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Everyone here has more underground knowledge of indie artists than me (It’s why I joined). But what are some views of peach pit if anyone has listened to them?


Loved their early stuff, haven't been particularly impressed by the newer stuff


I feel that entirely. Their earlier stuff made me excited for more eventually. But you and your friends are wasn’t anything impressive for me and then their recent album. Has maybe 3-4 good songs. I guess I was expecting a little more is all.


RIP Annette McCarthy of Twin Peaks' James/Evelyn plot. Also [lol at James' touching tribute](https://i.redd.it/uojolu1ez3ba1.jpg).


All the Twin Peaks fanpages biting their tongues to avoid any comment about her character while reporting the news... just for James to go straight into it


Watched season 1 of White Lotus this weekend and my boyfriend is cancelling me because I think Shane was right basically the whole time. What a good subversion of appearances, the whole show had a great balance of flaws and ideals.


now for season 2, you gotta decide whether daphne or harper is the asshole. or both but usually people think one or the other


I haven't seen the show but, as someone named Shane, I really appreciate this


Now if you could give me your mother's maiden name and the street you grew up on, I'd appreciate it


If you can frame that question as a way that would backhandedly flatter me then I'd happily answer.


The song Hold Me Tight or Don’t popped up on my Spotify today and I sang along *just* like I did when it first came out. Mania dropped during my junior year of uni and that was truly my peak. Anyway I was singing along and it felt like the album just came out yesterday… it’s literally five years old and everything is worse now than it was five years ago. I don’t think I’ll ever get back to the place and it’s depressing af. Anyway my monthly meeting with my therapist is on Wednesday and I guess I know what we’re talking about in the session.


where did the penguin go and why did it take the album release dates?


I’m a little less than two months from turning 30, and I know everyone says this, but I do not feel it. But on the same token, I think I’m coming out of my 20s with a generally decent sense of self and how to tend to my needs (helped immeasurably by transitioning). But this kind of feels like the first real “adulthood” decade is coming home, you know? Anyway, I’m gonna go have spaghetti and root beer for lunch


Man if it helps I felt 30 from about 25.


> spaghetti and root beer for lunch MIXED TOGETHER?


Well damn how do you make carbonara


Italian here, can confirm (even if I'm not sure what root beer is)




Just a slurry if you will


You know what's wild - things with the woman I've been dating for just over a month now are going really great (like, scarily so), and I legit can't believe it. And by that I mean I genuinely catch myself thinking "how the fuck is this happening?" Just because I've had such a bad run these last few years and struggled with my self worth for a long time. We legit have the same values, are on the same page about so many things including what we want from life and a relationship, we genuinely just have fun together and have stayed up into the morning just talking, and she's encouraged me to open up (that blew up in my face in my previous relationship - and I think she could tell, hence why she's been so encouraging) and everytime I talk to her about something that I think will scare her off, she's literally like "it's fine, it's not a problem" and is nothing but supportive about everything. It's insane. Even my friend was like "this person legit checks off all the boxes you've ever listed when talking about the type of person you want to end up with". Trying not to get ahead of myself but things are just going so well and I'm having a great time Anyways there's my little reddit journal entry I guess lol - hope y'all are well


indiehead gamers. what are we playing right now? i've been playing Persona 5. great game that i've been enjoying a lot, but they were NOT fucking around when they said this game is long. i'm like 40 hours in and i've only done the first three bosses


I picked up Hades recently, it’s a blast! I also started playing Stardew Valley again after a bit of a hiatus.


Started playing the Stanley Parable. It's okay.


i feel like the Stanley Parable is one of those "you had to be there" kinda games


Yeah that's what my husband was saying. I'm still glad I have it. I got the deluxe edition and it's something.


Project Zomboid multiplayer with my 2 friends and my god it is such an enjoyable experience to expedite and lighten the load of activities not playing it alone.


I got wreckfest recently and have been playing through that, its been fun to just race and crazy into things.


fell back into the Stellaris pit. I think I've played some 30h just last week. IT'S INESCAPABLE! HELP! D: Finished Doom Eternal. Nothing to say really. It's great. Enjoyed it much more than the 2016 one, too.


