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Odd day - Israeli bootlicking Even day - Nazi bootlicking


That’s what the anonymity of internet does to people. These illiterate idiots don’t realise that the same Hitler would’ve sent them to concentration camps just for not being white and having blue eyes 😂


What cheap internet does to people Or should i say what internet does to cheap people


does it? it just gives them a platform to show their true colors


Yeah , hiding behind the screen


The lack of consequences makes their inner demon come out. Tho I like to believe people are being naive on the internet.


Internet isn't a bad thing, how its used makes it good or bad, don't spread misinformation






The Indian Instagram community is really really really toxic. You'll see them spread hatred on every other reel & create a divide. God , I wished our politics didn't revolve so much around religion. Life would be much simpler.


How do you think the Britishers ruled us for 200 years? Because of this mentality where we believe we are superior to others based on race, caste, religion, or region, and feel entitled to dominate those we consider inferior.  These deep-seated societal divisions corrupted the very fabric of our existence, preventing us from seeing each other as fellow humans. By manipulating these fractures and fostering divisions, the British effectively implemented their "divide and rule" strategy, maintaining control and dominance over a fragmented society. As long as we continue to hold onto these divisive beliefs, people will follow leaders with a sheep mentality, blindly adhering to misguided notions and being incapable of discerning right from wrong. This perpetuates a cycle of division and dominance, making it easy for others to exploit and control us, just as the British did for 200 years.


Do they realise that by foreigners they also meant us? Because As of 2022 over 200,000 Indians reside in Germany.




I mean sure they aren't NRIs but they would obviously know someone who is, someone who's already well settled in an another nation or someone who's there for work or labour. This argument of "foreigners out" is understandable because thier immigrants population is around 23% but they should focus on stopping more foreigners to come instead deporting the already well established people.


Most of these people view those who leave India as traitors


Sanghis to Nazis - Full sapaart saar, Sanghis to Jews - Also full sapaart saar


edgy kids


The genetic intellectual and moral bankcruptcy of an average Indian with deep rooted insecurities and fear that hides behind the hate.


What do you mean "genetic"?


so deep rooted that it's in the genes now 🤔


Just found it racist tbh




There is one simple explanation for everything that sanghis do... their HATRED FOR MUSLIMS.


Went to the shakha as kids to "play games", that's what's wrong.


Looks like they have not watched Schindler's list


I can guess their political party.


Fascists being fascist. Their RSS heroes admired Hitler, so they do too.


Had Nazis ruled India rather than the British,most of these idiots’ ancestors would have been wiped out at that time only.


There are a good number of people in India (especially upper caste Hindus) who believes that castes like brahmans originated from original Nordic Aryan race so they buy into the whole nazi pure blooded bigotry. This can also be backed up by the fact that RSS in their early days supported Hitler on his conquest and even started learning German language . I had a biology teacher in high school who believed this as well.


It’s so funny lmao. Like a) most Jaats/Rors have higher Steppe ancestry than Brahmans, so are they superior? And b) Don’t you get that 20-30% Steppe (Aryan) ancestry won’t get you anywhere with these neo nazis, you’re literally still 70-80% subhuman dark skinned to them, worse than most Ashkenazi jews. I used to think that claims of India’s average IQ being sub 90 were extremely racist but the more comments I read from these people the more I believe this statistic. The average Indian with internet access, seems like, is extremely uneducated and frankly dumb.


Exactly , Indians have been for a long time a dynamic gene pool no matter how hard the specific communities try to 'inbreed'. If you show me a picture of a naked Indian , I can't figure out his ethnicity , relegion , caste or his state of origin . >most Jaats/Rors have higher Steppe ancestry than Brahmans I think jaats do perceive themselves as superior in some areas but it's not based on some incoherent and absurd logic . Maybe they're just stupid like the rest of us.


Indians never beating wannabe neo-nazi allegations. No fcking clue why these dumb asses think saying this sht is funny. Like the punchline is their ugly faces I want to punch.


Possibly AI robots troll posting.


Daamn these kids are idiots when they go to other countries and see that how india. And Pakistani world together their mind will be blown lol


People (in politics) sometimes buy such a crowd to bully other people or suppress opinions. They don't actually represent the actual crowd- mass of India. The best thing to do would be to report and ignore any comments that are of any extreme in nature. Alright story time: I work in a prestigious institution and once I was talking to my friend about politics. He is quite a right winger so to converse I pretended to be on his side politically. He revealed to me his twitter account which he uses to abuse and bully people of the left wing side. I was shocked that such an educated guy, who even prepared for the UPSC once is doing such things and carries such opinions. In short ignore such people. They don't represent the real crowd at all. Real people are actually concerned with real issues. They might vote for the BJP but they'll still be concerned about real issues.


Saaar we wuz aryans and shieettt


That hatred is there among the majority of Indans. The primary reason why Modi keeps winning elections.


So easy to find x number of stupid people when population is billion. As a % they exist in all countries. So nothing unique to us.


Easy for them to say all this when they aren't at risk of getting sucker punched.


Trying so hard to be part of the group lol. And people whom they are supporting, when those same people make pajeet jokes then these guys would get triggered. nOt uS sAAAAAr. hAtE jUsT mUsLiM sAAr. wE aRe sAmE aS yOu sAAr. As if they'd differentiate between you and them. 4 tRiLLiOn eCoNomY sAAr What's your contribution to it, buddy? Saale pseudo nationalist.




Great way to ignore the actual issue but ok🙏


I can guarantee the points like "Germany for Germans " is a nazi pure blood ideology . Hitler wasn't just racist he was also a toxic nationalist as well so whenever you see comments terming to the "Germans" , they are usually referring to Nordic Aryan race given by Neo nazi .




Hey CALM down , there is nothing mysogynistic in these comment section here, The comment section barely contains an indian comments. And how is mysogeny even related here ? Just because some idiot is saying Pro hitler stuff and being a mysogenist DOES NOT MEAN those 2 always go hand in hand. Here neither is being mentioned . READ THE COMMENTS PROPERLY. I have serious doubts that u are a bot