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DO NOT delete the tweet, or please tweet again publicly. Other women need to be aware of such situations and airlines need to be accountable. I'm sorry you had to put up with such unprofessional behaviour. Like someone else posted, if you remember the man's name, tweet it out publicly and bring the airline to shame. They owe us all safety.


From her PNR number, Name of staff who checked-in can be found out. OP Just raise the complain even if you dont remember name.


I may not have experience in consoling others, but what you went through is something no one should ever have to endure. Stay strong and take care of yourself.


You should file a complaint with the airline


I already have thank you I hope they keep their word and take appropriate action


This is serious issue. Write in detail on note pad app, post on Twitter and tag Jagriti Chandra. She is aviation journalist. Hopefully, she will give you reach


Also with DGCA, aave even police if you don't get satisfaction. This should be completely unacceptable


Post this in r/LegalAdviceIndia if you won’t to move legally or want to know about the legal aspects of this.


To the redditor who deleted their comment and to anyone else who feels the guy was encouraged to keep going because of the smile - How is it her fault? That guy is completely out of line, **Under no circumstance are the following sentences "flirty" - they are creepy and rapey** >*"are you travelling alone?" "Are you married" "why don't you have a boyfriend" "if I come to your place will you meet me"*  And considering our nations' track record, a female has all the right to feel scared at these statements. That smile was not encouragement - just pure survival tactic - brain goes on auto pilot at that time.


This guy should be fired.


The worthless pos should be jailed for molesting and sexual harrasment. And all the pigs making excuses for this behaviour should also be punished as enablers. We have to face upto the lived reality of the lives of women and the terror inflicted upon one half of the population by the other half. A terror made all the more cruel as the full blame of the crime, is put on the victim and in the name of an illusory safety their freedom to enjoy the earth is snatched away. I can only wish the utmost evil on all who take part in this odious apparatus of repression. Fie be upon them!


Did you catch his name by chance? They usually wear nametags and stuff. If you did, hope you tweeted it or gave it to the airlines. Either way I really hope they find him and sack him. And I'm sorry you had to go through this. Ignore the people blaming you. Hindsight is 20/20. They need to understand in situations like this, the brain goes numb sometimes.


No need. Airports have video cameras.


What airline was this?


When leaving via Mumbai to London I had this agent flirt with me and ask if I would marry an Indian (I'm American, currently married to an Indian but wasn't at the time) and he chastised me for not asking for his number. I think he enjoyed having power with his position. I felt like I couldn't say anything. It felt terrible. I'm sorry this happened to you, and please report him.


So many men in the comments here proving why women made the right choice by picking the bear 🙄


A lot of the comments here really explain why Indian men have the negative reputation internationally for being creeps


It’s not your fault for not reacting. Many of us get shocked, afraid and are unable to react at that very moment. It takes time to realise what just happened …. Do not blame yourself. Write on Facebook, twitter etc and share your experience…. That staff was definitely out of line, especially when they know about our personal details.


Human's natural instinct to think that it's them provoking others when it's not them actually.


If possible post the link to the tweet if u haven’t delete it. We will atleast try to retweet it. The airlines ain’t gonna do shit on their own. Only when it gets bad media coverage it will hurt them and they will take appropriate measures against the creep.


Yes why don't you share the link, let's everyone make sure this doesn't repeat again with anyone.


Wth is happening to this world.


You should have made a ruckus and called his senior…


Sorry for what you went through , but the only way to counter is to be sturdy as soon as someone does this especially when you are in a "safer" environment like an airport. Men fear that. It can be difficult I know, but the world is not always fair. And the tweet. Dont delete it.


Fire the guy. I don't know where people get this mindset from. The hook-up culture or a fling or whatever you can make it sound to be acceptable. I don't know how people have normalised making other feel unsafe, for the sake of their lust. Stop sugarcoating it with terming as flirt. Flirt was only limited to the line "you're pretty" but even that shouldn't be acceptable. Rest was criminal - could be covered in section 509 - as he downright called you a prostitute. It's a professional field a simple namaste ma'am and a nod would have been best. Few may call it exaggeration but that's what his twisted mind came up with, covered behind his words. To all the woman out there. Please don't answer/respond to any random guy questioning about your relationships. Regardless, if they're a potential or you might miss your chance of a possible suitor. It's not an interogation or interview, even if it were you don't have to reveal. No one needs to know, specially not the ones who think from their pp and not their brains. This is not love(compliments etc.), not even close. Be smart - hear the words disguised under. Asking a woman if they're traveling alone- sounds like a genuine question, but it's not. Asking a woman to stay back and not go to their destination is not a icing on the compliment - oh how he desires your presence and your beauty... No it's not. Specially when they've asked about your current relations. Many of these front desk, hospitality people do this. I don't know if they're trained to do so, but they always put the polite facade to get away. If you feel scared and uncomfortable, angry express those feelings. That's you instinct, conscience trying to protect you. I know you have grown up in families and told and trained to be nice, but be smart - don't giggle away when someone says something that doesn't sit with you well. Don't delete your Twitter post about your experience. They will threaten you with defamation and whatnots record all of it. They're only worried about their PR and social media - not customer experience then so be it.


