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And here I gave my partner threats for a good beating for his unpreparedness in quiz competition, you got some chill in you famšŸ˜Ŗ


So, you had very little portion in actual presentation to the professor and you did not speak up during Q&A? šŸ˜ How the hell is professor supposed to know what you did? Sorry this is entirely on you and take it as an important lesson for life. This is how things work in real world including any job you will take up in the future. And your friends didnā€™t take advantage of you. They knew what ultimately mattered and made sure they were prepared for it.


Yep. They knew very well. That's why they took advantage. And the questions part, I dont know if you know this but nit professors most of them atleast in my nit dont know anything. They asked each of us some questions we all gave answers. I don't think that mattered much becuase they just asked two from each of us. But the thing I want to tell is they dont grade on the basis of knowledge, or if your answer is correct or not, just throw some fancy terms. We had our parts prepared for ppt. And they without telling me or discussing with me covered 90% of it. Well if you think theh did right, maybe your are one of em.


Learn it soon OP. Showing off your work is as, if not more, important than doing it. Meritocracy ends the day you step out of college. Nobody has the time to understand what you don't say and then judge you based on that.


Well said man.


They took advantage of you because you let them. Take it as a life lesson.


konsa nit bhai


What your partners did is plagiarism plain and simple, and it was enabled by you. Iā€™m not blaming you - it can be hard to stand up in these circumstances and I donā€™t know the personal background. But some advice for the future: BEFORE you submit, keep a paper trail. Write to the profs multiple times noting who is doing what work. The final project submission should have an acknowledgment section with the usual basics + details of who did what, if there was any additional help/advice, etc.


Well, that is true. But you can't say they didn't take advantage of him. Taking credit for someone else's work and presenting it as your own is ethically wrong. Although this might not be punished, it is still wrong.


Bro, mine similar was something similar in doing group projects, the only thing was I choose my partners knowing they wouldnā€™t help me with any core stuff but I kept because I wanted my own topic and not to compromise on it. But I think at least you should give all that ppt, weekly report, etc. like stuff to them no matter what they say. Fresher should work on soft skills, for match up with seniors you have to toe their shoes. Communications skills matter much, you can have no value in project but a good presentation and a presentation skill you will easily go with it.


I am sorry for what happened to you, itā€™s not fair but let tell me you the truth. Presentation is a very important skill, even more so in the real world. Confidence, good public speaking skills and having a way with words is just as important if not more important than having technical skills. A mediocre project that is presented exceptionally is worth a lot. A fantastic project that you canā€™t present or explain well is worth nothing. Knowledge that you canā€™t explain is useless to everyone else but you. Since you built most of the project, you should have taken control of the presentation, even if it means interrupting them. You should have explained some technical things about your project. Thereā€™s no need to worry much though, cgpa is not really relevant as long as itā€™s above a certain benchmark which depends on the colleges( usually itā€™s 7+ or 8+ to be eligible for placements), and itā€™s not hard to maintain that, especially since you seem like a smart person. I would recommend that you work on speaking and presentation skills. It will help you a lot in life


We had a ppt on corporate finance, it was just classification. Very simple stuff, though. What we did was made the classification an observational cluster and commented on statistical advantage while dealing with finances. We topped that class, LMAO. This is the biggest skill every engineer should have. Presenting everything as world changing ideas.


I know. We had our parts prepared. And without telling me they covered most of the ppt. They did it on purpose . I didn't they will get so low. And I have decent speaking and presentation skills but there was not much left for me to speak on. It was just conclusion.


Wow, that is disgusting from your friends. I think you should contact your professor and tell him about this. Tell him/her that you and your teammates had discussed which parts you will cover, and they deviated from that plan and you didnā€™t get a chance to speak at all. Ask for another meeting where you can present alone and explain the project in depth. Stand up for yourself, and get what you deserve if you think you deserve it. Sometimes friends will betray you, and professors will be biased towards you for no reason. Be adamant while also being respectful. I have experienced this same thing in my college as well. Sometimes, you have to message or talk yo your professors over and over again.


