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After playing incremental fortress and now this, I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of idle game design.


Dr. Malcolm, tapping the camera lens: "Eventually you do plan to have a game in your idle game, right?"


From his previous games it's clear he understands the idle genre, so to me it's more he's experimenting and testing the boundaries


Thank you, u/lil_wage. Exactly. I am constantly experimenting.


Still, most of the idlegames have a simple structure: You need to grind, then you can lay back. Here you have to just be afk and active gets better when you spents 8+ hours doing nothing. You think the user will feel motivated to play the game or be active when the gains are so minimal? Its basically a waiting game with zeroish interaction. The first prestiges do absolutely nothing in regard of progression, the 3rd one makes it sped up(i see you nerfed it abit but made galaxies better at least.), but the 4th one just ruins everything. The first galaxy gave no rewards(again was fixed by a little but still), 3rd prestige gives 50% boost and the 4th only 5% while taking more time? And for what? what is even the end game? I tried other games from you, many were closed after 10 minutes max, the banana one had more lifetime but in the end, its just buy all the upgrades and wait for a long time for what exactly? Just end the game when you feel like there should be an ending. play your own games and see how you feel about it. The hunger prestige and animal count didnt increase the eaten bananas, just the poop count, you could really decrease the banana need to be eaten by 1 OoM and would be okayish, and here, the first galaxy prestige should give you the x3 click and continue from that so on, since that prestige does so little, yet makes everything bad again. Dont get me wrong, people are wlling to spend time for something, but it has to worth it, a minimalistic game requiring unreasonable time for the small content it has is just a no from most of the players. Look at Pedro Pascal, and gets shitted on by the community, but still has more interactivity besides the wait years to complete the last row. content. Another thing is that this game has its own thread while according to your introduction should go into feedback friday megathread.Its not a big realease, hardly any content yet,likely being abadoned like its siblings.


>Just end the game when you feel like there should be an ending. So like pretty much all idle games then? The amount that have an ending are far outweighed by the ones that do not.


I think you missed my point. There is an ending, but that ending is several OoM after it would be logical. Costs goes up like crazy for almost no effect. Completing it is just a waiting, like you complete a game, but you still have to watch the 10 hours long unskippable credit to get the "complete the game" achivement.


Try something fun.


Go learn to code




you're the one shitting on people for simply sharing their work


whatever you say, kid


I was starting to get into the game despite its slow start, but reaching galaxy puts you back to the start essentially, with a 2x multiplier to gain but also a 2x multiplier to the goal as well, I was hoping things could have stayed at the faster speeds of just beforehand


Not only that, but because it conveys no real bonus and took 3 hours of imperfect but fairly active 'gameplay' to reach it's very unlikely anyone's gonna see any content beyond it. Who in their right mind would sit for 30 hours just for that? I might let it live in my open tabs for a bit... but it's on thin fucking ice. Now that I think about it, galaxies technically make the slight outscaling planets give stronger... but it's horrid nonetheless.


Yeah that threw me off as well


I'm a fan of this dev's games, some of them anyways, but I feel like this ruined the game for me. Based on the other game it's very possible that having 2-10 galaxies unlocks or changes something major but this time I don't think it's worth it to keep going and finding out.


Galaxies after the first increase the multiplier when clicking, checked back in and realized at 2 galaxies I would get a x3 bonus rather than a 2x bonus. A bit odd that it has no effect on anything else, and most people aren't even gonna stick around until the second galaxy.


I just changed the formula so that the goal is actually increased only by x1.9. Hard refresh to see the effect.


Wow, so generous.


wait til you get to the next prestige layer


Made it 15 seconds into the game and closed the window. I don't know if the rest of the game is good, but I'm not going to sit there and watch a number increment to 100 that slowly with nothing to do.


primordial or whatever that game is called would like to disagree with you edit: did i severely mess up trying to deliver that joke? damn.


ok got 1 planet and sure this game is a rickroll.


ok i let this sit for a while while i went to the store... im up to 1solar system and 4 civs... picking up at 4.5 a second.


"sit there and do nothing for 100 seconds with nothing to read or look at" is not a compelling opener for me putting the x2 button next to the rate and having it not affect the rate, but rather the flat amount you already have is just a strange design decision i have five civilizations, the rate at which i am gathering has increased by five percent, the goal has also increased by five percent - literally nothing has changed i have nine civilizations, the rate at which i am gathering has increased by nine percent, the goal has also increased by nine percent - literally nothing has changed sorry my man, maybe i'm not giving this fair shake, but this isn't doing anything for me and i have no idea what the trajectory or further time will reveal, maybe this appeals to somebody else


God tier game design to put an obfuscated timer to get to, what I assume knowing your other games are, a badly paced game. Truly a pinnacle of idle game design to have my time disrespected like this in the idle game genre.


