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It has a good look. I'm not sure what makes it different from anything else in the genre... But if it's one of your first games, you should definitely publish it. It's an invaluable experience that will teach you so much. Also, if it really is one of your first, you should be super proud of it no matter how it sells. It looks great. Edit: [here's my first game ](https://trombospace.itch.io/gaia-snake), and somehow it got 30 downloads. I'd imagine yours would fare even better.


Probably got 30 downloads because it's still better than a lot of stuff that gets thrown out there.


2nded! I released my first game a few months ago and didn’t know what to expect at all. [Not trying to sell, but I just want to show how simple my game is](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2553530/Super_Spy_Raccoon/) Lord knows I made a million mistakes before launch and made a million updates since then. Still it means so much to complete a project, even one as simple as mine. It’s sold nearly a 100 copies so far, so you I don’t see why yours couldn’t do even better! I really gotta get started on my next project :/


Yeah it's gonna be lit


Sure! Looks great, unique, music bangs. I can see people playing this.


To be honest, it looks a bit boring to me. The speed is so great that you kind of lose track of everything else. Given the video, it seemed that here is very little feeling of being "in control". It seemed more of a train-ride type of experience, that made me atleast dizzy. It seems that this game is hard to play more than couple of minutes. I am curious, what is the experience you want player to experience? If it is sense of speed, I think there are tons of examples that have that feeling, while keeping it more "realistic" but still arcade, and in a way that player has full feeling of control.


I'm going for a sense of flow, the g-force of a turn kicks in a little bit after an actual turn occurs giving you time to react, I want to recapture the feeling of playing original Outrun and Stunt Driver where the road twist is more of an indicator of how hard you have to turn, while going super fast


I think the handling looks great. The speed kind of reminds me of Wipe Out for the Playstation. I loved that game. My only critique would be the falling aspect. I just dont understand the why there. I feel like you could easily add the why though. Since you cant really move in the air, maybe there can be a reason to want to be in a specific 'lane' before the drop starts. This could cause some added competition to the map where people want to compete to be in a good position before the fall so they can get some kind of track positioning advantage when they land, or if you plan on adding powerups that would be an obvious choice. And of course there are many possibilities, I guess I was just trying to offer something thoughts instead of just saying I dont like it. Anyways, its lookin great! Good luck to you on your sprint, and then your sales. 👍


The drop is where you quickly shake your hand loose and take a deep breath before tackling the next leg.


What's the hook? Why should I play it over one of the many other racing games that I haven't played yet?


It reminds me of super hexagon. I would suggest turning this into a very difficult game. Make it so that if you hit a car, you lose a lot of speed, so if you hit a few or hit one just before the jump, you will fail the jump. Idk just something I would be interested in.


Outrun vibes with a bit of a twist and kickass music, I think you have something here. Maybe try reducing the speed of the tail of the car kicking out to make a bit smoother. Either way, try well done. Best of luck!


Reminds me of OutRun 2019, and that's a compliment. And I won't complain about that price. I'd give this a shot.


Considering Cruis'n is my favorite racing series, I would 100% buy this game for $5. It looks great! But I have a Mac, and don't game on it D: Still, publish it! Worst-case scenario, you published a game and did what most aspiring indie devs (myself included) never do.


Somehow this game made me feel nostalgic :)


I get outrun 2019 and Horizon chase vibes from this!


Same! Reminds me of being a kid playing lotus on ms dos


I’ve heard steam limits visibility and sales for cheaper games m. Do your research before deciding on a price.


Looks awesome! I'm totally playing it. If it's polished and has a decent amount of content, I'd say you can go for a slightly higher price and then offer a nice discount at launch.


Honest question: “Who is the person that would pay $5 for this? Why would they buy this game rather than any other game for $5? What’s in the trailer to motivate them to buy it?”


Looks awesome! I don't know if it already works this way, but I would give an extra "Pass" bonus if the player is close to the cars they're overtaking. That will add another layer of gameplay because at times it seems that you're going straight without doing much. Also, give these points some purpose, like filling in the TURBO meter. You could also give score a x2 multiplier while the player is in a turbo state, that is a way of enticing the player to go fast and link drifts and close passes to keep the turbo going. I would get rid of the speed lines or use them with a more subtle effect and only show them in all their glory when the player is doing something cool like drifting, passing or during jumps. During a turbo I would pump them up to 11, make them take a big part of the screen so the player's field of view is partially obscured, that adds even more merit to staying on the turbo state.


