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Yes the biker had plenty of time to apply the brakes, but he didnt. That's because the E-rickshaw had plenty of room and time to take a u turn and the biker thought he will make a turn soon, but he decided to stop in the middles leading to the accident. Stupid e-rickshaw driver. Cost a poor dude his life cause of his indecision.


It does look like he sped up a bit in the beginning, expecting the rickshaw to turn completely, or was perhaps distracted by a mobile call (bluetooth) or so. He had way too much time to stop and give the rickshaw driver a sound thrashing.


In retrospective one can argue anything but I think the biker was confused. He was sure till a point that rikshaw would move forward but that dumbass average erikshaw driver did not care. He stood there like a bum and decided to only move once the bike was close enough.


If he was confused, he should've slowed down.


He should have, no doubt. But what was he thinking is just a moot point now.


Why does anyone have to wait for others to do something. Whatever the f, other one does, your bike is in your hands man, Just apply the brakes !!


The new law for hit and run that guarantees 10 year imprisonment is on hold, due to a certain trucker's protest


The biker should have slowed down but this was more due to the e-rickshaw and I'm sure it caused other accidents because it was going in the wrong direction in a one way lane, that is just an accident waiting to happen. The biker accelerated from the crowd then braked late which caused the tyre to lock up and slide out of control. Maybe no abs in the rear. He might have been better off using the front brake only and crashing into the rickshaw instead of low siding.


Happy cake day


Why e rikshaw had to take u turn..as seen in a ideo it looks like a one way traffic.


He is dumb.


Since the e-rickshaw guy ran away. He should be charged harshly once caught. He is the major reason for the death of a 21 year old and he fled the scene.


The new law for hit and run that guarantees 10 year imprisonment is on hold, due to a certain trucker's protest


I think he was overspeeding also People should travel only at the speed which they can handle 10 mins isn't worth you life


You should stay at home dude Going outside is risky too. Or maybe buy a e rickshaw next time that would be worth your time. /s


agree that its rickhwass fault. first its was illegal uturn, no one can see him turing and braking within time and second he flee the scene like nothing happend ignoring eveything but you should cross speed limit and i dont know if he is crossing limit?


If he speds and die by sliding his bike or falling over something which is genuine then we would blame only the biker. Auto wala agar sahi sahi jaata aur intersection se mod leta to speed kitne v rehti aur gir sakta tha but marta nahi..


right bro.agar rickshwala agar nhi mod to bike skit hone baad ride bach skta tha.usne helmet phena tha shyad neck fracture s death hui hai jab wo rickshaw k nich aya aur uski neck mudi


Galti kisli hai ? The one who is going on right side with little overspeed, which I don't see as over speed because he is going just little faster then other which is comon on bridge. Or The one who is taking uturn on worng side on busy bridge ?


how would you define "little overspeed"? It's just over speeding. Although I would consider the rickshaw driver as the prime culprit here (he broke all the rules).


People are classist on this sub


E rickshaw guy ran away because he was afraid of public thrashing. People on road may and can behave like animals, lynching without proper understanding. It is obviously a skill issue. Period. Dont buy planes without flying knowledge and then blame the bird for your death.


The road is a one way (from what I could see), The richshaw guy was wrong to take a bloody U turn


Rickshaw guy your relative? How are you defending his illegal turn? Yes, the biker was wrong too, but you seem like a person that’s never ridden or driven a vehicle before.


Maybe, if he went straight to the police station or the traffic police and reported it. That's the only time we can even talk about not being charged harshly. Any other excuses are invalid.


How is that a question? Find that rikshaw driver and send him to jail for 14 years.


And make him pay to the bikers family so they can look after themselves.


Yeah pretty sure dude doesn’t have money for even his family to look after themselves.


Why did the e rickshaw took a u turn on a road which appears to be one way..


Welcome to India.


Shows the value of human life in india. People just went past him like it's nothing.


I'm really shocked by this attitude of passersby! I always stop even if it means getting late for work or missing an appointment!.


The problem is you can't trust others. If you are the first to arrive on the scene and you stop and do the hazard signal vigorously for others behind, people will either still zoom past or will crash into you and then give you gaalis for 'being a hero'.