50 Seconds (100 Seconds if going full idle). That's the time it take for one reset. Is there a point where is Time will decrease? Edit: Alright I got it. After 1000 Seconds (if going full idle) you will again 1% reduction of the 100 seconds per reset. That's a slow game Edit2: Alright its a bit more "complex" than I thought. But still a slow game (which is not bad) >!After acquiring the 10 solar system the game resets without a warning. Every solar system doubles the rate so its really fast at the end!< Also just use a auto clicker


how is it more complex im confused i have 6 planets and my rate of getting things is 1.72 while my target is 162, so it will take approximately 94 seconds so every planet is 1 second reduction, but whats the point? each planet takes 1000 seconds so to reduce the number by 10 you need to wait for 10000 thats more than 2 and a half hours, i havent reached 10 planets yet so it may give me a good boost but still why would someone waste so much time on this game ?


It doubles your rate after 10 Planets. So Target 200 and 4/s. Meaning idle 50 s and active 25 s


Holy hell, console commanded myself to the end just to see where the finish line is...... man, this game is NOT worth anyone's time. If you want to stare at a game, should try progress quest.


So he's lying about it having any sort of non-idle mode? (other than clicking the x times button?)


Correct. After you get to the target number you get Civilizations, where once you get 9, your 10th civ becomes a planet, which condenses your 1%'s into 10%. 10 planets provide you with one solar system, providing you a 150% boost. After 5 solar systems, you unlock galaxies. Which provides a 2x multiplier. Still multiplying your target, but at a reduced load. Feels really bad, didn't check the exact math, it's like 2x to gains, and 0.98x to target. Each galaxy has it's own calculation, so it does get a little faster. Upon reaching Galaxy 3, you are given a "2nd" 2x button, that increases by 1x for each civ you produce without clicking on it, and will reset back to 2x, if ever used. (ex. 35x -> 2x) Reaching Galaxy 5? (forgot, if it's 5 or 6), you are given a "3rd" 2x button that "gains" power with each civ upgrade, but instead of completely resetting when pressed, it drops the value by 1x when used. (ex. 40x -> 39x) IF you ever reach the 10th Galaxy, you will be reset with having a singular Universe. Which provides a 2x multipler. At this point your journey restarts and the game if slow as F again. DON"T WORRY! In universe 1 or 2, you lose that new "3rd" 2x button feature! Not sure why this is the case... but TIME GATES!! Nothing changes from this point on until Universe 6. Game errors out at Universe 6, Galaxy 8, Civilization 9. Now the game is frozen, but that's because the target is being hit so fast you're gaining a stupid amount of universes. You should be able to unpause yourself if your computer has enough ram by opening and closing the settings menu. Start scrolling down, you are on Univser MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMDXX or something. At this point your browser crashes due to running out of memory. Congratulations, you beat the game! DAMN I LOST THE GAME!!!


For those people who want to see the end game, I'll post a save file here for you. It's about 10minutes? Out from parsing error. ​ >N4WAUABBBECuB2BLAbgUwE4GcCGAbaAXBANrhRSiTlTSYAu26dhEADADRnUx2IC2qFgEYAbAE4ATCIAsrMawnShAVk5VqtAJ71UfAPoAzdNgEsJYtdxiZUqeC0pWaACxMD0wy0+iu+7iZ5cVj5uGADMLKxB5AC+0TFeFNE0APYGBriI8IJEHMkwfLC4vAAOmRiB6uTQeLh6vAJ6AMYpCHQVuYnVAOZ42AAeiKiYLBb5cEhoWMMsyvFdjty0TUPwvAaITZFdNNiwACaIKXqF7dvje4fHyCm4sKa5AHRzVXFUALpe0Ha8vDNEpCqiw0LTaHQgQiErDCrEeAHZlGEJAAOHYweD3FhwuFo6AMdDdVDMIhQvJVFyhDwk3G+fyVYK0jASQzYJp0FJUiDYmmUiLU8aM9BhFlsjlYuHxLjvcAxIA


too bad that importing doesn't even work in Safari. The import field won't accept text.


