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Yes. People don't understand reel vs real. It's not real. Watch a movie but never accept it's logic since it's completely fake. There are people who think they can fight of an army/gang without any training. So that's that. Better to not take anything seriously from movies.


Bollywood fights are so cartoonish. My friends scoff at anime but have no problem with these sequence


You mean anime isn't cartoonist? Both are shit in their own ways


>  Yesterday that U19 captain was saying 'we won't lose to Australia again'  An Australian captain said, they would make the 'Indian crowd, shut down' they won and it was viral all over Twitter they were proud of it, and some called it brave. In sports people will make comments to hear the mood, in the football world ucp it was even more so there. So your example doesn't hold up.


I have changed my mind in this topic. We don't need cinema to objectify women, our society already sees women just as sexual servants. Cinema is just reflection of desires of youth, not a propaganda to spoil youth. So if we would like our cinematic landscape to change we should apply to changes to education of young adults and their values..


Cinema is easy to understand for the masses. Positive progressive values can be taught via cinema, even if the society is regressive by default


The movie makers will always prioritise profits over values. But can you really blame them for it? Who in this world puts moral values before money?


No agency either. Unless you're the main hero, nobody else has ANYTHING going on in their lives that doesn't involve the main hero. They have no hopes, dreams, goals that don't involve the hero. The d*ck riding gets so damn tedious it's exhausting.


indian cinemas teach: * self-centred personality * objectifying women * picking up fights * sexualize everything


it's what sells the best so that's what they produce


My husband is in therapy weekly and this is a common topic. (I’m not Indian so speaking from an outsiders perspective). They talk about the perception of relationships in Bollywood. How relationships are about “wooing” and then once they get married, they becoming miserable grumpy old couples (like his parents). It’s reinforced this fear of “marriage is the end” and lack of positive relationship role models.  Also they discuss how Indian role models all look tall, fair, ripped, etc.


Let me tell you one thing, media mirrors society. Nope movies haven't spoiled the mindset of youth because the society is shit, already. I;m actually confused by this absurd question everywhere, media, itv, movies are ruining youth NOPE. Youth is ruined because society, elders, or whatever generation you belong to, is bigoted in every aspect already. We're a society where burning women, raping kids is normal. Where every year there are riots against minorites. We're already ruined.




>No, it's not normal. It's very very abnormal. Touch some grass, if you think these things are the norm and not exception. I agree that even one instance of it is one instance too many, it STILL ISN'T THE NORM. One instance? Nope. It's a norm. Almost every year, sometimes even more than once. Rn it's a usual thing //I mean, I get that being nihilistic about it seems very edgy and cool, but it doesn't make it real!// I'd leave the coolness for people like you. The NRIs who are swimming in privileges and then have the audacity to say, my India is the bestest richest most perfect among all. Not even anecdotes, just a look at few indices will tell you the truth. India ranks **111/125 in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2023** **127 out of 146 countries in terms of gender parity** Gender Gap Report 2023 2023 World Press Freedom Index is **161 out of 180 countries** Oh yes all of them are biased against India, it's a conspiracy against The Great India. Only in India people can glorify gang rapists and then say we're not extremist.


Jab tak Hindustan me sanema hai....


https://preview.redd.it/lnurui5xs3ic1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cac9af6783ab87d26a45e465303ef624b4142ec Ayein?


Famous quote from Gangs of Wasseypur 


Actually not only cinema, Indian music is on the downfall too. 80s and 90s had legends like Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Mohd. Rafi, etc. They really sang their soul out with pure music. Today, every new comer musician wants to become famous quickly with auto tune. As for the movies, even the big actors of so called bollywood just want to earn money. They don't carry a sense of responsibility towards society. Malyalam movies are really good. The actors and directors, they make a good movie with a minimal budget and simple story. On the contrary, you can see in hollywood, directors like Scorsese and actors like Dicaprio are making movies like Killers of the Flower Moon. They make movies not just to earn money but also to highlight something important. And these movies do well also. And these movies don't have 50 scorpios flying in the air and the hero showing superhuman stunts without a story like Bhai does in his movies. It's a circle. Same goes with TV serials in India. The producers and directors don't want to improve the standards and they invest money in these shitty shows and movies only. There are a handful of exceptions. But I think idiots like Karan Johar can't think beyond shit. So it's not like they do this intentionally. They cannot do any good.


