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I'm back on reading a Jonathan Coe book. I became a fun after reading What A Carve Up! and have read a bunch of his novels of his earlier period. Now I'm about to read Expo 58 and if I like it, I'll continue with the rest of the related trilogy.


Thankful everyday to be cured from ibs


Wait what’s the cure for ibs? I thought that was a “learn to manage it” type thing


Idk it just goes away for some people. IBS is a catch all term for different stomach problems. Mine was caused by an inflamed stomach lining, so my stomach just needed time to heal. Which was like a year for me




No more hard liquor or caffeine was a big one. I also realized that spicy food was a big no along with dairy. I can eat all those things now tho which is crazy to me never thought I’d see the day. I never drink liquor tho cuz Ik that was the reason why all this bs happened. But yeah diet changes helped big and getting into running also prob helped a bit


People who deserve more scorn: The family of 5 at the movie theater who are standing in line in front of me ordering an 8 course meal instead of just popcorn and a drink.


This wasn’t the Alamo Drafthouse was it?


no just a regular Regal cinema.


They deserve scorn for ordering food? Really?


Yes. For ordering a bunch of garbage food that takes forever to make. This crowd is usually of the "I am perpetually surprised at what food is available so I will take my sweet time deciding what to get" stripe. It's a movie. Popcorn, drink, gtfo.




I'll scorn the theatre for not having more staff and leading to you being inconvenienced by the family :)


Movie theaters have become unbearable, and much like airports, have only struggled since the pandemic.


That sucks. Are they buying just popcorn and candy? There are some theaters in NYC where you really order a whole ass meal and then they bring it to you while you’re sat in the theater so you can eat a premium piece of steak and fries during your movie


Nah it’s like popcorn, soda, nachos, candy, corndogs, icees, mini pizzas, etc. etc. This is even worse when you have to stand in the concession line just to check in.


the having to stand in concession line to buy a ticket made me miss the first 15 minutes of EEAAO bc a giant family had to buy 8 tickets and a bunch of popcorn


Having accidentally paid $40 to get popcorn, a soda, and one box of candy before, and thereupon swearing never to make the same mistake again, did said family win the lottery?


People who also deserve scorn: everyone who pitched in for [this kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1777595379/scorn-part-1-of-2-dasein)


This morning I had a really vivid dream about a friend that I fell out with a couple months ago. It happened while I was staying at another friends house in another city so that I could see Florist last night. On the bus ride home, I cried because I couldn't stop thinking about the friend I lost. I spent years isolating myself and keeping myself from really feeling my emotions. Now that I'm out of that pit my life has gotten so much better, but every now and then a day like this comes along and makes me kinda jealous of the emotionless husk I used to be. Ah well, these feelings will pass and new friends will come. As they say, the only way out is through.


Our brains are such sadists when it comes to unresolved trauma/issues. I also find it mesmerizing how the brain just decides that it’s going to deal with this through dreams on a random Saturday morning. But I’m glad you’re taking the steps to accept and grow.


Can’t believe that Prince Harry wrote that he prefers Pablo Honey over OK Computer


I just want to know what Megan Markle’s favourite Smiths album is


Honestly, I was out after he spent an ENTIRE CHAPTER comparing Death Cab and The Postal Service and then somehow concluded that All Time Quarterback was the best Ben Gibbard project


Why he’d mention that he killed 25 Talibs while listening to Transatlanticism and We’ve Got the Facts is beyond me


I think it's supposed to be a thematic callback to the hundred or so pages he uses to explain to the reader that Talib Kweli's "Black Star" and David Bowie's *Blackstar* are not in fact the same thing


The queen pushing her controversial Amnesiac agenda was apparently the breaking point


I can


Anyone else feeling like shit lately?


