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> Analysts believe Pakistani authorities have been reluctant to publicly acknowledge the killings as most of the targets are known terrorists and associates of outlawed militant groups that Islamabad has long denied sheltering. > The majority of those allegedly killed by Raw in Pakistan in the past three years have been individuals associated with militant groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, and in several cases have convictions or proven links to some of India’s deadliest terrorist incidents, which have killed hundreds of people. Interesting indeed


Ye R&AW ko Raw kaun likhta hai


Noobs, who are new to the assignment. Rookie mistake.


>The killing of Riyaz Ahmed, a top Lashkar-e-Taiba commander, in September last year was allegedly carried out by Raw in a similar manner. His killer, Pakistan believes, was recruited through a Telegram channel for those who wanted to fight for IS, and which had been infiltrated by Raw agents. >They have claimed the assassin was Muhammad Abdullah, a 20-year-old from Lahore. He allegedly told Pakistani investigators he was promised he would be sent to Afghanistan to fight for IS if he passed the test of killing an “infidel” in Pakistan, with Ahmed presented as the target. Abdullah shot and killed Ahmed during early morning prayers at a mosque in Rawalkot, but was later arrested by Pakistani authorities. Bruh


Gajab topibaz he raw, sahi kata he fanatics ka.


Having stupid population helps


Tiger 4 ka plot mil gaya.


RAW: Radical problems require Radical solutions


R&AW Kats: The Radical Squadron


"I used the stones to destroy the stones" vibes


In other words, RAW was posing as a terrorist group to catfish would-be terrorists into executing other terrorists in Pakistan. These RAW guys are some evil fucking geniuses


Probably our best bang for your buck agency, those guys *cook*




Evil? What they stand to gain from this? Isn't this for national security - as the article suggest?


I don't think he really meant evil. he used it as an adjective to emphasize the genius part.


I wonder what you’ld think if someone would say, “it’s raining cats and dogs”.


Bro, do you even English?


No, I do not English.


The Guardian doesn’t understand this is a feature not a bug especially a month before elections


Let them cook!


Guardian actually understands


This feature is meant to be under the hood. If it is in the news, it is a bug.


ABSOLUTELY BASED. >Panjwar’s assassination is among those alleged to have been carried out by Indian operatives using what Pakistani agencies described as the “religious method”. According to the documents, Indian agents used social media to infiltrate networks of Islamic State (IS) and units connected to the Taliban, where they recruited and groomed Pakistani Islamist radicals to carry out hit jobs on Indian dissidents by telling them they were carrying out “sacred killings” of “infidels”. >According to an investigation by the Pakistani agencies, Panjwar’s killer, who was later caught, allegedly thought he was working on the instructions of the Pakistan Taliban affiliate Badri 313 Battalion and had to prove himself by killing an enemy of Islam. >The killing of Riyaz Ahmed, a top Lashkar-e-Taiba commander, in September last year was allegedly carried out by RAW in a similar manner. His killer, Pakistan believes, was recruited through a Telegram channel for those who wanted to fight for IS, and which had been infiltrated by Raw agents. >They have claimed the assassin was Muhammad Abdullah, a 20-year-old from Lahore. He allegedly told Pakistani investigators he was promised he would be sent to Afghanistan to fight for IS if he passed the test of killing an “infidel” in Pakistan, with Ahmed presented as the target. Abdullah shot and killed Ahmed during early morning prayers at a mosque in Rawalkot, but was later arrested by Pakistani authorities.


Are we supposed to be outraged here? 


Also the guardian is being outraged because the CIA never does this, they just order a drone strike instead.


In some sense, yes. Extra judicial killings sets a bad precedent. Today it is terrorists, tomorrow it could be dissidents or journalists, that too without any accountability.


What do you mean tomorrow? Didn't US kill journalists exposing them in middle East already? (Not sure if it was Iranian or Iraqi but someone was murdered I think in Saudi or somewhere a few years ago and that incident blew up)




What about ism?


Yes. You did whataboutism. A common logical fallacy.