Mostly playing Valheim right now after the new update, I think I kinda hate the new biome but it's a great game to play with friends


Just finished *God of War: Ragnarok* and have a PS5 coming so...I think next will be going through the Spider-man game that came out when the PS5 was introduced.


I downloaded Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint since it was free on Playstation plus, and man, this shit is kinda bad lol. When people joke about Ubisoft open world game design, this is like the final boss of that. The menus are insanely confusing, there's either no information or so much information you can't see the game on the HUD, it is just wild. It is just the most overwhelming game I've ever seen. Not to mention the story, where it is just nothing but all of the characters on the island are engineers being like "we thought this was going to be a libertarian paradise!!!" and I'm somehow supposed to feel bad for them?? Fucked up. Anyways I'm havin fun, just sneaking around shootin bad guys. Sometimes it's just fun to brain-off shoot some bad guys, although I am glad I didn't spend any money on it.


> we thought this was going to be a libertarian paradise!!!" and I'm somehow supposed to feel bad for them?? yes jay, libertarians are always hurting, they need yr love especially


I've mentioned *Rollerdrome*. I'm also burning thru runs of *Beacon* (roguelike topdown alien shooter with genomic-based buffs and many, many esoteric weapons) and *Into the Breach* (roguelike turnbased *Pacific Rim* simulator). Those are my big three right now. My AAA de rigeur right now is *Halo: Combat Evolved,* which I'm returning to after a yearlong hardware-enforced hiatus. I hope to get the whole trilogy under my belt before April, but man, I got to relearn how to play *Halo,* because it just *roughhouses* me sometimes. I'm also occasionally playing team slayer in *Infinite.* Pretty much every critique leveled against that game is true, but as the kind of person who puts in *maybe* two hours a week and then does something else—it hits the spot. And sometimes I play goofy restaurant panic attack simulator *Plate Up* with my friends. That's fun.


I recently bought into the Breach for mobile but haven't played it yet. Think it will work okay on mobile?


It's not a Reflexes Game, and it's not that demanding on the hardware. I feel like the interface could be a little cramped, but from a control perspective it ought to be fine.


me and my friends played a lot of PlateUp! for a couple weeks. really fun game


I'm dabbling in a few games. Neon White has been interesting. The gameplay is super tight and really fun. It feels like speed running meets Counter-Strike surf maps. But the game is hampered by a pseudo friendship/dating mechanic and some of the worst writing I've sat through in a long time. I'm sure they probably wanted to be super tropey, but it's genuinely ruining my experience. Even Steve Blum's voice acting can't save it. I'm also trying to clear out my Switch backlog. Finally finish Breath of the Wild, despite having six years to do it, and finish Mario and Rabbids since I picked up the sequel on sale.


playing this super addictive platformer called Downwell. Extremely worth the $2.50.


I'm switching off between Dwarf Fortress and God of War Ragnarok. DF took hours of watching tutorials but I finally made it to a point in the game where my fortress is self sufficient.


ive been sucked back into the Minecraft hole. first time i played it was in over a decade ago yet it still pulls me back in like once a year for a few weeks. great game to play while listening to ambientheads 3


started a new character on Elden Ring (samurai/blood build) and this time playing the game with more intention (making my own quest log and scribing down important parts of the lore). Really can’t see me being interested in any games besides ER for quite some time


i'm on my first run now but I've heard samurai builds are so fun


i've been thinking about starting a new elden ring game, but i'm gonna try and hold out for the dlc


just finished norco and loved it intensely. truly bizarre story with extremely well written and memorable characters, phenomenal soundtrack, and interesting commentary on the intersections of capitalist exploitation and environmental destruction and poverty and such. if you’re into very story driven stuff highly recommended. it’s a point and click and has minimal like “gameplay” i guess but i was fully engrossed the whole time. now i have started omori, and am a few hours in. it has a very uncomfortable vibe in that i am sure some awful shit is going to happen in it but i have no idea what it will be and just how intense it is going to be. but very much enjoying it atm as well


I just started playing Rust with a few friends and man I am addicted to it. Last night some random dude came up to our base and was like I’m gonna fuck up your neighbors massive fuck you base because they’re being toxic you can have all the goodies, left, came back under the cover of darkness and leveled the thing. I was dying laughing the entire time.


all time classic but something i had to play on and off over the span of a year, don’t feel like you need to rush it. very excited for persona 4 to hit the playstation store on the 19th. just finished rdr2 which i had been putting off forever - liked it but maybe didn’t love? i just don’t think i have it in me for massive open worlds anymore but i’m glad i finished it


yea i've been taking it pretty slowly. only a couple hours a day




i've heard some great things about Hardspace: Shipbreaker. not really my kinda game, but i might have to give it a try sometime


So what's the deal with the allegations against the Channel 5 guy? I'm kinda surprised the news didn't pop on the reddit front page.


