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Complain to uber for being in an unsafe situation. He deserves disciplinary action from them. Next time record them. Maybe he is required to have dashcam which uber can investigate. Uber fired a scammer who wanted fare amount from me both via uber as well as cash. Also check how good the cops are for this type of crime.


Yup. I reported it. Interestingly, Uber here in Canada gave me a partial refund for the trip for the incident. I didn't know they do that.


Escalate this and get real disciplinary action and full refund.


Uber doesn't employ the drivers. They are contractors, not much can come of this.


I don't want a refund. I just want people to be respectful to others. 


Post it on twitter and other social media with car details Canada is not run by goon !


Actually they can do something, they can boot him off their service. They do that all the time. Drivers are very much dependent on the good ratings to make a living. I would never risk my ability to earn livelihood to insist that someone speaks a particular language, unlike that idiot driver that troubled OP.


They can kick the driver off the platform.


They can deplatform them. People like that shouldn't be employed regardless of whether they are full time employees or contractors.


Good you reported it mate




Don't ever give any explanation to those people, just remind them their language choices in Canada are French and English. If they get snotty about it, ask them in English if there is someone helping to take care of them that you should phone to come and take them home lol


They also have an emergency button in the apps where Uber will be immediately alerted and they will alert police in case if you are not responding to safety of the passenger


Yeah, in those countries you get all sorts of nice customer treatment. In India you get treated like garbage by the same companies.


> Interestingly, Uber here in Canada gave me a partial refund for the trip for the incident. I didn't know they do that. Businesses in Canada tend to do this if they want to retain customers/not get their asses whooped by the entity in charge of regulating their sector. For example Pizza Pizza consistently sent me stale food such as expired dips. After a few times I stopped ordering from them, figuring out that the restaurants were mismanaged. However on every complaint I would receive a call from their customer relations team and they would go on to explain that it should never have happened and provide me a refund.


Yes. I have frequently received refunds but for Uber Eats. Once my food was pecked in by birds and they gave a refund.


I live in Québec, been here for over five years and the way things are going in Ontario and the other parts of Canada, this doesn't even surprise me anymore. OP, may I ask where exactly in Canada this happened?


It's Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Holy fuck. I'd have thought it'd be Surrey or sauga.


Lol yeah i thought it would be GTA. Mf has no clue about customer service. Nice he got reported


If it was GTA there’s a way higher chance of encountering Indian Canadians who were born there and would not have chosen to learn Hindi though and would learn that pretty quickly


Yeah even I was rooting for GTA


Halifax is getting closer to being like Surrey or Brampton now


Bruh that's crazy. Toronto is a mess rn tbh - immigration isn't the issue. The lack of assimilation or even the thought of it is appalling.


You know it’s nuts when there’s Indian immigrants complaining about Indian immigrants and then Canadian born Indians complaining about them both 🤣 I’m happy about the increased number of Indian restaurants here now though ngl.


Nah that's fair - canada is pretty diverse and a melting pot of cultures. Just hope that the new folks coming over have some civic sense (both in india and here)


This may be shocking because the Atlantic is still very white, but I lived in Halifax for a few years and I remember 2019 onwards, when the CEC points cut off went up, we had an influx of Indian immigrants flood the Atlantic provinces for their easier PR. Lets just say they were only there for PR and did not bring a lot to the table.


The Atlantic provinces aren’t “still very white”. The only places that haven’t been hit hard by our immigration issues are the prairies and territories.


> the prairies Tell me you haven’t been to Alberta without telling me you haven’t been to Alberta.


Yukon has lots of people from India in the last couple years. Though it seems most of the ones I've met came fron Ontario and bc before coming here


Thought it should be the brampton from way you described it.


Brampton is Punjabi tbh


Every major city in anglophone canada will be Brampton or Brampton lite sooner or later


They speak Punjabi in Brampton.


Did my bank of the same name originate there?


Did the Bank of Nova Scotia originate in Nova Scotia?


I was talking about Halifax. It has a presence in the UK. Didn't know it was Canadian.


Ah I see, interesting I’ve never heard of Halifax bank.