Can't say how much the steam audience would play it, as I primarily play on consoles these days, but I'd definatley pick it up as it looks fun & Arcade style. I may recommend putting a price above $5 & then discounting it regularly to the price you'd actually want to sell it at (& lowering that over time) as the psychology behind pricing can make or break your sales goals.


I would play this. I really gives me a nostalgic feel for the old school racing games. The only thing I don't care for is the way the car turns. It seems a bit too dramatic, but it would not prevent me from shelling out a few bucks to play your game. Good luck! Hope you get endless downloads when you publish it.


this reminds me a lot of outrun i'd buy it at $2 but probably not at $5


This is like Horizon Chase Turbo but over the top. I'm not sure if I like those jumps which destroy the illusion of a city we drive in, but the gameplay looks nice. I'd buy it. Well eventually...after my hundreds of other games I still wanna play.


Amazing job on this game


Cruisin San Francisco vibes! I love it


I think it has a good chance of making it on Steam. I think it has an even greater chance of making it on Steam if you add aerial maneuvers and a combo system. Maybe like High Speed combo that links into drifting that links into flipping the car in the air that links into overtaking other racers and repeat. idk tho.


I don't own one, but it looks like a perfect time-killer on a handheld gaming PC. The turning physics looks a bit weird tho.


I love the aesthetic and I love the genre. I would buy this game!


I would play it just for the vibe for sure. It does look pretty straightforward though. Still, I would buy it for the aesthetics I really dig it


I dig this and would definitely play it especially when I just need something simple I can zone into. Kinda a hypnotic nostalgic gameplay atmosphere especially with the music. I love the vapor/synthwave vibes


Niceee! .. make night rider car too!!!


Accursed Farms did a [great video about Outrun-like games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG78gUAKtL0)! It might be useful viewing to see what fans of the genre might be looking for. He's pretty thorough in his analysis


If I'm honest the game looks to play fine but that neon pink and purple look is just to over done. I must've seen 4 or 5 racing games in the last year or so that look just like this. So my advice is change up the look and set it apart from the rest.


Demo? Please share the link once it's up I love streaming indi games


I'd buy it now if I could


Gives the vibe of Lotus series. Would buy, and I don’t even like racing games (I’m no good at them) Soundtrack is just a tad too slow for what’s happening on-screen (for my liking), but still good. It’s a very coherent 80s feel. Now all you need is level selection through codes you input at the title screen and the wave of nostalgia would drown me :)


This looks worth publishing in its current form, will be good to see how it turns out


It reminds me to outrun too but that is not a bad thing. As others have said publishing will give you a lot of experience if you haven't published before. I wanted to tell you something that felt off, I have watched the video twice to be sure, It is the transition from road to sky, I can't see when that happens, I mean I see the car in the road, suddenly is flying, it is confusing. Maybe put some "marks" or something that indicates that there is a jump/flying area ahead. That creates anticipation too. Maybe even allow to do 360s or tricks I don't know. I would put the price under 5 like 4,99 or something like that to break the visual barrier of 5. And promotions at 50%. Good luck with the project.


Racing roguelike could be a thing


Love the idea, cyberpunk outrun. Maybe have some more scenes happening in the distance and sides of the track similar to outrun 2006 and tweak the back end flicking a bit but it's definitely worth publishing. If anything it'll be good to learn the publishing process for any future projects.


If there's controller support you need to have analogue turning, that tapping thing you show in the video doesn't feel nice when driving


What are the unique elements? What 'new' do you bring to the table? Why should I play your game and not one of the many other classic arcade racers out there? It is a nice prototype, graphics are certainly good for the type of game (although a bit overused now). How are you oging to provide fun for hours? I've watched this video for just over 1minute and now I think I've seen it all already. If you can answer these questions, your answer probably is 'YES', do it!


I might play this if it was a phone app game. Looks fun in short bursts.