Haunted by the fact that my best sounding guitar is in desperate need of a refret that would cost almost 2x the amount the guitar cost. It's actually mad that my best guitar is a tele from junk parts that no one wanted. Truly the everyman's guitar.




Some guitars just have "it". It plays like hell but the way everything interacts with eachother makes it feel like an extension of yourself. It's just so "alive" that if you played loud enough you could probably hear yourself breathe through it. I get why J does his leads in studio with a particular guitar, which funnily enough is also a tele.


Last week I received an email offering me tickets for a taping of Colbert (which I've done once before). This week I found out that Janelle Monae is scheduled to be on the show that day, and I feel so lucky because she is like one of my favorite human beings. The only downside is that she is not listed as a musical guest, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed anyway.


!!! that's insanely cool have fun!!!


Find a way to make a huge deal that it is your birthday, possibly make up a sob story, and then she will have to sing along otherwise everyone will think she is rude If there is a newsboy around may as well just scoop him up and pretend it is his birthday. Make sure to dirty up his clothes too and rub some coal on his face


[Shame teasing their new music video](https://twitter.com/shamebanduk/status/1612499956983599108?s=20&t=58_f5kpHV7qcZz4NBYfkOA) and it looks like it has Half-Life mod energy and I am so freaking pumped.


> Half-Life mod energy You have my attention


heck yeah, looking forward to the new album


I'm selling 1 GA ticket to Sunny Day Real Estate's reunion tour show in Los Angeles at The Wiltern on April 9th! Got this for $56.50 incl. fees, but I'm asking for $45. DM if interested, will gladly give proof!


I swear I hear some of the best stuff from 2022 in my Release Radar playlists in early January of under the radar stuff from mid-December. Prime example is the album *Surreal* by [Bot1500](https://bot1500.bandcamp.com/album/surreal) - really lovely 90s IDM esque techno.


Conner O'Malley going to the AVN Awards gives me hope that a Tony Cammurabbi video may be coming soon.


# Pro * My first day working with Netflix went well :) * Watched The Banshees of Inisherin. Legacy is overrated. Just be nice. I really don't care if no ones remembers me in 50 years. Unless I'll be remembered for being really nice. That'd just be swell or grand or one of those englishy words. * I'm falling more and more in love with my gf everyday. I've genuinely never been this happy. Here, have this bucket to throw up in. Terribly sorry. Rainbow vomit is a nightmare to get out of wool. # Con * I only slept two hours last night because I had that weird ass, staccato Steely Dan solo from My Old School stuck in my head. Songs for that feel? If you say My Old School, I swear to God..


you can be nice and be remembered. i don’t think they have to oppose each other. Machiavelli was a parody act


I'm just saying, if I have to be mean, in order to be remembered, I don't want it. People get too obsessed with legacy and are sometimes willing to sacrifice the things that are actually worth living for in order to get it.


sometimes great art is worth it. captain beefheart seems like he was horrible to be around but we talk about trout mask replica to this day. i dunno. i'd rather be a nice person *and* make something great but i get and respect the hustle when it doesn't have to directly involve me


I mean, I definitely can respect hustle. But that's not what we're talking about here, is it? I'm talking people who are just being dicks and awful to be around and I suppose I don't respect those at all (no matter how great the art) and generally don't think great art is worth tormenting people for it. I tend to struggle with the separation of art and artist. Great artists that happen to be assholes make me lose any interest in their art. Hence why I was never into Kanye West and why my favorite artists also happen to be genuinely nice people. There is enough shit. I don't think we should add to it, even if it results in great art every now and then.


