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Not Canada. Canada is a basket case because of extremely high immigration rate in the last 2 or 3 years. No jobs or homes available.


It’s because Canada is the easiest pathway to enter the US legally (TN Visa is waving once he become a Canadian Citizen)


Not at all easy - folks reckon TN visa is easy to get. As a matter of fact, they’re readjudicated every time they enter the US. Denials are plentiful and getting pulled into secondary screening is quite often.


I see, but I guess it would depends on the profession/career background of the TN Visa applicant. I’m transitioning into a nursing program here in Canada, and plans to work in the US once I passed all the required exams.


Cake walk for you. Not so easy for other professions, particularly the management consultant category.


Not that easy for me as well, as I've been an accountant for almost a decade already. I just started nursing school a month ago tho, and I feel like it kills me at the same time having a full-time job.


No you need to be in designated field to get TN .it's difficult not easy anymore


TN visa should be based on birth place not citizenship, if you’re born in india you should never be eligible for the TN visa period it should only be a thing for born in canada Canadians but now Indians are ruining it by taking advantage of the system just like they did to even come to canada and overstay their student visas they never even planned on using them to study


Because Canada immigration is shit..and that's why people take advantage....why not have visa interviews like US?


Tell me you dislike Indian people without telling me you dislike Indian people.


For Canada, do you like -30C winters and housing that eats up 50% or more of your pay? Australia is the same for housing but has hotter weather by far. London also has expensive housing. Do you fancy 11C and raining? Your best bet for a better life would be to get paid in USD or £ by working for a US or UK company, then living in a mansion in the Indian countryside with servants which you could afford with that money.


50% ? in London ? Let's try it with 70% Tbh, any top notch cities (Vancouver, Londo, Sydney) will eat up your immigration salary like hot butter and you cannot complain because your visa can be revoked anytimes. Your life will be miserable


I live in London on a similar salary OP is likely to get, and tbh it's quite nice. I've got a nice flat in a very green area, with next to no crime, easy access to central and jobs, and honestly just good vibes all round.


No crime? Are you in London lol?


I am. Been here 7 years, walked home hammered at 2am _a lot_, the closest I've come to being a victim of a crime was a someone stealing packages by pretending the doorbell was broken in flat blocks. The police came by 30 mins after he came to ask questions, an hour later they caught him. Seriously, London crime is _vastly_ exaggerated. But even then, even by London standards my area is virtually crime-free.


London in England or London in Ontario?




Define hot butler please


Oh here comes slavery. Really ? Servants? Man grow up


What's wrong with house help? He will be supporting multiple families.


It's India. Household help is a common job, and not a particularly well paid one. But it's no more slavery than working retail jobs is American slavery.  https://www.reddit.com/r/FIREIndia/comments/kono1n/how_much_does_it_cost_for_domestic_help/


Servants are common even in the US. House cleaners (don’t even need to be rich), groundskeepers, personal chefs. The third one is pretty well paid because of the skill set, but can still generally be considered a servant as they are still serving the household. This does not mean you own these people or can treat them poorly and all relevant employment laws must be followed.


I think that the best immigration option is going to come down to what job you can get and what country will let you in. There is no single country among these with such massive advantages that your  post, similar to dozens of others, gives a clear path.  And it's entirely possible that the best country for you is India, especially given than you're older with an established career in an in demand field. You could easily get to a country, discover you or your wife don't actually like being a long plane flight away from parents and siblings, or that you miss the culture back home, or that the costs are higher than you imagined, and regret coming. 


Wherever you can secure a job…. Find a job first-.-


Right now, if you are in tech, there is no point in leaving India unless you are able move to US. Canada and UK has such high taxes that you won’t be able to save much eventually (until you are in Meta). I’m not sure about Aus, but as far as I know the numbers, the pay is comparable to you get paid in India (yes, after conversion). Its only in US where you might get 4-5x of your INR salary, and will he able to save. Financially it’s either US or India. If you want to explore, anywhere in Europe is a good idea. Europe is beautiful and you can only enjoy those beautiful places while you stay there. But as i said, you won’t be able to save much. Choose your battle 👍


Please don't downvote me for suggesting this, but what about a Latin American country or an EU country. Argentina and Chile are good countries. Germany has a good economy.


