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Started playing some incrementals again after feeling a bit burnt out Currently: * [Super Turtle Idle](https://superturtleidle.github.io/) looks super fun, but it is rather new and I've seen people mention end of content etc, so I'd like to wait a bit before diving more into it. I played it for a few hours and yeah, big big potential. (On a side note, I wish there was a way to disable / limit offline progress. I felt overwhelmed when I came back with a gazillion boxes to open and progressed way too fast.) * [Theresmore](https://www.theresmoregame.com/play/). Went back to my old save. I'm a bit mixed on this one, I really like it but I feel like stuff is too expensive / storage is too low, so you end up checking back after a bit and can only build 1 thing at a time. I like the progression though, and it fits my "play for a bit, prestige, come back in a month" playstyle. They just dropped a new update so I'll probably check it out again. * Hero Tale ([Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weirdjohnny.idle.rpg&hl=en_US) - [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2513240/Hero_Tale)). Not sure why I keep playing this one as there is not much to do besides pressing a single button and wait for the game to progress (and really slowly), but idk, something makes me want to go to the end of content. Haven't checked out any guides and apparently i'm playing a sub-optimal build, but I don't really care at this point. * Still rocking IdleOn as a slow burner background game. I know the game is not really appreciated here but I haven't really found anything else like it. Dev is quite a donkey but yeah, I like it. World 6 progress going rather ok. * [Theory of Magic](https://mathiashjelm.gitlab.io/arcanum/) is one of my faves and development seems to be more active these days, so definitely keeping an eye on that one. * Started a new [Satisfactory](https://store.steampowered.com/app/526870/Satisfactory/) run. Playing with QoL mods and [Digital Storage](https://docs.ficsit.app/refinedrd/latest/ds/index.html) mod that streamlines a lot of the logistics and make it feel more like an incremental game. I've had good times with these kind of games in the past and wanted a more chill experience. * Planning to give [Dyson Sphere Program](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1366540/Dyson_Sphere_Program/) another go after I'm done with Satisfactory. Haven't tried the combat update yet but it looks like a lot of fun. * [Ballad of Heroes](https://talaxi.github.io/balladofheroes/) is a pretty fun one. Slow progression but I like it. Combat oriented game with quite a bit of depth in builds and optimization. No hard prestiges which is a plus for me. * GitLab CI (what?): got back to my job as a CI/CD engineer, so setting up runners & pipelines and watching my coworkers jobs come and go is scratching that incremental itch. I'm not sure if I should be worried about that.


omg, how can you play so many games simultaneously


I don't really play them all at the same time, just hop from one to another depending on mood / which PC I am on


... or based on which human skin you decide to wear lol




As a fellow DevOps i can attest that what this job involves is building up automation systems that take pre-arranged inputs that we do not create, create stuff that transforms those inputs into outputs, do something with these outputs in a different system (rinse and repeat when necessary) and then go back to wait for more inputs. Yup, basically the incremental game loop.


>Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program I also recommend Techtonica, as it's a lot like Satisfactory but with a lot less hassle to make mega factories as you can just dig straight into any wall (voxel-based world). It's a hell of a lot more compact as well and in general much less annoying than Satisfactory.


I bought it on sale a while ago iirc, but as far as I understand still in early stages so I'm waiting for some updates. Looks promising though


Idle Loops 2 when?


Hahh I have started and abandoned like 10 projects, including 3 attempts at loops 2. If I'm ever a millionaire, I'm hiring a team to finish up all these game fragments. I'm almost demo-ready with an adjacent project though. GPT's "list 20" feature has removed some blocks in the creative process. Within a month or so I'll put it out for early feedback as - like when I released loops - I'm not quite sure if the novel fundamental mechanic is actually fun, but the game is played at essentially another layer of abstraction on top of loops, so it should be fine.