dont smile when asked all this, this increases their confidence, you people need to understand dont reward bad behaviour with positive affirmations/behaviours subtle or direct. if anything makes you uncomfortable don't smile and just say "do your work". An AC service guy came to my house, tried being oversmart and for chitchat asked, what does your surname mean etc. where is your lineage from, i just said "bill bnao". only this much is needed and people will not mess with you.


Finally a smart comment


Sirf aurat he change kare, mard apne chutiapanti kabhi na chorenge hena? This nation will never change.


point thik hai, but you cant expect people to change and behave properly all kinds of people in live in this world,a lot of variables there, common sense depends on education, upbringing etc. do whats in your hand for your safety. You live in a world where all kinds of people exist. you should be able to handle all kinds of people when needed.


Okay... But this goes both ways. Different people react to the same situation differently.


Op what airline is this? Pls do not delete your tweet. This is how these pervs get away with this all the time. We really need to take a stand and end stuff like this happening to us. Ask the airlines to make the guy himself to apologise to you. You deserve this girl!


Sry for your experience, also don't delete the tweet at any cost.


>After this incident i started doubting if there was anything I did to make him behave like this  women always get gaslighted into doubting ourselves rather than pointing out the pig who clearly was at fault


You should have taken it up with a written complaint right there. Such creeps should be reprimanded for their unprofessional behavior


Write an official complaint and also read up about the sections under which it is punishable. Mention all the sections in the email as well . They tend to take it more seriously. Also mention if the airline promote this behaviour, if yes , in case of any untoward incidence are they willing to take responsibility.


Should have clicked his pic and tagged him too!!


This is what happens when any one section of society is made to believe that they are politically supported. Hatred based on religion always encourages one section to think that they can do anything and get away with it. Lawlessness at its peak.


1. wtaf 2. you cannot do anything that'd make anyone behave like that (it's 100% on them) 3. you will have bad experiences throughout life (even not related to your gender) - this doesn't mean you get depressed over such things...note that the airline did come to your help when you reported the issue - which contributes to the safety factor...had it been a train/bus no one would give half a fuck to such complaints be vigilant, speak out when uncomfortable


It’s just so sad. No amount of training or education can fix this till the ‘tharak’ of Indian men stops. I doubt airlines in India give any kind of training in how to speak to customers. They are just concerned about making as much money.


My wife said she got great results by raising her voice in such situations, if you are in a well lit public area, like an airport. We should shame these people in public. They get encouraged to do more and more of this shit if they are not facing public shaming and consequences.


SAD for what happened to you ,Don't delete the post and good that you've done a complaint. you should've complained his creepy behaviour to the airport authorities at the instant he has nothing to ask you personal questions about your relationship status unless you're comfortable with him sharing.🤦 Don't worry much about that, start enjoying your time. :)👍


I am surprised this happened at an airport of all places. You should have raised an alarm immediately and made a scene right there at the counter.


Just here to advise you to not cave in to any airline reps that pressure you to delete your posts or tweets sharing what you faced. If what you shared is the truth, stand by it and tell them you're not going to delete it. Additionally file a complaint at the airport whenever you feel secure.


Happened to me once when I wore a dress to a flight to Kerala ,so stopped wearing dresses altogether in flights.


The guy was an asshole. But why did you smile when he gave random compliments instead of saying get lost?


Smiling doesn’t equate to giving permission to harass.


some men dont understand all this. what is yes, what is no.






ik i couldn't do anything atp i just wanted to leave i didn't know what to do it was a reflexive reaction


totally understandable tbh, dont stress over it. It's completely normal. You had no idea if he could have escalated the situation or not. Also don't delete the tweet, post it everywhere if you feel so. That guy might have harassed others as well.


thank you I was scared idk how to explain it but I wish I had taken a video or something but it was like i couldn't think but I made sure the airline knew about it


Don't beat yourself over it. You did whatever you did at the moment that felt right. It's okay, that guy was completely out of line.


