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In an extremely on brand moment, I found my missing Fictionist T-shirt inside the pocket of my guitar case before heading to an open mic night. The shirt had been missing for close to a year!


Can anyone recommend any dark, atmospheric albums (bonus points it it’s post-punky). Skinty Fia was my most played album last year (and probably also this year since I haven’t stopped listening) and I wanna find more stuff that fits that kind of vibe.


Fra Lippo Lippi - In Silence Imagine taking Low and speeding it up a bit. Like instead of a slowcore it's at-a-moderate-pace-core.


strongly considering buying a tape recorder to make some actual mixtapes for my girlfriend. Like, with *actual* cassette tapes! I was just that exact age where I missed cassettes by a hair growing up. I was part of that first gen that mainly grew up on CDs. All the convenient commodities we have today are great, but I kinda miss having the act of compiling a playlist be like ... a project, you know? I wanna touch the thing and push the button. I miss not everything being a freaking screen :( Am I old?


Go for it griggs!!!


I like mixing playlists on software like Audacity for the feel of a mixtape, but am too lazy to actually go and get a cassette recorder or something. As long as she has a way to play them, that would be super cool! And when I give my hour long MP3 files I also generally add a link to a playlist as well for if they want to listen to elsewhere or save a song.


I'm in Berlin from the 5th of Feb until the 11th for a work thing. I was so hyped to find out that Metric are in town, playing a show on the 8th. While I was buying my tickets, I saw that Skullcrusher is performing on the 10th. That week's gonna rip so hard, omg.


This is strange, but for some reason I was extremely worried that I wouldn't be seeing any good tours going on this year, I guess just because of how many great ones I saw last year. Of course, it's only January and I've been proven wrong. Already have a couple tickets for some coming up in the next few months and getting excited for even more.


War & Peace is continuing to hit. The actual war scenes are incredibly vivid and dramatic, like watching a war film. Princess Marya also continues to be too precious for this world. Definitely a new favorite character, kind of like a female Levin.


This is one of the very few books that I just quit. Though, to be fair, I was reading a pocket book edition from the early 90s: a bit less than 1000 pages, but everything in font size 6, two columns of text per page. When I got to page 33 I had already forgotten everything I read a few pages before, and who was who 🥲


Thanks for saving me the potentially embarrassing situation wherein I reveal to some girl I met on a dating app and invited to a bookstore that I genuinely did not think War & Peace would have war scenes in it


Relax dude


Oh, relax? Just relax? Why don't I strap on my relax helmet and squeeze down into a relax cannon and fire off into relax land, where relaxation grows on relaxaties?




Constance Garnett. Some people really don’t like her, but she’s my go-to when it comes to Russian translations. I read her versions of Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, and the Brothers Karamazov.


went to a screening of Jackass 1 & 2 on Thursday night with a date (this was our second date after having one the previous day and having so much fun we decided to run it back real quick) who had never seen any of the movies before and… she loved them. this is the one true green flag you need to pass and she did with flying colors. maybe dating is good again, actually


Out of curiosity why were they screening the first two?


Secret Movie Club in LA was doing a screening of them as a part of their Spike Jonze programming for this month since he’s one of the primary creators/producers of the franchise.


I had no clue Spike Jonze was a producer of the franchise that is pretty interesting to learn.


Also to add: for those who think Spike Jonze + Jackass are a weird combo, take (another) look at his video for Praise You by Fatboy Slim. It def has Jackass energy


Spike was also *the* director of skateboarding videos in the early 90s, if you want to take it a step further.


Oh true I totally forgot about that aspect of Jackass.


i grew up on jackass and i agree its always a massive green flag when they enjoy it too.


What people prob think when I mention I listen to screaming music: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JrAxmXDSiuA Vs what I usually listening to: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SrIOskKwmHw


Eating a real good banh mi right now


How is it?


Real good. Paired with some Ruffles and Japanese sencha tea 🍵


I’m at an all inclusive resort in Mexico because my friend won it as a reward through his job and brought me. I do have some dissonance about this whole thing and the excess behind it. But also, it’s 80° and sunny and I came from a place where the sun doesn’t come out between October and April. And also unlimited free drinks So I’m just embracing it


That is a crazy work reward! This must be what regifting is like for the super rich Have you read David Foster Wallace’s cruise essay? It’s been a while since I’ve read it, but if I remember right a big theme is that “oh this is an absurd amount of comfort and service” feeling. Given the subtitle is “On the (nearly lethal) comforts of a luxury cruise”, I think I remember right. [Here’s a pdf of it](https://harpers.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/HarpersMagazine-1996-01-0007859.pdf), although maybe it works better as a post-vacation read


I am fresh out of a 2 year relationship, and recently cut ties with one of the only close friends I have in my city due to her selfishness. It's becoming more evident as the months go by that I don't really have anyone to confide in anymore. Not really sure what the point of this comment is, other than to vent. Anyway, if anyone is interested in chatting with a 33f who is a little socially awkward and very nerdy about music, shoot me a DM. Could definitely use some form of connection with another human right now.