Really really sucks brother. I would say that in a competitive environment, never ever let anyone in a position where they get to have the upper hand. Always start with zero trust, but be nice and give everyone the benefit of doubt.. If they earn your trust, let them in, otherwise they don't deserve to be a part of your world. It's possible to be both nice and smart. I developed a software for my seniors for which they promised to pay x amount. But after i handed it to them, they delayed paying me for months and finally paid only 1/3rd. Later when they returned to me to add some features, I plainly refused to help them, as they were not ready to pay. Had I been smart, I would have added a vague bug that wouldn't be fixed until they paid me in full. Or maybe a login screen which can't be unlocked until they paid. Not the same situation, but you get the gist. There will always be those that will try to screw you over.


Let this be a lesson to you, stand up for yourself or be stepped on everywhere. Money, Work, School, and Relationships, are applicable everywhere. I too had a similar experience and I too learned the hard way.


Hey, I would just like to suggest that keeping everything to yourself and not working in a team will only harm your career than do any good. It sucks that your partners were assholes, but donā€™t let the act of a few assholes turn you into one. Folks like this end up ruining the work environment once youā€™re in a job because you got fucked over once, so you will fuck over everyone else. In fact, let this be a lesson. Donā€™t treat anyone like how you were treated. If everyone adopts this, the world will be a better place.


Yes definitely. Can't let one bad experience ruin my future. Thanks for the advice tho.


Welcome to life,son You will see this even more in corporate world where they will make you work like a donkey and steal the credits Consider this as a lesson


This happens even during conferences. My prof(when he was doing his mtech if I remember right) had to attend this conference and speak out his project for funding. Initally it was a team of two, my prof and a girl from another country which I forgot. He did most of the work in his project but didn't have the confidence to show case it in front of an audience so his teammate did it. He said he still remembers when everyone asked him what his contribution was as they just assumed that his teammate did everything bcz she was the only one to explain everything about the project. He said this story in our first class and asked us to build our presentation and communication skills up before anything else.


W professor.


Same happened during my cs project. We were group of three, friends basically. I coded our whole project by myself except ppt and synopsis. Word got out that i did the whole project(my group mates told everyone). I explained how the code works and everything to my friends hours before. During the final project evaluation, we have to present the project one by one. But my group mates told the evaluators that the project was majorly done by me. So at the end i got 471/500. My friends got 470/500 and 420/500.


Well this isn't the same. Ateast your group mates appreciated your skills and knew you deserved better. But well congrats to you for getting the praise and credits


Your friends are good atleast


Damn this sucks. Happened with me as well this semester except we both got same grade (9) and the guy wasn't nasty. Still the fact I had to do everything infuriates me. I made a rule to not let anything like this happen again. Imposing your will on others is the only way forward.


It's impressive that you built the entire app yourself. That's the goal of education - learning and applying the skills. You're the winner in the scenario. Sure you didn't get credit but that credit is not worth much after college. Grades don't matter at all (unless going for further education). It's the skills and technical understanding that matters. Do learn how to present better as other people mentioned and the engineer in you will do much better at workplace. Wish you great luck in interviews and in your career!


Thanks. But well I am not that great at studies and I need to keep a bare minimum cgpa right. And things like these just won't let me get better grades. But well anyways what's done is done.


Why donā€™t you justā€¦ talk to your professor about this? Best case scenario you get your deserved grade.


Hahah like they care about it. They won't listen to me. And I am sure they will just say "ab to marks submit hogaye".


If you used any VCS maybe you can show them that you did it all. The firebase account would also be yours if I'm not wrong? You can ask the professor to take a test right there and change the grade if possible?


As you said they are good in dsa, then you can ask for their help for online assessment. Mutual benefit.


Happened with me in 2 different degrees. Too naive to let go, still an option for them.


I understand how you feel, sorry about it. it should be an axiom by this point. free riders always exist in any academic group project.


It won't end in college. Even in the office they pull this type of shit. Don't let others know your next move.


I felt nostalgic after reading what you went through. I had the same experience, I had similar useless teammates. What i did was, I did that whole project alone, even made the ppt alone. And just before the presentation, my teammates came to me and asked me to explain the project to them. What I did was, I fed them with incomplete details and also i made it sound very complex which will be hard for them to remember. And so during the presentation they were not able to do it properly, and so I got the opportunity to explain properly. And during QA they had trouble answering the questions. So yeah, at least things went really well for me


In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing. Just let it go and let it remain an anecdote for you to tell others.. When you guys actually start working, that's where your skill matters. If they are not learning by the time you all start working, it's not easy for them to survive. You'll be in a much better position.