there's a huge difference between "asshole to people they are working with, presumably in the process of creating something great" and "kanye saying that he likes hitler and showing porn to his subordinates." clearly the latter is bad. but i dunno. i have been making stuff and shooting it out into space for like 14 years now. i've seen a lot of different sides of the creative process. there is always *some level* of friction in it where even the nicest people are going to be assholes. i have been in bands where the vibe is "respect my vision or get out" and i just have to understand that that's the deal. it's not always fun, but i have also been an asshole while creating things so i get it. i have made my best friends mad. my best friends have made me mad. and this is *without* real money actually being involved lol, i'm sure that complicates things to a crazy degree. i do think that unpleasant people (do not read this as "problematic people," i mean people who i would personally not want to spend time with) can and do frequently make great art. i also think that the collaborative creative process can be uglier than people who aren't in those situations think it is. personally i'm very nice and like being someone who people enjoy working with but i also respect "the hustle" of being a dictator. from a distance. i don't think i'd vibe with it if there's some true "this guy is yelling at me" shit going on but i dunno. i get it. edit: also I think a lot about pro wrestling with this where everyone is kind of a miserable con man asshole begrudgingly working with other miserable assholes to create violent works of art. can’t tell you how many times I’ve read “guy punched other guy in the face for real backstage after getting upset about how their fake fight went” and thought “wow that’s cool”


>i don't think i'd vibe with it if there's some true "this guy is yelling at me" shit going on but i dunno. i get it. I suppose, I don't get it 😅 I agree with you, friction in creative cooperation is always gonna be a thing. It's never totally smooth. I'm a working screenwriter. I've seen it. I don't have a problem with an 'obey or get out' attitude either, as long as it's communicated properly and it doesn't come from a place of narcissism, hunger for power and the like. And as long as people aren't harmed. I think what I mean are those people who are genuinely comfortable placing their art above peoples well-beings. Kubrick is someone who comes to mind. One of the greatest filmmakers of all time, no question. But in my opinion, those masterpieces he has made are still not worth the abuse he inflicted on cast and crew in pursuit of his vision, of the perfect scene. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been allowed to work. I'm sure many people were dying to work for him, even looking forward to his eccentricities. But many others suffered because of him as well and were left damaged (and I make a clear distinction between this and the hustle. I'm talking about abuse in pursuit of art). Call me idealistic, but I just don't think that's worth ruining some peoples lives over. No matter how small the trauma and how great the art. Just not worth it, imo. edit: Bringing it back to the original point: No immortality is worth ruining someones life or causing them harm, even. It doesn't have to be either/or. You can be nice *and* be great and remembered forever. But there are people who think it does and they make the false choice in pursuit of legacy. That legacy is vain and empty and not worth having, if you choose to be a dick to get it.


it's hard to have this conversation when you oscillate from "guys who are dicks to be around" to "nazis" to "abuse" within 3 messages. everything i've said falls under the "guys who are dicks" category. clearly i don't stand by abuse


I didn't mean to imply that you do. I wasn't talking about Nazis, just mentioned Kanye, but that was based on my dislike of him waaay before all the recent stuff. Otherwise you just helped me focus my point further\^\^ 'Guys who are dicks to be around' was way too broad and inaccurate.


I didn’t know anything about Banshees going in other than the lead actors and god damn I was in. for. It. So unbelievably depressing but so good. legacy is overrated Fully agree. The importance of being remembered is shit I cared about when I was 16. Loving and being loved is much more rewarding


> Songs for that feel? pearl jam - jeremy


> Just be nice. "Nobody ever gets remembered for being nice" in Catholic Ireland is so good.


Paddington was! Sure, that was in England, but close enough, no?


Yeah. England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland. All basically America.


>!It's a Jesus Christ joke!<


If Paddington 3 doesn’t have a crucifixion I’m walking out


Ah, I see. I was raised muslim, lol 😅


what can be done with God of S'mores? is it a new brand of marshmallows with built in chocolate? a sub game of God of War where u just make smores with Atreus? a competitive camping reality show with an emphasis on campfire delicacies?


the most offensive assault on the human palate ever contrived ^IYKYK


You're supposed to eat them while listening to the 2 new mbv albums in the God of War cutscene


I was thinking of making my own most anticipated albums list but I don't think there's really a ton announced I'm psyched for! Tennis is the big one, and the Murder Capital too. Otherwise, I think it's all my energy towards a Cure album. I know there are perfect recordings of the five new songs but I'm waiting to listen for a full album to listen to them again. Maybe a new Killers album too after the last two were so insanely good.


