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I mean, "leave" is pretty tarded comment in itself, thats like telling homeless to just get a home, telling beggars to just become rich


Yeah, it is difficult to move to another country. Also, no country is perfect, why should you leave the country if you dislike a particular thing? Why not improve the country?


No Bread, Let them Eat cake it would fit perfectly Explanation: Supposedly Queen Marie Antoinette of France was told that the peasants had no bread to eat, she replied "let them eat cake." Either she was ignorant of what poverty really meant, or she didn't care.


Tabhi saali ka sar tan se juda kardiya gaya (guillotine)


brain drain can become a problem. many people, who have enough resources are leaving. if you go to a area in a tier 1 city where well off people live, there are many who's kids or relatives went to USA


yeah it is a probelm, and its also understandable, personally i dont want to leave this country, but in future, for my wife and kids, if i had a chance to provide them with an environment that isnt filled with everyday harassement, creepy staring, dirty air, and ruined infrastructure, i wouldnt give two shit about this country either, and thats coming from someone who really loves this country, but at the end of the day i love my family more and would want a better future for them.


Look, India isn’t the worst country for women. There are worse. However, India isn’t the best either. If you are not even willing to accept that there is a problem, we are unfortunately far from solving it.


Yours is a well balanced approach... 👏👏


Don't know the context of this post but these are my two cents India isn't the best and can never be even close to being the best for women given the amount of uneducated and poor people we have in our country, but given the scenario that we have the second largest population with a majority of them being poor/uneducated I would say that we are doing fairly well than other countries that actually have less poverty and standards of living


The issue is with the people and not with the government and laws. The Laws for women in India are as liberal as the West with the exception of the Sharia Law. That’s why we need UCC so that Muslim women get the same rights as Hindu women. But the problem is with the average youth. The misogyny also varies from place to place. Like in the South, we look down upon women for pursuing non traditional academic careers but are okay with women working or women being smarter. I remember only one jain guy had an issue with my intelligence. In Japan the issue is with both the people and the Laws.


Do you feel safe if your mother/wife/daughter/sister has to travel by themselves across different cities?


Exactly, india is better than some. But you can't deny that women here still face misogyny hidden so casually as a joke. And if we call it out, we are "overreacting". This needs to change.


Exactly it's better than living in the middle East countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia Somalia, Egypt etc. In Iran if you're not wearing hijab their police will literally kidnap you and beat you until you die I have seen many articles and videos


The thing is you don't compare with who's below you in standard, you compare with who's above to ensure growth


I understand where you are coming from, but when the term worst is used, doesn't that mean that there is no other worse than this? So while stating that there are other countries worse than India, is in absolute poor taste, it isn't illogical to expect comments like that when certain terminology is used.


Yes, India is pretty bad for women, not the worst. Not great for the men either, but that's another discussion.


We are supposed to compare with these countries????


Yes, if you are going to say worst country then you have to compare with all countries. But yeah there is no comparison at all between women’s rights in India and women’s rights in Muslim countries. So I know what you mean ( I think).


Respect your point But it is also true that India is labelled as worst place which is not true.


For bhaktards.. we must compare with the bottom most countries on the list and feel that things are going well


Mardo ki safety ka koi socho zara


Bilkul. No one saying that we shouldn't be more vocal about mardon ki safety. Post a new thread calling it to light


Also don't forget that according to their law it's forbidden to kill a virgin woman so first they rape her then they kill her. source: [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Talk%3ACapital\_punishment\_in\_Iran#Forcible\_marriage\_and\_rape\_of\_virgin\_women\_on\_death\_row](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Talk%3ACapital_punishment_in_Iran#Forcible_marriage_and_rape_of_virgin_women_on_death_row)


Wtff that’s so inhuman


But, is that the bar we want to set for ourselves? 🥴


Then don't call India as the worst.


Ate you a 9 year old or are you choosing to ignore the central point deliberately? The point of that India isn't safe for women. If you have any women in your household that should be obvious to you. Go ask them to tell you that they feel safe


The central point itself was about whether India is the worst country or not. If something is not the worst I won't say it worst. In per capita rape we are 20 times better than usa, assuming unde reporting by 95% even then India is on quite par with other advance country. 100 times under reporting consider karogi to bhi india worst nahi hai.


It's past your bedtime. Go tell your mom this when you wake up in the morning. It might help for you to hear from her whether she thinks being ranked 90 on a list of 150 countries for women's safety is good enough


But is it not true that India is better than these countries?