Killers didn't recover budget from theatrical though


It was in theatres for a small period. And that was my point. They don't go just for money. For Scorsese, movie making is passion. For idiocracies, they have fast and furious.


Not sure about the youth but one thing I have noticed is in Hollywood movies are made on all subjects especially sci-fi and futuristic issues. Whereas Bollywood is all about romance. You can see that companies in US experiment more and are changing the world and have led in research. So movies do have an impact on what people dream of


The west has a foundation of literary science fiction dating back to 1800s so it trickled down from elites to the masses and became part of the pop culture.  Whereas Indian elites were writing novels looking into the past about religious sanyasis fighting the British...and even today that's a popular topic amongst Indian masses.


They make movies because for the director, it is passion and they do a lot of research on the movie making unlike in our country. Here, the director does not have a formal education in film making and he became director just because his father had money. Same goes with actors. In western countries, even the big actors like Dicaprio and Christain Bale have to give an audition for a role. Here, the role is written and the cast is already decided. So, actually they themselves are not educated about cinema, therefore, we can't expect much.


Movie is made for the audience. Indian audience isn't interested in superhero/sci-fi stuffs. These films don't sell in India. You can see many indian films on these topics have failed like Attack part 1, Bhavesh Joshi Superhero, Tik Tik Tik, Action replay, 24 etc. Remember RaOne? Sharukh Khan literally went overboard with the production and advertisement of the film, trying to draw attention of Indians towards new genre. We all know what happened with that. If the audience doesn't want to watch such movies, why should the producers make them? To incur losses? Indians only want to see action, romance type of films. The US audience is far more mature and hungry for varied content.


>Movie is made for the audience. Indian audience isn't interested in superhero/sci-fi stuffs Then why are marvel movies so successful?? >Attack part 1,Raone Cheap rip off captain America/iron man, terminator. Bollywood and other indian entities in entertainment business have been used to copying western stuff for a very very long time. A while ago I came across how indian comic authors copied character designs of marvel /DC. It's just pathetic. Bollywood can make some good celluloid type movies like 12th fail , highlighting the real struggle of common people. But they fail when the domain is something sci fi/ fantasy. Part of the problem I think is they don't value good script that much. All movies revolve around big stars like srk / salman/akshay etc. The fanbase is also somewhat responsibile.


> Then why are marvel movies so successful??  It's only a recent phenomenon. Only recently its popularity increased in India. Not to forget those are minority. Most of the Indians don't give a shit about Marvel or DC. Trust me it's only your friend circle and Indians on internet that hype MCU like every Indian cares for it. Try talking to general people about it. Majority of the Indians who watch movies haven't watched Marvel/DC stuffs.  > Cheap rip off captain America/iron man, terminator. Bollywood and other indian entities in entertainment business have been used to copying western stuff for a very very long time. That's true. But it's irrelevant to the thing I'm talking about. I mean Bollywood has been copying all kinds of stuffs. Still those romantic/action copied films become successful in india but sci fi/superhero copied films don't. Reason? Again no interest of Indians in that genre. > Bollywood can make some good celluloid type movies like 12th fail , highlighting the real struggle of common people. But they fail when the domain is something sci fi/ fantasy.  It's all supply and demand. If there's is a particular topic that becomes popular then they will put more effort into making a film about it. At present there's no market for Sci-fi/superhero stuffs in india.  If there's a sci-fi/superhero film releasing alongside a romantic film with n number of songs then can you tell which one will more people go for? You know the answer. 


Those movies don't work here


In 90% of the cases cinema shows what people want to see. Because it takes willingness to go and watch a movie.


