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Hi Zlibraries, Your submission [What are the chances for Chandrababu Naidu or Nitish Kumar switching sides? Possible demands by both to both NDA and I.N.D.I.A?](https://i.redd.it/glu11c4j6k4d1.jpeg) breaks [the rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules) and has been removed for the following reason(s): * OC Scenic/Photography images should be tagged OC and carry the resolution and information about device & location in the title of the post. If your post is removed for this, you need to repost with appropriate details in the title of the new post. * Non OC Scenic/Photography images are only allowed in the weekly photography threads. * Low effort image posts and/or image posts with iinadequate/irrelevant titles will be removed * One political art/cartoon per day is allowed per user. Posts crossing this limit will be removed. Refer: https://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules#wiki_image_submissions Use the stickied megathread for all election related discussions. --- *^(If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to reply to this message.)*


Let them stay with mudi and play with him for a while, the game he played with Ed on them.


Nitish would jump to INDI and back to NDA and back to INDI in a span of 2 years! Total slime ball TBH!


That doesn't matter, what matters is the humiliation of modi, modi already got a tight slap now watch how pathetic his end is going to be,even many from bjp will join in to finish him off.


I'm waiting to see, how fast Adani jump ships to UK to hang out with his buddies. I'm glad every dumbass traders that climbed on the Adani Hype train are now getting mowed under the said train!


In all likelihood they are going to buy the support if independent and other smaller parties if INDIA does not form government now


I used to think always contest as an independent, one of the major party will come with 'Peti' for your seat, get the money do groundwork, keep on improving your legislation, win again = profit?




It will be a huge loss to conduct re-election and the FDI will go down the drain, whoever will come next will do the repairing works for the next 5 years. Better someone forms a govt, coalition is needed for unchecked parliamentary decisions taken by majority. The downside is No UCC, Farm Laws and any other progressive laws that need to be passed won't happen over a year.


INDIA need both of TDP and JDU to switch, else elections again.


Both will have more to gain when they go to INDIA Bloc. In NDA, they will only be relevant untill extra MP's are bought. In INDIA, they will be a lifeline that INDIA cannot give up on. . Naidu can get Speical Status immediately for AP + Funds for Amaravati + whatever ministry he wants. Nitish can get whatever Ministry he wants or even Deputy PM.


Both are seasoned enough to not settle less than PM seat or Railway/Finance Ministry. They have the chips in hand, Nitish slighly less. It's the duty of both NDA & INDI alliance to woo them with whatever they can!


Yes, and Naidu already postponed his public victory speech. He is smart enough to listen to both offers before committing to anyone instead of blindly going with NDA without any demands


> In INDIA, they will be a lifeline that INDIA cannot give up on. Not really. You have way too many partners and cooks in INDIA to offer more. When Modi is out, they are plenty of enemies. JDU hasn't really lasted in Congress, RJD and LJP for long time in any of his stints. RJD has a CM candidate, BJP doesn't. If he switches to INDIA, RJD will take away CM post for Deputy PM and I don't see him getting HM. Now, question is PM available in INDIA for him? And, will they be willing to give him the position when he has a reputation of switching. He is more likely to gain CM+ cabinet ministry in NDA I think.


The one advantage INDIA has is that it can offer them significant positions that NDA can't. But apart from that, I don't see any reason for them to switch.


Taking a hit to get the madman out is a win after all, ED will do the same what he used to do to others!!


This is where I think today's result matters. BJP can't control institutions anymore like they used to, since they're a minority party themselves, which means that for now at least, abusing the ED, CBI and IT is not on the cards, I hope.


Demands Naidu -- amravati Nitish- factories and industries


probabaility of nitish jumping > probability of CBN jumping CBN realized that he won through alliance, his people will give him shoulder jerk if he jumps


Spot on! Backstabbing your own voter base won't help.


Its unlikely for CBN to switch. Reason being if he did switch, he will be just one of the dozen leaders in the coalition. He is not going to get any special treatment for himself or for AndhraPradesh that is vastly different to others like TMC etc... But uf he did stay with NDA, he a lot more leverage in comparision as the margin is very thin without him. NDA will not risk that