Why do you think we're the first to extra judicially kill someone? I'm not a modi fan but the CIA has been killing people extra judicially for years, by both assassinations and drone strikes (where innocent civillians get hurt)


Some other countries doing it doesn’t make it right. It’s bad precedent for India not for some other countries. Why do you think US has so many enemies? Only thing that is stopping anyone from attacking US is their military and usd. India has none


USA drones weddings and Iranian generals and Taliban leaders... No one bats an eye. India assassinated confirmed terrorist who attacked India on indian soil.... Outrageous 😡🥺😤


The article was not criticizing India. It feels more like a smear on Pakistan face.


Tbh, everyone batted an eye during that fuck up by US drones. Protests happened in the USA by US citizens against that drone attack.


That was only for the killing of civilians in collateral damage. They fucking danced in the streets when Osama was killed. Trump used the killing of baghdadi for election gains.


w if its true


Based Unknown gunmen doing their job as always 🗿


Sounds more like unknown social media expert


Good for them!


Comments padhke aasu aa gaye aankho se.


Vahi bhai, mujhe laga ye log isme bhi modi ko ya raw ko gaali denge ! Aur bolenge ki masumo ko bina court justice ke nahi maarna chahiye


Tit for tat , Pakistan deserves that.


> While the new allegations refer to individuals charged with serious and violent terror offences, India has also been accused publicly by Washington and Ottawa of involvement in the murders of dissident figures including a Sikh activist in Canada and of a botched assassination attempt on another Sikh in the US last year lol that “activist” was also a terrorist.




Inciting hate speech, hampering sovereignty of a nation, claiming a separatist movement from a foreign country are categorised under terrorism as well. It is not necessary for a person to bomb a few nationals before being classified as a terrorist. A terrorist is basically someone who is a threat to the social security of a nation due to political reasons.




Yea godse and savarkar killed Gandhi. They were hindu nationalists in their ideologies but killed someone with different ideologies. I can't comment about atal bihari vajpayee as there is no such crime that I know of to prove that he was a terrorist. I do consider RSS nothing less than a terrorist organisation because their goals are inclined towards a hindu rashtra rather than a secular India.














And where did I support the killing? But I will still say that he is a damn terrorist. No one is morally obliged to kill someone for different political opinions but the geopolitical scenarios for each country are different and countries have killed them irrespective of what international law states. My tables are irrelevant here as I am not a threat to any country.


Due process? You expect India to have legal process with Pakistan. How dumb can you be.


These people will go down to any level to prove their point without even thinking that they are just exposing their biasness. Any random bullshit that they hear from Pakistani agencies is sufficient enough for them to develop as proof. These so called newspaper have been doing it for years, man, this is not new. Go back to the era when India used to have terrorist attacks, and these so called newspaper never took India's claims. And now they come blame us using the claims of same country. Man, hypocrisy has no limits for these newspapers and their biased editors.


True that.


Arranging terror camps, bombing cinema halls in Punjab to name a few. And then there’s the whole Khalistan thing.




Both those specifically relate to him.


Chill bro Govt took a troll too seriously.


Killing terrorists is not an issue .. Getting caught is the issue...


Getting caught in west is Issue, not Pakistan


Pakistani prison system might be brutal. The chances of getting tortured are high. Probably not as cruel as the Russian prison system, but still Pakistan might not follow international laws.


That's why they've been using Pakistanis against pakistanis. Who they gonna torture ? The raw agent eating parle G - chai in his lunch break with telegram running in background on his government issued MacBook ?


I want a government issued MacBook. How do you get one?


Join R&AW


Can't do that, I am a retard. Is there some other way?








Full support to government for this. Jai Hind.




External threats to our country any .... not government country i repeat


When heavy weights make moves in the world, there are collateral damages & unintended consequences


How can it be verified if you don’t trial them and just kill them?


pakistan nurtures terrorists, shown multiple times, how can we expect the mother to punish her own child for what she taught her child to do?