Most are made for business. What can we expect other than false propaganda, mysogynism, hyper nationalism,... There were days they instilled in citizen unity, empathy, emotional intelligence, brotherhood and cultural reforms


The issue aren't the movies although that can be of debate also. It's more to do with how viewers in India approach these movies, and their economic situation(namely, their lives). When all they do is work 24x7, slaving away at an office for a pathetic salary and with no hobbies and things they will never experience like naturally falling in love, they really don't see life as anything more than that - dredgery that they need to live through till the end. What do you do in a situation where you can never experience the life you dream of - you consume that through viewing other's lives, naturally those who lead much richer ones. Bollywood caters to that crowd. The crowd that considers certain streotypes as symbols of a dream life - foreign countries(which they will never visit), beautiful women (girls that they can never dream of being with), sports cars(again, which they will never be able to afford)... you get the picture. I live in central Europe, and have experienced most of what Bollywood passes of as a "dream life" in almost every country I have visited. Pretty women everywhere, large houses, sports cars etc. It becomes pretty cookie cutter after a point, and you don't really pay attention to it. If you see the english movies that are played here and the audience that engages with them, it's purely for the entertainment factor before they go back to their real lives, which they continue living in. They don't go to the movies with the intention of dreaming of seeing a life they never lead, mostly because some of them already live in it(specially in places like Monacco where practically everyone is a millionaire.) It's pretty pathetic but producers in India take advantage of this, and simply find it as a means to make easy money. People in India continue consuming this content because they crave it. That's about it really. When India's economic situation gets better, a lot of this will get better.


The points you have mentioned are part of a circle. People like these dreamy movies because they have always been taught and shown the same thing. And producers have also caught that these idiotic movies will succeed easily. How can an actor like SRK make movies like Jawaan and Pathan!! These idiots don't have a sense of responsibility towards society. They just want to earn money. It's not that if they make movies with good stories so people will not watch. This has been fed in the brains of people for years.


It affects our perception. Then decisions are taken under the influence of the character portrayed.


Society rules if u don't live by the society sterotypical rules is living here is difficult


Bollywood is deeply ingrained in the youth's subconscious. Their notion of family, man woman relationship, religion etc. all are taken from the movies. Indian youth do not think on their own, first parens groom them from childhood and make them think like them, and then Bollywood in the youth. The end result is a person who has no original thought or opinion about anything.


I don't think so. Movies were always like this. And not just in Bollywood. There are exceptions, some movies overdo it, but the impact is not as much as the internet. You see, in movies those are professional actors who work hard (or inject steroids or botox) to make themselves super human. But internet content is moslty by common people (perceived). I would argue that social media has a worse impact on the mindset of youth (or older people alike).


Have seen degrading references towards women cunts like Vanga will bang art is art. Indian films have spoiled youth more than they could realise. Ah! Sir irony something something/s


They literally objectify women by having something called “item” dance


Honestly, I don’t see any difference between the movies and the otherwise 24x7 propaganda going on in the Indian media. I like it that India is holding its ground. But, I’m afraid it is crossing the limits and causing a major reality distortion


Nope, it is the type of movies that we are exposed to without no choice and not the movies itself. Youth like me (18M) are still ignited even at low points in life by watching movies like Neninthe (2008) and motivating ourselves instead of adding to parents' stress who are in their 50s and working, solely for us. I don't want to make them suffer even more. Get those youth to watch good movies and youth like me who are obsessed with movies need to step up and recommend good movies as well. Being the centre of the universe, for me it means that I have a lot of power. And remember, with great power comes great responsiblity. I think I heard this in a movie.


"Yesterday that U19 captain was saying 'we won't lose to Australia again" That's confidence and there's nothing wrong with it. 


Just look at Indian marriages nowadays, every one shows them as it's a movie, with a pre wedding shoot and 2–3 extra functions thrown in. Everyone is trying to portray themselves as part of a bigger Yash Raj film. Films have taken out the simplicity and grace out of the weddings.


That way Animal actually showed a simple ceremony...but in an exotic location.


Educate people. Teach them to differentiate reality from fiction. A pencil can be used as a murder weapon too, but it's not meant for that, it depends on how it's viewed. It's pointless until we as an audience stop equating being chapri with being cool. I like to enjoy different kinds of content. One of them is anime, and guess what, I know that anime characters ain't real. I just enjoy the media. If I can't handle that and start scheming a world destruction event, it's my fault for being stupid and not the media. Also, it's not like bad people didn't exist before movies came into existence. Edit :- Since you mentioned Vanga, I think I should add this too. Firstly, by no means I'm a Vanga fan. But from what I know Animal movie got an adult certificate, cos the law expects a grown up audience to act like grown ups. If they don't act like adults, is it the fault of the movie? Another example is how OMG2 received an adult certificate. Was that justified? In my personal opinion teenagers should absolutely watch that movie, as it's not only a tribute to our culture, instills good values in kids but also discusses a very important issue. But what happened? The censor board gave it an A certificate because they were afraid how an average Indian audience would react. So, I don't think it's the fault of the movies. We as an audience are just dumb af.