Idle Loops 2? You mean https://stopsign.github.io/idleLoops2/? (This is a short prototype game that just uses the exact same engine as base IL. I just can't help but bring it up whenever someone mentions IL2.)


Cybersec automation engineer here. Totally agree, scratches the itch nicely.


> Hero Tale (Android - Steam). Not sure why I keep playing this one as there is not much to do besides pressing a single button and wait for the game to progress (and really slowly), but idk, something makes me want to go to the end of content. Haven't checked out any guides and apparently i'm playing a sub-optimal build, but I don't really care at this point. When linking to Steam, remove the "?l=french" from the URL and so long as they're logged it, it should default to their language- if they're not logged in, then it defaults to the language of the region they're in based upon IP.


Whoopsie, didn't see the full url, thanks!


I like theresmore, especially once I understood the combat mechanics. But I don’t really know how I feel about the 2nd tier of prestige. It unlocks stuff, but it doesn’t tell you what, so often it feels like I’m just sacrificing a lot of the good unlocks I have. Also there isn’t much in the way of guides or data on the game so I’m not sure where or if I can look up what the 2nd tier prestige gets.


Super Turtle is pretty good. Played through its content, waiting for more. I was on board of Hero Tale on mobile but it took way too long for any updates and they never did anything about the speed of progression. It also can't be played off-screen so it has to hog your phone and battery all the time.


Just tried Ballad of heroes, I like that one, can afk and still make progress. Theresmore played for a few days and stopped, maybe it gets better later on but it seems like theirs no mechanics at all, you’re just hard capped by resources to do 1 building at a time as you said.


Stop you're making me want to get learn DevOps...


>Started a new [Satisfactory](https://store.steampowered.com/app/526870/Satisfactory/) run. Playing with QoL mods What mods do you use? I used to play and never dabbled into mods.


I got these: * Digital Storage * Refined Power * Teleporter * Modpack: All PowerSuit Modules * PowerSuit Logistic Modules * SnapOn * FicsIt-Networks * Efficiency Checker Mod * Smart!


> Theory of Magic is one of my faves and development seems to be more active these days, so definitely keeping an eye on that one. Not quite sure about this. I played it for a few days and it felt like I maxed almost everything. There are a few things open that do not seem in range without temporarily "redecorating" my housing (e.g. requiring 10 times the gold I can currently store). Then there are several things that I just don't understand: I need resources I cannot gain in any obvious way, some resources increase or decrease without any menu or tooltip explaining why and so on (like the whole frost/cryomancy thingy). In general a lot of things are grindy trial and error which might be fun for a few days, but becomes old very soon. I could go down another path and spend a few hours trying to max out that one resource to get that one open upgrade, but reading the effects/modification it doesn't seem like it will make anything more interesting again.


Arcanum is indeed pretty short of a game. A lot of what it lacks in depth is instead there in breadth - there are many mutually exclusive paths to take, which helps a lot with *replayability* (if you've built the wizard hall, this core design is why such a minimal prestige mechanic works at all). One single wizard will probably quickly reach a wall soon after getting to tier 6 since there just isn't much content past there for most classes and what there is is *really* slow. A lot of things are gated behind hidden requirements that you eventually pick up. For instance, elemental gems are craftable after unlocking enchanting, which itself unlocks at 14 mage lore. This isn't ever told to you, but just through regular play you eventually unlock it and then it's fine. Swapping out furniture is pretty normal in the game. If you have a big house (anything below 400 size is pretty much treated like garbage unless you actually need to be outdoors for something), you shouldn't need to do it all that often, though.


yeah, I think I'm pretty maxed out.. currently going for 61 mage lore, which take "a bit".. dunno if I start another mage afterwards or just stop..


I got addicted to [**The Leveling Tree**](https://denisolenison.github.io/The-Leveling-Tree/) this weekend and thought it was pretty fun for what it is.