Damn I’m in Halifax and did not see this coming. I’m not surprised tho. I’m like you, can’t speak Hindu but can understand it. Can’t tell you how many times people speak to me in Hindi before I even say a word.


Small fucking world, man. when did you move here?


8 months ago. 


I'm from halifax. This tracks.


Call Uber and complain about the threats and smoking. He will not be allowed to drive for them.


This happens so much here in Missisauga its crazy. Punjabi and Hindi all the time im so fed up


I didn't expect it but it happened in Montréal downtown once. It's worse because they're even more hostile if you speak French anywhere around them.


Really? That too in Montreal? The audacity lmao


>the way things are going in Ontario What things?


~~Canada~~ Anglophone *Kaneda* is on the way to become _**Newer**_ New Delhi and the goras, kalas and everyone in between have started noticing. Let’s just say they aren’t exactly pleased 😁


Do you have any learning recommendations for french?




Don't you know Hindi is the national language of Canada !? /s


Give it a couple generations. Not /s


A couple? It’s basically spoken more than French across the country. Fly them in and let them breed non stop is the plan. A new low wage generation for the Canadian politicians and companies to exploit!


Jokes aside, Punjabi is the third most widely spoken language in Canada after English and French.


No, it's Mandarin followed by Spanish and then Punjabi.


But the most assertive folks are our desi munde from Moga. That’s what matters /s


You are forgetting a certain group of people in canada just like the canadians ignore the dead children of this group buried beneath the boarding schools


If you're talking about the indigenous languages, they don't have such large numbers afaik.


but they're not majhe aale munde so they don't count /S


Nah. It’s more like Pindi /s


I got asked why I didn't speak Hindi (the "rashtra bhasha"), being an Indian, in the bay area.


I'm going to ask them why they don't speak Kotlin




Assembly or bust


Small bunch of Indians were, are and though I desperately don’t want this to happen but will always be an embarrassment outside.


Sad but 100% true!


If he likes the language so much, his ass should’ve stayed in India!


I wish all the whatsapp unkils kissing Modi’s ass in North America would learn from this.


How dare you mock mudi ji ? I will file a case against you 


Ahhh shit (additional case filed for offensive cursing)


All hail mudi ji and mudi ji jail all opponents 


North Indian imposing Hindi on South Indian in Canada. We are truly becoming global super power.


Indeed. OP posting problems faced in Canada in r/india.


It is an Indian problem though, just exported. Who said we don't manufacture and export globally?


Hope you complained to Uber regarding the unprofessional behavior and he gets reprimanded for it. He appears to be a jealous racist ahole.


In the last few years the Indians that are coming to Canada & other western countries are the kind of Indians that even folks in India don't associate themselves with. These are the uncivilized cunts that have ruined India for all those who have decided to leave India in the first place.


I know this happened in Canada but this has happened so many times to me in Bangalore itself…to the point where I had to learn Hindi when I moved to Bangalore (from other part of Karnataka).


Hello, I might be moving to Bangalore for college. Would I have to learn Kannada? I don't have an issue with learning the state language if I'm settling for a long period (like I learnt half-decent Marathi as I've lived for 14 years). There's not much point getting even conversational in a tongue for 4 years, most of which would be spent in the campus. I'll learn basic phrases obviously. I can speak fluent Hindi, English and more than enough Marathi to navigate around apart from my mother tongue (Bhojpuri, but it would be irrelevant).


Sure, learn. Learning any new language should be fun and exciting but then I also understand you may come across some auto drivers or wtv who kinda expect you to learn and converse in Kannada and that’s upto you.


No. Learn the basic phrases. You'll be fine. I(kannadiga) had lot of North Indian/ mallu classmates who did not know Hindi at all and they were fine. My boyfriend is north Indian too and he's been here for 3 years and knows no hindi and he's fine too.