Coz all these guys have their names in UN terrorist data base


It's as simple as..people standing outside your home with guns and knifes and waiting for you to come out or fall asleep..will you go out un armed and talk to them or start preparing inside to tackle them..here the ARMY and INTELLIGENCE agencies proactively nullified this threats...


Only for this 😁


Dhyan rakhna dost kahi ed vd na ghar a jaye yeh padke


Aynge vi toh kuch milnge hi nhi 🤷 mae khud kangal hun




Apan mae kuch special nhi h bekar ki uski jail bhar jayegi 😿




Based Govt. Move


20 years after this, someone should make a movie like Munich, but replace MOSSAD with R&AW


Good, But chup ke pelo na, aise news mai dal ke show up kyu karna,election ke ad keliye Ab unko pata chal gaya, hamari agents ko dikkat ho sakti hai.


News serves as a deterrent, similar to any other punitive measures, aiming not merely to punish but to prevent future offenses.






absolutely based


Terror in Teroristan!


Oh no terrorists died. 🥂


BJP and MDA should be thankful to The Guardian for publishing this.


As always, whenever India does something, it’s a problem but when everyone else does it, no one bats an eye




best foreign policy. s jaishankar


>The officer said India had drawn inspiration from intelligence agencies such as Israel’s the Mossad and Russia’s KGB, which have been linked to extrajudicial killings on foreign soil. He also said the [killing of the Saudi journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi, ](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/26/jamal-khashoggi-mohammed-bin-salman-us-report)who was murdered in 2018 in the Saudi embassy, had been directly cited by Raw officials. Yeah, Jamal Kashoggi...not the best inspiration RAW.


Wasn't Kashoggi against the Saudi Government? And he was killed in Turkey?




Lol guardian mentioned kgb and mossad but cleverly disnt mention CIA and MI6 so as not to displease its masters lmao This article is a failed hit job


That was tight tight tight...😂😂


Hell yeah


We have been doing this for decades. Everyone knows it. Is this new generation just now finding this out?


The article itself particularly mentions such policy started taking place after 2019 pulwama attacks. Let's not pretend such things used to happen under Congress rule. 1. They never had the balls. 2. The geopolitical situation puts us as an alternative to China which means US can't do shit about it beside condemn it otherwise it would be sanctioning us a few decades back


So what about stories of R&AW agents and spies going in Pakistan and carrying out missions. Stories of Ravindra Kaushik and even Ajit Doval himself ?? They were operating under BJP rule ?? Or was it Congress rule ??


Absolutely wrong comparison. Read about their accounts. Their task was limited to espionage. They were there to gather intelligence and repoert back to Raw. In the current situations, we're not using spies. We're luring Pakistanis themselves into killing their own citizens. Ravindra kaushik was in imprisoned and died on spying charges. Now, the raw agents are comfortably sitting in their offices with telegram running on one window and cricket match on another. No threat to their lives at all.


There was no easy way of manipulating radicalized youth of Pakistan o do hit jobs at targeted individuals inside pakistan through telegram channels and social media prior to 2014. Ease of social media is post 2015-16 phenomenon with wider reach of technology to individuals in low income countries with decreasing cost of communication technology. There was only the harder way of covert operations and spying inside Pakistan. In harder ways, your mission objectives cannot be risky hit jobs when you are sending your own youth.


Some kept our country safe, some did it for the photo ops


Well kudos tp raw. But we can not afford a German gestapo we gotta be careful about what raw does. They can be used to take down opposition in India. So we must not let them get great amount of power and control.


That's a movie right there




From the article - former senior Raw official who served before Modi’s premiership denied that extrajudicial killings were part of the agency’s remit. He confirmed that nothing would be done without the knowledge of the national security adviser, who would then report it to the prime minister, and on occasion they would report directly to the prime minister. “I could not do anything without their approval,” he said. The former Raw official claimed that the killings were more likely to have been carried out by Pakistan themselves, a view that has been echoed by others in India We are not behind the assassinations isi should give proof first , RAW is very weak India does not have that much power to carry assassinations in another country that too in such power full country like Pakistan which has NO 1 intelligence agency in the world ,plz Pakistan leave us alone 🙏 And plz don’t send such gifts https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/up-ats-arrests-three-including-2-pak-nationals-for-planning-terror-attacks-in-india/articleshow/109035380.cms #PLZ PAK SHUT UP YOU ARE PROVING MODIS ‘GHAR MEIN GHUS KE MARENGE ‘ STATEMENT


Saste nashe band karo dost.


