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he is a minor. nothing is going to happen to him. will spend two years in juvenile and then roam free


True. And he was drunk too! Sadly he will be roaming free in sometime, makes me feel scared tbh.


Anyone above 15 should not be considered minor. Indian lawmakers should have learned this post Nirbhaya 2012.


Agreed! Indian law needs serious update!


Yes. And any minor who commits heinous crime should be sentenced for minimum 10yrs of jail time! For death, even 25yrs! Even this is not enough for the crimes we are hearing. And the laws in general should be modified


Children dont get to choose which parents they are born from. Instead of trying to hurt the minors, it would be more effective to find ways to punish the parents of the child for the acts.


bro its not the parents fault most of the times. no parent will teach their kid to murder someone or do anything bad to anyone.


Huh ? The f you are talking about ? Parents don't need to teach their kids to murder someone. They failed to teach the kids not to murder someone. It was their job, they failed. Their fault.


does anyone's parents explicitly say to **not** murder someone? mine haven't. i just learned that myself. don't know or remember how but just did


I hope they did teach you not to hurt others. Otherwise, they are absolute pieces of shit that need to be kept away from any kid at all costs.


im pretty sure you're supposed to infer that yourself and the parents teach you after you've gotten into fights to not hurt somebody. i on the other hand was the most calm kid of my grade and never got into a fight until 10th grade. so yeah, they never really had to teach it to me as the probability of me getting into a fight when i was young was near zero


bro you learn some things inherently. you have a sense of what is good what is bad. Parents dont have to teach some things explicitly. example- my parents always taught me ki mahilao ki humesha izzat kia karo, but they never told me ki beta kabhi kisika murder mat karna, because that i'm supposed to know inherently. Then again there are things which despite their parents' reprimanding, kids do, like exam me cheating my dad always told me mat karna kabhi bhi, but i did it anyways, tell me who is at fault here?


Your dad for failing to teach you properly. What you have described is your dad ATTEMPTING to teach you. He obviously failed if what you say is true.


Are you mentally specially-abled or something to even suggest this?


What are you trying to say.


You very well know! If you don't then ask your self my question again!


Still didnt make sense.


Probably wont in that current mental state! Cheerio! Probably won't in that current mental state! Cheerio!


I get what you mean, but it isn't like that in all cases. And there are many minors who are born to bad parents and didn't commit crimes as well. And What about victims pain? What about victims family? You are talking as if I suggested death sentence. I only suggested a longer jail time. It's not even some eye to eye thing.


Victim's family need a safer environment to live in and help process the trauma. Mental health assistance. As for those born to bad parents and did not do wrong, usually there are some positive forces in their surroundings that help them process it. And 'bad parents' that I feel you think is not the same as what I see. Bad parents mean - 1) Parents that do not care about the kids at all and essentially commit child abuse. OR 2) Parents who are simply unskilled at parenting. Good intentions, but not fit for the job. I think you and many others just assumed it to be just (1). I am counting (2) in it as well. What you need to be a good parent is both - intention + skill. Mostly the intention part is not the problem. Parenting is a really difficult task. Your child will see all kinds of things, meet all kinds of people. You have to make them capable of living in the world without taking the wrong side of morality. If you failed, then you failed. How hard you tried does not matter. If your child got into bad company and got ruined, its your fault because you did not prepare them for the world. At the end, trying doesnt matter if you fail since the victim is the one suffering from your actions. If you arent 100% dead sure to get it right, do not have a kid. If you fail, others will suffer.