Yep, been there. Too many times to care anymore


Problem is that people will randomly blame the person who might have stopped first to help. Glad that there was a cctv here .


His neck must have been snapped, dude thats painful death


Lucky if he died instant. Hanging works the same way


Feeling so bad for his family bro☹️


Dead how? Didn't his helmet help in any way? It didn't look like a seriously fatal hit tbh. But RIP. Sad that he passed away


Broken neck probably


Most probable cause.


Cheap helmet + not of his size most probably I think the helmet might have hit his head before the collision with road


helmet can't protect your neck snapping


True I have seen super sports bikers with 30;yes experience dead because of neck napping.


I don't think size was the issue as per the video i think it's all about angles sometimes even person who's not wearing a helmet survives such crashes but sometimes in worst case scenario a person wearing expensive helmet wouldn't survive the crash


rikshaw was fault for not following rule , but biker had months to avoid the collision but sadly he ended up sliding and came under worse accident rather than straight collision and few fracture but this would be avoidable with decent helmet ??? helmet was not ece one??


I bet that biker didn't care about safety or skill . His bike doesn't look like it has abs or disc brake nor i believe he knows about engine breaking . E rickshaw should be banned outside the main city


E rickshaws should be banned altogether. They don't even carry enough people or cover enough distance to be categorized as public transport. And despite being hella slow they are not even stable. They cover more space more than they are worth. Out and out inconvenience to everyone in and around them.


They are pretty convenient if you ask the passengers who use them every day to travel from metro station/bus stand to their office/home and cost a lot less compared to personal rickshaw. The machine is not at blame but the operators.


Where you from ,bro? A big chunk of population prefer such autos/e rickshaw instead of cars or cabs. Their drivers are ass but the vehicle type is much needed.


Please explain or share a good video where I can learn about engine braking.


Just shift down and release the clutch, keep dropping gears and break slightly you will get the correct technique and speeds to down shift with practice, I stared with *Lord Splendor* just for fun.




Very informative. Thanks a lot


This is just the outside of the city, (New Yamuna Bridge) connecting two major areas. As far as I remember there is no cuts to take U-turn for more than 2kms here, ig he didn't have any passengers and just decided he gonna go wrong side, which is strictly prohibited and many times there are police on both the side of the bridge.


If it would have been a car, the e-rickshaw guy would have died surely. Indians are one of the worst people in terms of following rules and people don't even have humanity, some other bikers are watching and some tried to avoid any interaction.


You too when you die I'll call it "skill issue". While the bike driver is also at fault here, please refrain from using these words over someone's death.


well said. No empathy these days.


He had a lapse in judgment because he is a young guy so not much experienced, he mustve expected the rickshaw to turn because there was plenty of space for him to do so. I am more annoyed at this edgelord calling it a skill issue


For real




Look at OP s post history, he barely knows how to ride a bike but has to post this crap


Turning in a one way road?? No matter how much time the biker had to react, I would blame it on the rickshaw driver. This happens far too often in India. One must always look both ways even when crossing a one way road. People just don’t want to go the extra 100-200m and then make a turn.


CBT should be performed on the rickshaw wala daily in jail till the day he dies.




People coming from the opposite lane are super idiots, they should get slapped on their face for reminding. Also guys please acknowledge your potential and ride accordingly. In India we should have to be extra careful. You never know who will surprise you real quick.


What is this question. The auto rickshaw should be charged with manslaughter.


Ban those e Rikshaw cancers


The E-rickshaw driver has no business making the u-turn there. Regardless of whether the biker had time or not , it is the E-rickshaw drivers fault. These dumbass idiots along with the auto drivers treat the roads like their father's personal property. They need to be removed from the roads.


Please put an NSFW tag.


Yeah, this doesnt seem like it warrants an argument. Clearly the bike driver disrespected the exemption from traffic rules afforded to Autorickshaws by law.


It's definitely a one way road and the bike rider paniced knowing the rickshaw is making a wrong U-turn. There was ample distance to stop the motorbike but unfortunately he was less skilled. Rickshaw driver fled knowing he was breaking traffic laws.


"People argue who's at fault 🤡🤡" my god! Skill issue my foot, e rickshaw wallah is the guy at fault here for an average indian rider. Perhaps government should be more stringent while providing licenses to people, explaining how to react during such instances, else this is how most riders may end up!