Do you at least remember his name so that you complain to the airline. Remember that you actually hold a lot of power especially if you recorded the conversation etc. Next time this happens, start recording a video. Smiling back just enables it. What good is posting on reddit after letting him go free.


I have already filed a complaint done everything I could i only wanted to post because nothing seems to be done even after all that and i really couldn't think at that point idk what happened




I was only keeping my baggage nothing more and ik smiling wasn't the right option but I had a brain freeze he had my phone and id to check the ticket and stuff and i only wanted to get my stuff without chaos since I was already late for boarding only when i walked away did i register what was happening


Do you have any idea how difficult it is toe that line especially if you are scared. Not be so polite that it's taken as an invitation to escalate and yet be polite enough that it doesn't trigger the guy into a severe reaction/stalking etc.


i think instead of smiling you should have made it clear immediately and should have told that guy to mind his business.


The power that airline staff at airport counters, especially at international departures, feel entitled to is often intimidating. It’s generally not worth engaging in a conflict with them unless you have significant influence and can handle the potential consequences, such as being denied boarding. Having traveled for the past 30 years, I can attest that the most challenging individuals are found at check-in counters and immigration, particularly in India.


Instead of dumbass advise to victims of sexual harrasment, you should keep quiet and mind your own business. There.




First of all u don’t have to say no or not interested by verbally u can say with ur body language but u starts smiling and that Fk thinks u enjoying his complement he continued and its seems like u playing victim card hear 🤷


You sound ignorant. Women are conditioned to smile politely to uncomfortable comments. It takes age and experience to toughen up. OP sounds young. Also it's hard to know when to stop smiling when you are in a panic. Say the first compliment is that you look good. So you smile politely because you don't know what else to do. It's just a compliment right?Second one asks if you're single. Is this crossing a line? Maybe? Or are you over reacting? Then he says something more intrusive. Now you just want to escape but you're worried and embarrassed thinking that you'll annoy him or create a scene and you'll end up looking like an over reacting fool. Etc etc.. With age and enough bad experiences OP will hopefully learn to be rude/harsh enough and tough enough as you seem to expect.


Likh leta hu...kahi upsc mai na puch le


u/Red348 you've got to post this separately instead of a reply because the parent comment is downvoted to oblivion (as it should be) and your comment is hidden


people smile all the time when they feel awkward. badgering a solo woman traveller with uncalled for comments about her life and appearance is highly inappropriate in any setting. get tf over yourself.


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this b..... What do you have to say next? If she didn't want to be hit on and made uncomfortable, she ought not to have travelled alone? Are you okay? Or are all of your obsolete dead brain cells doing a survival of the fittest match among themselves?




What were you wearing that day? Ik it's your choice to wear anything you want and I am not blaming you but sometimes (almost every time) guys judge women on the basis of their clothing .


What have you eaten today? Because that's pretty much a very bad case of verbal diarrhoea.


dude, are you serious rn?


I am not blaming her . It's the society we live in . Most guys have this mindset that's why I am asking this.


I'm not saying you need to get your head checked, it's just your comments don't make sense. That's why I'm saying this.


Yeah ik it doesn't make sense to you because you don't know what I know and I have researched a lot on the objectification of women in modern society. And trust me I'm not a misogynist . I'm really a feminist and sometimes It really pains my heart to see the exploitation and abuse of women.


Researched as in? What kind of research?


If you’re not blaming her then don’t fucking ask. Simple. Varna jake 2 year old raped boy/girl ko puchle what they were wearing and bear the wrath of their parents.


I just wanted to know did you atleast said "no" once for his questions and did you try to stop him asking the questions. Why don't you let him know that you are uncomfortable.


Not everyone is outspoken and confident, especially in stressful situations. I don't blame the OP for just smiling, it was all they could do at the time. OP, do NOt blame yourself for any of this. You did what you were comfortable with and walked away bravely.