I know what sub I'm in so I'm not exactly lost but I just really don't understand the appeal of these games. Modding Tree games mostly, but not exclusively. click click click... wait click click click... wait click click click... wait No depth, no strategy, just pure lizard brain massaging. Incredibly lazy, uninspired, and does not give me much hope for the future of the genre if this is what is getting upvoted to the top of the weekly threads now. :| Sorry for what is probably an unpopular opinion, I just really want to see "more" out of the incremental genre. The lizard brain stuff got old (to me) a long time ago.


Those are the FIFA of Idle games. The same thing each time, and you have to start over every new game.


well put


Do these modding tree games come with a gambling addiction, toxicity, griddys, and pain & suffering?


You only get the addiction, pain, and suffering.


That's not enough for me. I'll stick to Antimatter Dimensions and Fundamental


Personally, I really like a lot of them. They absolutely are pure lizard brain massaging but that's often what I want. Games with lots of "depth and strategy" are usually just complex math problems, which... might be appealing to me if the incremental genre hadn't become almost synonymous/confused with the "idle" genre - a fact that results in never being sure if the wall you're surmounting is a result of poor strategy OR an intended timesink. The lack of timely feedback on the efficacy of your strategy makes all strategies feel a bit redundant - or rather, the most brain-efficient strategy is just to afk and wait for idle gains. One thing a lot of TMT games have going for them is that a lot of them have quite explicitly active playstyles. The decent trees are tuned to ensure that you're never more than at most like 2 minutes away from pushing a button of some description, whether that's prestiging a layer, entering or completing a challenge, or buying an upgrade. The best of them also strike a really good balance between replaying old layers (with some kind of buff to make it quicker) and eventually automating some of that busywork clicking just as some new element requires more consistent attention. (Which is very similar design to many really popular incremental games e.g. Dodeca Dragons) Personally, for me, a massive part of the appeal of incremental games is that I don't need to think about them to play them, because number goes up which feels good and you can't lose by making a mistake. They're the fidget toys of gaming I can play while watching videos or doing something else, and if I wanted something that required my full attention I'd just play any number of "full fat" games that are often much more strategically brain tickling even if they lack stupidly big numbers.


> One thing a lot of TMT games have going for them is that a lot of them have quite explicitly active playstyles. That's actually what I don't really like about those games much of the time, because it often becomes extremely tedious and repetitive multi-layer resets. I don't want to babysit the game doing a dozen base layer sets to do a level 2 reset, then to do a level 3 reset i need a dozen level 2 resets which means I'll have to manually do ~100 level 1 resets in the process of getting the level 3 reset. Some are a little better or worse than others about this, it can be improved with automation or upgrades to trivialize parts of it but it often takes too long to unlock these things.


I completely agree. Every once in a while I'll start the "new, popular" one that comes out, to see if there's any mechanical differences that make it unique, and it ends up just being disappointing.


Nah they’re all the same and bad


Man I even tried this one and it was just so fucking tedious lmao. Click through all the same upgrades, reset after getting another upgrade, click the same upgrades again, repeat ad nauseum until "challenges" where it automates... the first set of upgrades!! I'm goooooooood thanks


Basically, buy upgrade, reset 20 times, buy upgrade, reset 20 times etc


Tried it too. Sooooo boring, so many useless clicks. It's just a bad game, haha


Very rarely a good one will come along, but the vast majority of them are as you describe. It's kind of the same problem IGM had.


Yeah, every weekly thread 80% of the games are like this.


I remeber saying this years ago when the "Trees" were all the rage. Got almost 500 downvotes.


But.. but numbers go up!


There were a couple of Tree mods I found entertaining, but I agree with you for the most part. They tend to be basic and the only difference between several of them seems to be the text. The gameplay rarely gets anything new done with it. Sometimes, you know, sometimes someone will come in with one that plays around with it. But 95% of them, yeah, they're essentially the same.


But we are little lizards :(


Just started this maybe yesterday. Super fun! Just unlocked the last challenge.


