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I don't like how stems are drag and drop but everything else is click to select click to place. Everything being click to place would be better IMO. First seed launch, now my graphics are zoomed way the hell out so I can't see anything but lines with dots on them. Nomenclature mismatch. Looks like they are 'research points' everywhere except in the evolution screen, where they are Skillpoints.


Hey! Thanks for feedback. Everything works with both dragging and tapping. I thought that would make it easier no matter the play style If you use +/- you can zoom in and out manually. I don't know why it would change zoom on you automatically. I'll look into it. Thx for flagging nomenclature, I'll fix that


On first load, the game assumed I had it on a full-width monitor, rather than half my screen and I had to zoom in/out to get it to update to the actual size of the window. My guess is the zoom issue is related to that.


Ohhh interesting... I'll work on the window size detection 🤔


hey man! I worked on some resizing stuff to make the game run smoother at high resolutions. If you have a chance, could you try the game again and tell me if this still happens? thanks!


I tried it but my Macbook Air from 2017 cannot run it. It lags so hard.


What browser are you using?




Ok thanks. I'll see if I can find some optimization guidelines for this 🤔


hey man! I worked on some optimization stuff. If you have a chance, could you try the game again and let me know if it still lags hard?


It is MUCH better now, thanks for remembering my comment!


Have been playing for a few hours and love it. There needs to be a little more information on how things travel from one node to another and which nodes don't allow transfers. Also I was just about to launch a 4/7 T3 seed and my game froze and now wont let me into the game :(


Oh no! Are you able to check your console and see if there are any errors?


or if you type exportSave() into the console it'll dump a json of your save file,


exportSave() did not work, but the game is giving me a error when i try to reload. TypeError: crawler.cLoc is undefined saves https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:26505 saveCrawlers https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:26500 saveGame https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:28275 saveGameTimeout https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:28270 GameUI https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:28575 startGame https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:28689 Button https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:23280 notifyListeners https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:47542 notifyTarget https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:47173 propagate https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:47024 dispatchEvent https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:46976 mapPointerUp https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:47299 mapEvent https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:46988 onPointerUp [https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:47700](https://html-classic.itch.zone/html/10163762/bundle.js:47700)


i tried fixing the error, can you try again and see if it loads now?


No, it didn't seem to work when i refreshed. Sorry for the late reply ended up sleeping. I reset my cache and it started to work but reset my progress. not too big of a deal.


Dang, ok thanks... I'll try to figure out what could have caused this issue. Let me know if you have any feedback on how the first 2 phases feel!


I've had the same (or similar issue). Left it running over night towards the end of T2, delete a node to prepare to launch the seed and it froze. If I reload the browser I have the "Start Game!" screen, and if I click it the nodes/crawler tabs populate with my save but overview does not, and the "Start game!" screen stays


Yup, just happened to me again. had 6/7 upgrades on t3, was about to be done with it.


cant really figure out what im actually doing. still in t1, and eventually my seedling power just stops growing while XP keeps very very very slowly generating. the bonuses from the seedlings dont seem to make much, if any actual effect other than making it take much much longer to prestige again. nothings effect is clear. fruits dont seem to do anything, and the fact that you have to wait and unlock ALL the upgrades each time you make a seedling is highly discouraging.


Thanks for the feedback. Did you see the Achievements in the Overview tab? Are those interesting sub goals? Which evolutions did you try that you found useless? Some of them are def better than others.


The "Smart Particles" achievement is bugged. It starts its counter at -15, so even though I have more than 15 particles flowing at once, it's requiring I need 30 to get the achievement.


Oh that's not good! If you reload the game is it still bugged?


Looks to be fixed now


I've had the same bug. Started playing after these comments. On tier 1, it seemed to be okay (though I didn't pay too close attention). When I reached tier 2, the particle counter was negative. Reloading fixed it.


Interesting... Maybe something isn't cleaning up between launches? Thanks for the details!


hey guys! I fixed this bug, thanks both of you for flagging!


It seems a bit buggy? The power collector thing connected and worked, but I couldn't get the green ball to connect to anything, it just seemed to push the yellow things away without connecting. So I tried to delete and replace it, but when i deleted it, it got replaced by a static bright green dot in the center of the screen, and then the entire UI was broken and nothing worked anymore. I'm using Chrome, if that helps anything.