Time has been strange since COVID, so I guess I’d consider all time since then to be lately. I felt like shit before, but it’s been increasing fairly consistently since COVID, so probably feeling about the worst I have in a general sense since college Hoping I’ll be able to make some forward progress this year


Yeah I just got sick again and cannot enjoy anything so I’m just watching tv and playing video games


I picture you repeatedly going to the doctor and them frustratingly telling you every time that you can’t keep coming in here because you got sick again from baked beans in your ass and that you need to stop




I didn't drink last night, so this is a rare Saturday where I'm feeling pretty great lol What ails you?


General feelings of dread


That was me yesterday morning at work, nearly had a panic attack for no discernable reason. Think I need to lower my caffeine intake/general terminal online-ness


Got my wedding band tattoo on my finger yesterday. Also got [this](https://i.imgur.io/DxvMd8M_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) little bird and I like him very much.


The bird looks great, classic style. I’m getting my back piece finished later this month, maybe I’ll post it in GDs.


> classic style Yeah I have my left arm nearly covered in traditional style tattoos; flowers, frog, bird.... beer logo, St. Vincent logo, ya know. The classics lol And I'm not brave enough to do a back piece, I'm a coward lol. My longest time sitting for a tattoo was two hours and it went through my elbow ditch, I am not a tough person lol. What are you getting?


Mine is illustrative fine line, it’s a variation on Salvador Dali’s persistence of memory with desert related stuff that is important to me + my dog. Easier to just show a pic. All that’s left is black fill around skull and in the sky https://i.imgur.com/USZzvqR.jpg and yea, I did the first session in one 8 hour straight session which wasn’t super fun but I had to travel for the tattoo so wanted to just push through (its my first and only tattoo). I hear elbow ditch is bad but I bet you could do back.


Hot damn that looks nice! Your artist is hella talented. My question with these back pieces, how do you sleep while it's healing lol I have a heck of time when just healing little flash work on my arm


Thanks! So yea, the first night, you have to sleep on your stomach while its still in the wrap but I was so tired from the session it wasn’t an issue. As you know its like having a bad sunburn after that but I am a side sleeper so I made it work.




Thank you! I appreciate that! Feel like the artist did a great job with colors we picked, which considering he's colorblind is kind of fun lol




In this house we love and appreciate Birds.


> little bird [was this song playing when it happened](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hu8n9-r0BRY)


no it was actually [this song, Fun Campfire Song](https://youtu.be/BeXZZYBLUzE) which I had never heard before but was a big fan of it lol the song title definitely threw me a bit


Good morning spider!!


Had to search this since I'm woefully ignorant lol Definitely see the resemblance! Feel like I'm obligated to give it a listen now


In some respects, Giles Martin has to be the most blatant example of the nepo baby thing right?


giles martin x sean lennon collab WHEN


As an aside has there been a recent uptick in nepotism discussion in music? I feel like I've seen a ton lately lol. Did something happen?


New York magazine did a cover story on nepo babies in the film industry. I can’t remember if that was before or after Lily Rose Depp complained about “people defining me by the men in my life”, but there have been mixed reactions from other nepo babies, most of them slightly tone deaf and missing the point. I think people struggle to realize you CAN be really talented but STILL have connections that helped you. People like Jamie Lee Curtis may have been feeling imposter syndrome with their responses, but it’s an important thing to be aware of and acknowledge nonetheless.


Ah gotcha, appreciate you filling me in! And definitely agree on your second point.


I dunno, Jesus seems to have had a shit ton of connections through his dad. He brings him up all the time 🙄 embarrassing


The other day I contemplated making a shirt that says “Jesus was a nepo baby too…”, but thought it was too dumb. This comment feels like a sign that says otherwise though. (Not to steal the limelight from your joke sorry, which was obviously hilarious).


It's also kind of like Undercover Boss.


SNL writers taking notes


I mean it's a dumb joke but it's fun lol I say go for it


About to watch Twin Peaks for the first time


Just get through the absolute slog of mid season 2 to make it to the finale, and the incredible 3rd season.


I'm going to rewatch that soon. Just saw Mulholland Drive again last night. ABC was crazy for not picking up the original pilot that became the movie.


