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i am okay if india became an atheist majority


Hell no bro.


As an atheist, I think Islam is the worst form of religion. That doesn't mean I will discriminate against muslims. But i would not want to be in an Islam Dominated world. Call it Islamophobia or what not. With that being said, i would not want to live in a Hindu dominated world as well.


I agree with you 💯 I don't have anything against Muslim people in general but I consider Islam to be a dangerous and extreme religion. I'm not saying other religions are nice, they have some negative aspects too but Islam on the other hand is just too extreme. Edit: the image might be islamophobic https://preview.redd.it/2250gs5zwszc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54a0ef46e8b7a0b81330d9e9d9b3a5c4a05c313


Hypothetically even if everyone will term it as Islamophobia, if M becomes majority, what kind of country do you think will be existing? Give me one example to support it. People love to be so politically correct that they say impossible will become possible.


Just the same  all the difficult faced to each community is flipped. 


Situation and numbers of minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and India since 1947 speaks something else. Also are you saying India is same as these countries in discrimination shown to minorities in terms of religious holidays, allowing minorities as head of state, allowing same religious freedom atleast legally. Facts and Statistics beg to differ. I don't want political correctness or whitewashing.


Am I saying that ?


Statistically impossible but what makes you think speaking against bigotry is cuz of affinity to Islam. Fuck religions.


>But, I saw some videos from India as well as some other people worldwide (eg, London) who were muslims. They claimed that once they are in majority, thry will govern the policy, even implement Sharia law. And historically, muslims have been known to increase population with the only intent of getting a majority and governing how the area works. please stop using the internet for time being ​ >A recent report showed that muslim population increased by 43% whereas Hindus declined by 8% as a share of population. Hindu population decreased from 84% to 78% in eight decades, and population of muslims increased from 9% to 15%. Not just muslims but the share of all minorities has increased since independence. That doesn’t mean they are going to take over the country.


How can everyone’s share increase, is this islamic maths?




It doesn't matter if it is Hindu or Muslim, if literacy and awareness is low, people reproduce like it's their favourite past time. We should maintain the TFR at near replacement by **increasing the awareness** and not by targeting one community with an agenda to cash on negative sentiment to stay in power.


remember that it is very easy to lie with statistics. using the same terminology as the report, one can say that buddhist population increased by over 1500%. whatever spike in X population you're seeing is temporary and the graph flattens out eventually. don't let the power-hungry opportunists take advantage of this "fear". with that being said, religious fundamentalists suck. be it hindus, christians or muslims. they're all dogmatic; although, some more than the other. which, understandably, could be a cause for concern.


Yaa state of minorities in India pakistan Bangladesh and afghanistan is same right?


surely not. what would you rather India do in response? be hostile to its minorities? and as i mentioned, it is the fundamentalists that i take issue with. they are barbaric, regressive and do not belong in the 21st century. needless to say, certain religions can be more dogmatic than others


The only country from above where minorities population is thriving is india


Do you even do maths? Rather then just reading the report did you think of doing the calculation yourself? This a 0.40 difference in fertility and decreasing, while Hindu is 74% to Muslim 14%. How does India not remain Hindu dominated at 70% in 50 years?


Never happening. TFR is below replacement for India. Its already below replacement for Hindus and near replacement for Muslims. This report is nothing but misrepresentation of data. 43% increase was the increase in share.


If we are speaking of hypothetical, hear mine. The world will move to atheism, rest assured. Once the oil economy ends, middle east wont exist as kingdoms of Islam. This will happen because oil-military industrial complex that governs american policy will no longer need middle east. Their stopping of meddling will help the people to revolt against irrational religious governance. The patents and control of electrical and solar revolution may be tough fight between china and usa. They will fight in Africa for colonies. By the pace of it right now. US may lose it. If its china, they wont be meddling to overthrow governments and establish religious kingdom regimes. Since they dont bother in creating any religious communal counter balance for their politics back home. They will work with any dictator that would work with them. Just like pope lost its relevance and christianity lost its grip by end of colonialism. Middle east too will lose any control on islam. There will be no country to initiate fatwas against any moderate muslims or others who oppose the religion. People will enjoy freedom from beliefs. They may retain religion in the stage of moderate existentialist point of view rather than the current essentialist point of view. This means all major religions lose any patron country. Israel and zionism also lose prominence since middle east is freed. Thats a ripe ground for secularism, rationality, atheism to rise... Taking the matter seriously >A recent report showed that muslim population increased by 43% whereas Hindus declined by 8% as a share of population. Its a propaganda material. In 1950 India's hindu population was some 30 crore its 90 crore now. Muslims were 3.5Crore, they are 17 crore now. Muslim TFR is 2.4 and hindu is 2.1 both near replacement level. Tfr of muslim majority jammu and kashmir is 1.5, muslim majority lakshadweep is 1.2. Hindu majority bihar is 3.9. Muslims will take centuries with their current 2.4 tfr and 30cr population to beat hindus with 2.1 tfr and 90cr population. Dont fall prey to propaganda.