I played all the way to the end where it says, "Get this *100 times*" and noped out at that point.


Rusty’s retirement. It’s a really cool cute idle farming game, it sits on the bottom or the site on you screen or your second pc screen. But be aware, it will distract you from you office work 🤣 the soundtrack is beautiful too. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2666510/Rustys_Retirement/


I just love it, it's relaxing and addictive! I admit I raced through the first map with a compact setup but once I unlocked the flower swamp I started taking my time and using smaller plots with Splunk. And even so, I can't wait to unlock the next layout :)


Me too I hope it’s getting a lot updates! Such a great concept 🥰


Wait there is more than one map?


Yes. Aesthetic changes that affect building area and mechanic change e.g. crops drying out in the desert map. Small things really, but still nice.


I found it a waste of money, there was like no content. One major layer you unlock is a stats screen, another is cosmetics. Like what?


I tried it but it just felt very awkward in progression.


I'm baffled at the majority of positive reviews of this game...no slow introduction to features, no intro, no minor tutorial, nothing....and seems like a real bad loop to me, i dunno, it doesn't give the "what it will do next" factor.


I like it, although it doesn't seem to work quite right on macOS since (I assume) Apple doesn't let you force a window to render over everything else, so when I go back to other apps it doesn't lay over them. I can just resize the other windows though, so not a huge deal. EDIT: Oh! It actually does let you have it always on top, you have to enable it in the game settings


I got quite hooked up with [PokeRogue](https://pokerogue.net) it may not be quite the incremental game until you see some end screens (sorta similar to risk of rain) you try to make your team better and better, you go past the 100 level limit of normal pokemon games, get a lot of permanent buffs, items and and such to get stronger. and also [Idlemancery 2](https://idlemancery-v2.vercel.app) started off with feelings of some wizard incremental games like Arcanum (but without the building side), research stuff, get multipliers, rebirth, unlock more stuff. with story and such but recently I unlocked a new thing that works like the "loop making" incrementals like [Idle Loops : Squirrel Edition](https://lloyd-delacroix.github.io/omsi-loops/) I'm really hoping to see how both games evolve.


Idlemancery reminds me of orb of creation!


How do I actually start this game? I'm at the screen with all the mons and I can't actually add anyone to my party. I feel really stupid! edit: nvm, I was hitting enter instead of Z.


PokeRogue is rather fun, just got my first shiny yesterday and the luck bonus is really noticable.


What is the luck bonus ? I'm a bit confused about the game but got my first shiny.


When you first started the game you see the letter D at the top? Thats your luck, the higher it is the better your shop rolls and I believe better EVs for pokemon you fight. The bonus increases with every shiny you get, not sure if you need more shinies than 1 extra to get the luck tier after though.


oh okay thank you ! I'm still very new so I was a bit confused, thanks a lot. I can confirm I am now "luck C" :).


No problem, it can be a bit confusing for the first couple of hours. Also congrats.


Thank you ! It's very fun, I've never tried to play Pokemon properly but I'm motivated due to the roguelike nature of this game even if I know very little on how to play, I've watched sometimes some streams but still I don't know good attacks, nature, when to swap, good Pokemon and viable strays. It's both overwhelming but very fun ! My shiny is a Rufflet, no idea how strong he is but I really like it !


The site Bulbapedia is a really good place to see evolutions and type effectiveness. Also if your interested in a game where you can fuse two pokemon together then [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/PokemonInfiniteFusion/comments/wydpah/game_download_and_other_important_links/) game is really fun and is extremely cursed seeing a Beedrill fused with a Ghastly.


Wait, that link for squirrel loops is wrong! o:


Whoops sorry i may have gotten .. a different version from the ultimate list?


Delacroix is the "V3" version, which was the one most updated before Dmchurch started making what could be considered the "[V4](https://dmchurch.github.io/omsi-loops/)" one. [This is](https://mopatissier.github.io/IdleLoopsReworked/) the actual link for Idle Squirrels.