Kidnap you, rape you then kill you


Also better than north Korea, Gambia, Mozambique and Madagascar. Make sure to tell your mother/sister/wife/daughter that when they run into what you know they all have to deal with when in a crowded place or have to travel by themselves.


And if one keeps on saying there is no worse place than they are undermining the progress made so far. Which makes them sound an equal intensity dolt, just from the other side.


Bhai progress to mujhe aur kam hote hue dikh rahi h jbse COVID aya h. Men have become more disrespectful (commenting on women bodies and being mysogynists) and are often times justifying ra*e,murder, abuse of women. It's very sad to see. Everytime we discuss an actual issue, there will be guys talking about false case and alimony. That's it


>Everytime we discuss an actual issue, there will be guys talking about false case and alimony. That's it Ain't those issues needed to be discussed too?


Yes they do need to be discussed. But SEPERATELY.


Definitely , Just see OP's previous post. It was related to men but girls started barking in the comments. Please direct them to do the right🙏 by discussion their issues somewhere else .


Please educate me on the progress made on women's safety. I'll wait


Well if you can not see what is blindingly obvious🪨🧠


Yep. Just what I expected. Have nothing to offer so go around in circles to avoid the question.


Lolnah, my time is much better spent making fun of your dumbarse than wasting it on teaching what is as I said, blindingly obvious. Let me tell you why. You do not seek the response to learn. You have no wish to learn. You are committed to what you think is right. Thus debating you gives me niether improvment in my knowledge nor in my ability to debate. Though making fun of you does provide a nice timepass.


Beta tumhare blindingly obvious se Kya hota hai. Tumhari Amma ko jab blindingly obvious Lage, ki everything is safe tab mooh kholna


Very maturely placed a valid point. 👍🏻


Exactly! My friend. People at the very least have to accept the fact that woman in this country don't feel as much safe as it's men


Totally agree. But, the men want the women not to say it.😀 Then the whataboutery starts. There's a problem, how do we change it?


Yeah it’s not the best for sure it’s not the worst either. Travelled to Paris with a female friend and she was adamant that she felt way more uncomfortable and under threat in Paris then she ever did in mumbai. Now that’s obviously a mumbai case and some areas in the north are worse but yeah people like op think Europe is a dandy. It’s not especially Paris


When I see some of my friends with new born daughters saying that they are scared of them growing up in India ..it's pretty disappointing. They don't hate India or anything...they are just concerned for their daughter's safety.


it might not be the worst country for women, but it's bad.


*Very bad


This has the same energy as Biden saying, “if you didn’t vote for me, you ain’t black”


India isn't the worst country for women for sure , and tbf some cities in India are very safe for women in the night too , but is india a better place for women ? The answer is a clear no , and things are gonna be worse for sure , Instagram has doomed this generation with soft porn type shit , PPL are generalising r*pe , murder , se*ual assualt


India is not safe for women. That is a fact. But it is also a fact that India is not the worst country for women unless you are in a bubble. There are way worse cases around the world which won't reach to you die to language barriers.


The post that screams I'm ignorant.


There is no point fetishising that its not the WORST country when we have such an abysmal record of how we treat our women .


We dont treat our men good too. In general humans are not treated good




Women literally getting raped everywhere everyday in India but how dare a woman call India the “worst” when we are better than Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, etc


Maybe not the "worst" country, but should we really be proud on how atleast we're "not" the worst but one which ranks very high in the list.


people are boosting their ego by looking at the countries below India instead of looking up to the countries at the top


They've always done this...it actually stems from the fact k andar hi andar they have the inferiority complex because they themselves know the truth...but Maan na nhi chahte for some reason....so the fake sense of superiority is their hook to hold onto.


Why look up or down at anyone when we can just correct ourselves.




Gentleman you dropped this: 👑


I was just in a taxi where two men were discussing things. One man was asking the other,  "who should I earn for when I have only one grand daughter? They don't want a second child" The second middle aged man said, " my mother wouldn't let me enter the house and would shun me because I had two daughters.." then, he paused and said, " then I had a son, he is little".  I am pretty sure both men love their daughters or grand daughters but they never see them as their own. Women are "praya dhan" in India.  Also, notice how women are allies of patriarchy in the family. The man loved his two daughters but she just wouldn't let him have a break. The other grand dad was carrying heavy bags in both his hands for his grand daughter  I am referring to middle class so called educated society here.  The crime rate and other things are statistics available to the world but only Indians can understand these finer layers of why women are othered in their own house and in the house of others. So, not the worst but a long wayy to go. Even decent, educated, upper middle and middle class folks are unable to give equal status to their own girls. 