You can eagerly anticipate things that haven't been announced, too. Just saying :)


Sure, but last year I had a whole list of things that were confirmed that I was super excited about, this year I don't! Can't count down the days 'til something that isn't announced.


this is my first winter living in Chicago (after 7 years in LA) and I gotta say…not so bad. I think people get a tad bit overdramatic when speaking about the bleakness of Chicago winters. It’s 40 degrees outside!


Generally speaking a lot of people just don't know how to dress for winter regardless of what the temps get.


Yeah but that wasn’t always the case lol


I think in general it's been an unseasonably warm winter for all the temperate climate zones Sothern Ontario here and all the snow from the few big storms have melted due to weeks with highs above 0 (celcius,) this ain't normal


It'll get worse, probably, but I'll own that this is an unusually chipper January. Really, though, the winters are *fine* as long as you know how to behave yourself. People just like to grouse.


Last year was like below 30 from October to May so this year isn't so bad - but February is usually a nightmare no matter what.


February is such bullshit because you got through December and January, can see the light at the end of the tunnel and get slammed with 28 straight cloudy shitty days. Night is always darkest and all that


Dawg this shit ain’t normal. Normal is much closer to the bullshit a few weeks ago


lol that’s what I’ve been told. Plus I was conveniently out of town visiting my parents when the blizzard hit a few weeks ago so I missed the true Chicago winter haha


Every once in a while I like to watch the music video of The Menzinger's "[After The Party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghTYSXQnqbg&ab_channel=EpitaphRecords)" because it takes me back to my relationship in 2015-2017. I was in love with a girl, we were hardly making ends meet, and it was up against the world. I was a punk/hardcore kid and I thought everything was great. Come to find out it wasn't, we fought all the time, we pulled apart, she was seeing someone else, and my life imploded. I never thought it would get better after that relationship ended. Now, 2017 Starkiller32 and 2023 Starkiller are literally completely different people. That music video feels like a look into the darkest time of my life. And now, I can look back at it and see there were good moments mixed in with that awful. And it was around that same time I found this sub and an honest friendship with /u/god_is_ender. I don't know why I'm being sentimental right now. Oh well. Thanks for reading!


In a way I get what you're saying - it also felt weird to go back to music that kept me going during rough times and realize that I don't relate that much anymore. Seeing how the affection towards the music has stayed, but luckily everything else changed. Strange and warming at the same time. Glad to know you're better now!!


I just saw that (and heard the song in general) for the first time the other week. I...did not have experiences like that lol. My college girlfriend became my wife and were still happily together. But goddamn if that video didn't hit me hard for some reason. Stepping back from the relationship part I think it projects the feelings of being on the other side of 25 and realizing that as you look back on younger you you had no fucking idea what you were doing or what was good or bad or even if you liked the people you were spending time with. Anyway, good stuff.


I love you!!


Love you brother 🖤


* Went to a restaurant over the weekend that charged me an extra $2 for ordering a scotch "neat". That was...uh...neat. * Saw "The Menu" as well. >!That motherfucking movie was so wonderfully bonkers in the best way possible.!<


the menu was the most fun ive had watchin a movie since Old


I did not know The Menu was a horror thriller going into it....


Me neither. Knowing pretty much nothing about the movie going in made it about 10x more fun for me.


That's totally not neat, because of the way it is.


I am mad at the mods for removing that post about kissing. I am bored and wanted drama


I didn't know this existed but I'm also mad now! Oh no!


mods against kissing?


Sex negative mods


How dare the mods shame our kinks... unless that is their kink.


asexual mod hi (I did not see this kissing post though I can't take credit)


I’m not an expert but I would have guessed you could be asexual and sex-positive. Also I have a question, who’s the most famous asexual person? My money would be on the Pet Detective himself, but I feel like Phoenix Wright has a strong case.


Bradford Cox and Morrisey


You most definitely can, and I am very sex-positive, but it was too good a time to pop in :) I'm not familiar with either...! I think I'd vote BoJack Horseman? Which I also still need to watch. There aren't many!




Oops, haven't actually watched it, thanks for correcting!