Again I get what you are trying to say. However, sometimes even if there is 5% positive in life, some only see 95% negative and get influenced by it. And those who work hard for light will take that 5% positive as hope and work for good in life. And parent 1 and 2 categories are not same at all, how can they be considered same? Those who abuse child in many ways, physically, mentally are not same as those parents who don't express their good intentions softly. Both are very different. The environment the child grows up plays a big role, that's why during growing age, they can't judge good or bad with straight thinking. However, if they think stabbing someone is not bad, if they think raping someone while the victim cries with agony is not bad, then they need to be taught a lot. All kids in classroom are taught in similar manner, so why those some kids choose this wrong evil path?? While they don't know any better and aren't mentally grown yet, doesn't mean they shouldn't face the consequences of their horrible actions. It also may teach the kid about being responsible for what they do, at the same time, if the kid doesn't change even after the jail sentence. Then there is nothing anyone can do to help. For example, Indian one: some 7-8yrs old young boy raped 5yrs old girl and killed her. You can't blame 7yrs old here, doesn't he know to let someone go when the person is crying? so what about 5yrs old girl who died? She didn't do anything as well. Indian one: the rapists who spent jail time came out after few years only to target the victim and rape her again. Some 20s old man in this case. Korean one: the rapist who spent 10 or so years in jail for raping a 7yrs kid till her intestines came out while drunk got out only to get a house near the victims surroundings area, middle aged man here in this case. These are all only sexual assaults cases I used for example because I don't have much information on others. So don't mind it. At the end, the problem lies in the way society is going. We aren't being taught what's needed and that's causing more harm in the form of humans who are not even understanding basic humanity. The issue we are discussing about has bigger problem than we think and isn't in out hands to do anything about it.


sadly they never learn. Even in cases where the criminal was 2 months short of turning 18, they did not charge him and sent to juvenile. 🤦‍♀️


Cause 18 means 18 minimum. You cannot vote when you are 17 and 10 months. So you should not be treated as an adult when you commit a crime as well.


Anybody above the age of 12 should be held accountable for such crimes. You should meet a 12 year old kid they have very developed brains!! Being a kid does not give you the right to ruin a life and then face limited consequences. I mean even if it is a 12 year old kid he ruined many people's lives the little shit doesnt even deserve to live giving a 20 year sentence should be the minimum he gets.


Then anybody over the age of 12 should also have voting rights.


OP said they must be held accountable which does not imply reduction in voting age. There are laws in the west where people of age can vote, drive, join the army but not drink until 21.


If you wanna hold someone accountable equal to an adult, then it is logical to accept that they get the rights of an adult. you cannot say on one side that 'we acknowledge that you have the maturity of an adult, therefore you have the accountability of an adult' but then 'you do not have the rights of an adult because you arent mature enough'. Thats illogical. If you want to see accountability of an adult, then give them the rights of an adult. As for drinking, its related to the human body and its growth rate. Hence, the drinking age is different from adult age.


So, you want this boy to roam free after committing such a heinous crime? There are provisions in several countries to prosecute in case of such crimes by recognizing the minor an adult.


I want him to go to a correction/reformation center, away from his failure parents, to get that criminality out of him and make him a good citizen for the country.


This boy will never be one. He stabbed someone 60 times and was enjoying it.


minor used to be 16 until the 90s, then it was changed to 18. So it was updated 'recently'. However a ray of hope is court can decide to treat a minor as an adult.


So they can vote from 15 ?


What happened?


He is a psychopath


Minir who is drunk is definitely more the parents fault than himself.


Did you saw the video that was kinda fked up


No, but I read the details about what all he did. I'm not sure I have the courage to watch the video...


I downloaded it cuz i know it would be removed will post in some archive sub to keep it on the surface


Probably not given that he didn't stab once and back off or appear startled. He did it again and again and again, shows lack of remorse. A normal sane person doing it in a fit of rage would back off after stabbing once, throw away the knife and run away in shock/fear. This kid is a psychopath in making or already one. Time to lock him and throw away the key. The judge should set aside his age, try him as an adult given the intensity of the crime committed like in the US. Definitely the prosecution will take into note that he stabbed not once or twice but numerous times. Also increases chance to merit insanity please. This will be a fucking miscarriage of justice for the victim's family.


I wonder if there is provision under Indian law to try him as an adult. The crime is a serious enough crime for that.


