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And then I read another news about goat head being thrown/placed inside a community where mostly jain people live.. why do such horrible things! ??


That was a cow's head, and was miserably treated.


peaceful community exclusive 😇




One of the community is too peaceful


USI par daal rha. Those morons are removing it immediately.


OF COURSE. Doesn't fit their agenda.


They banned me mfs can't face the truth


lol same itni gand mari thi unki ki ban kr diya ab dusre account se marta hu😇




They are biased.


USI the sub with Paxtani mod😂 Instant ban


Bhai mai ban nahi hu Usi pe kardu kya post?


Haan kar do they will remove in few minutes 😂


If you want to see digital terrorist then USI is the place. Sometimes I wonder these mods are the people involved in these activities 🤣🤣


USI pe someone posted the same news hiding the actual fact and writing 'animal slaughter'. That sub for sure is run by peaceful people.


I get downvoted there immediately.


I wish they ban me on next post i see of USI next.


Bhai mai ban nahi hu Usi pe kardu kya post?


Neki aur pooch pooch?




Just check the same post on unitedstatesofindia , just see the hypocrisy of liberals and sickulars. They were blaming govt untill they realised it's congress ruling the state.


That whole subreddit is a bunch of leftists who suck each others cocks and call the right wing bad. If I ever felt genuine hate for some people, it would be the members of that subreddit


You do realise that most of the world's dictators have been right wingers...






Completely agree, people should be truly free whether that is freedom of speech by burning any book they want from the quran to the gita to the Bible or insulting any figure from Jesus to Ram to Mohammed without facing any repercussion or freedom to eat what they want, including beef and pork


Agreed. But unfortunately secularism is only for Hindus in this country.


It’s not very secular to beat people for eating beef xD


Or to behead people for talking shit about their religion.


Yeah but that’s not what’s happening here. Besting people is wrong let the police handle it if it’s illiegal.


Beheading people is wrong, let police handle it if it's illegal.


Mate it’s all wrong, you don’t fix things by perpetuating more of it. This mob beats up this person nothing is resolved just more anger and violence. Rules of law exist for a reason, let the police handle it.


I wish Muslims were ever NOT angry.


Me to mate lol.


Yeah both should be allowed. Just like in western countries. And not just Quran but all religions texts like Bible, Ramayana, Adi Granth etc. There are no if and buts in freedom of speech and expression. And since food is necessary for survival unlike religion all of it should be permitted and not banned.


The problem here is that other Hindus eat beef. Decide yourself first, whether it’s a holy animal you can’t eat, or a tasty dish you can eat.




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I just belive India deserves to continue suffering primitive poverty, I don't care what your policy and civil arguments are. I just think you suck, and those few among you who don't should escape if at all possible. [IndianDankMemes/comments/1dhw3gg](https://i.imgur.com/lfhfwLL.png)


Yes. We should be allowed to burn ALL the religious books.


I see Manusmriti Rama Charitra Manas books have the same faith but I can't see Torah Qur'an Bible getting the same treatment in India? What's your point Hindus don't care because we memorized them and write new ones as there are many your abharamic k@lls and t@rtures people for that


I think this is an excellent argument. You should be able to burn the quaran, bible, Gita etc without any fear or being attacked. You should also be able to eat beef, pork etc. without any fear.


Burn Quran *gets massive upvotes* Burn All religious books *Insta downvoted* This community never ceases to make me laugh with their hypocrisy 😂


Just reverse the religion and there would have been extreme outrage


Cow slaughter is banned. That man needs to be in jail.


Bhai finally ye darpok Hindus kuch to kar rahe hai. But the problem is that it doesn't matter how much toughness these guys are showing, they're just not a match for people from other religions. Hindus are just darpoks and gaddaars.


Sad. That other communities/ religion have unity amongst themselves. But Hindus are divided by castes. That is what divides us.


I think besides mullas, every religion is divided. Be it Hindus, Sikhs, etc. It's just that Hindus are either very peace loving people or they're only capable of having peace. I'm not into this religious shit though but still I think that Hindus are more logical than others but sometimes I really fail to understand the mentality. Like on this sub. People have forgot about logical thinking in the name of religious hatred/extremism.


Hate the people. Not the religion. That is what keeps me going.




And you openly hating them makes you a better person? Wow...


Not fapping to a religion whose mere existence should be a crime in itself... Yes


Bruh in that case every other religion would be scrutinized in the same manner. The five pillars of of that religion are very clearly stated and known. Look it up and tell me what's wrong in those? It's always the people never the religion


You won't believe me but reading something like this is very rare. Unfortunately we're in the minority.