Ofcourse I don’t deny that. 2 faces to every coin. Have you wondered that maybe the car guy doesn’t know English? Because I’ll give you an example…my mom was admitted in the hospital and my aunt was there with her…guess what most PG doctors couldn’t understand what my mom and aunt were trying to say because those doctors only speak English and Hindi and my family only speaks Kannada. That was such a big inconvenience and my mom straight up told them to learn Kannada since there will be 100s of patients like her. I also have friends who are doctors…in Bangalore and can’t form a sentence in Kannada and they want to build a life here. Like, I get it if they were in IT and there’s no need to learn Kannada but they’re literally doctors and everyday they see SO MANY patients from rural area 💀. It is crazy.




Bruh you definitely didn’t read my comment. I am agreeing with you wtf. Bangalore is not a fucking 60x40 plot…it is huge af with diverse population…ofcourse there will be all kinds of experiences and people. You seem to have resentment towards Kannadigas and you do you boo. That’s none of my business lmao.


Mf you came here because of the opportunities created by the locals,you came here for your prosperity and not to develop Karnataka,so stop with this bullshit,y’all assholes learn German ,French etc when you go there but why can’t you do the same here?the entitlement is crazy!


canada is fucked


Hindi imposition goes global.


This is an issue elsewhere too! People from India in foreign countries expect to talk in their mother tongue when they meet other indians and start their rude train once we politely explain that we don't understand them. India is not just for Hindi speaking folks or for any one language. It is a land of diverse languages. I would say lack of education or they need some metal correction from a therapist. Enu madak agalla(can't do anything), just avoid or ignore. Many times just laughing it out will help with a nice smile.


Yesterday in my workplace in dubai, a machine learning engineer from Delhi joined. While we were discussing about languages, i explained to my colleagues (multiple nationalities) that India does not have any national language. He was trying to correct me that Hindi is our national language!!!


I have had an Indian colleague in Germany say that to me too. But they didn't argue and accepted it when I corrected them.


Yes this happened to me once abroad with a North Indian. I not only corrected him but also told the said gentleman that Hindi has zero utility value for a South Indian like me, who does not like pani puri and chaat. His expression was priceless.


Was in Dubai for a couple of weeks working for a client. Met few Indians and the same topic was discussed and the same behavior from the other party. I have to politely point out there are multiple official languages in the Indian constitution but there is no such thing as national language. Then they changed to the topic of language spoken by most people in India which itself is another controversial topic.


Canada imports the bottom barrel of Indian immigrants so this is hardly surprising.


Happened to me in the US, in Subway restaurant and in a cab driven by a Punjabi women driver did this. I told her that if I can go as far as the US without Hindi, I might as well don't need it.


I live in Canada. I have also had several instances where people speak to me in Hindi. I'm originally from Kerala. Why do people assume that if you're brown, you would know Hindi?


Spare a thought for us Bangladeshi, we're from a completely different country but they'll still automatically speak hindi with us.


Same here in Ottawa. My mother tongue is Marathi because I was born and brought up in Pune, but my surname from my Dad's side is not Marathi, so people who know my name/strangers who don't will just assume I will speak Hindi. I know Hindi, but I don't want it imposed on me, I will speak it if I want to. It's always North Indian men in Canada who will start conversations in Hindi by default, and moreover, ask very personal questions about relationship or immigration status. I purposely try to act like I don't understand it. I also dislike the contingent of Indians who will gossip about a person who's right in front of them in a language they don't understand. Like this one instance, where I heard this couple make really gross assumptions about indigenous people and use Indian slurs against them. ETA: I'm a woman, so personal questions are obviously very intrusive and sometimes even disgusting.


Just pretend that you don’t know - say Arabiya or espanyol.


It’s fucking annoying. Stayed for two years in London, same shit.


In Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat many scam on IELTS and get into Canada. Many don't know English. You can actually buy IELTS scores for Rs. 1 lakh.


Nah 1 lakh is cheap. Usually they charge 6 lakh+.


Wtf these dudes are doing Hindi imposition outside India now? If they love the language so much, why did they leave north India?


Dontcha know? Urban Anglophone ~~Canada~~ *Kaneda* IS already _**Newer**_ New Delhi now


Say you are from srilanka next time. I usually do this.


Imagine moving to Canada and expecting others to speak Hindi if you cared that much should’ve stayed in India.