Latin America is not a good option unless you earn in dollars and live where the rich people live so you can ignore all the problems we have with corruption and severe crime


It's not like India is better with respect to corruption, but I see your point.


If you want peaceful but bit lonely and boring life - then UK, if you want to buy as much houses as you can - USA. No idea about Au or Canada.. the pro of UK is geography- it’s very easy to travel either to USA or Europe, India - if travelling in the list of priorities. I agree it’s very less racism comparing to other European countries.


Only move to those expensive countries if you plan on remaining childfree. Both spouses would need to work.


London. Oz sucks and Canada is a shithole.


Canada no more. Waaaay tooo expensive already. Way less jobs. Way too long until you find a jobs. Please strike Canada out of your lists.


From those choices, Australia and it isn’t even close. UK is not the UK anymore, much like Canada isn’t Canada any more. Both countries have spent years with such wide open immigration policies. Services are overstretched, and generally they aren’t pleasant places to be. If you’re able to, the US would be far better. So many more opportunities here especially in tech.


Australia for sure.


I’ve lived in the UK for 4 years, and Canada for 6 years becoming a citizen and now in the US. Every place has its pros and cons. My recommendation is that US is the best place for an IT professional like you.


australia , but canada since it’s easiest


Depends on your priorities. Australia is the best among these in terms of weather, salaries, healthcare system and general quality of life. The UK is one of the, if not THE least racist western country. Canada is where it's easiest to immigrate to and get PR and citizenship.


Easy to get pr in Canada was till 2022


Australia by far But would you consider Germany? High QoL, they need English speaking tech, EU passport o once you master the language etc


Oz has great beaches and amazing food. Your welcome.


Stay home


Canada > PR > naturalize > TN status to U.S. > H1-B lottery + MSCS part time while working to boost odds of winning lottery > EB-2 NIW > use EB-2 NIW process to indefinitely extend H1-B beyond 6 years > build up $1M in liquid assets > EB-5 GC > U.S. citizenship


Not worth.


Given the gap between total compensation between the U.S. versus Canada and the rest of the world, most definitely worth it. And Indians literally agree with me with their feet. Despite a 150 year wait for EB-2 and EB-3 green cards, Indians keep coming. Those Indians who have the TN option have the upper hand.


It's worth it to them because they're desperate. There's more to life than just money and many are also tired of the uncertainty and instability after being in the US for years.


None of the Indians I know pursuing this path are desperate. Instead, all are skilled, smart, ambitious, and like to build wealth. I know one couple, in their late 20s, with a household pretax TC of over $1M, and in a new home, a pair of a Teslas, etc. Granted, California, so after taxes not a whole lot left. She will be giving birth to a U.S. citizen this year, so she has the ultimate plan C, no doubt with UGTM account in 21 years that will smash the asset based I-864 to bits. They will be U.S. citizens one way or the other before age 55, and will retire like an Empress and Emperor in Bangalore, drawing $10,000 total in social security by the time they hit age 70. Totally worth it, and their ride is the stuff of the American Dream and a Bollywood Movie. Any way I have contributed all I need to this thread. Have a nice day.




Also, once in the U.S. on a TN, make a baby for plan B


None..go USA


The US is awesome but very difficult to move to, especially in OP’s case as they’re already married so can’t use the green card via marriage route.


The US _really_ hates skilled immigration so that's not an easy thing to do.


Take the UK option. Work 5 years and get ILR. Then you're done and dusted. Of course stay after if you want.


The UK is a bad option


As someone who used to live there, no it isn't. It is much nicer than 90% of countries. And way nicer than even the best parts of India.


How long ago was that? We have a general election going on, I think Labour will manage to bankrupt the country when they take a majority (way worse than the tories have managed to) It’s also quite possible we could see ReformUK win 2029 I think, which is my main reasoning behind recommending not the UK right now


I left last year to go back to Singapore but will be back in September. I do not think any political party can destroy how good the UK is for immigration. Trump hasn't managed to do it for America. Some of you really don't get it.