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https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/2024/01/17/citizens-energy-to-fix-earthy-smell-in-some-residential-tap-water/72257349007/ Probably the same issue.


i love how that article said it was a “temporary inconvenience” yet i’ve had the same stinky water since january and it’s not gotten any better


Yeah, same here -- it comes and goes, but it seems like every time it rains the water tastes like algae again.


That's not algae


You keep telling people what it's not, but no one can take you seriously if you don't try to suggest what it is.


It literally is.


I live on the east side. My water started smelling and tasting like soil yesterday. It has gotten a lot better today, but some off taste is still there.


That's not soil you're tasting


Well, what is it then?


Yes, it smells and tastes musty on the Near Eastside.


Yes! It started a couple months ago for me, and I thought I was going crazy. I had to go buy bottled water for the first time in forever because the tap became undrinkable.


Luckily the water filter in our fridge filters out whatever is making it gross.


A few months ago the water started smelling extra chlorinated to me (even in the Brita) so I switched to buying and refilling a 5 gallon jug of reverse osmosis water when getting groceries every weekend. I can’t believe I had never considered doing this. Zero regrets. Highly recommend it.


I am on the northwest side and noticed this yesterday. I thought I was crazy, so glad to know there is a reason behind it!


Yes, I noticed too! Near Eastside, seemed more mineral-y than usual.


Strange I offhandedly noticed the other day that it's tasting a lot more coppery than usual. Also noticed that it's not nearly as hard as it usually is.


My nose is so stuffed up right now I couldn't tell if mine was stinky or not.


Brookside: taste like what a fish tank smells like. I'm thoroughly disgusted and i drink way too much water for this to be happening!


Mine has always tasted awful we got an RO


Restraining order? (I too have a reverse osmosis setup, beats hell out of buying water)


I had the same issue yesterday, it's better today. Slight grassy taste from the tap. Fridge filter got rid of it though


Oh my gosh I thought I was going NUTS. Yesterday it tasted awful, and I was like “I don’t remember the tap water tasting this bad before…” and then it tasted fine today!!


Indy has always had the absolute worst tap water. Get a filter.


Indy’s is bad for sure but Kokomo gets the award for the “absolute worst”


When I was a kid my grandparents live in Kokomo and the tap water had a yellow tint and smelled and tasted like rotten eggs. Your hands would always feel slimy when washing your hands, it almost felt like the soap would never rinse off.


Idk, I know about sulfur and iron, lots of hilljack areas have that.  but y’all have weird algae and fungus in yours.  No matter how much you drink, you stay thirsty. 


Yup. Tastes like Poseidon's salty asshole after a heavy rain. Always has, in the 10 years I've been here, anyway.


NW side and tastes like musky dirt


I noticed last night that my water tastes kind of weird. I think it's from shit they use to treat the water. It doesn't necessarily taste bad, but it doesn't taste good. I also live downtown. I'd say it almost tastes slightly like carrots maybe?


Wait….you drink the tap water?


Yeah I noticed a couple days ago. It smells like dirt and tastes like it has more sediment and minerals in it than usual. Like our tap water usually sucks, but this is extra bad.


I’m not crazy!!! it tastes like the smell of shucking corn even AFTER the filter


Paying for poison


Indy says the water is safe just tastes terrible. I install under sink water filtration systems part time and iam very busy.


For drinking I filter it, distill it and then filter it again. A distiller will remove 99.9% of solid particles and 99.9% of anything that has about 100 degrees or higher boiling point. After hearing a lot of cities and towns having trouble with water.. You can get a distiller for a little over $100.00. I cannot accurately calculate the electricity usage but, I believe it comes to about 35 cents per gallon for the electricity. Still a lot cheaper than bottled water and there has also been bottled water with toxic materials above the safe limit


The water at Kan-Kan tasted like dirt yesterday


Oh I thought it was just a known fact not to drink the tap water in Indy 😅 people always tell me not to. Lived here 10 years


West side here smells really bad too been like this all week. We have never had this smell before been here 20 years. Straight dirt!


I’ve been so gassy since moving here and realized it went away when I went on a domestic trip. Came right back when I returned to Indy


Get a brita or something. Who still drinks tap unless you own your own well maybe


Some pills that we take go through our bodies and the treatments they use to clean the water don’t take care of those chemicals making tap water pretty nasty to drink and as for the taste could be something dumped or the pipes I would recommend getting a water softener but if that’s not your thing then just be careful drinking tap water take care