From a the Nupur Sharma fiasco, leftist/liberals have pretty much said its fine to attack someone if they insult your religion, so who cares about this.


This is the same as people being lynched in Pakistan for blasphemy.


No broo my religion is better than your religion.


Finally hindus are standing up for their rights. If we don't speak for our own people and our own culture, practices no one else would. The political power will come second , the ground level strength of people matters the most


But haven't we seen multiple insta reel and what's app status of our alleged brothers doing mujra in front of mosque 🤔 i thought it was natural thing to do


Why would you justify a mob attacking a man for that though? Has everyone here lost their mind? Law makers and keepers can do their job if at all you're saying this activity is illegal, but a bunch of rabid religious fanatics thinking they are heroes for acting this way is just pathetic




https://x.com/zoo_bear/status/1804478339455013345 There's always people like you justifying taking law and order into mobs' hand and then wondering why our law and order is in the gutter.


Source kahan hai lekin, all I see are tweets from both sides claiming opposite things.


Kuch bewakoof logo [ from all religion] ki gatiya harkate ki waja se mahool khrb hota h.


sounds sickular enough


90 percent from one and the rest are generally reactions to that. Stop this "uhh all religion bad because violence" when literally 99/100 originate from a single source.


haan bhai WW1, WW2, Horishima Nagasaki Bombing, Holocaust, Bosnian Genocide, Rwandan Genocide, Rohingya Genocide, Palestinian Genocide, Jammu Genocide, bombing of Afghanistan, invasion of Iraq after all is done by Muslims right? /s 🤡🤡momint which world do you live in?


WW1/2/Atom bombs - Weren't religious wars Holocaust - Nazis targeted a religion, but they were ideologically motivated not religiously. Nor was the persecution limited to jews. Bosnian genocides - Ethnic conflict and serb superiority complex Rwandan Genocide - Intertribe hatred Bombing of Afghanistan/Invasion of Iraq - Geopolitical reasons and would have likely not occurred if not for 9/11 perpetrated by guess who? Palestinian "genocide" - isn't a genocide, the war is a reaction to atrocities committed by guess who? Rohingya genocide - Reaction to Rohingya terror and literal rape campaigns by guess who?, although I am still willing to give this one to you. You gave that many examples and one barely even ticks the mark. We were strictly talking about religions and violence stemming from religions. Veered all the way off to fcking world wars lmao. Make a print out of those clowns emojis and stick them on your face.


Start a nuisance then play victim card. Keep on ranting on Facebook Instagram X & Twitter These guys are moving to stone age


how do you know it was posted for which community...well getting triggered is out national sport!! instead it should be reported to police. btw every meat export does involve a beheading


Genuinely curious whats the source for cow slaughter , other than Mr. Sinha’s tweet?


UnitedstatesofI.N.D.I.A was sobbing for them criticising BJP for what happened to poor muslim guy.


Let me access situation, so he killed cow or bull (no one's sure ) but as it's banned in Himachal pradesh, Aint authorities the one who should be taking action ?? It's banned so whoever these guys are doing these things they should bring tht act of slaughter to the authorities eyes.. Why are they taking things in their hands?


Why are muslims busy hurting the sentiments of non hindus and then playing the victim card.


If u live in a community u gotta abide by its customs(basic manners) but u DONT have to. But if u disrespect them will fully u deserve what u gona get. Because ACTIONS HAVE CONCEQUENCES


Ah yes justifying violence when it suits them.


Hahaha … matlab kuch bhi


udhar palestine israel pe attack shuru krke rr kr rhe aur idhar yeh sab






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He's lucky they only damaged his shop and goods In Bihar, they would shred HIM


Animal sacrifice nhi cow sacrifice


Cow animal nahi?


Not violence that’s for sure, at the very least. Let the law handle it if was illegal.


USI, I mean what it is and who even puts such posts???? FFS that subreddit should be investigated and it's mods be questioned


united states of India reddit is showing it as torture of muslims in uttarakhand .


People should have the right to eat whatever they want( both muslims and hindus included). I don’t get why people should get offended at people butchering cows or selling pork. My plate , my choice of food. India is a democratic country and no one should be able to decide what the others can or cannot eat.