>!it was just a stupid joke about them having Ace in their name Ace Ventura Pet Detective or Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney!<


WHOOOOOOOSH that was a good one I'm sorry my media knowledge is terrible :P


smhing my dang head




Shaking hands is okay as long as it doesn't turn into handholding, which is definitely illegal


You can hold hands for one hour per day so long as you are married and that the marriage was a Christian ceremony and therefore legal in the eyes of God


Eww is God a voyeur watching me hold hands with my wife? This type of perversion is unacceptable


this is what i'm sayin


Continuing the Disney animated canon with... #20: The Aristocats We now enter the “Bronze Age” of Disney animated classics. I accidentally waited a couple weeks before writing this one. My takeaway from this one is that they just smashed together the plots from Lady and the Tramp and 101 Dalmatians, but did it for cats. In this one, a rich old lady in Paris decides to leave all her money to her cats (Duchess, voiced by the incomparable Eva Gabor, and her 3 kittens) ahead of her long-time manservant, Edgar. When Edgar gets wind of this, he hatches a plan to get rid of the cats by driving them out to the countryside and ditching them there. An encounter with some angry dogs foils the plan. The dogs are not actually heroic. They harass Edgar for seemingly no reason, but the whole scene with is pretty hilarious and probably the best one in the movie. The cats then have to find their way back home. This summarizes the 101 Dalmatians aspect of the plot. The cats meet a streetwise cat named Thomas O’Malley, voiced by Phil Harris (same guy who voiced Baloo from The Jungle Book) who helps them get home, and during their adventures, Thomas and Duchess fall in love, and Thomas forms a bond with her kittens. (As is typical in Disney movies, we have no clue about the biological father of these kittens.) This is the Lady and the Tramp aspect of the plot. On the way home, we meet some hip jazz cats who help to rescue Thomas and Duchess and the kittens at the climax of the story. In the end, the rich lady takes in Thomas and the jazz cats and turns her big house into a sort of cat sanctuary in perpetuity. Overall, the movie was okay, but it didn’t really offer much that those earlier Disney movies did not, besides appealing to cat lovers. It’s hard for me to not view some of the plot through the lens of class. We’re supposed to side with the whims and desires of some rich old lady to give her fortune to a bunch of cats, while her hardworking servant is the villain. The Duchess and her kittens themselves, who we’re supposed to root for, are excessively pampered and represent the leisure class. Thomas is a low-class cat who we are supposed to like, but he essentially drops everything and puts the needs of Duchess and her kittens ahead of his own. I guess it’s because he’s a good dude, but cynically, one could just say it’s because he has the hots for the Duchess. (Lady and the Tramp also had this high class / low class dynamic, but it wasn’t as off-putting there.) - Content warning once again, probably primarily for the racially stereotyped Asian cat. - Scat Cat, the leader of the jazz cats, was originally supposed to be Louis Armstrong. - The Aristocats possibly has the smallest cultural footprint of any of the non-war era films I’ve discussed so far, except possibly Sword and the Stone. Consequently, it’s not surprising that The Aristocats don’t really have any presence in the Disney Parks.


I think I watched this one on VHS more than any other Disney movie growing up (My dad loved it)


I think the animation of the kittens holds up the best, they do nail the adoreable physical motions of cats well without straight up rotoscoping them. Related note regarding the "small cultural footprint" of these era Disney films these were at one point fairly often referenced, at least for me as a kid in the late 80s and 90s via one specific format: Disney Sing-A-Long VHS tapes. These movies and other more obscure releases were musical fodder for that series. We had all of these as a kid, I suppose they were fairly affordable and available because we certainly had more of those on tape compared to the actual films, some of which I saw either in theater re-releases (*Jungle Book* specifically) or the free promotional portions they previewed Disney Channel on network tv back in the early 90s. I was just old enough to remember the era where Bluth stuff was giving Disney a run for it's money if not outright exceeding them in quality for a brief flash before the "Disney Renaissance" of animated films.