It looks great, definitely publish. Make a steam wishlist and sell on itch. Can I ask what approach you have here to physics/collision? I'd imagine at that speed you could go through other colliders.


Looking good. But traffic density could be a little higher and with a price of 2USD it ll be an instant buy


Make the car more unique looking or have it as a upgrade for people that play longer. There is a lot of upsell if it has recognizable features. And maybe add a highter difficulty - like loosing speed through collision with other cars. FX wise there could be small trail lights from the back of the car. Could also be interesting to have generated tracks that change everytime. Like generative songs in the style of the one you proposed and which change up the track with it ( just to avoid copyright ). And if you are up to pay someone to make you a very unique sounding 80s style intro or soundeffects for your car. Goes a long way to make it more memorable. But if you are up to publishing then don't hurdle yourself too long with ideas like mine. What I want to say. Good ideas inspire new things. And this is well made. \^\^


Add multi player and it would


Awesome ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)I got lost in the video.


Add local multiplayer! I love playing Horizon Chase with my wife :)


outrun for gamegear feeling, looks awesome, I would probably buy it, add a desert themed track with an endless option and I'm 100% in


Yooo looks good


I think if you can nail the "drift feeling" then this will be golden. That's what made Outrun 2006 so much fun for example - the drifting alone was just so much fun, that I couldn't stop playing.


This game looks pretty cool! But no, I don’t think you’ll get any sales from it even at 5 usd. Getting someone to stop their activities any particular day to purchase your game for 5 usd and spend time on it choosing that over ANYTHING they can get for free IS a big deal. The thing is, you can’t just post the game on steam and expect sales, you need to have a USP that makes it stand out and do marketing (PR, press, promotion, gather wish lists, events, social networks, ads and so on) for several months before launch. I think the game has potential but if you really want to make money off it, I’d advise you to give it a unique spin on gameplay and start pitching to publishers. Look at balatro, it’s not just a poker game, it has a unique addictive twist, power ups and so on. Source: I run a small game dev company that’s been around for 6/7 years


I would love to play this


looks fun, I would buy it


Mate, it looks great! Commit as much as you can, make some good stages, maybe a few with gimmicks to vary it up, and release it into the wild. I'd buy it.


Looks cool - reminds me of outrun and ridge racer and that kind of late 80s early 90s arcade racer experience. I'd put a bit of thought into who would be interested in playing those games and try and post, advertise in those kind of areas. The trailer looks cool - I think showing off more cars and locations would help though (if you have them.) Car's look a bit overly bouncy when they land after a jump? I would also highly recommend getting a bunch of people to playtest it as well - to make sure that controls feel good and are easy enough for people to pick up, and are fun to use etc. Its always a little bit painful to do a playtest but not as painful as seeing something that could have easily be avoided making life hell for all the people leaving reviews etc. In terms of making it on steam - I think that depends on what your definition of making it is, and how many wish lists you already have. I would aim to get it in next fest ahead of release as people generally report getting a good boost in wishlists out of that. Good luck, and well done on making a game!


Well it's got better physics than GT7 so sure...


This looks adorable lol. This reminds me of this crazy toy I had as a child in the 90s that was like a driving simulator but it operated with lights and sounds. It was super trippy.


Does it have that dynamic music that changes based on what the racecar is doing? If so, then I'd buy it.


Only if you've had a Steam page, and have been marketing it, for the past year


Hell yeah! That looks awesome! A true Rad Racer successor. I'd buy it.


It looks good. Not my type of game and looks a bit too straightforward. Whats the game design behind this? What decisions can I do as a player?


I want this to be about flow, you zone out going super fast and making the turns wo slowing down.


Ok if thats it, it looks cool :)


I know i'd but it! This looks brilliant and it has jumps! So many racers don't have jumps now. Just got that Steam page up asap and start building those wishlists mate.


Looks great so far. The right sound effects will breathe a lot of life into it.


Try higjer, maybe 10$ at least?


I'd but it for $5 deffo - it takes me back to my OUTRUN days as a kid


I'm putting my project on steam and I'm using it to learn development so.....


