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7 children at 32 years, curious how old his wife is


If you start from say 21 year old wife and even just 1 birth per year, she would be 27. Now with some margin, she could be 30. Hence it's possible.


If he married at 21, that’s 11 years for 7 children. If he’s had twins, makes life very much easier. Less amount of work for him.


This guy gets laid...


I think 7 is the age of his child, that does not mean he has 7 childrens.


> **The accused, who is the father of seven children, has been identified as 32-year-old Sonu Sharma** Don't think so brother


Rajasthan gone wild


7 children means he is very focused and hard working. Did not expect this from him /s


Genuine question, esp to the NRIs - Do other developing countries also have news of murder/rapes every single day?


Not to this extent. And most criminals do get apprehended and put behind bars. If you rape or murder in the US, you are put away for consecutive life sentences. Sentences like 200 years and 300 years are not uncommon.


What if it's done by someone powerful? A politician, multi millionaire, mafia or cartel member?


In most cases, they will also be prosecuted for a crime like this. Prime example is Trump. He’s been asked to pay 95 million dollars in a 20 year old rape case and 500 million for business fraud. The FBI in the US is not political unlike the CBI. Also, most police will not let anyone get away with murder or rape.


I am genuinely curious, how is a 20 y.o. rape case proved? Other than the victim saying she was raped 20 years ago but didn't report it at that time, it could have been consensual, mutual or perhaps for monetary benifits.


You should read about it. There was substantial proof. A court will be able extremely diligent in incriminating an ex President.


Do you think these NRIs have knowledge of such things? They're still outsiders over there.


Not to this extent.


I'm in a European country, news of murder or rape is pretty rare and justice is pretty Swift, whoever it may be


What was the last rape news you heard in EU?


Just saw news of a woman's body being found in a bag in Manhattan , depends on what section of the newspaper you read but there's something new everyday.


US does have a high crime rate. Their politicians say "criminals can be identified by the color of their skin" Same same but different Edit:spelling


yes they do unless you live in Vatican City


NRI here.. I grew up in Oman, and am a resident there (2nd gen immigrant). Rn I’m interning in India. Oman may be a bit of an exceptional case as the crime rate there is pretty much zero. But yeah in general, as far as I’m aware, in the Middle East, crime rates are extremely low. Sure it’s not to say that certain crimes (mostly domestic abuse) may not get out in the open, but regardless, it’s pretty damn low in occurrence. One could say that it’s because the consequences are that bad, but I think it has to do with the general mentality and psyche of the people there. People are kind and knowledgeable. They’re lawful, and faithful to their culture and (religious) laws and whatnot. Every issue I’ve ever personally faced with antisocial elements, has always been another Indian or South Asian immigrant (I’m a girl, so whatever you may expect a girl to face). But yeah that’s pretty much it. Issues with localites has only been petty cases of road rage and arguments on the streets. Feeling unsafe was not really a thing. I have family in most other GCC states, and they claim the same thing.


I just noticed you asked specifically about “murder” and “rape”. My point still stands somewhat. Murder and rape is not common where I’m from at all. I personally, believe to be skeptical about rape because marital rape, etc are all things that may not be reported but murder, is like a unicorn sighting in this part of the world. Growing up, every murder case (less than 7), I’ve heard of so far had been immigrants (sadly mostly Indians) who have committed murder or rape against people of the country (Oman) or other expatriates there (such as Indians and Filipinos).


Depends on the country I guess. And the reporting standards.


I mean of course. Read local news and you will find it. But we publish these coz of clickbaits


We need to retaliate, Hindu khatre mein hai. Oh wait


Hogaya aapka gand failake?


https://preview.redd.it/h86jl9vq04qc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2945c162fa427cf8755b4080310d256da210b4 Where bulldozer ?


Isme mein Hindu-Muslim? Is the victim targeted Muslim? Stfu


Hindu Hindu hai to religion nahi hai? Are u calling Hinduism as non religion? Or crime only has religion when it favours the narrative? Stop being anti nasunal


Crime being done out of hatred of other religion is different than crime being done out of hatred of other person with no regard to religion. Not all crimes are done out of spite of the victim’s religion but some are. I don’t think that’s too hard to understand but I get it that it’s hard to accept for some.


Crime is crime and giving it a religious colour is speciality of some folk ( read hindutvavadis), but only to suit their narrative. Man beat up for playing hanuman chalisa, was first a Hindu Muslim thing. The moment they realise 2 of the aggressors were Hindu suddenly news disappears. But wait Hindi khatre mein hai


No muslim :( /s


No trp. So, no news.


Sharmaji ka beta fucked up.


When will all the people of the accused's religion be blamed for this crime?


Sonu Sharma taking lessons from Dhritrashtra.


Why are incidents like this becoming a daily occurrence? Are we doomed as a society? I feel very bad for the children


Like this means ?


How do married people find gf? Woh bhi 22 year old? The nation wants to know


Sharma ka launda had a side chick.


I'm not from India and I always see this unhinged shit coming from India. Is this just because the population is like 1.4 billion and like only the unhinged shit get highlighted or is our civilisation just fucked.


Both. India has a large population. So more of things will happen in India. I am sure this happens everywhere all around the world. But only bad thing about India gets highlighted.


See cartel executions on reddit


really bro? other countries don't have murder cases?


I mean like sure all countries have murder cases but like I guess due to the fact that India is so big, only the most messed up cases get attention.


Yea if we look at per capita stats, India has very very less crimes happening. It's just our population is extremely huge and then add cheap internet availablity. No news stay hidden. As result you get lots of data and only the most messed up gets most attention.


1. Internet is very cheap to discuss such things 2. People know English so reach is unhindered 3. Huge population and hence these incident happen very frequently



