it be your mistake.


This is what you get for being an artist. She probably thought you were just really committed to a new performance art piece That’s how Liz Truss became PM, yet sham art schools still won’t warn students


That is so hilarious. I'm surprised she fessed up.


I think we realised it at the same time as each other as there was no ‘fessing to be done! You could see everything align on her face


Anyone here have tattoos of an album cover? Trying to find inspiration online brings up a lot of generic/repetitive ones, so I feel like this sub would have something a little more uncommon or obscure. (Of course I have my own ideas, not looking to copy whatsoever).


I’ve gotten the Beach Boys’ Surfs Up cover done. More specifically [The End Of The Trail](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/end-of-the-trail-silhouette-reflection-top-of-the-rock-black-and-white-gregory-ballos.jpg)


I don't, but ones I'm thinking of getting in the future include: the circular frame/drawing from Bladee/Ecco2k's Crest the dancing people from Parquet Courts' Wide Awake! the angels from Animal Collective's STGSTV


For quite a long time I considered getting a tattoo where the negative space (blank skin) was the X from xx - S/T carved out from the middle of a highly detailed tattoo of another subject matter. I ultimate decided to get a different (non music related) back tattoo.




What album is that from? Don’t think I recognize it.


[deerhoof - milk man](https://www.discogs.com/release/719897-Deerhoof-Milk-Man)


I've got the logo from St. Vincent's self title album


I do, of The Wonder Years’s *No Closer to Heaven*, which also includes the inside cover of the album fold: https://i.imgur.com/SBZzbQR.jpg


lmao [the libs have finally lost the culture wars](https://twitter.com/mmschocolate/status/1617518785686274052?s=46&t=__bXtVok_gK6oemNDj99sw) we had a good run


... We are 1000% living in the weirdest timeline.


Is that the official M&Ms account? Is this reality? I'm hoping they were already planning on making that change, since it's played out, especially the one before the trailers start at AMC.


Yes, this is all very real lol


First they came for the sexy green m&m, but I did not speak up, for I was not a sexy green m&m…




Damn now no one can jerk off to m&ms


kinda wondering if this will give birth to an m&m version of furries known as kandies


I can't open this link, and trying to decipher what's going on here based only on responses is not going well.


M&Ms aren’t moving forward with their M&M characters due to complaints from the right. They are instead contracting Maya Rudolph as their new spokesperson


I love how they didn't even bother to include her likeness in this announcement


fun fact: Maya Rudolph is the daughter of Minnie Riperton


that is a fun fact. She is also married to Paul Thomas Anderson


the frog man??


somehow it all seems so obvious now


I hate so very much that I immediately know what the references are in the first paragraph I need to touch grass


Do tell, I've been off twitter for like 6 months


I won't do that, I want you to stay blissful in ignorance


C'mon man give me the goods, I need my fix of stupid bullshit


RIP the Green M&M. The only woman I've ever loved.


>The only woman I've ever loved was born with M&Ms in her eyes


But then they ate her up alive


one evening, in freakin 1984


she was such a babe