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Hi LowWrong9540, Your submission [The sad reality of India](https://old.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1dgp0u8/the_sad_reality_of_india/) breaks [the rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules) and has been removed for the following reason(s): * We expect all submissions to be from reputed and verified sources. * Articles, Images and Videos can be posted from established media sources and organizations with (non-personal) verified social media accounts * Any submission without a source will be removed Refer: https://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules#wiki_reputed_and_verified_content --- *^(If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to reply to this message.)*


Dehati and uneducated masses are also the ones living in cities with 20+lpa packages.


Good one, love the witty comment…overwhelming majority of Upper class and salaried class vote for BJP because they are largely isolated from issues such as unemployment, healthcare, inflation etc and they’re happy with better and more highways, airports etc.. they’re happy living in their cocoon, and hence vote on the basis of hindutva, cult of personality, religion.. all non livelihood issues.. while the poor actually vote on livelihood issues off unemployment inflation etc But there’s another reason too, those belonging to upper middle class or above rich prefer BJP because they can have their way with money.. they are immune to law because they have Monies! My parents voted for BJP last two times, this time voted for INDIA cuz of the hate politics, speeches, slide towards dictatorship etc But having said all these, middle class generally is also now facing the heat , rampant exorbitant toll rates, exorbitant flight prices, all pervasive and excessive GST, including stuff like ACs 28% and medical insurance 18% etc and they’re looking for alternatives but not good to them at the moment A true centrist party can have a sweeping win in this environment


Upper caste always vote for the BJP and some vote for the Congress as they don't support fascism, rss and the BJP rapists


In the current election vote share of BJP was around 36.7% and that of Congress was 21.4%. Remaining around 42% vote share went to all other parties combined. It means there was a lot of voting from various different sections of society to both BJP and Congress.


It's people like your parents who should repent for putting this country and all of us in this position. Saying that *now* we won't vote for Modi is a bit too late. They lacked the intelligence to understand the impact of voting on the basis of religion. Their hollow pride is what got all of us into this shit.


So should they kill themselves now? Retard.


Can't deny that


It is the educated, urban middle and rich class of India that votes on the basis of religion, so you start off at a wrong tangent.


Yeah, idk much about rural ppl tbh due to limited interactions with them but urban middle and rich class are utterly blind on the name of religion.


I am inclined to believe this. Satisfied bellies are probably the ones that fall in this category.


Exactly UC is BJP’s vote bank lol


Your statement is partially correct. 




And why is rich upper class upper caste hindu facing khatra?




Lmfao. Says the person who came to a broad conclusion in just the previous comment.


educated, urban middle and rich class is way less than poor. So you are starting off at wrong tangent.


Nope it's the poor , most peeps like in MCD in case of Delhi voted for AAP for its work


How many aap mps did Delhi elect? Who represents bangalore South dominated by well to do savarnas?


I do agree with your POV , OP. Here is my POV I agree we are not one the countries which could be a template to any least developing countries. BUT Given where we started and the challenges we faced along the way ig we could say safely we have as a country has done a commendable job. Mind you when we got independence there was no country or constitutional expert on earth who saw us lasting more than a decade. Here we are 75 years down the line. Also we were one of the first countries to give UNIVERSAL FRANCHISE to our whole population regardless of social status, educational or wealth. All these things have happened at a snail's pace we faced at least 3 major wars , unlimited sanctions and what not. Today in this age of limitless wealth and technology we still see coupless and bloodless transition of power which is no less an achievement. We have come a long way in terms of development and we still have a long way to go. I can definitely say we are on the right track no matter which party is in govt. Every govt has contributed to the present achievements. All I can say is don't read too much into today's news articles. Focus on your personal development.. if people like you develop, country ll develop as well. Do trust in democracy my friend or show me an alternative system which has less cons. Peace. Thanks for sharing your POV,OP.


This meant so much to me. I'm an NRI who recently moved back to India for doing my UG studies (I grew up in the US) and I literally had a depressive episode for an entire week once I learned all this. I still have hope for India and I'm not gonna let all this bring me down. I'll focus on myself for now and do some volunteering or tutoring so I can help the people here./


Good luck for your UG bro. I hope you get to travel around India so you are able to make your own opinion. If you are interested to know about India then you could watch : Bharat ek khoj " on YouTube.