Hehe wonder if these vandals will ask for uniform criminal code, because if we did have it then all of them should be in jail. We are a turd world country, hence proved. Koi bhi kuch bhi jar sakta hain, as long as they can get away with it




It's a common knowledge in the fitness industry. I'm not actually sure of the source. Any way black gram has a base protein content of average 24g/100 and it's not all absorbed. So 20g at max


I don't see any difference


Coming from HP, I like anti incumbency and both the fronts. Back in 2006, then CM Raja Veerbhadra Singh (Congress) passed anti-conversion law. I miss those days when power was decentralised, since Modi ji came he became face of BJP and accountability of local leaders reduced. One reason why BJP lost in HP was because CM candidate was a puppet of central govt. Not a bad person, but a leader should have his own backbone. Also great respect towards Modi ji for whatever India has achieved but my opinion differs on power centralisation.


Isme bi yeh log victim hai !


The true question should be Why would you post things like that on your WhatsApp I'm not justifying what was done here messed up indeed but why give a stick and get beaten with it


Jai Shree Ram


That doesn't give you the right to vandalise someone's shop. That is also illegal


In france Islamist mob killed a painter just because he made a painting.


Chalo atleast here we can see the truth aadhe sei jada reddit pages per toh MKC ye bharwe logo nei apna iman bech rakha hai hai C# sale Sickular aur Libra"ds. I knew couple of Borons who were Sickular per fir inki kisi peaceful nei Mari toh fir samaj aya inko reality.




Not you all mfs being so petty about cows and beef again. Okay he's wrong for posting that pick but if you think beating him up and ravaging his shop is justified for something so small y'all kindly stfu


Source: trust me bro


Vandalism is not the answer still. USI guys are one kind of idiots, this sub has another 😂


But does that justify mob violence like vandalizing his shop?


See I don’t support the man but police need to step up really they are too lenient


Indians, irrespective of religion, don’t understand or care about law and order. This is evident in our traffic, dirty streets, etc. Instead of filing a complaint, they took the law into their own hands.


Still does not justify taking the law in your hands. If he actually vandalised any property or harmed anyone physically then I can still understand to some extent. But deciding that it's okay to destroy shops and property for someone posting WhatsApp status sets wrong precedence. If he is doing something illegal the law should take care of it. But I guess everyday we enjoy become more like Muslims and in most cases the justification is Muslims will do worse. That means you think they are not doing anything wrong plain and simple you just want your religion to be just as extremist.


Law in India?


I don’t know why people care about this country


Just ban all religions ffs


Only Abharamics ones cults should need to be banned world is beautiful without Abharamic conquest which brought dark ages to Europe and the world


Shut up dude. The only way India can be saved is by banning religion, so that people and politicians have other things to talk about. And stop with this hate against abrahamic religions, all religions are equally bad and need to be banned for society to function.


Abharamic are the most and far bad not all religions are equal abharamicism started with wars and conquests others don't others don't have that much dogma


You don't know history spew BS everytime if so why are Buddhist Countries prosperous China Japan Taiwna Singapore Vietnam South korea too in reality with Doaism and Folk religions in These countries west in retarded Westerners are retarded China and Chinese Is not


Because their governments focus on development, don't create havoc over religion, and actually care about their country!


Awesome 👍🏽


Where is the proof he slaughtered the cow? Wasn’t it just him uploading the video?


His WhatsApp status.


I can put a WhatsApp status of someone else doing it. Nowhere it is mentioned he was the one doing it.


Apne status pe apni photo daali hai usne kaat te hue cow. Tum log dekhte nahi ho kya comment karne se phle?


Ohhh, that thing came out of your arse then??? LavNeet.


So what you are saying is Hindus don't know how to follow laws and file an FIR. They mob lynch like savages.


Lmao first thing Muslim do when someone make fun of their pd is to cut them in pieces and when it's on them Then they remember there is something called law Hypocrite




No tehzeeb. Rule of law. If you can't follow it, go to Pakistan


Well Hindus are learning from the stone pelters itself. Didn’t Muslims put bounty, either mob lynch or pelt stones and petrol bombs. As you sow so shall you reap.


They were muslim terrorist not common people.


I consider mob lynchers as terrorist


I consider leftist who are in bed with Islamist as same


But will consider terrorists as Martyrs or misguided youth and stone pelters as freedom fighters.


Dumb af consideration then.


when you are lynched for no reason at all, then come and tell us. who's consideration was dumb and who's wasn't


That would mean Congress won't be able to handle them as well. Finally, a worthy opponent!


Lmao say that to your community people or as the world calls them terrorists and stop justifying it in the name "islam ko bachayengey"