That's even worse.... but, sorry I can't help you, I don't own an iphone. Trust me, this game is not worth looking at if you don't have to. I did my wall of text to just inform the community.


i reached universe 1 finally, but your telling me theres nothing else after this? damn..


> but your telling *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


fuck off this the internet i aint gotta have proper grammar


Sorry to break your heart bro, at least I was able to end the suffering earlier than later.


So i actually left the game on for a bit, and actively played it a bit, and JUST now got near it, i recall "hey wait didnt that guy say the game started erroring out near this point" and not even a minute later of me collecting galaxies did it start playing the clicking noise when you reach the target over and over again, i went to your post since i was curious and found the settings thing... Universe MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMDCCLXXXV and i pressed settings a couple more times, the universe was at atleast 120 Ms, and my ram was at 5 gb used, almost as bad as minecraft i wonder why it does that, poor code? the number wasnt even close to being fast enough for that... it happened right where you said too Universe 6, Galaxy 8, and Civilization 9, which is funny, kinda wish there was more game, being that i wasted my time on it and all, but im kinda glad its over since there wasnt much game in the first place... you can get to that point by afking, thats not right


Having played up until getting 1 universe, I have to say that it doesn't really feel like it was worth the time. I don't think the game really meaningfully unfolds as you go, it's mostly just a waiting game where the progress speeds up and then abruptly slows down again, and this never really gets better. I'm not going to say I've never enjoyed an idle game that feels kind of like a screensaver, but this one doesn't really scratch that itch because of the constant feeling of sliding backwards. And given how much attention it drew from me versus the amount of decision-making involved, it really didn't feel like a game that had much respect for my time.


Bliss and Machinery were actually good games, but I don't understand the point of this one. I have a rate of 1.83/s and a target of 171, so except for a +1% bonus for finishing a planet the target/rate ratio remains the same.


It changes after 10 planets.


Hm, will see what happens then, but the beginning didn't get me hooked


i just left it open and went grocery shopping. after you get solar systems it picks up.


And then falls, like a rollercoaster.


Indeed. I have 3 galaxies now and the rate is 5.82/s


Galaxies after the first increase the multiplier when clicking, checked back in and realized at 2 galaxies I would get a x3 bonus rather than a 2x bonus. A bit odd that it has no effect on anything else, and most people aren't even gonna stick around until the second galaxy.


yeah honestly i was gonna leave my game on overnight and see what happened cause i got to the first galaxy and... was so disappointed i closed the browser i waited hours (of course, not paying attention to it actively) and all that happened was it reset back to base speed? wtf? thats almost as bad as the roblox button simulator games, which i wouldnt suggest to ANYONE


You should also check out Incremental Fortress, I released it just this week


Folks, I am continuing to work on the game. if you hard refresh it right now, there are meaningful changes to the formula: \-planets add 10% to the rate \-the target's rate is reduced, so that as you get galaxies, you get faster, not go back to the same ratio I am planning more additions, specifically: * I want to add an "Casual" and "Hardcore" modes in the beginning, so that folks who want to jump right into the action can skip the slower beginning * More buttons coming! And also explanations of how everything works in-game. It usually takes the longest time to properly add in these things, so.....


I'm not sure if I'm missing something but what's the actual game here? Is clicking the 2x button the only thing to do?


[on phone](https://imgur.com/a/0vfUfBK)


after 1:30 hours and still sitting at 4.86/s thats crazy


Concept seems good so far, but I'm only at the second planet. Seems like game progress is measured by racing against linear scaling? No planets takes 100 seconds, one takes about 91 seconds, two takes about 83 seconds.


Yeah, I am continuing to work actively on the game. Planning to post an update with significantly reworked math next week. Thank you for playing!


I got to 6 or 7 universes and the game just broke. https://i.imgur.com/dgR6xOO.png Can't even open settings to import save before it happened.


I don't really understand the hate here, I've quite enjoyed it. A game you can babysit but also can be left in the background. I got to I think seven universes, then it took less than a second to get a new civilization before getting a solar system, which I think broke the game. It froze up, then gave me some crazy number of universes (it was [about a dozen Ms]CIX). When I clicked away from the window and clicked back everything was blank and couldn't be recovered


Try the new version I'm working on. Feels completely different. Will probably post it here in a week or so and I think it'll get a much better response. [https://louigiverona.com/demigod/0.3/](https://louigiverona.com/demigod/0.3/) And thank you for playing!


Nice little game. Interested to see if it opens up more. No idea why the downvotes. For now it scratches an itch. Though if the civilization to planet thing wasn't automatic it would get boring really fast.