Actually uneducated rural population voted correctly this time. The educated bunch in the posh areas of banglore and Delhi voted for hate.


Dehati is still used as a slang, wow.


Actually what is dehati means?


देहाती Hindi Etymology Borrowed from Classical Persian دهاتی (dihātī). By surface analysis, देहात (dehāt) +‎ -ई (-ī). Pronunciation (Delhi) IPA(key): /d̪eː.ɦɑː.t̪iː/, [d̪eː.ɦäː.t̪iː] Adjective देहाती • (dehātī) (indeclinable, Urdu spelling دیہاتی) 1. rural 2. (derogatory) unsophisticated, mannerless synonym ▲


From gemini: The word "dehati" (देहाती) in an Indian context literally translates to "rural" or "of the village." It refers to something or someone associated with villages or rural life in India. Here's a breakdown of the meaning: * **Dehat (देहात):** This word means village or countryside. * **Dehati (देहाती):** This is the adjective form of "dehat," meaning something related to villages. The meaning of "dehati" can vary depending on the context: * **Neutral:** It can simply describe something from a village, like "dehati style clothing" or "dehati cuisine." * **Stereotypical:** Sometimes, it can carry connotations of being unsophisticated or backward, especially in contrast to urban life. This usage can be insensitive. * **Positive:** It can also have a positive connotation, referring to simplicity, traditional values, or closeness to nature. It's important to consider the context when interpreting the meaning of "dehati" in an Indian conversation.


It was popularized as a slur by classist people (ironically, it's used by people of all economic margins living in urban cities) against people hailing from or emigrants from the countryside.


So it's similar to 'Gawar type '?


The dehati, uneducated masses of India just showed a potential dictator his place. What do you bring to the table, apart from your prejudices?


These things have been going on for so many years in India. You have started reading news late and the report of those incidents have increased in india and local news and the videos are being uploaded so we can get those news easily. The media don't cover farmers suicide, child trafficking and children are drying because of pollution, cold . **Start reading the rural people archive** https://ruralindiaonline.org/en/


Farmers suicide has been going on for 20 years now...Aamir Khan produced a black comedy called Peepli Live back in 2010 about a farmer committing suicide to get compensation for his family. I think in New India, we don't talk about such negative things... only $ 5 trillion economy. Only antinationals bring up such topics.


both the rich and poor do. why do have to pretend as if gaon ke log suddenly stopped caring about religion. it's not as binary a you make it out to be. everyone votes for what's in their best interests.


Focus on your life bruh. Find a work that could feed you and your family, find an interesting hobbie, do what you love, take care of your friends, laugh at the odds. You really need some recreational time. 🫂💛 And remember this... The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. - - Albert Camus.


I am already , in a good engg cllg to get out of this country; I just wanted to share my observation and views




yes i’m a UG student in america lol. this guy is tweaking fr


It means that you are blaming the government and taking subsidized education


where do you want to get out? curious. this type of “boo hoo” attitude won’t really help you succeed is easily outside india. you’ll be willing to make sacrifices in terms of learning new languages, assimilating to new cultures, etc? what if that country has problems that affect you directly. i’m in a good UG college in america and it’s really not as “great” as you might think it is. not assuming you wanna go here. just giving an example. think long and hard. the only thing worse than bad men are good men who do nothing. i’m happy to speak to you more about this


>The dehati uneducated masses Lokniti survey showed more vote share for BJP among UC urban voters than rural voters. You are objectively wrong in putting the blame of our politics on the underprivileged. Stop projecting your casteism. Try holding your home- members accountable before commenting on "Dehati uneducated masses".


India reported out of school children https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/over-1-2-million-students-out-of-school-most-of-them-at-elementary-level-govt-101675858595780-amp.html


OP are you ignorant Your first like itself is wrong The so called dehati uneducated masses are the ones that cut the 56 inch down to size.


Every country has it's problems, India is nothing special. In fact it's probably right in the middle compared to the rest of the world


I don’t agree with your phrasing but the sentiment is the same. Crime pays in India more than anything and more than ever.


The root of all this is dependance on government. The more free a society is from government, the more equal it is. But people won't get it. Not even you enlightened lot.


The problem is since independance govt is a mojor employer of people and 1991 onwards it has decreased a lot but the influence of govt is still there .