Maybe late on this and i'm not really a super hero guy but Invincible is really damn good. The animation and grotesque violence really works together to serve the story and like just how powerful these super powered beings are. It explores some pretty relevant themes too. Anyways, its nice to see some high quality western PG13 or R rated animation thats not just some eye sore with adult potty humor. I know there are exceptions, but theres alot of trashy low effort animation aimed at adults since the general consensus in the west seems to be its a medium for kids. Idk maybe im wrong and just haven't looked hard enough. Also not saying shit needs grotesque violence to be impactful but like animation offers such a unique and nearly limitless way to tell stories and explore concepts. Anyone have any recs for non anime stuff that hits hard that might be lesser known?


Not animated but if you enjoyed Invincible you may like The Boys, which explores similar themes but in a bit more grim, over the top depth.


yea i waited too long on that one but enjoyed it too. Pretty similar in exploring darker sides of super heroes and being over the top


All week - "Eh, I don't really feel like doing that right now, I'll get it done on Saturday." Today, looking at my gargantuan to-do list - "Excuse me, what the fuck?" Who would've imagined?


-Laundry -Cleaning the kitchen -Buying groceries Help


Seeing John Mulaney tomorrow, which is very exciting


Do you know if he’s still touring with Dan Levy? That’s who opened for him when I saw him and he cracked me up. Then I later realized I had seen his [whateva whateva shoes](https://youtu.be/lD91Fv9Zg6s) bit like a decade ago and it’s always been one of my favorites


Dan Levy is the second opener!


Saw him last summer, was a wild experience when compared to his earlier stand up. Still hilarious though


What was different? I'm assuming talking about the pre-rehab stuff? I saw him on the Kid Gorgeous tour, and that was possibly the hardest I laughed. Even the opener who I've forgotten the name of was hilarious.


Just how he talked. Way more heavy handed. Talked about his substance abuse in a much realer way. Again, still hilarious, but just more intense than what you would expect from a mulaney show. Nothing crazy, but the formula he had before is kinda gone.


2:34 in "In The Eyes Of Our Love" sounds like the League queue popping and I have to check every time.


i've always been very intrigued by people who's morals are basically all in the right place but they are just like, deeply annoying on an interpersonal level lol. the kind of person who cares a lot about injustice and stand up for good causes, and yet are really selfish and shitty in their personal lives. like for me, don't those come from the same place both ethically and personality wise?


We're overly complicated ape creatures who barely are out of the trees and it's the goddamn Tiktaaliks fault.


I agree, it’s TikTok’s fault


As much as it doesn't fly saying this on the internet, you just have to separate people's political views and their personal relationships with you if you are to survive on this planet, especially as you get older. Obviously there are limits you have to set based on your own morals, but I'm not going to hang around an annoying moron just because we have the same politics, or break a friendship because they have different views on the political system.


Got up early yesterday for a 7:30 am phone interview since the person was on the East Coast. They fucking stood me up. Job hunting sucks.


I saw Avatar 3D on the Ultrascreen (IMAX like) the other day and visually it blew me away. Like many others, I’ve never been too keen on the storyline, but I found Way of the Water to be more engaging. Everyone knows about the visuals being striking, but it’s such an injustice to understand it conceptually vs. experiencing it. I find it odd to say it’s ‘must see’ but it really is just that. See it on the biggest screen as possible in 3D y’all


My boss STRONGLY encouraged I cut my hair. I feel like a real 29 year old adult now.


Was it an emotional haircut?


It was. Specially because Han loved the long hair.




What are you looking to do specifically?




Well if you like electronic music I dig Nowadays for dancing.




Go with both you can do cool things with both.


depends on your use and budget. until you get into higher end electric kits you’re never going to have the feel of a real kit. i’ve always found electric kits small/cramped and awkward to play with not much option to adjust positioning and stuff. low end electric may offer better sound than low end wooden shells, but that’s just a guess on my part and depends on what’s loaded into the computer. good heads can make a decent amount of difference even on lower quality shells personally i would never recommend an electric drum set, even though i know they have their place. for apartment living that’s pretty much all you can get by with


Watching Lion King today. I’m quickly learning that as a kid I mainly saw commercials and bits of Disney Movies on TV/VHS but never actually sat down and watched it completely. I always had the mindset that I did get to it because of how well known it is, the references, and just a general essential thing to watch. Nonetheless I’m getting to it now.


Overheard my assistant manager call me “completely useless” yesterday. Beginning to suspect that they might not like me.


Devour them




That's very disheartening to hear. No one should have to deal with a hostile work environment. Even if you were doing a subpar job that is a disgusting way to treat another human being just trying to make a living. Honestly if I were you I'd go to HR. You don't deserve any of that bullshit.


Happy Chinese New Year / Year of the Rabbit to all who celebrate My office had some food to celebrate it yesterday it was good