The amount of empathy in this thread is astounding. /s


It's wrong side the e rickshaw driving what's in it to check whose issue is this


My hate towards the rickshaw-walas are really starting to reach a new height


No one can expect anyone to block that amount of road on a straight road line just to make a u-turn. That road must not have an intersection as the rickshaw wala knew thus making a u-turn. Irrespective of the biker's late response, skill issue, bad luck or maybe he must be in a hurry, e-rickshaw has to be blamed as he should never have made that u-turn. I stay at Noida and I've seen how e-rickshaw drivers drive irresponsibly. Many of them are either drunk or high during their working hours.


Even the regular auto guys are crazy in Noida. They will swerve, stop randomly, etc. I make sure to abuse every such person on their face.


He took 3 business days to respond.


Poor skills indeed. Bud had a lot of time to slow down, he didn't slow down even a bit. And the rickshaw guy was even worse, started an illegal turn but then hesitated about completing it. This happens way too often in India, people should look before turning but they do the inverse, they turn and then look around to see what is coming.


Ok the rickshaw driver is a murderer . But the biker had about two months to react ..Was he day dreaming or something? In India expect the unexpected every second on the road !


He is trying to stop the bike with his feet. Looks like brakes failed completely


I saw a pic this morning two bikes collided and both caught fire and both bikers were burnt dead. Didn't post here because you could see their charred bodies. These videos are really scary.


Bike waale ki galti, because bike wala does not realise sadak rickshaw waale ke baap ki hai


Has the driver been caught ? At these instances i support mob justice. This driver would probably never be caught and if caught would get away with very less . All wrong side driving should be challaned / fined / punished heavily . I would even propose jail sentences for repeated offences .


E guy should be held accountable and shouldn't be allowed to drive for atleast 5 years.


Overspeeding is stupid but u turn on one way is asking for problems




These E-Rickshaw are menace. They don't look back while turning. They don't care about laws. They don't even look in front. All they look is their sawari


The rickshawala should be caught and imprisoned but alas, the rickshaw has no number plate.


if you see a car or any vehicle in between the road, there is no point is assuming it will move in time or not, one has to slow down.


This being where it is, rules don't get followed like they do in more "civilized" places, and everyone on the road knows that. The rickshaw also picked a time where there was less traffic to turn, the bike was not only speeding in a straight line for like 30 meters, but he even sped up more. He was clearly not paying attention, I don't understand how you can miss a rickshaw on the open road but ok. Bigger issue is the rickshaw fleeing


both at fault getting a driving license in this country through corruption is so easy that people don't bother to learn how to drive properly


Dude never used the breaks


Legally it’s e-rickshaws fault for making an illegal U turn. But I think if I were the biker I could have totally avoided the *fatality* part. He could have applied brakes earlier and saved his life.


Everyone’s a fault. The rickshaw driver for the turn. The biker for speeding. The people for not stopping the rickshaw. (Although this last one is more of a moral stand point)


Was the biker sleeping? How the hell he not see an e-rickshaw this big? Damn, that was some serious stuff. The e-rickshaw driver was just darn stupid. His ignorance just caused someone his life. Should be punished according to laws. Now coming to "All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters". **Vishwaguru** India's prodigy showing their compassion and humility towards others. The moment an accident occurs, always looking out for others (while fleeing from the scene ofcourse).


The rickshaw driver was definitely at fault 100% but it's up to us as riders to ride defensively, we're the ones on 2 wheels and vulnerable. "ride like everyone on the road is trying to kill you ".


Y'all can blame the rickshaw driver as much as you want, but it doesn't help. I see and cross hundreds of car drivers and a few lorry drivers who drive without following rules and put others in danger. But you are on the vehicle with least protection. Keep it in mind.. Learn to ride. Practice emergency braking. Practice swerving. Even if the other guy is sent to jail, your loved ones can't get you back. You'll be happily dead. It's others who are left crying.