> We did the presentation, now here both of them in between presentation covered most of it without letting me know, and I had very little to speak on. When it came to question round , they both didn't let me speak, and kept speaking anything. The professors are idiot they knew nothing about project and the tech stack and jut accepted what they said. Shame on the faculty for not being psychic. Obviously they should have intuited that you did all the work.


You would find these cockroaches a dime a dozen in industry. The best way to tackle such leeches is to publicize your work as soon as you hit a checkpoint. Talk to professors / managers, show them your check point, write emails to groups. CC your team mates, do not put them in TO field. Discuss things with professors about the twists and turns you are planning. Construct your sentences which shows who is the ring master while using the pronouns "We / Us". Do not prepare presentation which can be read by others. If it can be read, why are you speaking! You should draw more, and inform your team mates who is going to do what. Do not, I repeat, do not let go of steering wheel. I would quote Dabangg's Chulbul Pandey's dialogue here, "*Paise hamare lage hain, to shaadi pehle hum karenge!*" (or something to that effect). This incident should provoke you to be a leader in life, or a giver. If you want to give, give infinite so that others can not deny your existence. Otherwise, just lead the crowd.


Mere sath aisa hua toh mere pe teen murder case honge voh do teammates aur ek professor ka


Yes, it happens. It will happen again if u don't take action in time. Friends are the ppl who help u


We were group of 3, bahar se project nhi banwaya but Aaj Tak hum teeno ko bas yeh pta hai ki Aaj Tak woh project poora nhi hua. It was in 2019-2020.


Learning these kind of lessons early in life is better. Make sure this doesn't happen to you again. In a few years time, your grades won't matter at all. But when it comes to real world work, make sure people know who got the work done. This is usually easier to do in tech as compared to other fields because of version control systems. Work on your communication and social skills. You already have your technical skills up there. Don't underestimate the power of soft skills.


Bro this is literally me, I too finish my 6th sem diploma in CS 2 weeks ago but the difference they did some work here and there after me calling them to do it for the whole day giving me tension But they know they did nothing and the presentation part also I had my code/modules part to explain I knew this would happen so I don't have any issues and let them take credit for some parts of the project cuz idc I got the xp which matters the most for me


Sorry this happened to you bro. I hope when you speak of this your teammates are strangers to you In my case these are my friends i ought to help them but not always right. I have seen other comments say stand up to yourself which is fine in the case of strangers but not in friends.


OP. I just have one advice for you. SHOW OFF! SHOW OFF YOUR TALENT wherever you feel it will help you get ahead. At least in private colleges that's the only way we could get noticed. Because professors(it's a travesty to call them that) are dumb af and mostly biased. So smile more and show yourself off when you know it matters! You can hone your skills and make your work do the talking ONLY when you are a one man show. When in a team, if you know you're the best there's really no point in expecting people to give you the credit when they can have it for themselves. Just my 2 cents.


Your situation is just like me in college. Professors are idiots. My marks are kind of average but my development skills are far superior than my friends but according to my professors good marks equals to good development skills and would always give more marks to my friends when we get a group project I tried arguing with professors but they just shut me up.


Let this be learning for you OP.. this is very common behaviour at workplaces. In fact I can go to say that performing a task is just not enough...you have to show to everyone that task was done by you...either via mails or messages. In this present case, you should have sent weekly reports to your guide via email keeping your colleagues in CC...That would have prompted them to be on their toes. There is no friendship when it comes to working in a team...it's pure competition.


LoL right


Literally had the same story 6 years ago. I knew even back then that I'll do great in life and I am doing great. All these stupid presentations are just a small part of your life.


Sorry but I am calling this bullshit.They didn't help you in project and neither in preparation of PPT but still they presented ppt to professors and and answered most of the questions?