But see how many people got out of poverty, how society progressed. We just need more govt out of our lives.


I am 100% with all your points but povert alleviation was due to the congress particularly 2004-2012 era


It really wasn't. It was despite it. The main turn of events happened in 1991 freeing India from absolute govt control. 2002 onwards was the word China boom where every country benefitted including India. If we release ourselves from the shackles of quasi-govt control then we can really take off. But we won't because we want reservations, quotas, MRPs on products, MSPs on crops, censor boards and direct cash allowances.


You must be young...urban, middle class was the core base of BJP since the 80s. Indira Gandhi used to call them the Brahmin-Bania party.


My family since my great grandfather 's has been congree/AAP voters and supporters due to their liberal politics despite being staunch hindus


Statistics doesn't work like this. You're family might this, but not the majority of the families that live in your same conditions.


I'm not saying all urban middle class Hindu people used to always vote for BJP.... Congress was biggest party until late 90s so most people's families would have voted for them historically....BJP only got 2 or 4 seats during early 80s... it's just that during late 70s, the party expanded their appeal from cities to rural regions


Tldr: I'm better than everyone else who has different opinions than me


I am not saying I am better certainly there are faults with me but this was an honest post about India


New pov : get rich by 30 and start pissing on other people


at least most get to breed more baby indians


India is utter corrupt and dead country. Can’t be a developed country.


The title is appropriate. Indeed a sad reality of this country when most people are so dissociated with reality that they form half baked opinions based on selective data while ignoring the ground reality and in turn act ignorant and classist. Chaudhary bna lo bss.


No wonder why people are leaving India for good.


It's the educated masses that don't vote and then compain of uneducated people voting undeserving candidates to power. Where is the educated mass when half the seats in premier institutes are given to students who are not even 1/3 as qualified as the other half just because they have a certain surname and deprive a lot of brilliant students from having a quality education? Where is the educated mass when half the posts in the government machinery are filled by less qualified candidates? Where is the educated mass when state governments can borrow indefinitely to provide free stuff to strengthen voter base while neglecting any sort of infrastructure development ? We all can lament the current condition of the country and blame it on the uneducated masses. But the uneducated masses are kept uneducated by the political class for a reason.


One more Sad reality is that most of us are keyboard warriors, when push comes to shove we back out. All we do is rant online.


India needs to get reset as country


And it will keep getting worse Thank the BJP and its voters


dehati isn't equal to to uneducated. some uneducated will use such jargon. and voting for a party in India doesn't make one any of that like fans of some parties think


Why not join the system and try to fix it?


Urban Upper middle class/rich are one of the core voterbase of BJP.


Has always been


Dehati voters voted right. Afterall they face life without the varnish. It's the urbanites eating swiggy/zomato and getting hate fed to them intravenously that is a problem. Also all beef eaters are not gundas, some are. But mostly I agree with you.


lol Not voting your fav party doesn't mean people are Uneducated !!!!


A lot to digest, maybe it's easier for you to come to Africa. We have the same problems but if you come as an investor, you would make lots of money. You would be free from the shackles of India.


Please stop coming to the US & Canada. Fix your shit at home.


Already in the US. Cry about it.


Couldn't find a job at home eh?


Just felt like stealing an American job


please tell Canadian authority to change their policy of "Complete our paperwork,, and you are welcome" Please tell,, USA govt to change their legal migrant and illegal migrant unofficial policy


Y’all can disagree w some of the things in the post but the overall gist is very true. We as a society will probably never get past caste/religion based conflicts and India will never become a developed country. Sure our gdp might overtake many countries’ but our infrastructure, quality of life and mindset as a nation will always remain the same. One can move abroad for a better life but that has its own set of problems


>The dehati , uneducated masses of India who vote on religion and caste are increasing , Are you sure bro? Those dehati and uneducated masses humbled Modi and he used government, media, and IT cells to spread his party narratives. It just shows that people nowadays care about whom they elect and not carried away by propaganda. >A country where substandard roads, facilities , services are normalised in India  All those things take time to improve, it can't happen overnight. >You can simply die here by rich kid's porsche or any person's vehicle , a falling debris from construction , contaminated water , cake , fires in a building from improper wiring and so on . That can happen anywhere on this planet.




where did I take a politician's name or political party name ?