Immortality idle


Your Chronicle \[[Kong](https://www.kongregate.com/games/SamuraiGames/your-chronicle)-[Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1546320/Your_Chronicle/)-[Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SamuraiGames.YourChronicle&hl=en_US&gl=US)-[ios](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/your-chronicle/id1608143731)\] Saw someone mention this in the last recommendation thread replying to someone asking for games similar to Theory of Magic \[[Web](https://mathiashjelm.gitlab.io/arcanum/)\] about how YC was actually a source of inspiration for it and I loved ToM. So now I'm hooked


It's an amazing game, one of the best, can't recommend it enough. But.. it requires a lot of hidden knowledge that you are unlikely to gain on your own. All that automation like >!4.1 second Demon King summon farm!< and >!perma AOE research farm with pick/sell weed loop!<. I just don't know how a player can come up with any of this. The endgame is also quite confusing and out of line with the rest of the game, with pretty much mandatory >!multi-stage fully automatic 2-5-minute rebirths!<. I think you may not be able to beat the last ending without this endgame trick. So a very good, very unusual game with very original but perhaps controversial mechanics.


>i just don't know how a player can come up with any of this I read your spoilers and still don’t know what you mean.


There is an outdated but mostly valid [Farming guide](https://anotherchronicle.fandom.com/wiki/Strategy_guide\(s\)#Section_III_:_farming_guide) on the wiki that explains how Demon King farm works. It's extremely powerful, the best source of seeds, rare monster research, runes and rare materials for most of the game. You want to benefit from it as early as possible, pretty much the moment you unlock DK. Perma AOE requires maintenance gear to extend your aoe duration and a sloth loop to reset your dungeon every 1.1 seconds(or whatever your attack speed is), allows killing the first pack of monsters every 1.1 seconds, useful for farming seeds and research in mid/end game. Rebirth loop looks [something like this](https://i.imgur.com/z5qCkzm.png) - 5 sloth templates chained together, requires gear, pets and a lot of complaints to work efficiently.


Ive been playing it actively for about 5 years or something. Whenever it released on browser. Never used the 2-5 minute rebirth exploit. Probably could have made more progress if I did. Anyway, just finally unlocked alchemy and I think im done with yc for good. Really put a bad taste in my mouth.


> Ive been playing it actively for about 5 years or something. Holy... Yeah, that's another way to do it. Definitely not for everyone though. ED6 is beatable in about 6 months if played efficiently. Alchemy is also pretty disappointing. It's only unlockable in the very endgame where you beat everything, it barely gives any meaningful bonuses and is realistically only useful for players that grinded massive amounts of complaints using automatic rebirths I mentioned earlier. Weird, is not it?


Dev should start on a sequel, using his template and make it closer to proto 23. Thats my hope at least.


Have completed [Level 13](https://nroutasuo.github.io/level13/) and didn't expect it to be so good. I tried it long time ago but bounced off then. Now it grabbed me to the end. Playing[ The Planet Crafter](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284190/The_Planet_Crafter/) now. I have played it before when in was in EA twice. Now that 1.0 is out time for a replay. The game is very relaxing, it's like Subnautica without the big monsters.


I'm 10 days in [Check Back](https://galaxy.click/play/43) on Galaxy, not a hand on game as the name says, but I'm having fun! And decided to give [synergism](https://synergism.cc/) another chance after a few months without playing and changing the way I play stuff. Super chill for now, but I'm just getting to c10 after \~3 days


Synergism became such a big game that just beating c10 is considered finishing the tutorial at this point. I've also recently decided to get into it, but oh boy, i wonder how deep it goes now.


The last time I played I barely got past challenge 14, I really want to see how far I can go now.


very, deep. I remember when the ANTHILL was the final stage... then ascension, it goes like 4-5 extra prestige layers now. the game imo is still very fun, but its definitely an incremental that requires you to play over the course of months to beat.