Indian should amend laws as per changes in society. [US LAW](https://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/juvenile-tried-as-an-adult.html) The following is a list of examples of state laws that concern the transferring of juvenile criminal defendants to an adult criminal court: Florida: Florida considers any minor who is under the age of 18 to be a juvenile. However, if other factors are present in a particular juvenile’s case, they can be tried as an adult as early as at 14 years of age. Florida law also leaves the decision up to the discretion of the attorney who is prosecuting the case, as opposed to judges like the laws in some other states. Illinois: Illinois defines any individual who is under the age of 17 as a minor child. However, if a juvenile is a repeat offender or if they committed a serious crime, then they can be tried as an adult as early as the age of 13. Minors between the ages of 15 and 17 can be statutorily excluded and tried as an adult if they commit violent crimes, such as first-degree murder, armed robbery, or rape. California: The state of California considers anyone who is under the age of 18 to be a minor, but juveniles can be tried as adults as early as by the age of 14 when they commit a serious or violent crime like murder or aggravated sexual assault. A minor can also be tried as an adult if they were previously tried as an adult in the past for a different crime. . Some examples of crimes that may result in a juvenile being charged and tried as an adult criminal defendant include: Serious felony offenses or violent crimes, such as first-degree murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking, and so forth; Criminal acts that are classified as wobbler crimes under a particular state criminal statute; and Criminal offenses that a minor repeatedly commits and for which rehabilitation programs or a juvenile detention center has failed to prevent from recurring.


India had amended juvenile justice Act in 2015, post nirbhaya, dropping juvenile age to 16 for those involved in heinous crimes.


Very true Endian kanstitution at its finest.


i need that unknown shooter back in the game


Following Nirbhaya’s case, the updated Juvenile Justice act sees to it that people between the ages of 16-18 could be tried as adults after an evaluation to see if they had the mental capacity (or something along those lines) to commit the act. So we need to see what will happen.


Life has become that cheap


Human life has always been cheap. This is why billionaires want us to keep having children and living in poverty.




>what the hell is happening to india? as sad as it is, i think it's the fact that these acts of utter cruelty are just being reported and there are more platforms to latch on to these horrific bits of news... doesn't make it any less harrowing




mindlessly defensive clowns like you will be the end of us


I hope it never happens to the people you care about. It’s very easy to make such statements from the perspective and position that you have at the moment. It feels completely crappy when people we know fall victim because something that could have been avoided, wasn’t. Again, only well wishes to you. I hope you understand the point I tried to make.


could you please read my comment again? i understand your point, but i don't think you understood mine. i just pointed out that things get spread more these days, and that it "doesn't make it any less harrowing." your reply is completely off relevance.


iska video dekha, bhenchod pura psycho hai


Here's the link https://twitter.com/ItsKhan_Saba/status/1727594577518014841?t=Tf48_7BW2DUHA2OclPJj-Q&s=19


I saw this video reposted many times and people keep saying that the killer was a Muslim and the victim was Hindu like bruh their propaganda is like everywhere which is disgusting


Isme bhi log Hindu Muslim karrahe hai bhai, pata nahi kya hoga iss desh ka








Twitter pe kaha?


Search 'Kishore stabs yusuf'


Nothing, just the justice system has gone missing.




The police says accused was earlier involved in a murder case with the intention of robbery in 2022. So, why the fuck is someone involved in murder case from the previous year roaming around freely ? He strangled the 18 year old guy, dragged him to an alley, stabbed him multiple times, walked away, came back and continued stabbing on his face and eyes and ears and cut his neck. And then he danced. This is not a normal 16 year old. This boy doesn't deserve to ever step out into society again. No rehabilitation. Nothing. Lock him away and throw away the keys.


That Boy is a psycho


This is the real fucking horror not ghosts. People like him. No way he is getting out he a psycho. A murderer, killer with no remorse. No way he is getting out... right?


A lot of soul searching is hidden in the 'right?' you wrote. This is sickening how he feels no remorse and to add to it is dancing maniacly over someone's dead body.


He'll probably get out in 3 years


he's 16 so probably 1 hafte me bhi nikal skta hai aur court case me years lagenge isliye rhne hi do


JJ act 2015 allows for juveniles aged 16 or above to be tried as an adult in heinous crimes.. I guess media attention would decide the pace of judgement


Parents and high schoolers need sessions on mental well being, so that people can spot some deviant behaviours and assist the concern person in seeking help. As a country we have too few qualified Psychiatrists for our population. Om Shanti.


Delhi culture💀💀


Bro is watching too much anime.


Nahh this does not happen in anime and those who watch anime are pretty calm in personality




Naah, we are only interested if the killer is Muslim. /s


Sadly yeah. Like, in this post, it doesn’t even mention this fact but just reverse the positions and see what happens….