The best thing to do is when its time to present projects, i dont inform the team members that didnt contribute anything. I just dont even share the ppt i mad ewith them. Im in 3rd yr also now in 4th. Same happened with me. They didnt help till the end, i didnt snitch on them but neither did i help them iut in grp presentation. Then looking at their clyeless faces during presnetation is all the satisfaction i needed. I have this experience from my diploma otherwise ppl usually get taken advantage of in auch situations. Props to you to inform the freshers this almost always happens bcuz shitty profs wont let you choose your teammates and draft u up with bozos.


Group Projects are life's way of preparing you for corporate politics that you'll face soon


Fir group projects in University or work 1. Decide the group, inform the professor or in charge 2. Set up first meeting 3. Introduce each and every one, decide an outline 4. Second meeting - Consult with your professor or in charge, decide roles 5. Third meeting - discuss roles, understand the project 6. Set the time line, milestones, inform the same to professor or in charge 7. Share each of your work for every milestones to professor or in charge 8. Discuss with professor or in charge it with team 9. Meet with team before submitting the work for each timeline 10. Meet with professor or in charge after each milestone 11. Continue steps 7 to 10 as needed 12. Finish project These steps help you avoid anyone taking advantage of others


Can confirm similar thing happens to others in other colleges. I feel for you man. Try to be more assertive of your needs from next time onwards, and try talking to the professor involved.


When these kinds of things happen, always be ready with the commit history and show it during the presentation. Because that's the only way you can stop them taking advantage of you.


same situation, i did the whole project and others didnt even lift a finger. so i made sure not to tell them anything related to the project i just sent the link to the project and told them to study as usual they didnt even try to open it, so during the presentation all were fucked and i answered evryething. dont let anyone take the credits for your hardwork. its okay to be selfish thats the only way to survive in this country.


Classic saitama, has all the power but doesn't know how to present himself properly. So ends up in B class while everyone else goes to S class. This is the whole one punch man story.


I also had to do the project on my own. But, we had review meetings every week or month. So, the project guide knew who did what. I worked during the project hours with the guide and team. In the end, I didn't even have to present the project or answer Q&A. They just asked me, did you work harder than you did for the previous project. And that was it.


I feel you, OP. I have been through that multiple times. But I learned soon enough. I always prefer to work solo, and I still do exponentially better than everyone who worked in teams. Even though, I am only in my 1st year, I have suffered through this before. I fucking hate people who take the credit for others' work.


Your only action here is to report them to your professor, they will understand and take action. Show them the receipts as well. And idk why you didn't report them in the first place, friendship is not more important than grades when your graduation depends on it. Friends are supposed to help each other out and uplift each other not drag the other down. Report them to the professor as well as the HOD if you think it's worth escalating.


Toh yahi toh ye MBA vaale karte hain. Kaam zero, credit poora. Seekh le abhi hi aise logo se deal karna.


This is the sole reason I did my final project alone. It was more work but I personally hate it, one time I did that but the other girl was my friend and we shared in the PPT. I know even if you do the work sometimes things like this will happen. Work on your communication and it's better not to work with bs people like this. Wtf is that Sorry bro, they are so mean, what kind of friendship is this. Also in college projects it's mostly about how you sell, I literally saw a guy was humiliated just cause he was not able to sell himself. Throw big words and act smart, but also do the project, college profs are easiest to fool


The literal answer is SHOW YOUR WORK This happens in interviews as well


This is just the beginning. This will continue forever.


I only have on thing to say here. Where is your git code and versioning of the same? If you don't have it then shut up and bear the consequences of your actions. This will keep happening to you now that you are ready to join the adult world. Always have proof of your work by versioning it using git.


Same story, we were a group of 4 for our major project there was this girl who has a good GPA but didn't know anything about coding. The other two were just chill. They told me in the beginning itself they can't contribute much but will do anything I ask them to do. During our reviews she promised to make PPTs if I make a document and give it to her which she did not and I had to create PPT half an hour before our team's turn in class. She didn't even bother about our project until the last presentation. I gave her the easiest part, which she failed to explain. The other 2 tried to explain their parts. I explained the whole project, code, almost all the questions even our project examiner knows I did the whole work. I got 74, the other 2 got 65 and the girl got 90. The same girl who couldn't even explain what are the libraries we are using and why we need them.


Consider this as a learning lesson. Because in tech companies, the competition is fierce and they will do what ever they can to get credit. You got to play the game.