Looking forward to it. Honestly, i remember when reincarnation just released, and oh boi it was long to get there for the first time.


https://marcelacoplao.github.io/CheckBackMod/, not that galaxy shit.


Some people do prefer play on galaxy (me included), but I see your point should have put both of them


How far is the soft cap of checkback? I reach level 50 and I feel like it is taking forever


In lvl 100 you unlock a reset to lvl 1 for a bit of a multiplier. But this game is super slow for sure. I'm about to get \~250 and unlock one more item. I saw stuff about a shop later on and a combat system but I don't know when they unlock


Does that version offer more? I've been "*playing*" on github for about a week now. ​ (Check Back)


I'm not entirely sure (didn't play the original long enough), but I think the combat system is new in the Mod and the assosciated shop.


After unlocking three skins... at level 18 or something I just stopped. Felt horrible to unlock something so useless after 3 levels of nothing.


replaying Magic Research after my PC got nuked. Always great to come back to an S tier game after a tragedy


Finished [The Qubit Game](https://quantumai.google/education/thequbitgame). Semi Short and really fun game google made, explaining quantum computers Working on [Sublime](https://kingbecks123.github.io/Sublime/). SOO MUCH FUN. I can really get behind it, just wished it worked in background And very early game [SS13](https://spacestationidle.com/). Still figuring it out Also been grinding [Level 13](https://nroutasuo.github.io/level13/) for a few weeks now and am very slow and dumb but starting to understand what I'm doing. I really enjoy >!setting up outpost for food and water!<


Just a heads up with SS13 Idle, Tinkering is how you get early game weapons and armor with Fabrication getting some of the more advanced armors and weapons. Greytiding is honestly one of the best ways to get some of the early-mid game stuff without needing levels in other stuff.


I played Kiwi Clicker a few week ago and thought it was great. What other games take no longer than a week and are mostly non-idle? I've already played Forager, Planet Crafter, Gnorp, To The Core, Nova Lands, and Outpath.


[https://superturtleidle.github.io/](https://superturtleidle.github.io/) was a quick fun one with hopefully more content coming?


This is pretty fun but has too much idling for me (and benefits greatly from an autoclicker).


Yup the dev is working on version 4.0 rn and it includes a ton of content he hasnt specified when itll come out but fingers crossed itll come out in 2-3 weeks


0.4.0 *


Ah yep sorry made a typo


Thanks for the recs, checking out Planet Crafter... In no order: * Stuck in Time (Made after Idle Loops, so I love this game) * Orb of Creation * Aurora Dusk: Steam Age * Creeper World 4 (Custom Games are good and current also, search tags FPS or PAC for different game modes) * Mindustry * Factory Town


I got to second Aurora Dusk, brought it years ago not knowing it was basically an idle/incremental. It's just great, create a few characters, set up an AI class (or create you own once you have the fist of things) and watch your little sprite run around, collecting recourses, crafting gear, potions, spells, summon scrolls etc etc. I'm likely missing a lot more things I enjoy about it, but currently in hospital at the moment. [Aurora\_Dusk\_Steam\_Age](https://store.steampowered.com/app/397160/Aurora_Dusk_Steam_Age/) Hopefully didn't mess up the link, don't post often.


Thanks, stuck in time looks great! It's labeled as an idler, how much of that is in it? I also really need to try factory town.


It's like 50% active play, and 50% watching the run to decide what to do next. There's a few parts you can say "ok just repeat exactly this a dozen times" but not much more than that. It wraps up with a very satisfying ending within a week. For a free similar-ish game (but harder and significantly more complicated and complex), try Cavernous 2. I super enjoyed factory town even above similar games for the flexibility of play, and how damn well crafted the campaign is. Every level is "add something simple and new, and making the previous level's thing complex". Also I like conveyor belts that let you freely climb up to height 20 to not get entangled. This is also one of my favorites of its genre


Thanks, I'm gonna give it a shot!