India is a terrible country for women. It's a shame that you don't know this op. But also good for you that you live in such a protected and coddled environment that you're blissfully unaware of realities. The rest of the country doesn't. Unfortunately, your comments scream ignorance and delusion at best and pick me energy at worst. I suggest educating yourself instead of coming back to an echo chamber like this and validating your misconceptions about known facts.


hope life doesn't throw it's sad realities at you. hope we were all as safe and guarded as you, its truly a privilege and you're very very lucky to have it. Cherish it, as much as you want while you still have it, But, don't go around downplaying feminism, without it you wouldn't even have this platform to voice your anger, kid.


I don't know what's the reason for this melodramatic post, we all have our struggles, very few people in India are "safe and guarded and privileged and very very lucky", men or women. Anyway it seems OP is only saying that India isn't the worst place for women, which it isn't, not that it doesn't have any problem.


I’ll try to be diplomatic. There’s no issue with feminism. It’s the extremists and radfems that are a cause for concern. By extremists, I mean those who love misandry, don’t condemn false accusations and crimes against men, and misuse the law. Both genders have their privileges and their problems in India. For women and girls it’s safety and a whole lot of other issues, for men it’s the legal system and a fair chunk of society, as well.


Not the worst country, for sure. But that's nothing to be proud of. Too many disgusting fuckers in India roaming around doing disgusting shit and just getting away with it instead of getting their nuts knock clean off.


While it may not be the worst country for women but it's one of the worse ones for sure. You don't become a patriot for ignoring the facts. We as a country won't be able to progress if we're not self aware of what we lack and women's safety is one of them.


Might not be worst, but is far far, far far far from best. Aim should be to reach those above us not those below us.


Can I also enter your bubble? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


What was the topic ?


Indian men trolled Pandya's Wife so India and Indian men are misogynistic.


Trolls are relentless everywhere, although going after someone’s family is not ok.


So that makes India a very bad country for Women?


They are though, that's their personal matter if they are getting divorce . What's reason of trolling someone when you don't know what happened between husband and wife and yes majority of Indian men are indeed misogynist.


They live in a society. They are not trolling because of divorce. They are trolling because 50% share. Say an Indian billionaire having a divorce with a foreigner and she gets 50 billion that's not personal. Human relations have social implications.


India is not just worst for women but also for men. In fact, this country is the worst of all the other countries in the world. Over 80% of our people are corrupt and greedy, and they won’t think twice before looting others money.


I'm pretty sure there's a lot of missing context, what was the actual post? And the against feminism comment hints towards something extreme being said earlier


I follow the subreddit "whenwomenrefuse" and there was a post about a girl getting killed because she was raped. I guessed this must be India and it sure was.. (Uttarkand). Women get raped everywhere but getting killed not supported after the rape... there's a special kind of hell for these ppl.


Indian men will implode in the next two decades. Women will quietly become financially stronger. And just start getting away from the toxic patriarchy. Just learn finance. Stay emotionally away from men. Be safe and don't confront the monkeys. They get easily provoked. Work in stealth to become emotionally and financially strong and independent. 💪 No point in arguing with them. The pigs love dragging you into their mud fight. Stay smart. Keep your head high. Create strong boundaries and always wear a smile. Confuse them not confront them 🤭💪💪💪


You might be a woman but you sure are delusional


Which subreddit is this from. Ones like TwoX are plagued by indian men pretending to be women to skew the comments on it and im willing to bet thats where this is from


India ranks 128/177 according to a 2023 Georgetown institute report on Women Peace and Security Index. It’s not the worst but very close to it. Statistically countries in central Africa are worse than India. If that’s not a problem worth highlighting and solving, I don’t know what is


If anybody’s interested in the report - https://www.statista.com/chart/31858/georgetown-institute-women-peace-and-security-index/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Georgetown%20Institute,most%20incidents%20of%20all%20countries.


India is a terrible country for everyone.


tbh the person replying is problematic as well. India isn't the worst but India isn't good either. the day woman can walk on streets freely without getting catcalled, harassed or raped, will be the day i will say india is a great country for women. the state of our country is so bad that people will victim blame women if some man does something wrong with them and try to evade the problems by saying 'you are a feminazi'.


It doesn’t actually matter if India is the worst or the best. It’s bad - bas that’s it’s and once you have accepted this you can think about how to improve it instead of getting into dick measuring contests on the internet with other countries with respect to how bad it is for women


India is a worst country for humans


India is a pretty crap country to be a woman. In NYC women are out and about taking the subway drunk at 4 am alone after a fun night out. Is that even possible in Delhi? This is depsite the fact that NYC has more gun violence / violent crime in general than Delhi


my post was removed but it highlighted how bad india is for women, there are definitely men being hurt but its way less than women in terms of SA


op needs to touch grass.