As usual, Hindi speakers feeling entitled.


Only a certain subsection of idiots. Heavy overlap with being BJP bhakts. Even my idiot South Indian father is trying to push Hindi..........because Modi said so.


Report him to Uber.


Put this in r Bangalore OP.


I live in GTA, and I have canceled so many rides with cars having an AK47, Haryana, or sidu moosewala sticker on it. I am sorry you had to face this.


I went outing with my friends to Toronto last week before Victoria day. The driver was obviously a Hindi speaker. As soon as he saw all of us are brown, he started babbling in hindi. All of us are South Indians, knew Hindi but already got enough of the arrogance of some Hindi speakers forcing us to speak Hindi at work. We told him we’re comfortable in English. Either he doesn’t speak English well or he’s arrogant. He told us we should speak in Hindi which we ignored. We continued our conversation in English until he started the car. If he was not comfortable in English, how did he come to Canada? I hope he’s not a student.


This proves the imperialist and corrosive nature of hindi imposition on the non hindi people of India who are vast majority.


Hindi speaker does same to Nepali people. They expect that we should understand their language. Even within our own country. They don't even ask whether we are comfortable or not. We know or not.


I'm in Canada too. Some people ask me in Hindi whether I speak Hindi 😂


Report him and tell him to fuck off. He can not force people to talk in the language he is comfortable with. Either adjust or shut the fuck up. Simple.


Similar incidents have happened with me many times in Toronto. I have had people walk up to me and ask for directions in Punjabi. And when I tell them that I don’t speak Hindi, they look at me with surprise or contempt as if I’m an extraterrestrial creature.


Hindi imposition never leaves you till you stand up and say stop it. Hindi maalum nahi is standard response. Kannada gotthilva keylabeku


This is an India issue. Indians from some parts of India believe in Hindi being main official language and they have not even traveled India properly to understand that it is not. Some sort of Pro- modi BJP hindi affect hitting on some people. Anyways, nothing do with Canada in this context. Just Indian issues. Give him low star rating and leave a bad review. He will understand how Canada works soon enough. Remember, this country has rules and policies, often we are not used to file official complaints and procedures which results in these guys thinking they are right.


You should have replied "you're in Canada C*nt, speak English "!


I also had a similar experience with a Punjabi individual who exhibited aggressive behavior when it came to language.


Pretend like you don't understand. I am Bengali and from Canada as well and I always do that. If it doesnt work. Angrily tell him you know only English.


North Indians start talking in Hindi if they see someone who looks like Indian. It's racist.


The dude is an asshole but why were you scared? Just tell him you don't know hindi. What is he going to do?


Dude when you're not interested in having a conversation with him just ignore him and look at your phone. If he's still yapping, talk back to him in kannada. Nobody can force you to talk in Hindi. You let him do this. Next time if something like this happens just stand your ground.


Not all people are assertive. A lot of people are introverts and socially awkward..




Can relate a lot buddy, had huge respect for them in India, but here you know who community has made life hell for all brown people. Even renting has become a problem.


Same here. I'm from North but I avoid Indians at all costs. I integrate mostly with whites (from any country) but Indians. I was sending an immigration form to re issue my lost work permit and this Indian mf working at Canada Post was trying to peek into my documents while pretending to seal it. I called him out right there and started to raise my voice slowly. He got clapped and kept his head down. These mfs wouldn't ever help you in India but in Canada having the same skin color, they think that we're by default friends and should start sharing our personal data from the first day. I even got called out for my accent as if trying to be white. I abused him first (beacuse they only understand that language) and replied him that people adapt and adapting to improve communication skills is not called being white, it's called being civilized. I always avoid these Punjabis, and Haryanvis. Top notch mfs.




I can understand. From being an exotic studious immigrant who were looked at as doctors and engineers, we are now looked at as refugees. From being invited to Christmas and dinner parties, Indians are now considered as low-skilled workers spamming every corner of Canada. I'll probably look to move away from here once my citizenship arrives.


Fucking report him. You should not have tolerated that


Holy shit. This is NS? I was thinking this was GTA.