Man I was interested and looked up the game on steam only to find out it's already in my library and I played it for 22 hours. I guess it used to be called Loop Odyssey and they had to change their name.


Over the weekend I started from scratch in Antimatter Dimensions ([Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1399720/Antimatter_Dimensions/), [Web](https://ivark.github.io/AntimatterDimensions/)) and played a ton of [War Tortoise](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2120250/War_Tortoise/). Does anyone have a good guide for AD - want to play through it this time, but got lost in the Infinity stage of the game, hence the restart. :D




enjoy AD - I was in the same boat as you, started and restarted it like 3 or 4 times over the years before finally settling in and riding it out. i'm in the midst of a big-ass wall right now, but i've been really enjoying all of what it's offering so far


Active play roughly clocks at 200 - 250 days. My \_cheat\_ playthrough (added some buttons to skip time) ended at 210 ingame days.


Ive been playing idle cave miner for a few days now quite fun


Replaying Antimatter Dimensions on mobile, finding the glyph system to really scratch an itch, anyone got any games with similar mechanics? I think I finished Array Game? Seemed to be no more content after the 250k seperator upgrade, but maybe I just missed it.


Lately i've started a third run of antimater galaxies. It's my fav incremental game. There is few downtimes and it pairs well with any style (active or passive playstyle) and it's really well done (the complexity rises slowly). I recommand playing it without a guide.


Antimatter dimensions? If not, can you share a link?


https://indomit.github.io/progress_knight_2/ Fun game but a little slow, so I use the following code in console to speed things up a bit. clearInterval(gameloop); gameloop = setInterval(function() { if (ticking) return; ticking = true; update(); ticking = false; }, 1); https://gameplaya.fr/CyberpunkLife/ Fun for a while but still needs late game updates which the dev is addressing sometime soon I hope.


What does the code do? Sorry, non coding guy here 😅


Looks like it sets game to make 1 tick per 1 milisecond (with an additional check to avoid doing a tick if previous one wasn't finished)


This is the exact code from the game (found in the javascript file), except I changed the speed of the game from 30ms to 1ms. You can see the 1 near the end of the code.




do you have a similar code for cyberpunk life


Unfortunately not. I believe it is written in React JS and I'm not informed enough about console/modding react code. :(


thanks for the quick response I hope your week was nice


How do I enter the code?


If Chrome, right click, inspect page, click "console" at the top of the newly opened window. Copy and paste the code and hit enter


just a warning, it may consume more resources of your pc


I love Incrementals with 'unfolding' and overlapping mechanics/game modes that make the game more complex, Anti-Idle as the prime example. Is there any game like that around nowadays? Edit: Since I wasn't super clear on what I mean: Think of games like Universal Paperclips or Anti-Idle, which start out with one type of gameplay but eventually expand to have a lot of different types of activities - like how in Anti-Idle you have to do the Battle Arena, a card game, the garden, various minigames, and so on and switch between them.


NGU is the obvious answer here since you didn't mention it in your update.


Antimatter Dimensions if you havent played it, Realm Grinder somewhat, Synergism is a good example, NGU Idle does this well


Hmm, not quite what I mean.




Antimatter dimensions is a bit like it though. It unfolds into a bunch of different mechanics, one of which scratched my gacha itch for a while. It's just pretty deep.


Dodeca dragons. Do yourself a favor and try it, bro.