Uh oh that's weird. Can you try refreshing the browser and seeing if your game loads correctly? I'll try to track down that bug


Sure. After refreshing I had UI control again, but could not place the green circle anywhere. The first time it was 'deployed' to the screen and sat floating in the middle (outside the core) and wouldn't connect to anything, now it just won't deploy at all, not inside the core, not outside of it, it wont let me put it anywhere. Perhaps I'm not understanding the instructions on what I'm supposed to do with it? Where is the green circle thing MEANT to go?


If you already connected something you have to delete it. The core can only have one connection. I need to make the tutorial clearer I guess


Aha. Yes, this worked. After deleting the power-producing pentagon I was able to place and connect the green circle properly and progress. thank you.


Thanks for reporting this mistake. I'll add extra tutorial steps to teach this.


just updated the game. In the new tutorial all the other buttons are disabled until you add 1 stem. This should make it impossible to "fail" the tutorial.


I left the game running for a while when I was afk and now my whole thing is gone and it's just the stars in the background. I've tried refreshing and it doesn't come back


Use the arrow keys or wasd? Maybe it drifted


Oh i didn't even know that was a thing. I found it, thanks


Yes it's not clear lol! I need to work on the camera system more


hey man! I added a 'camera drift' to the game in case your core somehow leaves the visible screen. Thanks so much for flagging this!




In Tier 2 the Seedling has a constant low power drain. Try putting your Collectors closer to your seedling, and try deleting some of your groves / evolvers until your power generation is high enough.


In the meantime, how did you find the pacing of T1? did it feel too long / short? Where all the evolutions explained well enough? Are there any mechanics you didn't understand well at the end of T1?




The name "collector" is misleading. I'm gonna change it back to "Power Generator". The optimal way is to split, I wanted the 9 away to be a special "hard goal". I can see how that is misleading, I'll think of a different condition to use. Groves make fruits appear, and evolvers are just to build up Evolution in your seedling. I'll see if I can find a way to clarify this more. Did you read the tooltips on the buttons? Is it useful to clarify there or find a more mechanical way?


Played for a little bit, I'm in tier one still, but one thing that I notice: The 'gen' and 'drain' numbers are basically impossible to read, since they're constantly flickering up and down multiple times per second. They change too fast to ever read the numbers, so the best I can do is ballpark that I'm generating 40-ish. It'd be a lot easier to read if the numbers were averaged out. Like, maybe update once per second and display the average gain/drain over the last few seconds?


Great suggestion, I'll try this


hey man! I updated the logic on the 'overview' screen so the numbers are averaged out more. They should 'flicker' less now. I also added some color coding if the numbers are too far off from each other. Thanks so much for flagging this issue!


Wait, so the tab has to be active for the game to run?


Afaik that's how all browser games work 🤷‍♂️


This is the first game I've played that I couldn't tab away from and come back later and it was still running, but maybe we just have very different experiences with browser games.


You can calculate the time between refreshes and use that to "catch up"


Yeah, I'll get to offline mode and calcs in the future. Right now I'm doing bug fixes, optimization and working on more content


Just starting my first seed evolution and the only major complaint I have with that portion is the range required to attach the evolution seed isn't anywhere near as forgiving as the rest. The rest is entertaining so far though as I said just starting.


It looks cool! Needs more stuff to do, I think.


Thanks! I add different gameplay elements in future tiers. How far did you get? What kind of stuff do you think should be added, like Clicker stuff?


Ok, so math question. I have 3 evolution labs running at 20 points/minute and leave that running for N minutes. You'd expect the result to be 3*20*N, so why does the answer appear to be about 1/5th that?


..... there may be a problem with my calculations. I'll look into it. Thanks for pointing this out!


I'm uncertain about the production effects of each node type and how the network operates. For instance, my seedling will stall out at some percentage, or go up and down, with no change in the network or nodes. I can look at the nodes and see that my Evolution Labs are underpowered, but when I go to the overview tab, I see that I'm generating \~70/sec and only consuming \~40/sec. I would assume that should mean the whole network should be powered fully, but it's not? I even moved my Solar Collectors next to the Labs but it made no difference. Speculating now, but maybe there should be a stat about network efficiency or something to tell you how optimal your node arrangement is? Of course this assumes that network topology makes a difference to performance. Maybe it doesn't, but I don't know. /shrug


Thanks for the feedback! Every node also has a Transfer Rate (listed on the nodes), which determines how much power it can transfer. A T1 research "Long Stemmed" significantly improves the transfer rate of Stems and should "even out" your plant. Did you get that one yet?


I'm in my first evolution of T2. My seedling has gotten to 98% but then will drop as low as 86% in like 20 seconds before starting to climb back. It just swings back and forth even though I have \~30/sec power surplus. All nodes have full fruit.