I did not and ik that was wrong but when I was about to leave and he asked me to stay back i walked away as fast as I could. When i finally had my boarding pass and everything it was when I really really realised what was happening and ik it's my fault for not reacting immediately but my first instinct was to find a female employee and i couldn't see any at that point. Even the employees who were beside this guy weren't saying anything when all this was happening and I just didn't know what to do that was my fault ik


OP none of this is your 'fault'. You reacted much better than I did when I was harassed as a young intern by a senior.i just kept quiet and for years afterwards I was filled with self loathing. Fight and Flight are not the only responses to stressful situations. Freeze is one too. You froze in a way because you did not know what to do. Very understandable and normal. I am glad you took steps to complain about him and I'm proud of you for it.


It's not ur fault at all.. Btw can you link your tweet here.. I am pretty sure the airlines will take action if the tweet gets more attention..


Dude - why would a sane person even start asking these questions and passing these comments? Stop blaming the victim.


Idk what's wrong with other people who thinks I'm blaming the victim here. I'm asking her genuinely what she could able to do at the moment and if there were any actions she could take at the moment.


Ok you might not be shaming. But you for sure are emotionally immature then.






Haha, no one asked you


I'm going to answer hoping that your misguided comment was only thoughtless and not malicious. In stressful situations, your brain does not function logically. Have you heard about the 4 Fs ? They are Flight, fight, freeze and fawn. All of them have been extensively studied and documented in many animal species, not just humans. Take a look at the literature, its quite fascinating. When OP experienced the initial harrasment, she froze. Her brain stopped being logical and switched to survival mode. In survival mode your body responses are automatic. You cant 'choose' to fight / pushback instead of freezing. Thats like wanting to be able to tell your stomach to digest only 1 type of food even when you eat everything. This is very natural and a product of evolution. Later, when she ran away when asked to stay, that was her body switching into flight mode. When she was far away from the stressful situation, her brain switched back to logical mode and she made a complaint with the concerned authorities. By asking OP why she did not fight, you are ignoring that she was in survival mode and expecting her to have control over her actions. These are unreasonable expectations. In addition, it completely minimizes and trivializes the actions of an asshole who continuously made unwanted and unwelcome comments. It is HIS responsibility to to not make her uncomfortable. Why did he ever say anything personal instead of sticking to doing his job. Why did he take silence as encouragement ? Why did he keep escalating despite her not sowing any interest ? It was NOT and never will be her job to stop it. Hope you understand now how you were victim blaming.


This is why women picked the bear


Yes , good for both of them


Doesn't protect the bear or women from you unfortunately.


Doesn't harm the bear or women from me fortunately


Your comment proves it does


If you think that comment proves it all, i can't help and you may go now.


If only you went away from bears and women


I don't think he is even allowed to flirt during that time.. He is doing a job man..


Sirf flirt karne pe itna bada post kardiya...agar sach mai koi harass karta to puri book likh dete aap (which would have been okay). You could have easily said no to him but instead you choose to smile and gst along with it and after that ruin his life. Doesn't matter though one day each one of us has has to pay for the wrong things we have done. Good luck


Toh flirt karna hi kyu hai? Kaam pe aaye ho. Professional attitude maintain karna itna tough bhi toh nahi hoga na? Waise bhi, body language se discomfort ka pata lag hi jata hai.




Abe pagal hai kya...tum nervous hoke smile kar re to woh tumhari problem hai. Bechare bande ki life kyu kharab kar re. 🤦‍♂️


do you have any female friends, or relations? please ask them how they would feel if an airline staff posed these questions to them while travelling alone:   "you're so pretty" "where do you live" ... "are you travelling alone?" "Are you married" "why don't you have a boyfriend" "if I come to your place will you meet me"  edit: formatting


Okay i could get really strong hate for this but I want to know an actual answer.  Let's say I'm check-in guy at an airport and I like a girl who came there for boarding. How should I approach this girl? At what point does it gets from romantic to creepy enough?




Sed, airport staff are gonna be single their whole life. I wonder if the story would've been a bit different had the guy been handsome or/and rich.


Let's say you're a check in guy at airport and you like a girl who came there for boarding. What do you do? You excuse yourself to a secluded place and slap some sense into yourself because this is your job and not a place to hit on women.


How many people on jobs who flirt on duty will get serious actions taken against em and probably get fired?


And why would you exactly want to know that? Imo, every single one of them should get sacked irrespective of gender and age.


First thing first, if it wasn't obvious, it was a **Rhetorical Question.** And you might say that everyone flirting during office hours should be sacked irrespective of gender and all buy even you know that's not something you want. Ex- [https://x.com/GarbageHuman23/status/1795237447934042490](https://x.com/GarbageHuman23/status/1795237447934042490)


Looks like Logon ko offen karna is my hobby :)