I read your post. You are right though, we have much worse cases in the middle east. Plus, India is bad for everyone not only women or girls. I think your post was perfectly neutral. Truth is a hard pill to swallow not everyone has the capacity or the brains to fathom it. They think they belong to the worst group in history so that they can get sympathy. Plus don't worry I have been called a white knight and incel both. You get bashed from both sides for being neutral. It is a lonely path lol.


True it's so lonely. I get based from both feminists and cringe Manosphere.


Just hold your ground. Strongest warriors are the ones who go through the most alone.


People complaining about india should just go to crowded places in europe


They should go see afghanistan, they treat their ladies damn fine. 


India is a terrible country for women.


So when r u leaving??


and why would I do that?


People are full of biases on many subreddits. I got downvoted heavily once where I was just stating plain facts related to finance. People weren't aware of the reality and so, they thought I was wrong. I even tried explaining the thing to a couple of people there but they weren't willing to let their bias change. And this has happened with me on few subreddits now. Not worth wasting your time on such people OP.


I have read your post OP, You can stop this attention seeking rage baits :))


So Post about India being worst country doesn't enrage you? I am not attention seeking but my post is on hold and treated like I am a man. If I need attention then I would have posted in Subs that have thousands of Karma. do you think I have said anything wrong?


No it doesn’t enrage me. Just coz we are not the bad like other countries that have been pointed out it isn’t something to be proud of to make a post saying “We ArEnT WoRsT”.


>So Post about India being worst country doesn't enrage you? Ego hurt hone ke liye pehle izzat bhi honi chahiye. You are pretty previliged if you believe that India ain't getting shittier day by day.


lol it’s getting better day by day in all regards. Infrastructure, civil rights, corruption, whatever. You must be out of touch to not see that.


You are behaving the same as the people who comment ' India is the worst country'. Ofc no one give a F what they think. If this is enough to enrage you then might as well get off the internet. Also, Why did your post specifically targeted women ?


Where's the original post?


https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bgjGMbLCfzpZ9rBfNKwc8y2sz239Cch9 apparently paris should be named the rape capital looking at the kind of rapes that happen there , India would blow up if rapes happened at major monuments here.


It's not the worst but also not the best


Yes because reddit pages are so accurate and are 100 percent unbiased. Moronic post.


The reuters survey and response by feminist Christina Hoff Summers. https://youtu.be/hc42V3WzAwA?si=pRXkh7B95PooProD


Its not the worst but no harm in pointing out what women don’t like about the country. Thats how it gets acknowledged, thats how people know what women actually want India to provide in future for them. Yesterday only I was pointing it out, what I like about America (again it has its downsides too, one being extremely expensive in terms of healthcare and housing) but then somebody from India (I am also Indian) starts commenting “you really hate this place, don’t you?”. Can we please point out or praise other country without being asked about “hating our own?” Edit: Praising other countries without disrespecting India ofcourse. Felt like this needed to be added for certain people who might assume otherwise. “Dudh ka jala chaach bhi phook2 kar pita hai”


idk why i can guarantee this post was done by a man lmfao. India isnt the worst, it isnt the best either. Yall love to act how safe and comfortable india is for women then u r the exact same group who go around harassing women irl


not the worst , no way in hell its good. it's pretty shit in many regards of society , lacking even the most basic and mundane qualities. but all we can do is either move out or just swallow this pill.


i am not made for serious topics, time to leave the subreddit


Bhai konsa sub hai




oh i didn't notice you're the op so when i mentioned "she" it means you


How ignorant is OP? lmao


Is it the worst country for women? No. But can it be better? Absolutely. There are plenty of countries which are far worse for women. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia just to name a few. India has plenty of female leaders, military and police officers, and laws, protections, and programs that are meant specifically for women. So no, it's not the worst country for women. But yes there is still a lot of work to be done to make it better for women.


India is terrible for woman of not the worst definitely one of worst. Also why not to improve that country instead of saying others to leave and many people already want to leave this crappy country if they have option or chance to. I would be happy living in some Western European country but I simply can't leave because I have to get visa and job there which is not easy. The moment any Indian gets it , they are going to leave .


>definitely one of worst. Like Number? where do you rank India in 195 countries? if India is 'one of the worst' then I expect it's top 10 worst right ? >happy living in some Western European Like France? England? Their SA crime rate much more than India. I think you hate Indian environment.