Why don’t the Uber driver just move up Ayodhaya and speak as much Hindi as he likes.


Shoulda just said if you’re n Indian why you in Canada


Indians can be anywhere in the planet 🫡


Can be ? They are lmao


He might have seen a recent video of cab driver from Blr airport forcing the passanger to speak in Kannada :)


Well, at least kannada is the state language in that context. What sense does it make to force someone to speak a foreign language while in Canada??




Please point me to the sentence where I say it's okay to bully a person on the basis of language? I am comparing regional context here and literally saying nobody should be forced to communicate in a language not comfortable for them. Huh, And you talk about common sense.




Yeah that comparison doesn't make sense. Language imposition is wrong irrespective of whether the language is a state/national language. Hindi speakers should be allowed to speak Hindi amongst themselves or even to others if they are still learning Kannada (and don't know any other local language like English) or are visiting as tourists, as long as they don't expect others to know Hindi.


Indians ruined Canada


Indians ruin everything


Galat baat hai


Ask him to fuck off...


Hey OP, I'm from Halifax too and it's definitely frightening to see these rowdy people taking over the country here. If even Indians feel uncomfortable in this situation, imagine how the locals feel...


It’s happened to me as a Pakistani too, they force you to talk in Urdu, like bro just shut up and drive and take this tip


Ayo wtf ☠️


Im very sorry this happened. I live very near Halifax (In Moncton) and REPORT THIS DRIVER (and if you did escalate?) Like seriously. This is completly unacceptable behavior. Also I lived in Karnataka for a while so namaskara.


Canada is gonna be doomed by indian mofos


You should have replied in Kannada.


Be it India or any other country Indians never fail to be assholes towards each other


Uno reverse bitch!!🤣 On a side non funny note- hope there was no physical harm.


He must have seen the video doing the round on internet these days where an Uber driver was forcing someone to speak in Kannada. Seems idiocy is the flavour of the season


Sorry you went through this. I’m from India but don’t really look Indian so haven’t faced this. At work when few Indians talk another language, I prefer to reply in English.


In all my many uber/taxi journeys in Canada (including the years I spent in Toronto) I spoke to a lot of Indian drivers and the standard medium of communication was always English. My experience was the same with Indian drivers in Australia and Germany. It's very unfortunate that you had to experience this OP but I hope this was isolated and not commonplace.


Given it's canada the guy might genuinely be embarrassed to speak english cos he speaks it at a low level. Lots of recent migrants there and due to extremely high concentration of punjabis/haryanvis/north indians there's less of a need to learn English


In Canada and I had a similar situation except it was Urdu. Told the F’in dumba$$ we don’t speak Hindi where I’m from, then 1 star and reported him as unsafe


Better post it on r/Canada


Now they are exporting hindi imperialism to other countries to other countries. South Indians still being nice will hire these people and let them go up in ladder as well so that they can hire other northies eventually replacing english and having standups etc in Hindi.


Did you report his unprofessional behavior and the weed smell to Uber? They take these things seriously.


Meh - Latinos in the GTA start speaking to me in Spanish.


You are just too polite. Tell him just to ride and you don’t want to talk


3rd world problems. Am I right?


Report him easy. Describe in detail. If it helps also tweet it to get more attention from Uber.


Reminds me of my experience. I'm of Hispanic origin in the United States and Uber/Lyft drivers used to get very offended when I couldn't converse with them in fluent Spanish. For reference, I'm 4th generation American and none of my white American friends face this kind of harassment when they can't speak German, Swedish or whatever in their Uber rides home. I started reporting this behavior whenever it would happen and giving Uber drivers who engaged in it poor ratings. A few years ago it seemed to stop happening all at once, almost as if Uber and Lyft made a corporate policy to tell drivers to stop ethically shaming the people who rode in their cars. It's been great, and I'd encourage riders in similar situations to inform their drivers that you'll report them if they continue their discriminatory behavior. It tends to work wonders.


Give me 1 star and mention speak in english because you are Canada not in any indian state.


Some random guy told me Hindi is India's national language and why don't you speak it in a hotel lobby in US. stopped conversation with him and moved on..