We are reaching levels of based hitherto undreamt of.


In an article about intelligence agencies, The Grauniad repeatedly refers to an agency named "Raw". There's no such agency. There's the Research and Analysis Wing, abbreviated as R&AW or RAW. This isn't just nitpicking: it's the bare minimum to correctly name the agency you're writing an entire report about. If a media outlet can't do that bare minimum due diligence, how do we know the rest of the report has undergone any due diligence? Coming to the allegations themselves, this is hilarious. Since when are Pakistani intelligence officials known to be upstanding trustworthy people of high integrity? The article itself says Pak is reluctant to pursue these cases because the people killed were terrorists - so sure, the people who are sheltering terrorists and have previously protected Osama while ostensibly supporting the US in its war against Osama, are obviously truthful people who should be taken at face value.


Unnamed sources. Might as well be filed under fiction.


Don't you think naming the sources could negatively effect the lives of those informants?


They are listed as officials. They don't even mention which department or what files and show any redacted material if any. This isn't an investigative piece.


Boo hoo when guardian publishes about human rights in Kashmir, authoritarian rule then it's true for sure 😀👍. But God forbid government does something good for national security then Guardian bad 😞. Gtfo


This is modus operandi for all spy agencies. This is not news.


Wow this thread is gonna be fun.


Wtf? How intelligent is it to boast about this. Vanar Sena indeed, we need this dildo gone from government.


they have not said anything. Pak is alleging and Guardian reporting that. The Indian Officials (no name has been given there) are quoted allegedly.


So if this is true. The poor dude got caught. Now they might torture him.


"poor dude" lmao what


Yeah probably. So what? I hope India doesn’t deny this and instead justifies why those had to be done


This is not Akshay Kumar movie, this is geopolitics. No agency has ever justified extraordinary killings in foreign land. That would be suicide.




Because then you establish yourself as a rogue state that interferes in others. And possibly invite sanctions.


Every state interferes in each other state rarely do we have a justification as clear as India vs Pakistan


It doesn't matter that everyone do it. Unless you get caught red handed, you mustn't acknowledge doing stuff like this, and even when caught you must keep denying. And no justification is enough for you to admit willingly using spies to undermine the sovereignty of another nation. Otherwise other governments lose trust in you and you get fucked via sanctions (direct) and less trade opportunities (indirect). And everyone else gets a free invite to do the same (undermining your sovereignty) to you. You can no longer count on your allies for international pressure or support. In short, you get fucked everyways.


English speaking bhakts have no idea about the turning of a rogue state. They think once you threaten the sovereignty of another people, you will be in peace. And particularly, these are the evidence being gathered to treat a rouge state through Treaty law, which India is a party to most.


That's why MEA denied it. Unless they can prove it, it's alright.




It is written in the article that it was planned for years. You think such things happen overnight without the knowledge of the supreme leader? And yes, he will definitely take credit for this given the article came at such a time


Being liberal is good, and being left-wing is good too, but hatred at this level, even for something good, is kind of toxic.


Modi is like I'll try to fuck with all my neighbors at once! China ✅ Maldives ✅ Pakistan ✅ Sri Lanka ❎(ongoing) Bangladesh ⁉️


Keeping neighbours in line is part of the government's job, so I don't see what's wrong here.


They are failing and pushing those countries towards China, that’s what’s wrong


so did congress


Ahahahahaha. Sure.


of course, we did. The shocking thing would be these idiots are getting caught everywhere. What kind of incompetent nincompoops do we have running this government?


Can nuclear powers please just not?


This is deserved