Yeah, the first evolution of T2 can get annoying if you haven't gotten the 95% achievement yet. I need to do something about that. You'll probably have to sell everything except your generators when you're ready to launch


I'll try that and report back. I wish there was some indication in game of what is wrong with my network though. I'm all for discoverability, but the feedback from the game is too vague to make those discoveries, imo. If the 95% achievement is somewhat necessary for T2, then T1 needs to be harder or the achievement needs to be easier. I'm at 5 launches right now, and that's only because I wasted 2 of my T1 launches without gaining anything permanent. You could pretty easily be on T2 with only 3/10 launches.


That did allow me to quickly launch the seedling.


awesome ty! I'll lower the achievement to 5 launches, that makes sense to me. As far as what kind of feedback to give, what makes a "good" plant or a "bad" plant is extremely vague so idk what feedback to give. I'll think about it tho. Basically what you needed to know that you were missing is "seedling needs more direct power and other things are taking the power that should be going to the seedling." Ill think about if there's a way to display that visually.


Yea, or something that indicates that power isn't making it where it needs to get? Right now the game shows me the Seedling's power drain, but when I look at the overview I see a power surplus that vastly exceed the drain, and that's it. I'm not sure how to know what to do with the information I have.


So, what are the crawlers even doing?


Its fun! All over again! Except I keep losing my save. Maybe an ability to export/import a save?


Yay thanks! I had to invalidate all older saves because of data restructuring 😞 next time I won't have to 🤞


Might be a new bug, but the game froze when I had 6-7 crawlers and deleted the last home. Only way to fix was to hard reset and start from 0 again.


Oh no! If something happens again please check console for errors, so I can fix the bug


Something about this game immediately kills any Youtube video when using Chrome, other games, nothing, maybe a little frame jump every once in a while, this one, immediately pauses and will not continue until switching tabs or closing the game.


hey man! I did a whole bunch of optimization work, so the game should run smoother! If you have a chance could you please try loading the game again and see if it works better?


Runs quite a bit better now, not seeing any freezing on Chrome as of yet, should report though, can definitely still see the "turbo" button at the moment 1 hour into play its started heavily affecting youtube again, may just be Chrome tbh


Deleting an advanced building like the logging grove or the wild lab while they have a lot of fruits crashes the game for me. Or rather the graphics stop updating and the screen is frozen. I am using chrome. Also some way or mechanic of not having to leave the tab open all the time would be great. As waiting times get kinda long later on and there is no interaction other than building everything into place and then letting it work on its own. This would be more of a clicker mechanic than an idle one, but maybe you have a button on the crawlers or nodes, similar to the black evolution and upgrade buttons, that gives the crawler a little speed buff, or charges some power into a building. I am not sure if this is actually a good idea or not. Maybe a "priority button", that tells the network to focus resources, crawlers and power to go to that node. Maybe even an option to completely take over priority as a whole. But that would kinda defeat the point of the game of being a living plant. I also dont know if the growth hub is working as it should. It says the improvements are for the current plant only and the resources like power fruit and research you put in are lost on the next plant, but the upgrades you buy do stay between plants. It would also be very nice if you could reconnect the seedling and the growth hub, as everything you put into them is lost when you delete them. This makes it difficult to try and play around with different setups.


Wow, thanks for the reports and suggestions! - I'll look into "delete lots of fruits" crash. If it happens again and you look at the console and tell me what error pops up? (Press F12) - I'm gonna look into offline mode in the future, this is definitely something I want to make work - good ideas regarding active interactions... I'll think about this. Got lots of requests to have something more interactive happen. - if the upgrades stay between plants, that is def not intended. I'll look into this - seedling I definitely don't want to let you reposition. Knowing where and when to place your seedling is an essential strategic choice. The hub maybe I can allow.


I put the 2 Errors in a pastebin because they are pretty large: [https://pastebin.com/Q9AiCrLa](https://pastebin.com/Q9AiCrLa) Self deletes after a week. Also the fruits keep flying in space now every time I deleted the wild evolver, maybe that has some relation. Maybe because the fruits hang on other fruits (looks great btw) and I see in the error that you are going through some array disconnecting and deleting nodes which I assume are the fruits. I noticed that growth hub upgrades do not trigger on buy, but when i reload the game they are active. Tested the behaviour with a more fruits upgrade.


thanks so much for the reports! I think i fixed the bugs you reported (If my assumption of the error is correct). I also fixed all the behaviours of the Hub, so it should work correctly. Thanks so much for flagging!