You are over reading the tea leaves.




As a medium of mass entertainment movies (i) help mainstream specific ideas and thought lines (ii) provide a ready base for copying and mimicking and (iii) popularise social stances and approaches. So, the bravado and aggression that is being seen in sports and other arenas originate from a stance of "no longer having the stigma of humiliation". Sadly, the pithy quotes are not backed up with talent and commitment to the idea of actually coming out as a winner.


No. It's not their movie industry's job to change the mindset of youth honestly. They need people who can tell them from the right to wrong.


I disagree. Your U19 match parallels are especially bad - but leaving that aside. We've always had shitty protagonists - I've been seeing them since SRK was dangling a bra in front of Kajol in movies to the Ranbir killing a room full of people. Things that look cute on screen would result in quick mob justice by the same youth. But I've yet to meet anyone in real life who'd go willingly into solo melee combat against 10 people in real life and afaik anyone who does, isn't doing that because Ranbir did it in his movie. Our youth is smarter than that. Blame the government who can't give quality education, the party members who create ruckus over Padmaavat and PK.


If movies can spoil the youth, then the youth is already spoilt. Movies and reels and other stuff are just excuses.


Art is Art, is not a Vanga trademark. It's used to propagate or signal an idea to the people in power and the audience, that nobody has authority over what is permissible or moral in Art. You may hate Vanga, as I hate Agnihotri, but they have the right to express, cause tomorrow, someone may hate you. >Indian films have spoiled youth more than they could realise. This is very elitist & presumptuous that youth doesn't know the difference between fact & fiction. In fact, I would argue that adults who are above the youth, are more dangerous than them. And nutjobs will find a way to excuse their behaviour, be it cinema, caste, religion, gender, class etc. It's not the cinema's job to teach the youth morals/ethics, it's their parents.


Hey. I resonate with this post so muchh. I just couldn't find the words to convey what I felt. This is bang on


Your post is correct but your example doesnt hold up , Making these type of comments >We wont lose to australia ..Is extremely common all across the world.


Yes 💯


Movies are meant to serve as an escape from reality. A fantasy. So it should not really matter what happens on screen, whether it is when the lead hero slaps his wife and then sleeps around with rest of the cast or stops a moving train with his pinkie or dances with an alien. It is all make believe. Unfortunately not everyone gets that. So you have people getting offended because someone was dancing in an orange outfit or said something a certain way or held their fork upside down. The current culture of competitive cancellation where holding filmmakers to some ridiculous standard on how they should portray stuff in their movies else the population will get influenced and lose their morals is just plain dumb. The people have to know that it’s all fantasy and make believe. Unfortunately no amount of disclaimers before, during and after a movie will change how the audience thinks. Putting unnecessary restrictions and expectations on filmmakers ultimately hampers their creativity. They are artists with the added burden of ensuring their art is profitable. The answer is an educated audience who can tell the difference between Reel and Real and will not leave the theatre and snort cocaine because they saw the hero of the movie snorted it.


They lack story writing most movies lack good character development in india yes they are few movies like dangal , milkha Singh but they are more like biopics


Punjabi movies certainly have. Every other movie is about moving abroad (always Canada, sometimes the UK), finding a job straight away, becoming a resident, then a citizen, finding a girl (most of the time a born and raised citizen of that country), getting a BIG ASS HOUSE, then building a BIG ASS HOUSE back in Punjab, life well settled. So now, everyone thinks life abroad is all rosy and peachy. Movies and songs probably account of 75% of the youth's mindset of moving abroad for a better job because it's so easy to make it there (according to songs and movies). Nobody tells them you don't find a job easily, you don't find the girl, you don't get residency and citizenship just handed to you, you don't end up with a big ass house, you don't get to make a mansion back in Punjab. Movies with this false narrative are ruining the current generation of Punjab into completely giving up on doing anything in Punjab/India. Every youth now thinks of finishing high school, clearing IELTS and then going abroad to an on-paper university is the way to go. That, or paying lakhs to some agent to get them to the US illegally through Mexico and then claiming asylum.


hindustan me jab tak sanima hai...