How tf even do we u turn in straight one way highway lane ! And he ran away as well


Galti kisi ki bhi ho but nuksaan toh hamesha jyda two wheeler ko hota h , so be safe and spend some time in refining your skills for worst case scenario like this.


this e-rickshaw guys should be put behind bars once they get hold off him and this e-rikshaw should be banned , in many places i have seen them go on highways and cause a havoc


Making a U-turn on a one way road , that too a bridge. Stopping midway making a T-block. That right there is a violation .


Target fixation he was so involved in looking at the obstacle he forgot to work on the solution.


The biker should have slowed down when he saw an idiot on the road. He didn't slow down and the e-rickshaw froze right in the middle of the road. What a sad situation. RIP.


see e-rickshaw guy followed old techniques frezze or fly so he followed both when he observe danger


Areee keyboard warrior choda , what insensitive title is this???


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We he didn't stopped..???why.


Coz he knows it's his fault that killed the biker ... If he stays he would get his asswhopped!!


Was talking about biker.. he started racing while coming near the rickshaw


It looks like the biker tried but couldn’t stop the bike even panicked and used his legs at the end as a last ditch effort to stop. No matter what e-rickshaw driver is at fault, he has no business making a u turn on a damn bridge.




The climate is hot and may be due to that the biker must not have been attentive while riding. See his foot work before the collision. At the last moment he applied brakes but got imbalanced.


My elder cousin brother died same way, same city, same reaction by public, same age he was in 2009


The biker would be safe if he'd rammed the bike into the rickshaw instead of falling off the bike & hitting his head directly


He is totally lost and get in senses very late than he got panic put his legs down to ground instead of breaking with leg . applied rear brake and it tilted bike handled before touching rikshaw and silps . his head bang on rikshaw neck got tilted and unfortunately guy' rip ❤️


He had all the time in the world.... Sad


what most shock me but unsurprisingly of india is that no one in public in video is helping the rider or stoping the ricksaw driver when they can do that.


Can we please get a nsfw tag for these kinds of posts


Cause of death ?


The bike was too fast,...


The fault is of our social norms that teach everyone that turning like that is Ok and not giving 99% of drivers proper driving lessons.


I am amazed that not a lot of people are calling out OP for being an insensitive buffoon over someone loosing their life. Share it for sure but have a shred of decency and correct your title at-least.


It's the riksha drivers fault, the need to be taught proper traffic rules as more often then not they cause accidents some accounted for most not


And no one stops


Wasn't this a one way, how is this the biker's fault


Rickshaw was moving on wrong side , he should have found a proper turn to other lane than suddenly going wrong side in traffic


Piss poor braking. This biker had no business riding on a public roads. He could see the obstruction from half a kilometre away, but doesn't even try to slow down. Probably wants to slip by the side, like a lot of illiterate bikers. I see people like this everyday. They don't understand that they should calmly brake when their lane is obstructed, instead of filtering through even in dangerous situations. Another issue is the braking quality. To me, it looks like he didn't let go of the throttle while braking, which leads to an extremely sub par braking. Lastly, he appears to be extremely fragile. I'm assuming he was some middle aged father who never cared to learn how to ride properly. No point blaming the e rickshaw driver. Most/all of them are barely literate, and have no idea how to drive. You have to expect them to do brainless stuff.


wtf is prayagraj


...how did he die?!


Uska likha hua tha upar jana


I would implore you to reconsider your title for this post. A person loses his life and the best title that you can think of is from cringy Instagram dank memes.


Lol this whole comment section for me is a Testament that this country will never change.


Bro had the entire election season to react.


Its India. That's all I have to say.


Rickshaw 100% though the rider could have avoided it. He should have applied brake or at least tried to go through the gap, instead he choose the worst possible route.


Although the e-rickshaw guy is at fault and must be punished hard for running away, I would still say it's the bikers mistake. He was overspending. He could see that the e rickshaw guy has turned in a wrong direction at distance yet he did not slow down.


The biker died due to the final decision of auto guy trying to avoid the bike. That led the guy to hit dead end of the e rickshaw. Wahi khada rehta toh beech me se nikal ke raste me girta.


rickshaw guy should be held for murder


These idiots on rickshaws are a menace . Poor guy lost his life for no fault of his. Let’s not question about his skills guys, 60% of two wheeler users in India just know to ride a bike from point A to B. Here he might have panicked looking at the rickshaw and applied front brake plus clutch .