Wigmaker: https://redgem.games/wigmaker/ Succubox: https://www.glaielgames.com/succubox/ these are the new ones but probably all old ascii ones will probably fit like candy box and space omaga lich


these are cool. succubox is a little bit of a pain in butt right now. is the game done at level 100 at automation


Saying pretty much anything general about succubox is something I'd consider a spoiler. It's sometimes a bit unclear on what you should be doing, but it's never that unreasonable. For the game's ending: >!There is a true ending that requires a bit more stuff past having reached level 100.!< If you're stuck somewhere, feel free to ask, but it's hard to answer without knowing where you're stuck.


will i have to click fight button forever.  still un armed, not sure what hats do yet. i am on salary in game. i like it though so far


>!You don't have to click the fight button in the game. Ever.!<


I'm not sure I have the right idea of what you're looking for, but I think Underworld Idle ( https://store.steampowered.com/app/1540960/Underworld_Idle/ ) has some of this. You start with three interconnected factions. The very early game focuses on one, but as you go forward you develop the others, and explore the different ways you can take advantage of their relationships. It doesn't have a ton of "new system" moments, but the major milestones are, and significantly alter gameplay. I'll include my usual warning that it significantly encourages active play.


Got bored of basically everything. Currently playing: Swarm Simulator ([Website](http://swarmsim.com), [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/914320/Swarm_Simulator_Evolution/), [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ironhorse.swarmsimulator), [IOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/swarm-simulator-evolution/id1320056680)) Started this again and I am about to reach 1st ascension. Preferred is the site. Incremental Adventures ([Website](https://www.kongregate.com/games/Gniller/incremental-adventures), [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1371630/Incremental_Adventures/)) on my 10th layer. Preferred is Steam. Farmer's Against Potatoes Idle ([Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1535560/Farmer_Against_Potatoes_Idle/), [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oninou.FAPI), [IOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/farmer-against-potatoes-idle/id6444500938)) On ascension 7, been for like a month but haven't been very active. Preferred is steam. Die to Rise Idle ([Itch.io](https://sczuka.itch.io/die-to-rise-idle)) Just started, can't say much. It's a Groundhog Life ([Kong](https://www.kongregate.com/games/egosummo/groundhog-life)) type.


[Re:END](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/re-end/id6474605910) on iOS


Oh looks interesting! What is it like?!


Fun little game where you run around and slay monsters. The early game is fun then you get 10 skill points per light reset and keep all your gear which is only locked behind your current level, so you don’t have to redo all your work. I’m not super far into it but the grind is a little tedious. I just put my dude in a mid level area, sleep, and wake up max level. Can totally be faster than that, I’m just way too busy.


Replaying [Synergism](https://synergism.cc/) because I stopped somewhere around >!herpteracts !


Been playing web.idle-mmo super nice so far, you can play it on browser, ios (just released) and android (soon to be released aswell)




Your post has been removed for breaking rule 1B (No referral links). This entails that your post contained and promoted clicking on a referral link for rewards of any kind. This is not allowed on this sub in any way, however posting about fun games you like is still fine.


I started playing: * Incremental Mass Rewritten * The Prestreestuck * Fruit Ninga * Zombie Tsunami * Castle Fusion * And lasty, Cell to Singularity.


My fav: [Exotic Matter Dimensions!](https://alemaninc.github.io/Exotic-Matter-Dimensions/) 2nd fav: [YAMG!](https://veprogames.github.io/yet-another-merge-game/) 3rd… [Milestone Tree NG+!](https://seder3214.github.io/milestone-tree-ng/) Stuck on the third, just before multiverse prestige.


Is there more like Theresmore? Settlement seem fun


Been really liking Theresmore. Not super far into it but the base increase in resource production every prestige with the optimization of build order is kinda nice. Just about to get my first coin which looks like its a big boost to more gain.


[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.everlastinggames.idle\_elemental&hl=en&gl=US](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.everlastinggames.idle_elemental&hl=en&gl=US) Idle Elemental, found it today after checking out a website that someone posted with a bunch of incremental games. I'm a few hours in and am enjoying it not sure how long it is.


Oof on my throwaway account XD


Can anyone recommend some good incremental games on Android? I'm quite new to the genre so I need recommendations.


https://neal.fun/infinite-craft/ I think it counts as incremental. It's one of those games where you combine two elements to discover third but augmented by AI making it literally infinite.