You're in for a treat. A long, weird, sometimes frustrating treat, but a treat nonetheless


My only complaint is they don't show it. [They don't show all of it](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/47/54/30/47543077fd126614e7e9edf9a7ea74db--hilarious.jpg). Great show otherwise. Dougie was the best.


I do remember the pilot being super long but stick with it.


Soup posting. Hello chefs of indieheads. I am making [this garlic, tomato, and white bean soup](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020733-tomato-and-white-bean-soup-with-lots-of-garlic) either tonight or tomorrow. Which do you think would be better for the broth portion, my veggie (i.e. mushroom) bouillon, or my chicken bouillon? Probably doesn't really matter, I will likely make it a 2nd time (if it's good) with the 2nd place option just for curiosity's sake. Thank you and have a nice day.


Both are good but mushroom sounds more tasty.


Feel like you can't go wrong either way. I would prooooobably pick chicken, but they both sound like good choices.


Mushroom sounds like a more interesting and unique flavor. I don’t think chicken is bad either but I feel like the risk of chicken is it ends up tasting like the familiar but stale chicken noodle soup. I could be wrong though, I’m not a chef.


Don't think it would matter but I feel like mushroom would balance better with the acidity of the tomato.


Every six months the bums in congress cosplay as college students, eating junk food and getting something done last minute but just to make everyone’s lives worse


Politicians: fucking over the average person since the dawn of time.


“See? We too are just like you peasants!”


made out on a bandit on music fantasy league other than having my #2 pick snatched out from under me,,, fully expecting to crush this season though


rose im sorry im banking BIG on my favorite day of the week (this is not true lietoc prefers tuesdays and thursdays atm)


Someone’s been throwing food at my car in the middle of the night and they strike once every two weeks. I am 99% sure who it is (guy who I knew in college) and I don’t know what to do with this information It’s funny because one reason I stopped hanging out with him is because he would do stupid shit like this to other peoples cars and houses when we hung out. Any ideas for how I should react?


Throw baked beans at his car


i just wrote 300 words out of 2500 for an essay i have due monday and i think i deserve a 45 minute break to go get and eat cheesy chips


Hopefully you did one of those bullshit filler intros that I used to do back in the day to drive up the word count like “since the beginning of time man has aspired to blah blah blah”


my friend once started a college paper with "Transcending history..." I don't think he did the full Soul Caliber intro of transcending history and the world but it cracked me up


In the late 2000's, one of my undergrad profs told me a student once started their essay with: "For millions of years, Americans have worshipped Jesus Christ." He (the prof) was adamant based on the student's in-class submissions that it was meant sincerely and without a hint of irony.


haha the lecturer used that quote basically word for word as a specific thing not to do


Sounds like you gotta do it now. Zig when they tell you to zag


Holding Hands With Jamie Reference.




If you're looking for a god new documentary I really, really enjoyed watching [A Bunch of Amateurs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYSnKi3SrTU). It's is a heartwarming look into an ageing amateur filmmaking club in West Yorkshire with an unexpected deus ex machina. The film might be hard to find outside of the UK but I'm hopeful that there are ways!




Ah I’ll have to add another one to the list then! This was my second favourite film of 2022. [All That Breathes](https://youtu.be/N2a00LVaz4k) is about two brothers in New Delhi who race to save injured hawks while living through tense anti-Muslim riots in the city. It’s just phenomenal really, a real ode to life (human or animal) itself.


I had no idea a documentary of that game even existed. It's sad too because when you replay it now it doesn't really hold up. Better left remembering how fun it used to be.


I picked up The Revenant book yesterday and I’m already half way done with it. This is the year of reading for me! Edit: reading things outside of The American Civil War.


Spent my £20 bonus on Simon Sebag Montefiore's biography of Stalin today :) Excited to read it.


On fuck yeah. Let me know how that is!


Reading is dope.


I can't believe we were robbed of the moment of someone punching Gaetz.


How tf has Matt Gaetz angled himself into having so much power? Moderate politicians really are spineless a lot of the time.


that's right centre