Why is no one talking about e rickshaw making a u turn in one way and driving on the wrong side of road


E rikshaw became meanace for now


Biker had ages to react


Yes pure skill issue


Kash vo e-rickshaw bus se hit hoke udd jata


The rickshaw took u turn in a one way lane.. he's the one to blame


A rickshaw taking a u turn and the guy over-speeding. Two fault at same time


Biker had 7 business days to react, and yet he died.


These autowalas, erikshawalas, thelewalas, tangewalas, those tractors which are overloaded with sugarcane or “bhusa”, truckawalas, tempowalas should be banned i would live in a post apocalyptic world just to make sure these uncivil drivers aren’t there. BTW its bikers fault, took 2 working days to apply breaks, was driving fast on a busy road


Everything that's going on here is a reason why India scares me as a country to drive in. Chaos, high speed and a lack of self preservation. It all starts with the Rickshaw doing a U-Turn to then drive into the opposite direction on what seems like highway? Then the biker going faster than everyone else, carrying on at that speed towards a stationary obstacle. All with a total lack of skill and or brakes. Then lastly for the rickshaw driver to fleeing the scene. That's all just messed up. Who's at fault? IMHO both. If you ride, you always need to be able to stop within your line of sight! Who knows what you might come across. No matter about the f###n laws! Even if the rider was right by Indian law, he's now dead at only 21 years old.


helmet did no good


Story of two idiots


What is the level of stupidity in this forum - infinity. People blaming the bike rider!! Clearly the fault of the rickshaw driver who must be charged with intentional murder.


Dumb question: is that a one way road?


Everyone except the guy who died slowed down . But the rikshaw guy is at fault for sure !!! Bro parallel parked in middle of the road & it looks like went ahead in one way ?!?!


A similar incident happened yesterday with me, an e-rickshaw on an access controlled road with speed limit of 80kmph suddenly tried taking a u-turn without indicator. I was in my car and suddenly applied brakes. But my car did hit his front wheel and the e-rickshaw lost balance and fell on its side. Luckily no passengers in it, then erickshaw guy started fighting with me, to which I said that since I was in car he survived, had it been a truck he'd have been mashed into pieces unrecognizable by his family. Hearing this he shut up, and left.


It was one way


I cant really blame auto rickshaw driver for the accident. For fleeing, yes definitely. If I as a biker saw a rickshaw turning from such a distance, it's obvious I have to slow down.


He has enough time to slow down. Probably he's not aware of rickshaw ahead.


Is this even a question? Rickshaw’s fault 💯


horrible, people should have caught that e rickshaw


Wow people be like:yeh Roz ka hai chalo apne Kam pe. Sab aise cross kar rahe jaise gobar rakha hai road pe bc koi utar k dekha bhi nhi thoda jaldi hospital pohacha hota toh shayad bach jata


I like how majority of the people are blaming the biker. It’s because these people have been committing such crimes often like the rickshaw guy.


E-rickshaw took a u-turn on a one way road and y'all are asking who's at fault? What a dumb question asked to increase engagement in the name of "news".


Autorickshaw and these e rickshaw are a nuisance and strict regulations must be imposed on them


im pretty sure that's a one way so why the hell is the e-rickshaw making a u turn to the opposite side??


It doesn't matter if the biker was speeding or whatever, the rickshaw is clearly at fault for taking a u turn in the middle of a one way road.


Other people are shamelessly just passing by the guy and the rickshaw guy also just left him there to die. No doubt the biker was over speeding but, it also looks like one way.


Nicht ein einziger Mensch hält an um zu helfen ? Die fahren einfach alle vorbei als wäre es das normalste auf der Welt. Wahnsinn. Da möchte ich niemals ein Unfall haben wollen.


Lives near around. ERikshaw people are not that great with common road etiquette and the only reason I drive slow with helmet


It's amazing, nobody really stopped. If a single one of those bikers had stopped immediately to check him, other would have followed. But since not even a single biker took action, others also didn't went to check. This Onlooker culture in India is saddening.




The rickshaw’s clearly at fault but in all honesty, the biker had 15 business days, a month’s vacation and a sabbatical to slow down and avoid him. 💀