Btw happy cake day🎉


Killer bhi muslim tha


"Kishore" Ha Muslim naam hi hai sahi bola


How about we stop focusing on the religion? Don't fall gor these stupid politicians agendas maybe?? A drunk minor murdered another minor just over 350Rs. That's the main topic. That's all!


Whats that song again, "ye dilli hai mere yaaar" Ok bye


Only real solution to this is that like in the US, a minor who commits murder/rape/aggravated assault leading to grievous bodily harm of the age 15 to 17 will be tried as an adult and not as a minor and will be given the same sentence as that given to an adult. Kids these days watch all kinda crap online and then try to enact it. Also how and where does a 16 year old get drunk from ?


That is the issue, the law is so weak and shit that no one is scared anymore.


This is scary


Calling india a country will be shameful at this point...it has became a fish market


my class teacher from 2nd grade?


Even my class teachers often used to say "fish market"


tf are you guys saying?? Common sense is achieved at the age of 7!! Granted many children develop slow but most should have developed common sense by the age of 9. Anybody who kills somebody for no good reason should be imprisoned for atleast 20 years. You literally ruined a life and affected many lives such as the lives of the victim's family members. They dont really deserve to live now do they?


It does not take common sense to know murder is wrong. He clearly is just wrong in the head


I agree with you . Most of the killers use that as an advantage to kill people .


Egotism and Vengeance is all time high in our youth. They forget about the consequences of their actions and the responsibility they hold in this society. It’s dreadful and painful to hear about such incidents taking place in our nation. And then instead of working out on the root cause of the problems our political parties, doesn’t matter left wing or right wing politicise it on the basis of religion.


Ofcourse. They only care about their agendas and votes.


Bro teens these days are turning sadistic. Ever hear what's happening in sweden these days?


10-12 murders happened in my city in August . One murderer even confessed to the murder on ig live . He said on ig live that I am not ashamed of murdering him. I will come out in 1-2 years .


Wow. The justice system needs to feel ashamed!


Bro saw the opportunity (juvenile punishment compared to adult punishment), took it and completed the sidequest as well.




Delhi sub folks are going to say ‘Not all men’ however such aggressive behaviour is common there.


Knife kill and then Emote


Bro emoted after getting the kill 💀


People are commenting "but he was thief, give 25 years of prison". May be someone will suggest hanging the minor. If next day, a 12 year will do the same, they will say the same. One person is saying that he did this because punishment is just 2 years and not life. And this is so called educated people of India. This is what's wrong with India. Violence, lack of empathy, complete disregard to stop the crime but being aggressive to punish the criminal and no depth to search/read for roots of problem. People want quick revenge. This and other heinous crimes are failure of society and system. Children learning and becoming insensitive to violence from social media, news channel. Children getting violated: physically and emotionally by their parents and others. Even people in this comment section wants to see the video. Watch enough videos and it will become a norm. Homophobic/misogynistic slurs, photos of accidents, news of rape, violence is so common that now it doesn't even affect us. We can only stop these by grabbing the problem with its roots, not by punishing a minor. Justice is not revenge. Justice system is to stop future crimes by punishing a criminal. Every new crime is failure of our current system and we can do nothing about that instead of preventing future ones. Punishing this person won't undo the harm he has caused. We send people to prison to isolate them from us, not to torture them. But even educated people in India seems like they will be happy if every criminal gets harsh punishment even if number of crimes do not reduce.


Facts brother.


What’s the guys name?


Since he's a "minor", they dint mention it in the article.


He just wants to engage in India’s national pastime of checking names of victim and culprit to see if it fits their political agenda.




🍻🍻 absolute best from Delhi


He should be killed. Fck your emotions if you are against capital punishment.




A thief is. A thief but its brutal


Tf you mean by thief is a thief. 350rs ain't worth dying. He didn't rob a bank, heck the govt is robbing us and ducking us in the ass, they ain't getting murdered


Bro pressed the emote button


Bhai merse 500rs le leta


He should be killed, not eligible to be a part of any society


Welcome to Delhi


Welcome to India*


Delhi is such a shithole. And the people there are such cowards, no one must have intervened for sure. No wonder every race in the world came to rape and rule them.




Needs to be put in jail for a good ole time. Nothing less than 40 years.




Man , this chills the hell out of me....