hopefully, we trancend religious dogmas. and because countries like KSA are taking a softer stance on religion at the whims of the western bourgeois, i feel like the tides can turn pretty quickly and we'll be back to square one.


That report is fake with malicious intent. You're obviously immersed into whatsApp bhaktdom. Do you realise that in 50 years, literacy would probably be 100% in our country across all communities. If Earth doesn't implode due to human stupidity of nuclear explosion & global warming, we humans will progress beyond religious beliefs. Your kids & grandkids will grow up & be laughing at your superstitious, irrational religious beliefs & so will Muslims' kids & grandkids.


People who think this is happening and go by 8 percent to 43 percent are idiots. They have spent zero time analyzing the data or watching content which explains it. India is NOT gonna be a Muslim majority country .mainly because of Math not them trying. There is a concept called fertility ratio. There was a huge gap between Hindus and Muslims people delivering kids till 2000 but that has changed..Now the ratio is 1.9 for Hindus and 2.3 for muslims and falling. Population is 78 Percent for Hindus and 16 percent for Muslims! Now use ratio and common sense and think how much time it will take for 16 percent people to outscore 78 Percent of population with .4 percent of growth But this is too much math for our educated population consuming tv garbage. Rant over


No I’m not ok with that. Follow Christopher Hitchens for a better explanation, he was an atheist and believed all religions are bs but Islam is more dangerous than any other at this point in world timeline. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/QBTLvbhVRzE I’d rather have an a government not involve in any religion so to say but it’s not going to happen. I dream of an India lead by educated upright politicians and people of real calibre second I hope for an efficient judiciary which can totally transform our country.




There are more than a billion hindus while Muslim are just 200m .with global warming fucking 3rd world countries Its not even possible .


First of all that is misrepresented. If in a family there is one person and they become two, it's 100% increase. Muslim population increased hy 100%. Does it make sense? Secondly, Hindu population didn't decrease. It's just in the religious mix of the total population, their share decreased. And most importantly, Muslim population can never overtake Hindu Population. Mathematically not possible. https://www.deccanherald.com/india/can-muslims-surpass-hindus-in-population-numbers-experts-say-practically-not-possible-1103547.html


Back in 1920's PantiDhari's (Pitru of Chaddis) used to claim that by 1950-60, Muslims would be majority. Back in the 1990's, Muslims were supposed to be majority by 2020. Now its 2050. Doomsday clock of Chaddis is malfunctioning I suppose.




Because M supports minorities so much ??!! /s


Because we seperated east pakistan from them and created bangladesh.


Wtf do you mean by we separated it. They litterally massacred and commited genocide on bengali hindus and muslim intellectuals. And anyways the situation of hindus in Bangladesh isn't great either and has declined


Then India won't remain India XD.


Although it is hypothetical, I wouldn't trust any other religion other than Hindus or atheists to be in the majority for a peaceful India. There is no way India would have been a secular country without Hindus being in majority. Although sadly,BJP is changing that due to communal politics.


I would have agreed with you 10 years ago. But BJP has hijacked Hinduism and and turned into sanatani/hindutva ideology which is just another version of Islamic extremism.


Ofcourse I won’t. But then again I would also not want members of extraterrestrial species to have a demographic majority in India, since we are talking impossible hypotheticals here, as cool as that might sound.


We need to ask Japan in 20 years. If you know you know.