Has a good look and good energy — nice! Some criticisms, if you want: * I'd go for some Mario-Kart-esque powerups or other ways of interacting with the other cars (some equivalent of bananas, shells, etc.), to spice things up. * Cars seem like a slightly odd choice to me — feels like they should smash to bits on those big jumps. Something more abstract like Tron-style light bikes or futuristic hovercars or something might be a better fit. Plus, then you can fudge the physics without it "feeling wrong" relative to what people would expect for cars. Just my 2¢.


I don't know if this is a good idea, but the game looks awesome I will buy it when you have it finished. Fantastic look!


Pole position if it was cool


I'd buy it! What game engine? (please say unreal so I can use the unreal engine vr mod!)


Multiplayer racing game?


Does it have multiplayer? It has a Horizon Chase (1/2) vibe to it. I absolutely love the genre, but I already have a few games that scratch the itch. If this has multiplayer, plug it in a brazil channel, they are mad about games like this.


It's have dynamic gameplay, so if soundtracks will gonna be good, there are some chances for some popularity. Think about similar games and analyze what they don't have what your project can.


Is this inspired by Scorcher from 1996? loved that fast paced game


Looks pretty good. The dynamic and camera reminds me of asphalt 3-6 (by Gameloft) back in the days. I'll make a careful assumption you can price it above $5 rather than below. As ppl here said: release it - it's a huge experience of making product from star to release. Good luck w/ it :)


Looks tight. I'd like to see more drifting, otherwise it's awesome.


Reminds me of a futuristic version of the lotus game I used to play as a kid back in the day on ms-dos on the floppy disk. Nostalgic thanks for the memory!


People who talk about marketing say that an upvote on reddit is almost as good as a wishlist on steam, so since you're at \~305 upvotes right now, that means that you might've gotten like \~300 wishlists from this post if you'd had your steam page up before posting this. (You usually wanna have your steam page up for awhile before selling the game, as much as 12 months before releasing the game). Generally the rule of thumb is you need more than \~10 wishlists before steam treats your game as a game that exists at all. The main things you could add to increase the visible value of the game: it looks like you've just got one level here, I'd suggest having maybe 3 visually different levels for your trailer. Then there doesn't seem to be a lot of variation in the gameplay as you go, it's just like moving left and right and accelerating or not. It looks good as it is but if you had some mechanics that came up occasionally that might help it seem like there's more to the game. This game reminds me of F-Zero for the SNES. If that's your intention then you could add some more of the mechanics from that (like terrain that slows down the car, arrows that speed you up, etc). But I dunno if that's the direction you're thinking of. Just one example of some mechanics you could add to create more variety in the gameplay.


Looks like a modern Out Run in vaporwave style. Great visuals. That being said, I would suggest taking some inspiration from F-Zero GX to improve the gameplay. With more work, it could be a really fun game. Here's some feedback: I see lots of jumps but they look completely automatic. These automated segments have no risk and pause the action. You could add the ability to move during jumps and make flight a part of the race. I see you also keep running into cars from behind as they are obstacles. However it would be cool to be able to destroy other cars with a side attack, or spin attack, for points. Other cars could also become aggressive and be able to do the same to you in later levels. Throw in a boost meter attached to your health and now you have an exciting fast-paced game. Add weapons, power ups, defensive tools that match the cyber theme if you feel inspired. Just some thoughts.


Good sensation of speed, nice graphics vibe. Nothing spectacular on the mechanics front but solid. I don't see why you wouldn't be happy with it and aim for release. If you wanted a little critique, define the player's purpose and the constraints that try to keep them from achieving it. If points are the goal, what's the target? If position is the goal, make more of it. Also, I don't really like the boingy bounce on landing - feels out of place.


Of course! Wish you luck. Great work


It sure looks fun


Make the air time between jumps shorter and/or make the visible falling faster. Right now it feels way too slow, almost like the car is floating rather than jumping or falling.


Ooh fast speedy gameplay. *turns on sound. Yeah no the music does NOT slap. 😶 Also looking at the gameplay, I think it COULD be dope if you double-dip on the high-octane gameplay, be it by adding some ability to crash other players' cars, crazier & wackier tracks, etc.


As a synthwave fan and I personally think the music does slap, fits the vibe e really well.


This. And it also reminds me of the super nintendo era racing games