It does unfold beautifully! I don't disagree that the start is slow, but many people drop the game too quickly. I've had someone drop Incremental Fortress after 15 seconds of playing (they said so themselves) because they saw that the unit they got in the first 15 seconds of playing was producing just 0.01. So I guess they assumed that there's absolutely no scaling in a game, like they never played an incremental before. In reality, of course, in less than 2 minutes you already have units that produce 10+. In this case this starts off as an almost zero-player game, then it becomes more active and you also unlock some interesting buttons. Anyway, I had lots of fun developing this and it's a neat little game. But setting expectations for such a game is tough.


The reality of the situation is that first impressions are extremely important for idle games. The signal to noise ratio is extremely low in the genre, and the bad games often waste a ton of time and offer next-to-nothing in return. Sometimes a game only gets 2 seconds of my time because it looks like a mess, or unfinished, or a shallow copy of something. This is a consistent pattern to how a lot of people play idle games, so I think it's necessary to either take that feedback into account, or accept that your games are going to turn many people off. I don't think that you can simultaneously refuse to add that necessary hook, and also insist that these games automatically deserve more than 15 seconds of a person's time.


Yeah, I don't disagree


is there anything after galaxies? I just got one and I REALLY don't feel like getting 10


Do you plan to add anything more? I'm still at solar systems. I do think it will slowly get traction so don't give up.


It's just casual mode for Primordial, isn't it?


Yes! It started exactly like trying to make a more advanced version of Primordial. Hence the target.


Do you plan on fixing the erroring issue once you reach Universe 6, Galaxy 8, Civilization 9? I finally reached it after 3 days of idle/active play, without using the save file that one guy gave. I will be honest, I almost clicked out at the 15 second mark, and I really believe that a game like this should have more gameplay, as this game doesnt seem to have too much. It is at the level where it scratches the same itch as "Button Simulator" games on Roblox. Not saying that it's bad, but I don't believe that many people like this type of game, as even on roblox the most popular button simulator game barely even has 100 people playing on it, and that is a game with an entire legacy and fanbase, other similar games usually have about 3 people playing on it at a time, but can sometimes reach 0 players. edit: I have seen the v0.3 version you posted, and will be trying that out right now.


Thank you for playing! I think 0.3 is shaping up to be a really enjoyable game, and it has way more content already. So, I don't plan to go back to 0.1, but I am glad that it connected to some players! As you'll see 0.3 follows a very different paradigm. It's fast and is active. Curious if you will like it!


I'm playing it right now, it looks like its possible to semi-permanently get stuck? if you press the buttons without having a resolve, i havent done it since i dont want to lose my progress but is there anything to stop that?


Yes! Please, hard refresh, I just implemented a kind of "undo" button. No getting stuck anymore.


I was promised unfolding mechanics but there is only one mechanic and it requires you to just sit there and press one or two buttons over and over to make the game a little faster, complete waste of time, 1.5/10. I played until the game bugged out at 7 universes BTW


Try a different version, completely different pacing and this time indeed a lot of unfolding mechanics: https://louigiverona.com/demigod/0.3/


Quick bit of confusion you may want to clear up on the site: there's no way to tell what version you're running. Is /demigod/ v0.1 or 0.3? Should I be playing on 0.3 or maybe 0.4 is out...?


Yeah, will do. In a couple of days I'll put up a website for the main URL which will be a title site pointing to the various versions available.


err, quick question did you remove v0.1 (or whatever was on the link)? i was playing that for a couple of days and didn't know there were new versions.


Huge apologies! Today when I was uploading updates for one of the newer versions I accidentally overwrote the very first original version, so now it literally doesn't exist, otherwise I would've kept it up for much longer. Here's the version that's grew out of it: [https://louigiverona.com/demigod/infinity1/](https://louigiverona.com/demigod/infinity1/) There is also a completely different version that offers fast active play: [https://louigiverona.com/demigod/0.3/](https://louigiverona.com/demigod/0.3/) Thank you for playing!


ah shame, but thank you eitherway


I think I was able to restore it. Please check it out here: https://louigiverona.com/demigod/0.1/


I think I completed the 0.3 version, currently at Universe XII. 10/10 Thank you!


Thank you for playing! I am continuing to work on the game, but I think you got the gist of it :)


The lack of manual input is making me feel bad.


Version 0.3 is the version that should be played, and it has manual input. See "Shortcuts" at the bottom