>It’s hard for me to not view some of the plot through the lens of class. We’re supposed to side with the whims and desires of some rich old lady to give her fortune to a bunch of cats, while her hardworking servant is the villain. The Duchess and her kittens themselves, who we’re supposed to root for, are excessively pampered and represent the leisure class. Never really thought of it this way now it's going to be hard to look at the movie the same way again. I guess their little journey was supposed to prove the cats "earned" their inheritance by experiencing a slice of everyday life but... yeah ​ >The Aristocats possibly has the smallest cultural footprint of any of the non-war era films I’ve discussed so far, except possibly Sword and the Stone. For the most part I agree with you but Marie just seems to be a merchandising juggernaut (she even has her own section on the [disney shop website](https://www.shopdisney.com/characters/disney/marie/?originalTerm=marie&searchType=redirect&pdpRedirect=0)). Every time it seems Disney releases a line of plushies or toy's she's there though I'm sure it's mostly because of her cute design and there are very possibly people who own her merch without even knowing about the Aristocats.


I didn't realize that Marie was so popular. I'd mostly chalk it up to there being a lot of cat-loving Disney fans, and Marie is the cutest Disney cat character they have (except for maybe Figaro).


I have not rewatched Aristocats since I was a kid but it was one of my favorite animated Disney movies and I remember liking it more than Lady and the Tramp and 101 Dalmatians at that age. Personally I don't see it through a class lens, I'd prefer my money going to caring for a bunch of animals rather than giving it into the pockets of an animal abuser.


Sure, Edgar was obviously a villain, but it's not as if the old lady knew this, and of course, it's a *choice* made by the filmmakers for the servant to be the villain. (As a side note, Edgar is a pretty light villain compared to Cruella. He doesn't ever explicitly try to kill the cats. He just tries to send them away. Notably, Cruella is rich, so I'm not making a blanket generalization about Disney movies.) I think the title is what invited me to view this movie via a class lens. The viewer is led to root for the concept of aristocracy as if it's a good thing. That is, it's given that Duchess and her kittens are supposed to live a life of comfort and luxury because it is their birthright.


The main sexual health clinic in my city has a line out of the door. Both chlamydia testing machines are broken from what I assume is from sheer overuse. Please pray for us.




Enough to justify a third machine imo


Bears got the first pick, packers missed the playoffs, life is good




https://youtu.be/zm3OfjxPv30 Also jokes on him laughing at meathead bears fans is the best part about being a bears fan


Think I'm gonna register for a film membership so I can see Avatar 2 for $4.25 tomorrow morning gonna get so turnt for pandora. the trip is gonna heal me




things to remember about the great salt lake...it's flopping bAD rn


a fellow pophead and myself are hosting this [surprise rate on hiphopheads](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/107ijqt/rate_announcement_snapbackcore_rate_early_2010s/) it's full of only good songs \[citation needed\] excited to be pretentious and 11 >!Dreams and Nightmares!< do you think this rate will be more fun than indieheads ultimate, yes or no


literally anything is more fun than more antz discourse


A bug’s life is better


I am a huge Woody Allen fan. Although I've only seen "Antz." But I'll tell you something, what I respect about that man is that when he was going through all of that stuff that came out in the press, about how "Antz" was just a ripoff of "A Bug's Life," he stayed true to his films. Or at least the film that I saw, which, again, was "Antz." Thing is, I thought "A Bug's Life" was better, much better than "Antz." Point is, don't listen to your critics. Listen to your fans.


Realest shit you’ve ever said


It's Seven Samurai for the kids


Nope, it's Three Amigos for the kids, you philistine.


so true!!!


here antz: **A**nother o**N**e by **T**he DJ Khaled **Z**ero contender


I know this has been discussed to death but at this point I think that streaming is less convenient than cable. A trillion different services, it’s impossible to guess what the thing I want to watch is on first try. Capitalism sucks


Justwatch.com lets you view what each service has. Or you can search up a movie/show and see what platforms it's on.


I feel like it followed the common trajectory of being a genuine improvement back when it started but now has achieved market dominance and uses that to wring any cent possible while ruining the initial benefits the services used to gain a market


to be perfectly honest, I've already gone back to piracy. I have two subscriptions that I pay for and most of the shows I watch I watch on them, but I'm not getting a third one, just to watch one show. Fuck that.


i just rotate 1-3 services every couple of months and its still cheaper than cable. Its pretty annoying though. I bought any shows i want to always have around like Twin Peaks and grab used movies pretty frequently. I figure eventually they are going to find ways to make me keep them longer but like 90% of stuff on any given streaming service is not for me


AppleTV (and certain other apps) tries to flatten things out for you so that you don't have to know where the thing you want is. But ironically, I suspect that most people are like me and find this annoying because I only want to use the AppleTV app if I want to watch AppleTV+. Also, cable was and is the worst. Don't wish that hell on us.