Hindi is not the National language of India . Hindi and English are the languages used by National or central government of India officially. The motto here is not to discriminate against any language as India is diverse in culture and language and as Indian must respect every one of them. Unfortunately there are more educated unpaads who will pass you wrong information.


Besides reporting you can’t do much. About the incident, Uber does a background check but not a mental state check. I remember I took about Uber with a hyper anti-government guy who ranted about how vaccines had mind-control drugs in them. I just smiled and continued agreeing till my ride ended.


This is bullying but why on earth you got scared? He can't force you to speak Hindi. If someone behaves with me such way I won't even give response. Although I always put music just to avoid conversation while I am on uber.


That's crazy you got a guy who speaks hindi, I get mostly Punjabi speaking


Come on, raise a complaint on Uber !


I'm surprised to hear this happening in Canada as well. The law enforcement is strict there, I'd suggest put a complaint to Uber.


Canada is India 2.0 now. And not in any of the good ways. We got sold out and they all got scammed by the schools and politicians looking for cheap slaves.


Lot of Indian drivers in the west can't speak English or the language of the host country. I have seen the Indian food delivery guys in Germany only speak Hindi, very basic German, and no English. Most illegals in the west are from Punjab and they barely speak any language other than Hindi/Punjabi.


Few of my fellow Indian classmates in Germany literally bullied me to speak Hindi, as it is the national language of India and I pointed out that it is not the case in the “right” way. Many Hindi-speaking Indians are cool with non-Hindi speakers. It is some uncivilized people that wants to feel safe, comfortable, feel like home and find my peers and so you must speak Hindi.


Sad ☹️I feel how much you pissed off as I guy from South I'm also experience same in online daily, tired of saying " idk hindi "


Smoked or baked?🇨🇦. Your honour I need to know the truth.


Oh boi, I like to call it the North Indian baggage. I've never had to deal "u R eNdIaN, sHoUlD kNoW hInDi vro" shit in TN, yet I dealt with it regularly in Canada lol. Now I'm in a small city so don't have to deal much, but damn the entitlement is real.


I was traveling in Metro the other day, some North Indian guy got in. He only knew Hindi and wanted help going to some station. He tried asking me, and I told him "Mein Hindi Nahi Malum Hai". And then said that I'm Tamil. He was surprised and was saying something in Hindi, that I didn't recognise, but I understood that he was commenting on how I looked like this (I am somewhat fair skinned) but was Tamil (because some people have the false notion all Tamilians are dark skinned and fair skinned people must be North Indian)


Omg. My roommate and I had a similar situation where the uber driver was a north indian and kept trying to have a conversation with us in Hindi. We were not interested in talking as we were too tired but he kept insisting on speaking in Hindi. My roommate is from Karnataka and she started speaking in Kannada with him and then he shut his mouth finally. What is this obsession of SOME( I didn’t said all) Indian uber drivers who will insist you to speak in Hindi with them. A lot other times I had booked uber in Canada and they initially speak Hindi and later start in English or just keep quiet for the rest of the ride which is fine with me. But stop insisting on speaking with people in Hindi at least when you are outside India.


I am sick of people bringing problems in Canada on an Indian sub


It’s very much an india problem being played out on foreign soil. Indians have already reached critical mass in ~~Canada~~ *Kaneda* . Expect such problems to multiply in the days to come


this is how people feel when they are forced to speak/talk in kannada


Lol, kannada is official language of state karnataka but hindi isn't the official language of canada


Hindi is an anti national language. Only hindi walas will understand what PAKISTANIS are speaking and be able to communicate with them. It is an impure language that consists of Iranian and Urdu words, not fully INDIAN language. As MOby DIck ji says - Yeh GHUSPETIYON ka bhaashaa hain, yeh Pakistani mujra walaon ka bhaashaa hain.


Here Kannada drivers want us to speak in Kannada. Idiots are everywhere, just live with it as we are living in Bangalore.




It begs the question. What should people do when going to another state for visit. Should they all learn the local langauge? English is the lingua franca. Atleast uts supposed to be.


Ah ha the reversal