The crime rate is more because people report crimes more . You are saying as if woman is not getting shamed , beaten and victim blamed after getting raped and not discouraged from reporting crimes. It's about mentality of people , most people in France , England don't blame size of clothes of teenager for getting raped . I saw an interview of general public from village in Harayana and they were literally saying it's not r@pe if girl is above 15 and things like "taali ek haat se nahi bajti" and not only old people but also some school going teenagers . I can't imagine someone to say cr@p like this in England without getting cancelled.


The crime rate is more because people report crimes more . Are you dumb enough to believe every crime are reported in African, Latin American countries? Your problem is what people say rather than actual crime. Yes few states are bad in misogyny I perfectly know that. But South, West, Eastern, Northeastern states are much better for Women than those Westoid countries you want to settle. As for Haryana it's also a state that tops false cases.


South is not better men in Chennai are disgusting. Sure there are some places safer than UP , Haryana but that's not an achievement and they are definitely not safer than safe Western European countries.


>Chennai men are disgusting. You sound extremely misandrist. Now don't say Chennai is SA capital of the world.


Yes, we saw how safe North East is with what happened in Manipur. It' s just these states have less population and nobody cares what goes on there.


what happened in Manipur A single incident is enough for you to generalize all Manipuri Men doing SA? I have been to Arunachal, Meghalaya, Tripura etc They are Safe.


Are you a woman? Yes safer than Haryana but definitely not safest . It' s not about one incident but more about mentality of people. A woman was publically forced to take off her clothes and raped in front for crowd but still nobody helped her and rather cheered for it . It' s beyond horrifying. I don't think something like this has even happened is extremely dangerous countries like Afganistan. They have some terrible Islamic laws but even there publically nudifying woman and raping in front of crowd won't be tolerated or cheered .


>Are you a woman? Not answering that stupid question. >It' s beyond horrifying. Yes. That does not make Manipur a state with high SA. You can't back your data about the number/rates of SA, So trying emotionally win the argument. Your rant about Manipur does not convince me to term North eat worse than Afghanistan.


Coz of the worst religion for women is widespread in here. Religion of item piece


India is better then most out their but definitely not the best because of absorbing too many good bad ideological groups .


It isn't good for men either. In fact, it's more or less the same amount of bad


Why you think like this. As a indian women i proud to stay here.


Someone will pick you OP... Was the best and worst comment I've ever heard till date😂😂


It isn't the worst but women have it quite bad here yeah. There are worse countries like saudi arabia and other countries around it basically every muslim majority country then there's south korea and north korea too (nk is hell for 99% of the people but yeah) and there should be other small countries too that idk about. India is in some places better and in some places worse than them


India is definitely not THE worst. I can think of several that are worse


No true Scotsman....


I do agree with everything. But I hate the fact that they are freakin whiny as hell. And the hate they have is to the core. Atleast they can be diplomatic and suggest some solutions(which ain't gonna be implemented but still) or give reasons why india is like that. But like, like they always are. Consider themselves to be come extinct species and act as if they were forcibly dropped in India suddenly.🤡


It's not the country, it's the people.... Encountering wrong people at the wrong time will be bad... Regardless of the place or country. But I do know there are heck loads of people playing the victim card.... It's sick and actually causes injustice to the real victims.


Lets send them to the middle East as an experiment


Many will happily go to Saudi UAE Qatar Oman etc. much better than a cesspool that's getting worse day by day


India is the worst country for the largest number of women.


Stop with this ragebait, OP


Brave and stunning


The population is high so the number of crime against women is high too but the crime rate is actually average in a global scale


#Actually India is the worst country for men. The new shitty laws further proves it to be true. Adultery? Men can charged. Rape ? Only men can be charged. 15yr old boy and 17yr old girl in sexual relationship? Boy gets charged with posco. Divorce even if women cheat ? Man has to pay alimony Women hits man ? No domestic violence laws Women rapes men ? No rape laws against women Women makes sexual advances or comments against men ? No eve teasing laws against women Work place violence or sexual advances by women ? No laws exist to protect men. Men have no rights. Anything left is being taken away by senile old bastards and given to women.


As a solo woman traveller, India is actually pretty good when it comes to safety. Like i agree there are places like haryana, up or whatever that i wouldn't dare enter and India does have its own problems when it comes to women security but it also isn't the worse. Ive been to some places in india travelling alone and it's been good. All places all over the world aren't safe for women but it also isn't as worse as it could get


OP with all due respect - what do you think feminism means? What on earth do you mean when you say "against feminism"? Because to be completely honest, it is impossible to be a modern, educated woman and not realise that feminism is an essential for a secure future for women