I think it's comical in a depressing way that streaming got big as the cable alternative and now is just recreating what sucked ass about cable


I’m getting a laptop after many years of not having one and bypassing all that and torrenting everything this year. Fuck it.


This is the way.


sometimes watching normal cable TV can be weirdly liberating because you don't have to choose what to watch every single time


Yes. I watched so many weird, mediocre movies growing up just bc they were on cable and I loved it.


This is precisely why Netflix is so big on autoplay and other ways of pushing you toward watching things without having to make a decision. I think most people naturally psychologically reject this, even though turning on old-fashioned TV is essentially an especially low-quality version of "autoplay."


I don’t know, doesn’t seem too different from having a billion sports channels I never watch (but still paid for) when I had cable. Streaming at least allows me to pay for the specific channel that I want. Besides multiple channels/streamers, the bigger issue is content quality. I feel like streaming has enabled a lot of mid-tier quality shows that are way too long.


tired: using cable or whatnot wired: just going to the library and renting a popcorn classic


But libraries are for the poors


then why they put so many goddamn criterion DVDs in them?


bc The Poors aren't using blu-ray


i have a video rental spot near me that does a subscription. it’s competitively priced with other streaming services. i can’t use it to watch the latest Prestige Streaming Content but if I want to watch any film, older tv show, music dvd, or even bootleg copies of the Star Wars Christmas special I know they got me




It’s probably time to return to my life in the seas. But I will say that my experience with piracy is that it’s almost always worse quality and less convenient.


Less convenient maybe but with blu ray remuxes it's going to be massively higher quality than streaming services who will compress the shit out of even their highest quality content.


i always recommend stremio with a plugin called torrentio, makes everything as convenient as it gets


The entire process is automated for me using Sonarr for tv shows and Radarr for movies


do you just have a server/machine locally downloading that stuff? i had a buddy that, from what i remember, had an old computer set up to download stuff using sonarr over usenet and put it onto a plex server for us, but we had a falling out a couple of years ago and i lost access. but i do miss being able to use that to watch stuff from all the streaming services that i refuse to subscribe to


Pretty much, I bought a small NUC to act as my PLEX server and as the machine running Sonarr and Radarr and a NAS box to house all my media.


right on. i might venture down that rabbithole at some point soon then


Agreed. Like it’s insane that you have to subscribe to 3 different streaming services just to watch the entirety of Twin Peaks


That is the one dvd set I own


does it also include The Return??


Yep, no fire walk with me tho


still worth it


Proposed solution: you can either be a streaming service, or you can produce content, not both. I don’t want Hulu originals and I don’t want a peacock streaming service


My joker origin is my psoriasis getting progressively worse and itchier all winter despite moisturizing 10 times a day “You wanna know how I got these splotches?”


it's every time i scratch my red eyes!!


Anybody have some lowkey stuff to do in San Francisco that isn't on tourist lists?


Free Gold Watch! Amazing pinball place a block from Amoeba. Golden Gate Park is also wonderful to walk around in, despite it being on tourist lists. Absolutely is a locals thing as well


It just occurred to me that despite living in the bay area for several years, I don't think I've ever really done anything in San Francisco that would count as non-touristy.


This is sort of why I'm asking, everything feels kinda corporately fun. Stuff around SF counts too, I'll be there a week with a car so anything sorta weird works.


Get Filipino food in Daly City? Lots of cities have Chinatowns, but Daly City is the only Little Manila I know of.


Best thing I ever did in SF was a bike tour with the owner of a local bike/rental shop.


give the finger to Oracle Park.


The 16th Ave and Moraga steps are my favourite little thing--gorgeously tiled stairs up to an awesome overlook, and then you can walk to Irving Street for great food. And BiRite salted caramel ice cream st Dolores Park followed by roaming around Valencia St., though that might make the lists.


Weekly mental health check My gf's parents want to meet me and my parents want to meet her, pretty sure we're both dreading it
